Five more pages as I slumber....KJP give me strength!
FTL moon: Full truck load of what?
FTL+WMG moon: Still depends on what the full truck load is. Wild Mass Guessing is free.
And you can't count to five
FTL=Faster Than Light. I'm talking about an FTL drive. As in, how much would the battleship cost if it had an FTL drive?
WMG=Wave Motion Gun
I put in the battleship stuff after the five price checks placed after it. I forgot to get rid of the "it's five price checks" bit.
Can magical creatures be created in an otherwise non-magical world? If no-one created a system of magic and the magic barrier was still there, could I create fairies, for example?
I know what you meant

. I can't give you a decent pricecheck if you don't give me a better idea of what you want.
Engine capable of moving moon sized object with a "DON'T THINK ABOUT IT TOO HARD" drive: 10+E
WMG: Far to variable for me to be able to give an accurate number

Magic creatures: Magic here either refers to the mysterious system or God built systems that allow mortals to access powers that generally work around known physics. "Magical" creatures, as in creatures that only exist in fantasy in our world, can exist no problem. Creatures may also have abilities given to them that do not rely on magic.
Oh, quick question(s?) that I don't want to bother you a PM for, Stirk.
Since I'm the god of Growth, will investments and the like, 'planting seeds' with Essence (and mebbe speeding up the Growth with Power) and letting them take time to grow, etc. etc. be possible/cheaper/easier/faster/not considered gaming the system? I can see it as being considered that in other cases, but...I prefer a slow approach, and if I can pay less by taking more time, that would certainly be nice?
It is possible. I may do something like dole out the payment over time, with a small chance of a discount. For many things, a disadvantage reduces the price. Something like "Takes 4 turns to fully grow" counts as a disadvantage.
May I sig this?
Go ahead.
Portal Magic: Variable, depending on things like the strength of the magic, easy of access, and power source. Making an average-sphere discounted magic powered by Essence: ~4-7E
Ants:3E for 10k, assuming above ant intelligence and general ant powers in all skills and magic affinity . So 1E gets you 3.3K. Once a magic system is created, is is available to all magic-capable mortals unless otherwise specified. They do grow and expand on their own.
Food: It would generally be considered a food bearing plant, which would be free to add at Creation.
Speaking of gods and void, if the gods decided to create a council, would the council's proposals have more weight than individual gods, as in Ye Gods? Would a council of 14 gods approving a proposal to make a planet do so with less Essence cost than just 14 gods agreeing to do it together? If they created a metal resistant to damage, would the metal be more durable if it was passed by a proposal?
It would depend on the form of Council created, how powerful the Council was, and other factors.
Wait is it too late to apply?
No. Go ahead and apply.
Unending world: Depends on mechanism. Probably infinity if attempted directly.
Ye-Gods Angel Template Angel with Music abilities: 4-7 E including sphere discount
Welp, that's good. I need to dust off the god, and do him properly anyways.
Name: Liram
Sphere/alignment thingy: Motion, physics.
Personality: Rash on action and behavior. Seems to be quite alien in nature, but mostly just trying to preserve itself, and making sure its creations don't cause a fiasco killing it in the end.
Obligatory symbol:

I could be down for an infinitely generating world. With some parts that are so wild and lawless that not even physics laws apply there.
Also, ammount of numbers between 0.1 and 0.2 is entirely equal to the ammount of numbers between 1 and 100.
Incorrect. The amount of numbers from 1 to 100 is a much larger infinity.
((....Did I actually get to everything before work? Yay!))