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Author Topic: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.  (Read 337756 times)


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Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:41:37 pm »

Really, I just don't want to bother making a thread dedicated to a game, but still want to make a blurb about it somewhere.  Some of you may think the same thing.

The Red Solstice
You ever play custom mod games in Warcraft 3 / Starcraft: Brood War?  No, it is not DOTA.  I mean like the Raccoon City types(I don't even know the original map names) where you control a few guys in a city overrun by whatever the heck.  ZombiesZerglings probably.  This game is pretty much like that.

So yea, I've been playing the multiplayer on and off.  The biggest problem with it is that the community is pretty damn small.  You won't find a full game most days of the week, after work hours.  Usually activity picks up after a sale, before it goes back to being mostly empty. 
Obviously, there seems to be problems with new folk clashing with vets, like always.  I havn't seen that problem much, but yea, I guess its cause I try not to care what people have in their loadouts and avoid the games on 'easy' difficulty like the plague... cause its a snorefest till the later half and the experience rewarded is the equivalent of a turd under the christmas tree.
Games tend to last 50-60 minutes on a successful run, normal speed.

Discussion related to the homeless is ok.  We expect it to die in a day or two anyways.

If popularity and collective I-want-to-post-about-it last more then 2 days, then they should be able to afford their own home.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 02:33:13 pm by Zangi »
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 02:26:12 pm »

At least in Warcraft 3 it was called "Night of the Living Dead" or "NoLD", and it used a starcraft Marine model (presumably fan-made?) for the player characters. Warcraft 3 had the inventory system for hero units which made it possible. I didn't even know something like Red Solstice existed in Starcraft.

I found that style of game to be pretty cool, controlling a single guy RTS style. I didn't even know what DOTA was until League of Legends came out, even though it was pretty much the only thing that showed up in Use Map Settings and I had to sift through pages and pages of that crap to find the interesting maps. Probably would have preferred it to be more like what Alien Swarm became in terms of controls, but it's close enough.

But yeah, I have a group of friends to play this and other games on rare occasions when we all feel like it. (We also sometimes do things like Guns of Icarus Online, sometimes Interstellar Marines, and we're thinking of doing Polaris: Lost Colony at some point when it gets a bit more features and polish.) The problem with doing these kinds of things on Bay12, in my experience, is that interest is high near the start but we all have different schedules and tastes so interest wanes pretty fast. Unless you manage to find a group that's really dedicated and interested in playing.

On a side note, I have a copy of Red Solstice available in the Christmas giveaway thread if you're interested in a free copy.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 04:48:27 pm »


The only mention I see on the forums is one that I made.

My request in the "recommend me a game" thread resulted in me purchasing Wurm Unlimited (which I recommend if it interests you, but we've got a thread on it already). The next week, however, Grav went on sale. I haven't played enough to give a recommendation but it's interesting. Once I get home from work and find the Christmas thread mentioned previously, I'll put up some gift copies.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2015, 05:47:29 pm »

Zineth is an amazingly relaxing game. It's literally a game about going fast. You just wall-glide everywhere to build up speed and if you botch a jump you can rewind. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys things like tf2 rocket jumps, tribes:ascend or maybe even people who like super meat boy and similar games.

It's very fun, if rather pointless since I never figured out how to go to the moon.

Oh and it also has this bullet hell minigame thing which is pretty fun, but I prefer just going fast.

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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2015, 12:26:49 am »

Paint the Town Red is a voxel barfight game with fully destructible environments and characters.  Slice halfway through a guy's torso with a machete or stomp on his face until you can see the bone.

Not enough content to warrant a buy right now, but you might disagree.  Swarms of very persistent enemies are annoying, sometimes it feels like a zombie game.  It's also got a blocky Thirty Flights of Loving aesthetic, I feel like a denser voxelstein look would take better advantage of destructibility.

Also Assassin's Creed Syndicate.  It feels like they've finally gotten the hang of the changes they made with Unity, combat is pretty fun and does the batman rhythm combat without turning it into a boring slog like every other similar game.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2015, 03:28:53 pm »

Gauntlet: Slayer Edition
Picked this up for free from the PS4 monthly free game thing.

Fun little co-op game, all the characters play very differently and the one liners have decent character and humor in em.

