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Author Topic: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth  (Read 160037 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #570 on: July 23, 2017, 01:16:13 am »

The dockyards are a teeming mass of humanity, a solid wall of flags and cheering faces turned out to see the fleet depart. It's the largest mobilization that Spire Wreth has ever seen, and more than a few tears are shed as families wave good-bye to hundred of sons and daughters. They go to war, and while some do sail to reconnect the lost outposts, most sail on missions of vengeance.

Wreth painters do their best to capture the moment, to give some semblance of individuality to the faces that line the ships. For many, the painting will be all the one of the records of their existence.

Outside of tax records and accounting information, of course.

The Center Demispire

The WOSV Herbie sails to the central demispire without incident, dropping a squad of marines off to begin search and rescue for any survivors. Civilians should be able to make their way back when the debris is cleared and the site swept for Kasgyrite infiltrators.

The Captain of the Herbie is fairly pleased with the performs of the Itshana crystal. Though small in stature, it's proven sufficient to meet the vessels needs. Her speed is only about three-quarters that of a similar transport, but she carried a fair load without complaint, and did not (as some marines theorized) fall out of the sky.

Wreth gains territory at the Center Demispire in their own territory.

((You should really name all of your demi-spires))
((Also, you're welcome to change the name of the Herbie. As well as the ship designation. I was tired and it made me smile at the time.))

Three Captains

The Wreth transport and her five escort Skyskiffs make good time getting to the spire formation known as the Three Captains. A hush comes over the soldiers as they approach, getting a good look at the three immense pillars- frames of jutting spirestone containing mountains of rock and soil. Trees grow from the sides of the pillars, canting out in the wood in a desperate gambit to get out of the shade of their higher brothers.

More than one soldier makes a superstitious gesture. While the Three Captains are tactically valuable, this will be the first time that any permanent fortifications have been erected here. The stories brought back by bootstrap miners, whether they be true or mere tall tales, have been enough to discourage potential colonizers- and more than enough to discourage the penny pinches in charge of peacetime outpost construction.

The transport pulls in alongside a particularly large cave in one of the great pillars, beginning the slow process of unloading marine squads in their dinghies and floating them over to the spire.

The transport barge is nearly unloaded when the Kasgyrite ships attack.

They come without warning, five Kasgyre Skyskiffs diving straight out of the sun. Three of the five Wreth Skyskiffs captains get enough warning enough raise shrouds in time for the initial barrage. Aetheric cannon shots rain like burning meteors from the diving ships. A some miss, but not nearly enough. One of the two Skyskiffs unable to raise Shroud in time disappears in a cloud of splinters and white light after taking a direct hit. The Shroud of another Skyskiff buckles almost instantly, losing most of its web in the same barrage. A few more shots blaze past the skiffs entirely, aiming for the transport barge.

The captain of the transport, focused on getting marines to the spire, doesn't raise his shroud until much too late. An aetheric blast nails the ship, blasting a burning hole in the her side. Her weight suddenly imbalanced, the transport begins to list almost immediately.

The initial return fire from the Wreth ships is scattered in its efficacy, burning away the webbing from one Wreth vessel, but otherwise going wide.

Instead of slowing down to continue the engagement, the Kasgyre ships continue their maneuver, blazing past the Wreth vessels. The cowards strike from hiding, and now they try to flee judgement? The Wreth Skyships immediately begin pursuit, heading after the wounded Kasgyrite ship.

A few things become immediately clear. The first is that Kasgyre's crystals are inferior, without an improvement similar to the Itshana process. Despite the blistering speed of their initial dive, they're below par in nearly every other respect. The second is that they've upgraded their guns in some manner. The wounded Kasgyrite ship fires on incoming ships, with a speed akin to firing cold, but for much longer.  As the Wreth captains converge on the injured vessel, aiming to bring it down before her sister ships can loop back around, they become aware of a tea-kettle like scream coming from her cannons.

That ends abruptly after half a dozen cannon shots tear the ship's shroud to tatters and obliterate the hull.

