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Author Topic: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1917 A.C. Cold Season (COMPLETE)  (Read 82420 times)

Man of Paper

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Year 1916 A.C. Hot Season, Revision Phase

Proposal: Repentant AA Truck
The faithful is a useful vehicle, held back by its old style of engine and wheels.
The repentant is modification on this chassis, replacing the Oil engine with a promethium electrical, Removing the wheels in favor of caliburn style gravity wings and removing the scythe mount, and hauling space in favor of something a little more deadly.

The repentant is designed as an AA truck, and has been designed with this in mind. It is not designed to be near the front lines of an assault, instead protecting hard points, convoys and artillery brigades from enemy air assaults. As such it does not posses anything in terms of armoring, remaing the relatively lightly constructed truck that it had begun as.
What the Repentant does posses is the abberan patented hover system, modified to deal with the pesky short circuit problem that the current model has and a 60mm autocannon in what used to be the cargo area, the electrical motors on the turret should allow it to keep enemy fliers in its sight with a fair tracking speed and K-wool ensures that the recoil of the gun firing does not rock the vehicle to much.

Without an interceptor, it has been decided to do the next best thing, and fill our territory with nothing but AA guns to ward off enemy’s seeking out Orleans and parahundas landing infantry’s for flanking attacks.

The repentant is capable of firing on the move while hovering, but to conserve precious promethium power rods, its has also been designed with a series of 6 “Legs” Which the repentant can rest on when moving is not required. This also allows it to land in rougher terrain, due to its belly being off the ground, unlike the kingmaker.
A series of suspensions and K-wool allows the Autocannon to turn, fire and pan around without so much as rocking the vehicle, let alone knock it over.
These legs are spring loaded, and during travel are folded up and locked into place by the crew of the repentant, before being released when the repentant is ready to land in another location. While this is done by hand, it is not considered a danger do o the Repentant not being an offensive design, and the legs will only see use when garrison duties are applied.

Difficulty: Hard
Result: 6 (4+3-1) = Average

By taking the propulsion systems of the Caliburn, a 60mm autocannon inspired by the ones on our ships, and our Gavrillium Engine and slapping them on a Faithful chassis we've created the Repentant. Luckily our familiarity with the various odds and ends we decided to throw together worked out and the thing is actually useful. While it has six support struts for stability when firing, it can be fired on the move. The Repentant can get up to just under 67 km/h, which allows it to reposition rapidly and keep up with the vehicles it's responsible for protecting. While there isn't much that shines about it, there isn't much of an issue, either. It should be pretty...faithful.

The Repentant costs 5 Ore, 3 Gavrillium, 3 Caelium, 3 K-Wool, and 2 Chemical Compounds, making it (EXPENSIVE).

Proposal: Carepackage: FOX-Edition
The situation on the ground could be better, and we need to address this now while we still have the option beofre we get swamped by whatever they come up with next. SO. Lets begin withe Modea.

The Modea is ok, but we need better. To acomplish this, the first priority of the revision is to make it reliable. Strengthening of inner parts, double checking geometries so they don't snap, etc. This is the easy part and should cost no materials if we dd it even somewhere close to right. Second, replace its 12 round en-bloc internal magazine with a 25 round detachable box magazine. Third and finally for the Modea is to design a simple 2x to 4x magnification optic for close to medium range.

The final aspect of this revision is to deal with as best we can the lava bullets we keep dealing with. To deal with them, our infantry armor needs to be increased across the board. The best way to do this is, as suggested by frostgiant, add Cold Steel to the mix. Taking the development from the sky tyrant, this new material will replace the most critical pieces of armor of all infantry armors, and will be supplemented with k-wool impregnated chemical resin inserts to further increase protection by catching splatter, and insulate against the cold. They will also have normal wool covers to make sure no soldiers hands a re frozen to the plates by accident or stupidity. Along with addition of these new materials to existing platforms, k-wool impregnated chemical resin ballistic plates will be added to the standard uniform to further increase protection for soldiers in the field.

This combined should give us some greater bite at the infantry level, and finally get the Modea some love.

Details for paperwork: ARA Model-1911A becomes ARA Model-1916A, Up armoring is called ARA Model-1916 "Frostgiant" Armor Package.