Though, my main problem is the fact that picking up gold is FFA, rather then shared.  Someone could literally pick up 5k gold, while someone else only picks up 500 gold in a round.  That gold is spent to level up skills. 
I don't like it, having to be proactive about getting ahead and picking up the gold before others if I want more then 1k gold per round.  It also sucks to see someone consistently getting ahead and picking up all the gold(especially at the end of stage exit)... going out of their way to grab the gold while everyone else is fighting.

At the least, typical stages/rounds last around 10-15 minutes at most.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2015, 03:27:36 pm »

A game called Devilian just came out of early access and my friend introduced it to me.

It's a free-to-play hybrid between Diablo's action-RPG game play with more traditional MMO exploring and socializing. There's three specs for each class, and every character can turn into a titular Devilian for increased power and unique abilities.

It's honestly quite fun, I haven't experienced any play-to-win paywalls after playing for about 10 hours. There's lockboxes and standard monetization stuff, but it's very unobtrusive and low-key. The community's pretty small right now so its long-term prospects are uncertain. I'll probably drop some money on it, I'd like this game to succeed.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2015, 03:45:37 pm »

Dumb yet strangely fun little online game where you eat lesser inferior globs in order to become the greatest. Good for wasting 10 min and get eaten by a gigantic obama.

Urist McScoopbeard

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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2015, 03:57:28 pm »

I enjoy Red Solstice greatly, just as I enjoyed SWAT, NoTD, and Undead Assault on WC3 greatly. Another such game is NOCT.

EDIT: Also check out M.A.V.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 04:31:55 pm by Urist McScoopbeard »
This conversation is getting disturbing fast, disturbingly erotic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2015, 11:17:18 pm »


The only mention I see on the forums is one that I made.

My request in the "recommend me a game" thread resulted in me purchasing Wurm Unlimited (which I recommend if it interests you, but we've got a thread on it already). The next week, however, Grav went on sale. I haven't played enough to give a recommendation but it's interesting. Once I get home from work and find the Christmas thread mentioned previously, I'll put up some gift copies.

Don't want to be that guy, but..I was going to write a review for Grav but felt too lazy. So here's my take:
Grav is insanely grind-oriented and it's pretty boring to get to fun stuff. You can also get easily griefed on multiplayer games (which the devs seem to always find a way to prevent, but still).
It also seems to take a long while between updates, which don't seem to add a whole lot of new things to warrant checking out at every release.

However, I did misteriously spend a lot of time on it, and even though it plays as a default mob-grinder MMO with Minecraft under the hood, I believe it has potential if they were to stop with the MMO mentality that pisses me the **** out. I think it reminds me of some old games that I can't really recall.
It's one of the cases I recommend staying away from it until it is released, and then checking trailers and reviews before jumping in.

I can also say the same thing about TerraTech, except once you learn how to get around in TerraTech you can cut the ""grind"" down by around 75% (or maybe more now that selling parts seem easier).

PS: I only played this game on singleplayer, and what I heard is that there's less grind in MP because you can share resources, and maybe there are multiplayer bonuses.


PS2: I forgot to include my contribution to the thread.
FortressCraft Evolved probably didn't as well as it could because of its name. But it's more Factorio and less Minecraft.
It's different enough from both to be it's own thing, though, so I think the naming was exceptionally terrible.

Problem with it is that it's insanely time consuming to do the kind of fun stuff you can do on Factorio from the Get Go, and even though it's not on EA, it's DEFINITELY not finished.
But if you like automation as much as I do, check a few videos and screens. It's a pleasant surprise, and the developer is really active and usually engages in conversations regarding the future of the game.
I just don't like the fact that it's stated as a full game, but I enjoyed playing it and I'll actually finish it after I'm done murdering goblins and dancing in taverns in DF.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 11:29:37 pm by Gabeux »
It honestly feels like a lot of their problems came from the fact that their entire team was composed of cats, and the people who were supposed to be herding them were also cats.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2016, 04:16:21 pm »

Total Extreme Wrestling 2016 from GreyDogSoftware is coming out in the 2nd Quarter...

Day 1 purchase.

