My main stressed dorfs, besides the fisher, they are worriers. They worry about every little thing, every time it happens. Same beer, cheap food, more cheap food, they went outside, it rained, didn't bother walking to their bedroom to sleep, not enough to do, haven't talked to family, haven't got enough friends. Everything's a problem, just sort of beats the delights and interests they get all day too, most dorfs don't stress about that stuff, but they don't freak out, it's not out of control, they're just a touch closer to that than I'd like.
Which, I had some military never taking time off and they were sort of upset about never getting to craft but eventually their XXclothesXX got my attention and I organised the training squads a bit better. I'm a little concerned that long-term soldiering visitors won't seem to fetch themselves new clothes, they refuse to take off their uniform to stop me melting their junk, but they seem to just become citizens before it rots off them anyway.
Oh, I have worries about being unable to be extravagant, or purchase anything. Heh, need to turn the economy off in the ini when it's disabled in the game. But uh, I guess the thoughts about it are already set up and working right.
Though some of them are equipping jewellery, and one is collecting book in his room, so hmm, maybe it is sort of working? The Queen constantly demands coins, so I have quite a lot tucked away. Probably they just have bad economic thoughts and no way to get credit to do anything about it.