Difficulty: Theoretical
Result: 7 (6+4-3) = Average

Let's start with the update to our infantry's standard firearm, the Modea. She's been...faithful, but we can do better. Well, we could also do better in doing better, which is to say do better improving the Modea, but at least we managed a few things. We managed to upgrade the magazine and make a 2x magnification optic lens for the weapon, but weren't quite able to completely resolve the weapon's occasional reliability issues which are slightly compounded by the higher rate of fire provided by the new feed method.

We also managed to make the Frostgiant Armor Package variant upgrade for our Nike Armor. This should work to increase the survivability of the troops wearing the armor thanks to the heavy layering of K-Wool protection and Cold Steel armor.

We tried to perform the upgrades to our standard infantry uniform, but the first guy we had wear it just kind of...died? Perhaps we should take things one step at a time? Maybe? We decided to hand out sunglasses to protect from the Salviosi sun this season instead.

The ARA-Model1911A becomes (OBSOLETE) (though you may continue to work off of this design) and is replaced by the ARA-Model1916A as the standard infantry weapon as the cost remains at 2 Ore and 2 Wood (CHEAP).

The Nike/Frostgiant costs 4 Ore, 2 Gavrillium, 5 K-Wool, and 3 Chemical Compounds, making it a (VERY EXPENSIVE) upgrade. Not that people are lining up to wear the uncomfortably cold armor when they're stuck out in the trenches anyways (until the bullets start flying).


All around good progress was made this season. Now it's time to decide how to engage the enemy. You may choose Two(2) Lanes to attack without any benefit or drawback to the fronts. You can go all-in on one front but know the other two would suffer from the diverting of manpower and resources. As always you are also to assign one sector to fortify as well as allocating a resource. This season you will not be choosing where to deploy The Sky Titan. However from next season onward it will be your responsibility.



  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (1) Jerick

Fortify Plains: (1) Jerick

Push Savannah: (1) Jerick
Attack South Crossing from North Peaks: (1) Jerick

Chemicals gives us ARA Model-1913AT "Halberd b"; cheap, Nike (jump pack); cheap, Neptune; very expensive, repentant; cheap. As for my thoughts on fortifying they attacked North peaks last turn and failed horribly I think if they are going to attack again they will attack one of the other lanes and since North crossing has two entrenchment and plains has one I think it best to put it on the plains.


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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (2) Jerick, Frostgiant

Fortify Plains: (1) Jerick
Fortify North peaks (1): Frostgiant

Push Savannah: (2) Jerick, Frostgiant
Attack South Crossing from North Peaks: (1) Jerick
Attack South peaks (1):Frostgiant

I'm not sure we are allowed to attack south crossing from north peaks, I'm pretty sure that we would need to attack from harren.
EDIT: by word of GM (on discord) we cannot attack south crossing from north peaks. Same lane only.
No reason to fortify plains when they need to push us out of Savannah to attack it. Would rather fortify North peaks were they will probably attack again.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2019, 11:48:43 am by frostgiant »


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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (2) Jerick, Frostgiant

Fortify North peaks (2): Frostgiant, Jerick

Push Savannah: (2) Jerick, Frostgiant
Attack South peaks (2):Frostgiant, Jerick
Fair enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (3) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade

Fortify North peaks (3): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade

Push Savannah: (3) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade
Attack South peaks (3):Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade

Not the most sure about our changes, but it's this or only send one assualy, which I figure we can do.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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If we're pushing across the channel at North/South Heights, then we shouldn't need to entrench the North Peaks. I'd rather guarantee that Salvios can't push through from Harren.

Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk

Fortify North peaks (3): Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade
Fortify North Crossing (1): Kashyyk

Push Savannah: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (4):Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Kashyyk


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk

Fortify North peaks (2): , Jerick, Doomblade
Fortify North Crossing (2): Kashyyk,Frostgiant

Push Savannah: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (4):Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Kashyyk

kashyyk has a point, if we are assaulting the south peaks our noden should do just fine for making their lives really hard. better to cap crossing at 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk

Fortify North peaks (1): Doomblade
Fortify North Crossing (3): Kashyyk,Frostgiant, Jerick

Push Savannah: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (4):Frostgiant, Jerick, Doomblade, Kashyyk


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk

Fortify North peaks (0):
Fortify North Crossing (4): Kashyyk,Frostgiant, Jerick. Doomblade