The battle is then joined evenly, four against four. After the shock of the initial ambush is lost, the battle turns decisively in Wreth's favor. Their improved crystals offer maneuverability, and their flanged cannons offer better staying power. The shrieking cannons of Kasgyre appear to only offer the dramatically increased fire rate while the cannon is shrieking, which lasts about a minute. Essentially, they've doubled the amount of time they can cold fire their weapons.  It's a sharp advantage in the beginning of the fight, and the Wreth Skyskiff that lost its shroud also loses its bow (and sadly its core crystal, and thus its ability to stay in the air) to an almost-miss, but once it's over...

Wreth Skyskiffs hunt the Kasgyre vessels down. The enemy's hit and run tactics do them little good against an enemy that's faster than they are, and their lack of sustained fire means that Wreth vessels outgun them completely. Wreth cannon fire reduces to Kasgyre ships to splinters before the Kasgyrite captains flee completely, diving down into the mist.

Rather than risk their ships in pursuit, the Wreth captains return to investigate the damage to the transport.

The transport can still fly, and she can probably limp home to receive repairs, but that's where the good news ends. The blast seriously compromised the hull, gutted her cargo, and completely consumed a trim crystal.  Half a squad of marines that hadn't yet deployed is lost, either to the fall or the initial impact.

Inside the Spire

For the marines who survived, the interior of the Three Captain is...  interesting. Fauna and flora are as expected- small puffy plants that grow in cracks and needed little besides the air, interspersed with harder fungal flora inside the caves. Small insects seem to thrive within, though they thankfully don't seem to be of the biting variety.

The stone, however, is quite odd. It pulses with light when stepped on, and yields proportionate flashes when struck. It's an interesting phenomenon, and one that makes stealth quite difficult. Still, since there were no reports of Kasgyre landing ships, the need for stealth will hopefully be limited. The reactive stone is pierced in places by curiously smooth circular openings, some scarcely large enough for a man to fit his arms down, others large enough for a man to crawl into.

The two-and-a-half squads split up into groups and survey, looking for strategic locations to put up a base. All is well for a time, and mission reports come back regularly. Then command receives a disturbing mission report. Monsters in the deep caves, resembling spiders in as much as a hunting falcon resembles a farm chicken. They had eight legs, fangs, and thick chitin of a color akin to mother-of-pearl. The creatures swarmed without warning when the marines were mapping a cavern to set up a potential permanent base, and seemed utterly without end. They came in every size, from palm sized skittering monssters that could be crushed under a boot to a monster that the Squad Leader writing the letter describes as weighing at least four-hundred pounds and as large as a dinghy.

Casualties were steep. The smaller monsters, those shorter than a man's knee, had a hide soft and thin enough that the Pincushion's could find some purchase. The rapid fire of the weapon was effective at driving back the swarming tides of such small creatures, but found itself utterly ineffective against the larger beasts. Blades, likewsie, proved valuable in hacking though the smaller creatures, but blunted and warped when plied against the carapace of the largest beasts.  The battle was not decided by superior force of arms, but rather by the creatures stopping their assault in order to drag the bodies of dead Wrethian marines back into the peculiar holes in the walls noted earlier. In addition the immediate casualties torn apart and drug away by the monsters, the letter notes that any soldier bitten by the monster succumbed to a terrible fever that culminated in the afflicted's eyes turning black and bulging grotesquely from their heads.

The letter makes an immediate request for rifles, or another weapon of sufficient power to breach the hides of the tougher bugs.  Without such a weapon, and reinforcements, he fears that his men will be unable to complete their mission.

Confirmed Kills: 2 Kasgyre Skyskiffs
Losses: 2 Skyskiffs, Squad F, 25% of squad E.
Damaged: 1 Transport Barge

Wreth gains territory at the Three Captains.

The Unfinished

The conquest of the unfinished repeats a similar pattern to that at the Three Captains. Wreth arrives first, begins unloaded troops, and then is attacked by a meteoric attack from Kasgyrite skyskiffs. The difference this time is that instead of a deftly executed maneuver meeting a slightly unprepared team, it's an incompetently executed maneuver striking a criminally unprepared party of Skyskiffs.

