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Author Topic: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 5: At the Gates of Victory  (Read 108628 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Ava looked at the contract dubiously. Sure, it was probably more gold than she'd see in her life, but anything? Anything meant a lot of things. . . Still, she had a plan for when things went sour. She scratched down her name in rough, blocky letters, then handed it back to Sybil.
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  • Bay Watcher
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"You say "jump", I say "how high", miss," Caius replies, with a strange lack of sarcasm.

He signs the contract.
Black lives matter.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 1: Supply Run
« Reply #153 on: January 24, 2017, 10:12:29 pm »

"Good," Sybil said mostly to herself, looking pleased as she took the papers and placed them into a drawer with many other contracts.

"Now, onto your first task."

~Chapter 1: Supply Run~

"There's a trading town just under a quarter of a day from here. I've purchased some much-needed supplies from various providers there. I need you to go there and give them their payment, meet up with the transport I've already arranged and escort the transport back here. You are not to look at the supplies, even to ensure that they are all present, the transporter will be responsible for that."

"Additionally, I will be sending my apprentice with you for the journey. She will be responsible for the gold and the transactions. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask her."

With that, Sybil stood up and left the room. In the brief period that Sybil was missing, particularly aware members of the group would feel that there were still under surveillance. The feeling dissipated when a purple hair girl entered the room.

//Seaiga is in!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 10:36:50 pm by I_Like_Pi »
My Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars OOC | IC
Magi Wars sidestory: Rotting Empire OOC | IC


  • Bay Watcher
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Sea wandered into the room she'd been ordered to go to by her master and looked around at the group. Stifling a yawn, she nodded at the others.

"Hmm, hello. Apparently I'm supposed to help you with getting supplies? I'm Seaiga. You can just call me Sea. It's easier. I'm glad you all got past the constructs without any problems. It's sorta my job to make sure they don't kill anyone but I didn't expect anyone to show up today and I was distracted..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Caius gives her an incredulous look.

". . .I'm sorry, but did you say you were distracted?"
Black lives matter.

Blade Master Model 42

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Eric squinted at Seaiga for several moments after she explained that she'd been shirking her duties. "...So I am to understand that we are to escort you while you procure supplies. We don't take part in the transaction, or interact with the supplies we're getting at any point. We are to, and only to, act as guards for the items that you will retrieve. Have I misunderstood any facet of the task before us?"


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"Well yes. You see it's quite a lovely day outside and the forest is so nice... I mean, I was also supposed to be studying in here, but it's so much easier to practice my magic outside. Plus more enjoyable. I mean... you all got out just fine, right? So it's all fine!"

And then the man in armor had questions for her. She frowned slightly, tilting her head at him in confusion.

"I mean... It's not so much that you're escorting me. If I was just going to the village I wouldn't need an escort. It's more just that there's a lot of supplies coming back with us. I could probably protect a small amount of supplies, but that's how it works. Did Master Sybil not fully explain the situation?"

Blade Master Model 42

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"Miss Hallewell did give an overview of the task, and told us to direct any further questions to you. We were also informed that if we do not perform and complete our tasks to the letter, we will not be receiving payment. I have no intention to labor for nothing. To that end, I want to know exactly as much as I am allowed, and to know very specifically what I can do to mitigate risks we may encounter. Is there anything else that I am allowed to know that you should make me aware of at this time?"


  • Bay Watcher
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"How could you possibly lose track of a task like this? Why do you even have something that needs to be constantly monitored if there's even a chance you won't be there to stop it from killing anyone?"

"And frankly, no, it is not all fine. Several of us were on the brink of death more than once because of your constructs. The fact that we didn't outright die does not justify you getting distracted and allowing this to happen at all."
Black lives matter.


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"Uhm... Not as far as I know? I mean, we're just going to get supplies. And you're not supposed to touch them. And basically you're just here to carry stuff back and be muscle if something goes wrong. ... So I guess you can touch them. Just not... look inside the packages. Yeah!"

More getting upset. Sheesh, what was their problem? It's not like any of them actually died.

"They're not my constructs, they're Master Sybil's constructs. And I'm not supposed to prevent people from fighting with them. That was the point of them being there. Master isn't going to just hire anyone off the street. I was just supposed to step in if it looked like you couldn't take it, ok?"

She was talking louder than before though anyone who didn't know her would have had no idea that this was essentially her way of yelling at someone. She paused for a second and then said more thoughtfully.

"Besides... I'm pretty sure if I stepped in, you wouldn't have been hired. Wouldn't have proven yourself as being able. Plus you were there to protect them, right? As their healer? So this way, you got to practice your healing, and you all still got hired. I'm pretty sure that's what you all would prefer, right? At least... that's what makes sense to me..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 1: Supple Run
« Reply #161 on: January 24, 2017, 10:55:51 pm »

"...I suppose you have a point about that. It is an effective way to separate the chaff from the grain when hiring... but it was still rather irresponsible of you to forget what you were supposed to be doing."
Black lives matter.

Blade Master Model 42

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 1: Supple Run
« Reply #162 on: January 24, 2017, 10:59:28 pm »

Eric frowned. There wasn't much of a difference. "Miss Hallewell mentioned a transporter. I was under the impression that this person would be, well, transporting the supplies."

In any case, my name is Eric. I hope we work well together."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 1: Supple Run
« Reply #163 on: January 24, 2017, 11:04:09 pm »

"Oh... Maybe, yeah. Well, you're here to protect the supplies if something goes wrong. So that's easy enough, right? Eric... Eric. Ok! What about the rest of you? Grumpy healer, what's your name? And the two quiet ones?"


  • Bay Watcher
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  "Caius has some good points, but since we all made it in one piece I'm willing to forgive and forget. It was a good team building exercise, know what I mean? Anyway, good to meet you, little miss. I'm Dale Barton."

He gave her a friendly nod.
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