The TEW series is a wrestling manager simulator.  There are demos available for them. You can expect more of the same with TEW2016.  You are a booker or the owner of a company/promotion.  You pretty much manage/decide everything, from who to hire, when to put on shows... who wins, who loses and a whole bunch of other details.
Though... the game pretty much boils down to a vehicle for the player's imagination... Kinda like a playhouse Sims version of a wrestling manager game.  Its popularity mainly being in the real life equivalent mods for many of the other players.  (I personally just stick to the in-game universe.)
In TEW2013, The AI companies/promotions can be considered on the barely passable end and they have trouble growing past certain sizes on their own.  Generally, not considered too big a threat...

Meh, someone else could probably make a better write-up, so this is good nuff.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 04:25:51 pm by Zangi »
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2016, 11:15:56 pm »

Sonic & All-stars racing transformed.
It's a kart racer.
And a good one. Probably best of all mario kart clones available on PC.
Supports Xbox 360 controllers (but will support any off brand controller as well.)

How to describe it?
Well it's Mario Kart but with sonic and many sega owned (or guest) characters.
The 2 main differences would be the tracks changing a bit between laps.
For example lap 1 has you racing over a sky island. Lap 2 has bits of the land being torn off when the initially idyllic isle gets attacked and turned into a warzone. Lap 3 basically takes place in airplanes because most of the island is reduced to chunks floating in the void.

It's probably my favorite racing game and i give it a 9/10.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2016, 01:45:43 am »

A game called just came out of early access and my friend introduced it to me.

It's a free-to-play hybrid between Diablo's action-RPG game play with more traditional MMO exploring and socializing. There's three specs for each class, and every character can turn into a titular Devilian for increased power and unique abilities.

It's honestly quite fun, I haven't experienced any play-to-win paywalls after playing for about 10 hours. There's lockboxes and standard monetization stuff, but it's very unobtrusive and low-key. The community's pretty small right now so its long-term prospects are uncertain. I'll probably drop some money on it, I'd like this game to succeed.

I played this to max level. Inexplicably, they turn off matchmaking at max level, forcing people to find groups in chat, which might not be the worst thing in the world if they had any sort of filter for the gold sellers, but they don't.
I ran Hell+2 dungeons 25 times without getting a single upgrade before I said **** it, uninstalled, and joined the dozens of other people ranting on reddit about the same issues.

Devilian was localized by Trion, the same company responsible for several other noteworthy games.

Rift was the first game I played from Trion, developed by them, I enjoyed that MMO for several years. Unfortunately, like most other MMO's, they failed to innovate at all with their expansions, instead letting the game become stale and eventually unplayable.

Defiance was, and still is, one of a very small number of respectable MMO FPS games. Unfortunately they never did get raids in, or any meaningful endgame progression, so my experience there was short-lived.

ArcheAge was Trion's first big project that involved localizing rather than developing. AA had a lot of social aspects that brought players together in fun and unique ways, which I greatly appreciated. Sadly, they patched in dramatically more powerful gear with each patch, which was also dramatically more expensive, so that just half a year after launch it costed thousands of US dollars to maintain any semblance of competitiveness.

Trove was a great attempt to recreate Minecraft's building experience, while also having refined combat and lots of unique classes. I had very high hopes for this one, but then they made it exceedingly difficult to collect the basic building block colors, so players couldn't even construct simple structures without hundreds of hours of farming. Also I found the endgame raids lackluster, and class balance severely lacking.

Then came Devilian. I don't know why I let myself believe this time would be different..but I actually got my hopes up, and even bought the founders package. I only hope that whatever Trion comes out with next, I'll have the strength to just say No.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2016, 03:17:45 am »

I used to mod the Warcraft 3 version of Red solstice - i.e. adding a very simple "spawn 3 default npc marines in one of X locations if there is less then X players" thing to ease up on the difficuilty or added difficulity of players leaving.

The Red Solstice shares some of the WC3 issues of just being a little to hard and a little to unfun. I wish there where respawn beacons (a.k.a. Helldivers) around the map or the medic had more tools (not that the game bothers very much to tell you that you are about to be rez'd).

Anyway, other extra game - the ungoogle-able "Enemy". It's quite fun


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2016, 03:41:33 am »

Starcrawlers is a fun dungeon romp set in cyberpunk-ish space future. You play a group of mercs going on missions, shoot up things and steal everything that isn't bolted to a nuclear reactor. (Actually, you will likely try to steal that too.)

When I want to relax for 20 mins or so, I tend to play one mission for just that.
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