Push Savannah: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (4):Frostgiant, Jerick,  Kashyyk
Attack Savannah, Double Assault (1):Doomblade

We mainly did defensive designs this turn, so we can afford to have weakened defense troops.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (5) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk, TFF

Fortify North peaks (0):
Fortify North Crossing (5): Kashyyk,Frostgiant, Jerick. Doomblade, TFF

Push Savannah: (4) Jerick, Frostgiant, Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (4):Frostgiant, Jerick,  Kashyyk
Attack Savannah, Double Assault (2):Doomblade, TFF


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (5) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk, TFF

Fortify North peaks (0):
Fortify North Crossing (5): Kashyyk,Frostgiant, Jerick. Doomblade, TFF

Push Savannah: (2) Jerick, , Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (2):, Jerick,  Kashyyk
Attack Savannah, Double Assault (3):Doomblade, TFF, Frostgiant


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: votes
Chemicals on Woodlands: (5) Jerick, Frostgiant, Doomblade, Kashyyk, TFF

Fortify North peaks (0):
Fortify North Crossing (5): Kashyyk,Frostgiant, Jerick. Doomblade, TFF

Push Savannah: (2) Jerick, , Kashyyk
Attack South peaks (2):, Jerick,  Kashyyk
Attack Savannah, Double Assault (4):Doomblade, TFF, Frostgiant, Alamoes
I'm joining you guys now.  I'm invested. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Ah excellent a new member to the beeger better team! Welcome! You should join the discord if you haven't already (linked in the first post) as a lot of the conversation happens there, though you don't have to if you don't want to.

Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1916 A.C. Cold Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #748 on: March 06, 2019, 09:42:18 am »

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« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:05:02 am by Man of Paper »

Man of Paper

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Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1916 A.C. Cold Season (Design Phase)
« Reply #749 on: March 06, 2019, 09:42:51 am »

Year 1916 A.C. Hot Season, Combat Phase

Abberan Advancements

This season saw the construction of new facilities within the Woodlands dedicated to the production of Chemical Compounds. We also further dug into the North Crossing, further solidifying our positions in the mountains, raising Entrenchment to Three(3) as we dig in further, expanding fortifications above and below ground.

With the access to additional Chemical Compounds, we can expect the following changes:

The Neptune becomes (VERY EXPENSIVE).
The Nike/Frostgiant becomes (EXPENSIVE).
The Repentant becomes (CHEAP).

Salviosi Successes

Quote from: Design
BSU Exoskeletal Combat Rig
BSU Exoskeletal Combat Rig
Abberan infantry tend to be more survivable than their Salviosi equivalents. That's fine, we can fix this easily. The BSU Exoskeletal Combat Rig is heavily based on the Avalanche and Mountain systems, being a low(er)-profile exoskeleton intended to provide additional mobility and durability to our soldiers. It is, however, much smaller than the Mountain suit as it is not built to allow the soldier to lift extra weight, but instead built to allow them to make longer or higher jumps, scale walls, or do other acrobatic things normally beyond the physical capabilities of an average human. This is all capable thanks to the Myomer system in the suit, powered by a smaller GavEngine than those in use on the Avalanche and Mountain, but more powerful for its size, capable of propelling the soldier inside much faster than a normal human.

The hands have steel climbing spikes (think larger ice-climbing picks) attached to the end of the exoskeleton at the wrists (The hands are not actually covered by anything, to allow for full dexterity and reduce complexity). These can be folded back to get them out of the way of the hands, and lock into place in either position. Steel spikes on the exoskeleton's boots allow for even more grip while climbing. Oh, and a really unpleasant kick.

This suit includes a vest, worn over the exoskeleton, of Caelium Steel plates to allow the user to survive hits from regular bullets to the torso, up to surviving hits from the Modea rifles at medium range (though bullets may still penetrate at much-reduced velocities at closer ranges). To save weight, no other regions of the body are protected and the protection is not really capable of stopping higher caliber weapons.

Since this is an update to the BSU, the basic BSU is not really modified except to move all the pouches and storage space to the outside of the protective vest (when it's worn), and the helmet is replaced with a Caelium Steel one thick enough to stop rifle rounds at point-blank range.

