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Author Topic: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)  (Read 262042 times)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #240 on: May 29, 2015, 06:50:08 am »

I just realized that Daleks would fit my god very well... crikey. I'll stick to golems and deathtraps, though.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #241 on: May 29, 2015, 08:33:58 am »

Five more pages as I slumber....KJP give me strength!

FTL moon: Full truck load of what?
FTL+WMG moon: Still depends on what the full truck load is. Wild Mass Guessing is free.

And you can't count to five  ::).
FTL=Faster Than Light. I'm talking about an FTL drive. As in, how much would the battleship cost if it had an FTL drive?
WMG=Wave Motion Gun

I put in the battleship stuff after the five price checks placed after it. I forgot to get rid of the "it's five price checks" bit.

Can magical creatures be created in an otherwise non-magical world? If no-one created a system of magic and the magic barrier was still there, could I create fairies, for example?

I know what you meant ::). I can't give you a decent pricecheck if you don't give me a better idea of what you want.

Engine capable of  moving moon sized object with a "DON'T THINK ABOUT IT TOO HARD" drive: 10+E
WMG: Far to variable for me to be able to give an accurate number :-\.

Magic creatures: Magic here either refers to the mysterious system or God built systems that allow mortals to access powers that generally work around known physics. "Magical" creatures, as in creatures that only exist in fantasy in our world, can exist no problem. Creatures may also have abilities given to them that do not rely on magic.

Oh, quick question(s?) that I don't want to bother you a PM for, Stirk.

Since I'm the god of Growth, will investments and the like, 'planting seeds' with Essence (and mebbe speeding up the Growth with Power) and letting them take time to grow, etc. etc. be possible/cheaper/easier/faster/not considered gaming the system? I can see it as being considered that in other cases, but...I prefer a slow approach, and if I can pay less by taking more time, that would certainly be nice?

It is possible. I may do something like dole out the payment over time, with a small chance of a discount. For many things, a disadvantage reduces the price. Something like "Takes 4 turns to fully grow" counts as a disadvantage.

May I sig this?

Go ahead.


Portal Magic: Variable, depending on things like the strength of the magic, easy of access, and power source. Making an average-sphere discounted magic powered by Essence: ~4-7E
Ants:3E for 10k, assuming above ant intelligence and general ant powers in all skills and magic affinity . So 1E gets you 3.3K. Once a magic system is created, is is available to all magic-capable mortals unless otherwise specified. They do grow and expand on their own.
Food: It would generally be considered a food bearing plant, which would be free to add at Creation.

Speaking of gods and void, if the gods decided to create a council, would the council's proposals have more weight than individual gods, as in Ye Gods? Would a council of 14 gods approving a proposal to make a planet do so with less Essence cost than just 14 gods agreeing to do it together? If they created a metal resistant to damage, would the metal be more durable if it was passed by a proposal?

It would depend on the form of Council created, how powerful the Council was, and other factors.

Wait is it too late to apply?

No. Go ahead and apply.


Unending world: Depends on mechanism. Probably infinity if attempted directly.
Ye-Gods Angel Template Angel with Music abilities: 4-7 E including sphere discount

Welp, that's good. I need to dust off the god, and do him properly anyways.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


I could be down for an infinitely generating world. With some parts that are so wild and lawless that not even physics laws apply there.

Also, ammount of numbers between 0.1 and 0.2 is entirely equal to the ammount of numbers between 1 and 100.

Incorrect. The amount of numbers from 1 to 100 is a much larger infinity.

((....Did I actually get to everything before work? Yay!))
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #242 on: May 29, 2015, 08:41:42 am »

Do you even calculus bro?
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #243 on: May 29, 2015, 11:36:40 am »

I'm back and I've added liram to the list. One thing I'd like to clarify before continuing is that my symbol is the one hovering above luthus's hand here:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
So it's not exactly a spiral.

And for an unusual universe suggestion, I suggest a vertical spiral shaped sun with a torus shaped planet around it, with the moons rotating around portions of said planet. Here's a quick sketch of my idea:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The main advantage of this setup is that it allows a theoretically infinite number of planets of similar climates without having to make a new star for each.

And also, instead of a single council, I suggest multiple pantheons, that way we can have multiple groups with opposing interests doing whatever they like without being vetoed by gods of different opinions. At first however we should probably all work together for the creation of the initial system.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 03:54:10 pm by FArgHalfnr »
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #244 on: May 29, 2015, 11:46:40 am »

I'm actually rather liking that solar setup. :)) Has my support.

