That's just the Tolerance facet, right?
Its not racially present if i remember correctly, only goblins have it (positive amounts of it).
Here's the wiki for it but im quite sure the alignment of Dwarven values doesnt raise it up, it doesnt do anything particular either unless Toady would like to wade in and tell us something about it.
Unlike v0.34.11 most of them dont carry a effect, or have been removed and shifted around like
liberalism (Rebelliousness) in response to attitudes to nobles. Its really unsure on whether to say the new screens introduced with the 44 tavern release were really finished in retrospect but the next version should hopefully polish things up.
Not to derail, but while on the topic, amongst their number is
COOPERATION (Compromising) - - 61 - 75 is willing to compromise with others // Cannot gain Intimidator experience
- 25 - 39 doesn't like to compromise with others // Cannot gain Pacifier experience
STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS (Honesty) - - 61 - 75 is candid and sincere in dealings with others // Cannot gain Flatterer experience.
- 25 - 39 is guarded in relationships with others Cannot gain Consoler experience, Can gain Liar experience.
Which both seem relatively important to relationships than the current set not carried over in a clear form and are sometimes name for civ values instead.