Difficulty: Theoretical
Result: 0 (2+1-3) = Utter Failure

We tried to make every single soldier better, faster, maybe not much stronger. But definitely better, anyways. What wound up happening was intervention from outside influences on the development of the suit affecting it terribly. Notably, multiple special councils were held in regard to the style, size, weight, and padding of the Caelium Steel Helmets. In fact, we had to go back to the drawing board so often that the helmets are all that got done. Better than nothing though, right?

Quote from: Revision
Portable Gatling Guns - GGG-12P/LGG-12P
Portable Gatling Guns:
Frontline reports complain about a lack of gun. We need more gun.
In terms of weight, there is no reason an Avalanche trooper couldn't wield even a GGG-12- and that's before we replace any parts with Caelium Steel (which we will be doing, just to make things even easier). All that needs to be changed is the addition of two handles on top with trigger and fire-rate-adjuster, replace the belt feed with a large-capacity drum magazine, and bam, you got yourself a weapon that costs $400,000 to fire for twelve seconds can be used on the move to mow down anything with less armour than a tank in mere moments. These variants will be named the GGG-12P and LGG-12P. Bipods will still be provided for the 12P variants, allowing for more accurate fire when mobility is not a priority. An Avalanche trooper wielding one should carry at least one spare drum with them.
In fact, particularly burly soldiers not wearing an Avalanche may even be able to wield the LGG-12P... though they would be doing so at their own risk.

Difficulty: Very Easy
Result: 9 (6+1+2) = Above Average

We've taken the years of experience we have with our heavy automatic weapons and applied it to provide more firepower for our troops, namely by providing our Power Armor with access to some of our more potent weaponry. By replacing most components with the lighter Caelium Steel and adding two handles - one on top for holding, the other on the back with the trigger - we were able to grant the GGG-12 and LGG-12 greater portability. Most notably, our work with the GGG-12 and it's GavPowder-load ammunition has led to a reformulation of the chemical recipe that should translate well into our larger munitions in regards to fixing the reliability issue.

The GGG-12P and LGG-12P exchange all but 2 Ore for Caelium, making the GGG-12P cost 2 Ore, 3 Caelium, and 4 Gavrillium while the LGG-12P clocks in at 2 Ore, 2 Caelium, and 2 Gavrillium, keeping both variants (CHEAP), though their use on the move is restricted to Power Armor. Bipods allow the weapon to be set up and utilized by anyone.

Quote from: Revision
Salviosi Jacks and Other Defensive Measures
Salviosi Jacks and other defensive measures:
These simple anti vehicle traps are composed of three 2.1 meter long metal I beams bolted together forming a shape akin to that of a jack. Virtually impervious to explosives, and capable of denying enemy hover transports from unloading troops, preventing them from moving through an area at all by threatening to maul their undersides. These simple devices should prevent the enemy from employing motorized elements in urban environments or anywhere we have had a chance to set them up. Beyond that, the mass produced I beams could be used to shore up field fortifications, and the time we will have left over after making the jacks can be put towards creating another defensive measure, incendiary mines based off of our M2 dispersion mines, to be placed FAAARRR away from our troops and anything we value.

Difficulty: Easy
Result: 11 (6+4+1) = Superior

We made the Salviosi Jacks, which were a huge point of contention among our engineers for whatever reason. They're of fairly solid construction yet cheap and easy to make, being some simple I-beans slapped together, as well as easy deploy thanks to our Mountain Suits. In the scribbles at the bottom of the paperwork the development team was handed was where the true gold wound up coming from.

An upgrade on the discount very basic and often unreliable landmines readily available, the Gavrillium Mine [GM NOTE: CHANGED TO Land-Explosive, Gavrillium Ordnance (LEGO)] uses the qualities of the M2 Grenade to greatly increase effectiveness and lethality. A charge on the top of the mine works to both clear covering soil/debris as well as trigger the Gav-U. The burst of molten material and withering heat is directed upwards thanks to a thick curved bottom plate, while the top is very, very thin metal. The mine can be triggered by pressure, and we also put a lot of effort in developing a magnetic trigger that could activate if an enemy vehicle hovers low enough or drives over it.

These simple pieces of Defensive Equipment are readily deployed in any Controlled Territory with Entrenchment 1 or Greater. The mines may also be used on the offensive by replacing the Avalanche Combat Engineering Kit's explosives with 4 Mines.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:04:37 am by Man of Paper »
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