Warriors of the Nile is a surprisingly entertaining lightweight steamlined tactical game that I wish was either a freemium mobile game or a lower PC price point. (Steam has a demo available.)
Battles move fast; your typical match is your 3 units against ~8 hostiles on a fairly small grid and, takes me about 15 minutes to, er, die at the first boss, on 1-9. Health persists through encounters, but your units can be revived after each round... at the cost of your unit upgrade.
So a kind of notable downside is the RNG-hell this game involves. As a tactical game, you want agency, but can often end up in battles are are mechanically impossible... and the RNG this game has exacerbates it. Your one-upgrade-per-stage, across all three characters, is RNG. Your occasional piece of equipment is RNG. The chance of the trader showing up is RNG, and the goods they have is RNG. The selection of perks you can buy in-run is... you guessed it: RNG. Oh, and the boss of each 'world' is also RNG. At the same time, trying to overcome a mediocre (but not downright bad) hand is something nice.
You've got your usual assortment of persistent unlocks and, allegedly, alternate units, but that appears to be contingent on not being awful and being able to at least pass the first boss (which I suspect will be something feasible once I get a few more of those unlocks). All in all... better than I expected. (Much, much better than the boredom that Magic: Legends I checked out yesterday on request, at least. Seriously, don't touch it. Only one person needs to waste their time with it. -_-)