No Wreth Skyskiffs are lost in the initial barrage, but the transport (with the captain again failing to get his shroud up in time) is caught by aether cannon fire and simple misfortune. The Kasgyre Skyskiff divebombing the transport barge falls victim to a bad case of target fixation, and when a Wreth vessel blows off her web with a well placed cannon shot she can't turn fast enough to prevent a direct collision with the transport barge. It doesn't destroy the barge, but it sure as hell cripples her. Thankfully, she'd already managed to get the last squad of marines onto the dinghies when the crash happened.

The pursuit action is more effective this time, with no additional damage to Wreth vessels other than webbing, but one additional Kasgyre Ship was sent back to the surface.

Inside the Spire

The Marines that made it within the unfinished have their work cut out for them, mapping through sprawling miles of the vacant and incomplete Spire. For those of more architectural mindset, it might be a fascinating experience. For the marines, however, regular progress reports indicate that they find the work unsettling- and that the halls of the spire are eerily empty. No insect, no spirebird- not even air plants, live inside the spire. It's utterly barren, and yet soldiers repeatedly complain of hearing noises- sometimes like rats, sometimes like voices. Once, a soldier exclaimed that he could quite clearly hear music coming from around the next bend.

Two of the three squad commanders ascribed the phenomena to nerves, but the report of the third makes notes that, while she assures her men that it's nothing, she has heard things she can't explain.

The reports worsen quickly. Supplies missing. Soldiers suddenly at one another's throats. Voices in the walls that beckon and call men by name. People start going missing, and the directions withing the spire seem to warp and bend.

The final report you receive is filled with sections where the officers has scratched out large sections of writing, and their hand was clearly shaking at the time of writing. Things attacked the camp. The officer describes them as approximately seven feet in height, with humanoid form, but built like the stick figure drawing of a young child.  Their arms, legs, and torsos were all perfectly cylindrical, with only slight spherical bulges at the points where limbs met. The officer describes the heads of the creatures as grotesque balls of woven cylinders, like a bundle of writhing worms laced together into a wicker sphere. They wore the clothes of the missing men when they attacked, and they spoke. They knew things.  They greeted their fellows by name even as they lashed out with their horrible limbs, the cylindrical appendages splitting apart into hundreds of fanged tendrils that tore apart flesh and bared bone.

Crossbows were nearly completely ineffective -the bolts hitting and inflicting only slight cuts before bouncing off-, and only the heroism of Squad B was able to push the monsters back. With cutlass in hand, they hacked through the grotesque enemy, severing hundreds of small writhing tendrils and eventually reducing the attack group to nothing more than piles of writhing (and heavily fanged) worms. Their losses, however, were heavy. The remaining men have been shuffled into squads A and C.

Confirmed Kills: 2 Kasgyre Skyskiffs
Losses: 1 Skyskiffs. Squad B.
Damaged: 1 Transport Barge

Wreth gains territory at the The Unfinished.

Notes:  If you feel like I phoned it in there at the end, that was me realizing that I had a shitload more of these to do and I needed to step back on the level of detail. It was also 2am, so I blame that as well. Essentially, here's how things are going to work. IF the situation changes, you'll get a longer form combat report. If the situation is basically the same as already described, you get the short form combat report.

You guys got my first attempt at doing this, so it's a bit rougher than Kasgyre's. Sorry about that. In future, you'll see overall shorter reports, with a lot less play-by-play.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ships (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Infantry (click to show/hide)

It is the beginning of 354 AR.

11/y Crystal, 12/55 Banked
8/y Ore, 8/40 banked
18/y Wood, 24/90 banked
7/y Silk, 23/35 banked

It is the beginning of the Design Phase and Project Maintenance Phase. You have 5 Dice to spend.

Spoiler: Projects (click to show/hide)

Current Technology

Spoiler: Tech (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tactics (click to show/hide)

I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #571 on: July 23, 2017, 01:44:35 am »

well, we landed marines but underestimated challenges. the captains will need armor piercing while the unfinished seems to need some kind of slashing or area of effect. Possibly just enough swords will work.
But this will be taxing on our ore and even worse I believe we cannot move transports in time to  bring reinforcement this turn? ( not sure of how it works) to reinforce we would need a new transport (which we need anyway since one is damaged and the other is gone). This will be taxing on our very limited ore supply.

we won, but it was a very costly victory. I suggest we try to focus on just one of the spires this turn, I don't think we yet have the resources to invade them both.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #572 on: July 23, 2017, 03:42:24 am »

Alright. First question: are repairs instantaneous?

