I'll post the profiles for everyone. I might add them to the first post with any future dwarfings if the overseers post them as well.
Asmoth's Journal
1st of MoonstoneI've decided to take a crack at getting some kind of census and supply count going. It's easy enough to identify most of this stuff by touch, and since I've switched to a clay tablet rather than paper I can go over the records that way as well. It's slow going at the moment, but hopefully with some practice I'll get used to it.
In other news, Salmeuk's blisters seem to have healed. His sight still hasn't returned, so I guess there's been some internal damage done there. Strangely, he's still leaking pus everywhere.
2nd of MoonstoneI've received reports that 'infernal dust' is drifting close to us in some kind of fog. I have no interest in finding out what something obviously malicious will do to us when the rain is enough to blind us permanently.
18th of MoonstoneI've abandoned the idea of a purely clay wall, using wood instead. We may be able to replace parts of the wall at a time so that it's not vulnerable to fire, but at the moment I'm more worried about immediate protection.
15th of OpalIn spite of my warnings, the hunter that came with the latest group of migrants insists on hunting on the northern face of the mountain, aka Eyegouger Slope.
1st of GraniteWith a new year comes a new leader, as is dwarven tradition. I will gladly step down, though I've done up some maps of the local area for any more migrants that we get. It should hopefully help them keep their sight.
The rest of the fortress is fairly simplistic at the moment, though I imagine that will change rapidly.
Year 2