((And is more interesting than my worldtree idea))
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 11:51:38 am by Demonic Spoon »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #245 on: May 29, 2015, 12:01:53 pm »

Quote from: Stirk
Portal Magic: Variable, depending on things like the strength of the magic, easy of access, and power source. Making an average-sphere discounted magic powered by Essence: ~4-7E
Well, I don't honestly know enough to specify some of these. Besides essence, what are some other viable power sources? Could calling portals use up the wizards lifeforce? Perhaps portals could be powered by sunlight? Blood? Precious Metals? Could portalwizards choose to sacrifice memories to make portals?

Ease of access, making it harder to access would decrease essence cost right? So could do something like make the ease of access "only creatures specifically adapted by godly design, can use portal magic. Even if they can use other magic, if not specifically adapted, cannot use portal magic."? And then go "my ants are designed to be able to use portal magic". Could I be more restrictive and go "only the ants I specifically designed for it are able to use the portal magic, no one else can"? Or going in the other direction "even creatures not capable of using other magic can use portal magic. It is freely available to everyone"

Would that be valid?

Strength of the magic. I don't really know what I should specify here. Stuff like "temporary portals can only be kept open by continuous effort, and not longer than a hour"? "Temporary Portals cannot have a radius larger than 500km"? "Permanent portals take longer to construct the larger they are, ranging from weeks to months to years to decades, with a max size of about 100km radius, but requiring several decades to construct"? "Constructed portals require rare reagents and materials to make"? "Summoning up or constructing portals uses up the lifeforce of the caster"?

Quote from: Stirk
Ants:3E for 10k, assuming above ant intelligence and general ant powers in all skills and magic affinity . So 1E gets you 3.3K. Once a magic system is created, is is available to all magic-capable mortals unless otherwise specified. They do grow and expand on their own.
Is "above ant intelligence" smart enough that I can get essence from them worshipping me? As long as I can get essence from them worshipping me that's sufficient intelligence for me. Also, would having them have ~century long lifespans effect that essence cost?

EDIT: Whoops, wanted to edit this into my previous post. Sorry for the doublepost!


A asteroid belt. The asteroids glow brightly.
FArgHalfnr's Spiral Sun

EDIT3: Stirk, if I used power to rip holes in the fabric of space, would the holes themselves be permanent?

Also, I think a answer to the following question is kind of important?
Is there a discount when propagating a race over creating a race like Ye Gods used to have? Is creature creation logarithmic or something similar? (i.e. 10k humans is 5E, 100k humans is 6E.)

No, propagating involves directly creating the souls, which is the hard part. It is possible to expand the population for cheaper then it would cost to simply create more, but you will have to be more creative then just saying "I spend E to propagate!!".  The scale is linear, 5E gets you 10K humans, 1E gets you~2k, 10E gets you 20k.
What about soulless creatures, e.g. golems of some sort?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 12:53:11 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #246 on: May 29, 2015, 12:37:51 pm »


Cost of creatures that dent space permanently by existing and feed off of dispersed Essense in the void, shitting whatever they collect out as matter or energy?

Dent space as in, they slowly make a gravitational well the longer they stay in one area. And leaving doesn't remove the well. Meaning if they lurked for too long, they would become a singularity and die horribly.

Also what happens if you make them intolerant of more than 1.5G worth of gravity? Meaning they prefer to constantly move?

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #247 on: May 29, 2015, 12:50:12 pm »

Oh! Interesting! I hadn't even considered making creatures to mess up space for me! Good thinking! :)) My thoughts had been going in more in the direction of "give every single living thing access to portal magic. Watch the fun ensue"


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #248 on: May 29, 2015, 12:57:33 pm »

I actually have a couple ideas for it. This would be the ones that give a base of matter and gravity. The second group would seed more important elements like metals. Third group would produce atmosphere. Fourth water. Fifth plants. Sixth animals.

Wüldbringer Wolves~


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #249 on: May 29, 2015, 01:28:07 pm »

I'd be willing to help you out with making the wolves. Might even get a discount for the metal ones.

The coil system idea looks interesting too.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #250 on: May 29, 2015, 01:50:26 pm »


Pricecheck on making a torus planet as seen in big enough that the poles would have a temperature similar to that of earth (somewhere along 17-20C). Also a pricecheck on extending the spiral sun enough to be able to add a second torus around.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #251 on: May 29, 2015, 02:43:56 pm »

And for an unusual universe suggestion, I suggest a vertical spiral shaped sun with a torus shaped planet around it, with the moons rotating around portions of said planet. Here's a quick sketch of my idea:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The main advantage of this setup is that it allows a theoretically infinite number of planets of similar climates without having to make a new star for each.

And also, instead of a single council, I suggest multiple pantheons, that way we can have multiple groups with opposing interests doing whatever they like without being vetoed by gods of different opinions. At first however we should probably all work together for the creation of the initial system.