Item 2: I suggest the central demispire be named "Miner's Folly", and the left demispire "Haze Maze".

Point three: we should invest a die into the Cloudrunner, giving us a decent chance of getting a prototype.

IV: we should design some sort of silk headgear with an air filter, which keeps aether- and any other madness-inducing substances- out. Something like

Type I HEM: Resembling a silk balaclava, with copper-rimmed glass goggles and a charcoal filter breather, this Hazardous Environment Mask is a one-size-fits-all way of protecting marines from hazardous gasses, excessive aether, and other malicious means of affecting the mind.
These are envisioned as being deployed to the Unfinished, and hopefully preventing the deterioration of the troops. They would also be useful if we ever want to go high-altitude*, or visit the Wrackspire. And I guess civilian miners might like to buy them when working in the Haze Maze or Miner's Folly, to protect against the toxins encountered there. 

*we would need to revise them to add an oxygen supply.
Quote from: Votes
Ongoing Projects:
Invest 1 die into the Cloudrunner: (1) NUKE9.13
 -Spending 1 Ore, 6 Wood.

New Designs:
Type I HEM: (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #573 on: July 23, 2017, 03:48:53 am »

Starting note- That was an awesome combat report. The ships turning about on an ambush just when it seemed lost... I was pretty damn stirred.

Now for the crap (Sans ninjas)
  • I think my Arbalest revision could possibly deal with the hardened carapace, or we could start development into rifles or the infantry support mentioned earlier.
  • We could try and make the aether-blocking mask/suit of Madman's design and see if it helps the soldiers at The Unfinished, or we might have to organise a research team or something to check it out, which I'm not sure is a revision or design?
  • They probably wasted dice on their hit-and-run tactics so we should definitely be attempting to improve the itshana process so that we can stay ahead of their speed. Our cloudrunners are probably going to get blown to bits at the start of every battle.
  • Which adds another addendum to whether we should be working on an anti-ambush tactic. Perhaps training crewmen for a roll-and-broadside an enemy at the foot of their dive?

For now: Here's Designs. (+ Ninjas)

The Mk1 Heavy Emplacement Cannon
This stationary heavy cannon is perfectly designed to take enemy craft out of the sky with a single devastating strike, sundering shroud and puncturing hull. It is designed to run off a Spire's supply of crystals and be a defensive artillery piece, heavily fortified behind Spirestone or straddling a dock, however they can be disassembled and moved, or even mounted on heavy craft, given an adequate supply of power for their booming payload.
Whilst their chief roles include suppression or annihilation of anything daring to enter our skies, they can be used by a more ruthless Marine as a heavy emplacement against infantry as well, able to level streets of wooden structures with a single bellow, or mow down entire swathes of surface creatures unwittingly lured into their arc of fire.

Ongoing Projects:
Invest 2 die into the Cloudrunner:
Invest 1 die into the Cloudrunner: (2) NUKE9.13, Tack
 -Spending 1 Ore, 6 Wood.
Bank all Dice:

New Designs:
Type I HEM: (1) NUKE9.13
Heavy Emplacement Cannon Mk1: (1) Tack

Edit: I'll happily second 'Miner's Folly' and 'Haze Maze'.

Edit: I'm reading the book right now, and there airship propulsion is described as steam powered prop, turbine, or sail. Things to consider for later designs...
Haha another one! I wonder if Draig knew he'd be responsible for such proliferation of Butcher.

Lastmost edit:
Draig, what's the go on Salvage/Surrenders/Reverse Engineering? Would we need to implement specific tactics to allow for us taking an enemy alive?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 04:05:10 am by Tack »
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #574 on: July 23, 2017, 04:17:31 am »

Lastmost edit:
Draig, what's the go on Salvage/Surrenders/Reverse Engineering? Would we need to implement specific tactics to allow for us taking an enemy alive?

You can create tactics that improve salvage yield, buts sort of difficult to salvage very small ships. Either they're functional, or they're basically flaming splinters. Salvage and captives will also be part of special events.

Alright. First question: are repairs instantaneous?

When the ship is at a port, yes. So a transport could return to port AND do repairs.

