Less-great trees: .001*(CP GreatTree+4) (*3.
(PT Size +10)(*6.2)=2.35 for 100
Numbers variable depending on how "strong" you want the Greattree trait to effect them (birthrate and such) and how large they are. Numbers for small building and the same effect of the Great Tree. GreatTree trait is a Creature Power, Size is a Physical Trait.
Polyps have metalworking.
Ancronz: Eh, I might have to re-balance the Restrictive Trait, consider it a semi-placeholder for now
.001*500*(Restrictive)(*25)(MT Infobank+1)(*1.2)(CP Prayer Service+1)(*1.4)(CP Kindaimaterial)(*1.4)=29.4 for 500.
Storing information is a Mental Trait, The ability to take prayers is a Creature Power, and Immaterial abilities count as creature powers. Making more +s increase the effect, shown for minimum ability due to the high price of making the entire race essentially Angels. 5.88 for 100, in the more affordable range.
Gronooths: .001*2000=2E for 200.
Basic race, basically.
If you want to make the (Repulsive) have a negative effect:
Gronooths: .001*2000*(MT Repulsive -1)(*.
=1.6E for 2000.
Makes them disgusting to most people, making it more difficult to have inter-race relations.
Dra'fynnyt (...You
really could have price checked them yourself)
.001*(CP? Displacement+1)(*1.4)(PT Speed+1)(*1.2)(MT Perceptive +1)(*1.2)(MT Intelligence+1)(*1.2)(PT Size-1)(*.
=1.9E for 1000
I'm not sure what Displacement is supposed to be, but its probably a Creature Power. Everything else is explicitly a trait, +s rest omitted.
Comeon guys, I made this system so I wouldn't have to waste time doing this -_-.
Stasis energy device: Requires research into Stasis energy.
Rilem hasn't been assimilated, generally favor the Great Tribe's capitalism. Separate cultures remain, mostly due to the fact Rilem operates as its own country while the Dwarves have their own separate countries kept intact by numerous artifact bearers. Eh, don't really feel like writing more about this topic at the second, may clarify later.
Using Stasis device to stasis the stasis device maker: Priceless.
Race examinations are best left in the IC, I generally am not in the "Writing Long walls of text" state of mind when I have to shift through the OOC.
Eating a race: Probably between 100-1000P, depending on size of the race and other factors. Small races are easier to eat, doesn't insure complete annihilation, and is generally noticeable and preventable.
Force converting: Mind-controlled converts don't give essence and can't Worship. If you want to force someone into converting you have to do it the old-fashioned way.
Modifying a race: Stirk picks a pretty number based on what is being modified.
Soul Exploding: KJP made it
very clear to you that you pulled the "Soul explosion radius" numbers out of your but and that you are completely and utterly wrong. In fact, one of the posts where he states this is right under the post you linked too.
1. That was a one-time thing, not representative of human souls in general.
2. The numbers you picked where arbitrary and completely random.
Besides, your character totally is Malakath anyway -_-.
Soul explosion VS normal explosion: A God of Souls exploding a soul instead of just causing an explosion would be slightly more damaging, for the same reason a god of Toads throwing an exploding toad at their enemy would do more damage. However, an artifact, creature, power, or even a magic system can get a significant discount from having a negative Creature Power trait (CP Uses Souls) to potentially cut the price down significantly (magic systems would probably have that represented in its other traits instead.)
Toadrocket: 1*(CP 'SPLOSION+5)(*5.3)=5.3E
Soulrocket: 1*(CP 'SPLOSION+5)(*5.3)(CP Uses Souls-2)(*.5)=2.65E
Soulrocket +: 1*(CP 'SPLOSION+7)(*10.5)(CP Uses Souls-2)(*.5)=5.25E
Basically meaning that a weapon with a negative effect can be significantly cheaper with the same power, or can be more powerful for the same price. Either way, (Uses Souls) wouldn't work with souls that where created seconds before, and would likely take multiple souls to get a decent - modifier on it. If you are making a weapon that creates explosions, it can make a difference. Trying to explode 1P worth of human souls vs trying to make a 1P explosion will only have an effect if the explosion maker had something to do with souls, or if the creatures had some kind of (Super-Explosive Soul +100) trait.