Got caught up with some other stuff, and haven't got past the embark screen yet but...
Something is going on with the cell size/padding that I don't like. In a way I'm hoping it's a bug or something strange just happening at my end. But I suspect not. The most obvious symptom is that the columns are now much fatter. I had my custom roles gridview tuned so that it just fitted on my screen (23" at 1920x1080) and had quite a ways to go with reducing the cell size (if my eyes were able to still read
) but now it goes way over. In two parts:
At a quick guesstimate the columns are 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 as wide as they used to be with moderate settings however this is with Cell Size 4px and Cell Padding 1px - as small as it can be gotten. (For some reason Cell Padding 0px increases size slightly.) It seems like increasing cell size might be affecting the entire screen/gridview rather than each cell? Anyway it increases trivially whereas it used to make a significant size difference.
I also experience a glitch if I reduce the cell size after scrolling the screen to the right. It is graphical only and disappears after changing gridviews or scrolling completely left. It redraws even smaller if reduced sizes are again entered, and enlarges somewhat if they are increased but still stays markedly squashed.
The aim used to be to keep the full labours gridview on one screen at default cell size for a moderate size screen (these days that's probably a big laptop screen). Basically to be able to see all the columns in a gridview without scrolling. The columns should be as skinny as reasonably possible (or at least modifiable through cell size to achieve that aim given screen size and eyesight). Similarly the rows (that aren't affected nearly as badly right now) are best kept as small as possible for later game ability to see more dwarfs at one glance.
Apologies if I'm preaching to the converted. If it was a conscious decision let's (all) discuss it.
Quick edit: I forgot to mention that I noticed multiple repeats of
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
in the terminal. Not sure if it's related. Oh and the report is from a linux 64 build from a few hours ago, in case it matters.
Not so quick edit: sorry for third bite of the cherry but the spacers between columns are problematic too.