I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #575 on: July 23, 2017, 04:26:34 am »

I don't think the emplacement cannon answers to nay of our present or near future needs.... our ground soldiers need more toys. the enemy spire is not our biggest enemy right now.
An arbalest should be a good tool  for the captains spire, but I am not sure what to do with the unfinished. The mask may help a bit.... or it might do nothing entirely.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #576 on: July 23, 2017, 04:35:24 am »

The emplacement cannon is to clear the big things out of the Three Captains.
Upon re-reading, 'Four hundred pounds and the size of a Dinghy' probably wants a cannon, not a crossbow, plus this will allow a lot more collateral damage to the tiny (yet still horribly poisonous) ones.
Plus it means we can better defend the Unfinished... Uh... if we trust our soldiers at the unfinished with a heavy ordinance weapon.

I'd personally recommending splitting our new squads of marines fifty fifty, with one half reinforcing the Captains marines, and the other half Relieving the marines at the Unfinished.
Maybe just switching them out and giving them a rest could be enough to make the exploration manageable until we get a better idea of what's needed.

MOST IMPORTANTLY should we be assuming they'll consolidate their skiffs for the next fight or again try a blanketed approach? We are after all only 1 skiff up.

Also the Wrethian Official Service Vehicle 'Herbie' will NEVER change its name.
I'd also like permission to add to the roster "WOSV 'Implacable" and "WOSV 'Jigsaw"
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #577 on: July 23, 2017, 05:05:51 am »

Hmm. I was laser-focused on capturing the Unfinished, since it produces a whopping 8 Crystal, but I guess we're actually shorter on Ore at present. Maybe we do need heavy weapons.

Question: are Spiders known to be resistant to aether weapons? I don't want to spend time developing a portable aether cannon only to discover it does nothing.

We could probably make an arbalest with a revision, right? If we roll decently (unlike every other crossbow roll), we might get something that can at least hurt the giant spiders.

If Spiders aren't resistant to aether weapons, spending a design making a portable aether cannon- doesn't have to be heavier than our ship cannons, I think, since something capable of taking down a ship can probably take down a spider- would make sense.

Man, you guys actually went for the belt spires? That's hilarious :D
Oh, you have no idea how funny it is. Just wait, we'll be in Spire Kasgyr to explain the joke to you soon enough.
((The joke is that we also went for our local spires, thanks to the wonders of Itshana Select, whereas they were forced to choose one or the other.))
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 05:15:03 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #578 on: July 23, 2017, 05:16:59 am »

Making a ship-cannon ground capable hopefully won't take more than a revision.
But we've got to remember that the enemy fleet aren't going to sit around and let us waste our designs on spire-capping stuff.
We're at a disadvantage with Marine complements, and unless we build new transports this turn we can't reinforce the spires.
We might have actually overplayed our hand

... let's cap an enemy Demi.
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #579 on: July 23, 2017, 05:35:15 am »

Hey, calm down. We're fine. We can let our troops hang out for another turn. We just need to make sure that the reinforcements the turn after that are properly equipped to deal with the environmental threats in the spires.

I mean, Kasgyr won't be able to deploy troops to the belt spires this turn either, assuming that they built two transports and occupied their two unclaimed demi-spires. Since transports need to stop at their destination to unload, it'll take them 1.5 turns to return to the spire, load up, and head for the belt.
Unless Kasgyr goes and builds more transports, but then they're spending extra resources on non-combat vessels, which is good for us.

And even if they do that, their troops will face the same threats ours do. They won't know what to expect either; the troops they send to the Captains are going to be undergunned, and the troops they send to the Unfinished are gonna get slendermanned.
Long Live United Forenia!

Nirur Torir

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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #580 on: July 23, 2017, 05:58:54 am »

I don't want to start a design this turn. 3-dice designs don't seem to be as cost-effective, and we can afford to wait a turn if we get our prototype and a new tactic.

Let's put 2-3 dice in the project. 2 has good odds of a success, 3 is nearly certain to get the prototype.

For countering the dive-bombing, we could have a tactic where some light ships break off from the main force and scout/screen before combat. With our speed they shouldn't have problems returning to the main force before the battle starts.

For revision upgrades, all I can think of is a making shrouds go up faster.