I support both these ideas.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #252 on: May 29, 2015, 05:15:03 pm »

WMG: Far to variable for me to be able to give an accurate number :-\.
This laser but with more power - enough so that the laser is as big as this one relative to its size.

It would depend on the form of Council created, how powerful the Council was, and other factors.
So how would we actually go about creating the council? Do we just go "Let's make a council that's X powerful and works like Y!" and then we have the Ye Gods council? Does everyone need to agree? Does a majority? A mere plural amount of gods? A single god?

And for an unusual universe suggestion, I suggest a vertical spiral shaped sun with a torus shaped planet around it, with the moons rotating around portions of said planet. Here's a quick sketch of my idea:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The main advantage of this setup is that it allows a theoretically infinite number of planets of similar climates without having to make a new star for each.
While it's a very interesting concept, I'm going to have to -1 for two reasons. The first is that it's needlessly complicated and my own personal preference lies with a normal solar system. The second is that while we won't have to make any new stars, we will have to spend Essence every time we want to extend the sun so we won't be saving any money there.

And also, instead of a single council, I suggest multiple pantheons, that way we can have multiple groups with opposing interests doing whatever they like without being vetoed by gods of different opinions. At first however we should probably all work together for the creation of the initial system.
That's pretty much how it was before, actually. One of the reasons there was so much conflict is that anything we wanted to change would've affected everyone else since we were all sharing the same worlds. If we each have our own world here, there'd be no problem. If we're all gonna share some or all of the worlds, there'll be conflict regardless of what kind of council/pantheon system we have. At least with a unified council we can say "You're not allowed to kill that god because he ate you're jelly roll" and it would have some actual weight.

I actually have a couple ideas for it. This would be the ones that give a base of matter and gravity. The second group would seed more important elements like metals. Third group would produce atmosphere. Fourth water. Fifth plants. Sixth animals.

Wüldbringer Wolves~
I can think of a few modifications for this system which I think would be better.
First of all, we create the Wolves using Essence, as per normal, but rather than stopping there, we'll make it so it's powered by Power. That'll decrease the initial (and probably huge) Essence cost PLUS it means it'll come with its own on/off switch since all Power-usage cuts off after a Tick. Since we're using Power to temporarily power the wolves rather than create the planets directly, everything should work fine.
Secondly, we should make it so the Wolves only work when X% of gods put their Power into it. This is to prevent one guy from putting Power into the Wolves and having them build a planet on top of another planet.
Thirdly, some of the Wolves you're planning to make are a bit redundant. Why would the second group produce metals when the first is already producing matter? Why are some of the wolves of the first group creating gravity when some are already creating matter? Matter=gravity, after all. I think we only need two pairs of wolves - three at max. The first group makes non-living things and the second makes living things. If we're going with three groups, the first group makes base elements, the second combines them into molecules and arranges them in whatever way we want, and the third group makes living things.
Fourthly, the Wüldbringer Wolves should be based on another animal. Why? Because it's best not to give the world-creating/destroyer superweapon an affinity matching with the god who either plans to do something probably worse than genociding most of the world's population, or something better (genociding half is better but still pretty bad).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 06:02:46 pm by Andres »
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #253 on: May 29, 2015, 05:26:12 pm »

Nilva isn't gonna genocide anyone~ It's opposed to killing.

Also think of the discount we'd get from using wolves.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #254 on: May 29, 2015, 05:48:56 pm »


Pricecheck on making a normal star like the sun.

And for an unusual universe suggestion, I suggest a vertical spiral shaped sun with a torus shaped planet around it, with the moons rotating around portions of said planet. Here's a quick sketch of my idea:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The main advantage of this setup is that it allows a theoretically infinite number of planets of similar climates without having to make a new star for each.
While it's a very interesting concept, I'm going to have to -1 for two reasons. The first is that it's needlessly complicated and my own personal preference lies with a normal solar system. The second is that while we won't have to make any new stars, we will have to spend Essence every time we want to extend the sun so we won't be saving any money there.

Let's see which option is cheaper between a new normal star or extending the spiral one before we vote, okay? And also, another benefit of my system is that it allows a much easier travel between two planets of similar climate than having to move between two stars and it's planets also have the benefit of being massively bigger than round ones, preventing us from stepping on eachother's toes. If you want a round planet, you could always make one directly orbit the spiral sun. And for your preference, I guess I can't do much to change your opinion, but I still believe that my system is more versatile than the regular one.

And also, I support the idea of using wolves for the discount, but we'd have to make it so that they are completely neutral towards all gods. After all we are talking about the creation of pretty much everything, so we don't want them to favor anyone.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.
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