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Author Topic: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)  (Read 96584 times)


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #765 on: February 09, 2022, 05:49:06 pm »

Actual science, and interesting (I think). 'Modern' humans apparently didn't just dash into Europe and immediately outcompete/kill the native Neanderthals (with an occasional bit of kinky interbreeding, to spice things up).

A homo sapien child's tooth has been found in layers of cave deposit dated to 54,000 years ago, above which is plenty of Homo Neanderthalensis evidence, etc, suggesting that there was about 14,000 years or so of coexistence (without implying it was peaceful, but certainly a slow burn if it was still mostly conflict) before the point at around 40,000 years ago when it seems HN did not survive beyond.

The best bet is that it was waves of mobile occupation, many generations of each lineage may have adopted territories suited to themselves, probably interacting on the fringes and possibly moving out of some areas to 'let' the other faction in. Could have been many reasons for the ebb and flows, and it doesn't preclude a 'final conflict' over the final couple of millenia (to copy some prior theories, where it was just a First Contact thing gone wrong/horribly-right), but seems not to have been just what happened when 'we' finally came out of Africa because we'd already done it well before...

I'm sure there's some additional paleontological details to fill in the obvious questions or gaps in the story that I have in mind, but the news seems fairly sure it means what I'm saying it means. ;)


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #766 on: February 09, 2022, 07:08:13 pm »

Well, that's quite a lot to learn from a tooth!
Said I to her, of all the many fools on the world, it is you I hate the most.
Said she to me, put down the mirror.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #767 on: February 09, 2022, 07:09:08 pm »

Archeologisted extracted a wisom tooth

Sorry Eric <grin grin>
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #768 on: February 12, 2022, 05:13:49 am »

A new, candy bar-sized device, called the nanopore sequencer, created by the university of Wageningen and Oxford Nanopore Technologies will revolutionize DNA sampling.

In as little as 3 minutes, it can tell you which species of animal a DNA sample comes from.
Previous methods took up to three months.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 05:15:49 am by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Eric Blank

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #769 on: February 12, 2022, 05:35:05 pm »

So you're telling me it will soon be possible to make Bigfoot hunters angry or vindicated in real time?
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #770 on: February 12, 2022, 07:02:44 pm »



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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #771 on: February 23, 2022, 07:02:00 pm »

It seems that (in at least one case) your life might actually pass before your eyes when you die.

Not that I think my own mix-tape is at all ready to watch yet.

(Though I tend to get rather bizarre dreams - last night's was a doozy that involved fried chicken and (separately) a lengthy visual pun based on recursively disassembling computer screens - so I guess I'll have to wait and see what I end up with. I'll have to try to let you all know, right?)


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #772 on: March 09, 2022, 03:55:35 pm »

A 57 year old heart patient in the US is the first person ever to have been given a heart tranplantation with a genetically modified pig heart.
So far so good. For 3 days now, the heart is working well and not showing any signs of rejection by the body.
Fingers crossed. If this works, it could mean shortage of transplantable hearts becomes a thing of the past.

It has been announced that the patient has now died. But not bad for a first[1] go. Louis Washkansky's life was extended (by Christiaan Barnard) for around two weeks back in '67.

[1] Almost. The first pig heart (this one not genetically-engineered, but 'normal' pig) was in '97, in India, but failed almost immediately. And Boyd Rush was given a chimpanzee heart in 1964 and survived for an hour-and-a-bit.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #773 on: March 09, 2022, 04:32:01 pm »

A 57 year old heart patient in the US is the first person ever to have been given a heart tranplantation with a genetically modified pig heart.
So far so good. For 3 days now, the heart is working well and not showing any signs of rejection by the body.
Fingers crossed. If this works, it could mean shortage of transplantable hearts becomes a thing of the past.

It has been announced that the patient has now died. But not bad for a first[1] go. Louis Washkansky's life was extended (by Christiaan Barnard) for around two weeks back in '67.

I was going to say that. For a first attempt its pretty good.
And also: the man was not a candidate for a regular heart transplant (as in, he had been excluded from the transplant list). This suggests that he had significant comorbid conditions. Worth noting that in high risk heart transplants the 1-year mortality rate is around 30%. This guy probably would have a priori longer odds (as that high risk group is composed of people who hadn't been excluded).
I feel sad for the man but all in all its a very promising first attempt. I hope they scale up to larger trials soon.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 04:34:36 pm by ChairmanPoo »
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #774 on: March 09, 2022, 05:36:47 pm »

Indeed. It is quite possible that the pig heart wasn't even the cause of death, since there hadn't been any rejection reactions.
Very hopeful first results.

Perhaps we can enlist captured Russian invaders. I've heard they have no hearts
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Eric Blank

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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #775 on: March 09, 2022, 06:19:29 pm »

High-ranking officers. Don't punish men forced to participate in the invasion, kill the men responsible for the invasion and leading them. Killing any old POWs would be a war crime
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #776 on: March 09, 2022, 07:23:22 pm »

Edit: missed an interaction


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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #777 on: March 10, 2022, 10:39:03 am »



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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #778 on: March 11, 2022, 08:00:07 pm »

A snippet from an old article (yep, so last century):

"Since its earliest days, science has been associated with war. The inventors Archimedes and Leonardo turned their talents to the problems of fighting, and since the rise of modern science many individual scientists have steered their investigations towards military purposes. But the orientation of science to war was relatively sporadic until the rise of professionalised science under the auspices of the state beginning in the late 1800s. The process of incorporation of science into the war system was greatly accelerated by the two world wars this century, and especially since World War Two science has become an essential part of military races."

A large percentage of contemporary science remains funded, directly or indirectly, by the military-industrial complex expressly for the purpose of war.  Although I think it fair enough to say that scientists aren't generally at the steering wheel.

(Anyways it's just an aside so youse all don't read the spoiler...)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Science Thread (and !!SCIENCE!! Thread!)
« Reply #779 on: March 15, 2022, 06:39:03 pm »

How did I miss your post? I must have tapped this thread when browsing updated, but aiming for another I hit return instinctively, it's the only explenation.

You have been warned in deed. hehe  :)

When everything is so fucked that the only way interract sanely is with layers of paranoia as to appear completly psychotic.

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