I can't really think of any tactics that will save the marines. "Bunker-up" probably won't work well against those threats, and would cut down on our territory gains.

I'd like to save a die for next turn's design action, unless we roll well on the project this turn and want to try to finish it next turn.

milo christiansen

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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #581 on: July 23, 2017, 06:49:33 am »

I to think that we should not do a design, but instead focus on improving what we have.

Put at least 2 dice into the current project, then revise a piece of equipment and a tactic (bank 1 die for a design next turn).

For tactic we should go with something for our ships, for equipment we should revise a better rifle.

Quote from: Improved Rifles
Crossbows are great vs infantry, but large monsters and other armored creatures need the power of a rifle.

To this end a special anti-armor bullet and cartridge is used. The bullet a a hollow based conical lead casting, formed around a bronze penetrator rod, the cartridge is a paper tube of gunpowder, with the bullet attached to one end.

By reboring the touchholes on our rifles so the taper outward, it is possible to load and prime the rifle in one operation, simply turn the rifle on its side and rap it to allow some powder to migrate to the pan.

Additionally, copper barrel linings are replaced with bronze for greater durability.

Haha another one! I wonder if Draig knew he'd be responsible for such proliferation of Butcher.

For some reason I never read any of his books beyond the Dresden files... Anyway, the setting described in the book (soon to be books) is not the same as what is used for the game, but the differences are are fairly minor, so it's a good source of inspiration.

Aside from the propulsion differences, one thing I noted as a possible future design is silk paragliders. Perfect for landing marines for raids...
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 06:58:07 am by milo christiansen »
Rubble 8 - The most powerful modding suite in existence!
After all, coke is for furnaces, not for snorting.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #582 on: July 23, 2017, 07:05:57 am »

Hmm :/

Thing is, if we don't start a design this turn, the troops we send out the turn after won't be carrying any new designs. And sending underequipped troops to their death is inefficient.
Whereas revisions we could do next turn, and still equip the troops we send out that turn with them. Revisions take one turn, designs take (at least) two.

I agree with putting two dice into the Cloudrunner. For some reason I read it as 9/24 instead of 9/28. Meaning that we need two dice to have a decent chance of making a prototype. Which, if it is (nearly) perfect, we can send out, and if it isn't, we at least know what revisions need to be made.
Long Live United Forenia!

milo christiansen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #583 on: July 23, 2017, 07:09:40 am »

If we revise now, then design, we can work around any bad revision rolls. Unless our design is really simple we won't finish it next turn anyway...
Rubble 8 - The most powerful modding suite in existence!
After all, coke is for furnaces, not for snorting.
You're not true dwarven royalty unless you own the complete 'Signature Collection' baby-bone bedroom set from NOKEAS


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Cinder Spires | Spire Wreth
« Reply #584 on: July 23, 2017, 07:37:44 am »

Hmm. Hang on, let's do this bureaucratically.

23 Crystal
16 Ore
42 Wood
30 Silk

These are the resources we have to play with in this turn and the next. Repairs to the transports will cost 6 Wood, 3 Ore, 1 Crystal. Putting two dice into the Cloudrunner will cost 12 Wood, 2 Ore. Leaving us with

22 Crystal
11 Ore
24 Wood
30 Silk

-Rifles cost 3 Ore per fireteam. Two squads armed with swords, and rifle fireteams, would eat up 10 Ore. I'd rather revise an arbalest, which would be a cheaper armour-piercing weapon.
-Even an arbalest would cost at least 1 Ore per fireteam. And we'd ideally want an entire squad equipped, to provide enough firepower to take down a giant spider. Three squads fully equipped with arbalests, and nothing else, would probably cost 12 Ore.
-Since a squad is going to need at least swords, 6 squads (three to each belt spire) would cost at least 12 Ore (all-pincushion squads have not proven useful in either spire).
-Holy shit we are short on Ore. Maybe we could skimp on repairing one of the transports? Spend one ore less- it'd still be skyworthy, right?
-Alternatively (or in addition), we could give up on the Unfinished, and only send reinforcements to the Captains.
-We do have plenty of silk. Masks might be a good idea if only for the fact that we can afford them.
Long Live United Forenia!
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