No. It's just that he'll dismiss Wikipedia because it is "inaccurate" to him.
The fact that it
can be maliciously edited hardly means that it is
likely to be so--I highly doubt anyone has nefarious purposes regarding, say, the nature of a Tibetan sky burial. GoblinCookie's disdain for Wikipedia is humorous to me because it's A) pretentious (
Of course the world's largest body of knowledge would be less prestigious and reliable than GoblinCookie's own brain), B) facile (It costs him nothing to malign the huge body of knowledge that can most easily be used to prove him wrong), and C) hypocritical (He quoted it himself back when we were fighting about the meaning of the word 'clan'. Amusingly, he cherry-picked out the parts of the article that supported
his argument, while conveniently glossing over the parts that supported
mine, a tidy little example of intellectual dishonesty).
I personally support the use of Wikipedia because, as meticulously detailed as Dwarf Fortress is (or at least
plans to be), it should never be MORE detailed than Wikipedia. Sure, there are things in DF that I've never heard of--plants like kenaf and fonio, for example--but look those words up and BOOM, there it is. DF is already spot-on as far as things like geology are concerned, and for all unfinished aspects of the game, I feel that
Wikipedia represents the standard of realism to which Dwarf Fortress should aspire. Want to learn whether a sailfin molly would make a reasonable meal by itself, or if it's only realistically useful as bait? What about the possible applications of bitter vetch for dye, or stibnite for cosmetics? Read all about it.
Plus, the use of Wikipedia seems to anger GoblinCookie, so that's another bonus. I notice that when he wasn't sure whether or not dietary Vitamin D still required sunlight, he found it more convenient to ask about it HERE than to actually do any damn research for himself. Now
that's investigative rigor at its finest.
Wikpedia is something of the idiot's bible. It is basically a place full of stuff so basic that even the world's plentiful supply of idiots cannot be persuaded that it isn't the case.
Oh, good. Can you clarify for me, please, the precise distinction between plagioclase vs. non-plagioclase feldspars? I just want to be sure DF's geology is correct. I know you have this sort of information on the tip of your tongue, so thanks in advance.
Not according to Wikipedia.
The question was not a rhetorical one SixOfSpades.
Which was why my answer was direct, GoblinCookie. In a word, "No."
I think ultraviolet light does not pass through light glass and hence Vitamin D is still a problem, since I think (again I don't claim to know) that UV light is specifically needed for Vitamin D synthesis.
It depends on the nature of the particulates suspended within the glass. In DF terms, UV light would pass through clear glass and
probably crystal glass as well, I'm not sure about green glass. More important than Vitamin D synthesis is flower pollination: Bees and many other insects see in the UV range, and most flowers have UV patterns (invisible to us) that help guide the bees where they need to go. Without UV light, pollination would be less successful, and some aboveground crops more scarce.
The glass is fragile problem can also be solved by having a secondary level of drawbridges to seal off the greenhouses fragile glass walls.
That's good, but aren't lowered drawbridges vulnerable to building destroyers? I lack experience on this.
Since people love to derail threads when I am around, let's derail the thread into a discussion that is all about ME!
Funny how you noticed that too . . . Thread derails always seem to involve GoblinCookie . . . I wonder what could be the root cause. But curiously, this digression is actually ON topic, because we're talking about social lives, and mocking
you certainly does seem to be an entertaining social activity.
I never claimed to be omniscient, merely cleverer than most people. 
The reason you are not is precisely because you think you are. You never learn anything out of ego and everytime you stumble upon someone who actually knows their shit you try to deflect with logghorea, trying to control damage with ad nauseam.
That was a joke.
Oh, I think it's
far too late for that. Your recent displays of condescension and overweening arrogance are going to take you a HELL of a long time to live down--that is, if you were even
inclined to do so, which you clearly are not.