Do make sure to answer my questions when you have time.
I am...
The Ross Rifle, If The Ross Rifle Was Loaded With Those # Gloves That Tiruin Has Seen That Get Used In Stadiums, And Was Also A BYOR 0 Role That Distributed Random Useless Powers.Was intended to be my version of a pseudo-Shakeragian role. Pre-game chat happened, and a chunk was added in the middle.
I have three powers:
*A night action: the rifle. Fires ammunition at targets.
*An auto: the ammunition. Let's me select the type of ammo I fire. Each ammo type is a 1-shot power I grant to my targets.
*A day action: an upgrade system. I can upgrade either the rifle or ammo each day.
Ammo types:
*Foam fingers: 1-shot day action. User gives target extra vote.
*Foam hats: 1-shot auto. Next time holder is targeted, all actions targeting them are randomized.
*Vuvuzelas: 1-shot night. User redirects all actions to themself.
*Used beer cans (gained D2): 1-shot night. User disables target's autos for a cycle.
I started out with one target per night and 3 types of ammo. Days 1 and 3, I upgraded my rifle, each time increasing my maximum targets by one. (I wanted a Mk. III rifle, as it isn't a proper Ross rifle until it jams all the time.) Day 2, I upgraded my ammunition.
N1, I gave Tiruin and 4mask fingers, as both came off well the day before and because I saw fingers as the least disruptive power in the set. N2, beer cans for Lengrag and Persus: the rest of the Fallacy wagon. Beer cans just because, well, I have a WWI rifle that fires beer cans.
I am willing to support Everybody Wins, though a bit skeptical.