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Author Topic: Industrialized Warfare: Abbera Thread / 1917 A.C. Cold Season (COMPLETE)  (Read 82367 times)

Man of Paper

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Year 1916 A.C. Cold Season, Design Phase

Proposal: Barragan Attack Corvette
Based off of recent advances from the sky tyrant and the venerable Orleans, the Barragan has been designed as a replacement on the front lines for the Orleans.
The barragan is completely enclosed, instead of possessing the open top deck that the Orleans posses, in addition to replacing the Orleans lift and propulsion system to a down sized version based on the sky tyrant.
This will allow the barragan to strafe sideways with ease, climb dive and generally maneuver rather well for a 45 Meter long ship.
it is also designed to be much faster, due to the strong Promethium power supply, and the Alighted celaium nodes on the ship, it is expected that the barragan will be able to pursue the Charybdis,

The primary change form the Orleans is the implementation of cold steel layer k/c armour, similar to the sky tyrant, clocking in at 250mm thick. This provides protection to the ship from enemy fire hopefully up to the Scylla cannon.

The barragan posses a total of  6 60mm autocannon turrets, which have been modified with the original double-barreled design and a corresponding increase in RPM, so further make the approach of the barragan a rather dangerous thing for any enemy aircraft, let along for those on the ground.

These turrets are places around the ship is 2 “triangles” with 1 being up top and the remaining two being on opposite sides of the bottom. The nature of the barragans hull, being slimmer at the tip and wider at the aft, ensures that all turrets are capable of target a target in front of the barragan, While any attempt to come in from a flank will be met with the fire of 4 60mm guns.
In addition, a further 8 machinegun “blisters” are present, being small armored turrets that allow to machine guns to open fire with tracer rounds at ariel and ground targets, better-marking enemies for the autocannon gunners and ground AA forces.

The inner working of the barragan are heated, to increase the maximum altitude of the ship and make the crew more comfortable.

Difficulty: Theoretical
Result: 2 (3+2-3) = Utter Failure

Some day we will look back at this and laugh. Maybe somewhere right now someone is. But not us. First it was the aircraft that only exploded, then it was the glorified dart. Now we have managed to turn another ambitious project into a nightmare. This time it was discovered that members of our development team were requisitioning Interdimensional Communications time to with some of their Moskurgian counterparts. As a result, the entire division's budget was severely reduced this season. With limited access to resources, we were only able to produce  small number of tiny plastic figurines based on what the Barragan should have looked like.

They were produced in limited amounts and should make a fine collector's item. (VERY EXPENSIVE)


We've voiced our disappointment. Luckily for you we're in good spirits, and a new opportunity has arisen! Our people are interested in dimensionally foreign cultures. Find a song from an alternate reality that you think best fits the Abberan image! Once you do so we'll grant you access to an Espionage Credit. Remember to continue discussing the decision regarding The Sky Tyrant.


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RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus”

The St. Thaddeus is a simple revision to the underwhelming St. Marie. We Believe by replacing it’s 40mm tank cannons with double-mounted 60mm AA turrets ( being electrically driven and having two gunshields, .5 meter along the barrel of each other.) , halving it’s scythe mountings, closing up unnecessary openings, gutting it's turbines for aligned caelium nodes, and replacing it’s venerable gavgenerators with more modern versions.
We can greatly improve it’s effectiveness as an sky ship destroyer and increase it’s top speed to 30/45 km/h. potentially nullifying the only advantage the Salvios have over us. We're also adding a radio to all Orleans variants because we never did that apparently. all orleans variants will be given the upgrades listed previosly. though their speed may vary.
(scouting from LSGs guarded by Charybdises, as well as the charybdises 105mm cannon.)(I've added a bunch of stuff to it, starting to feel the name choice was prophetic.)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 09:50:31 pm by m1895 »


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Welcome to the team! You can join the discord if you wish.

Good revision, btw.

MineGuard Armor

By up-armoring a crusader with a full extra layer of steel and k-wool, with thick k-wool joints, we can make crusaders somewhat mine resistant. To make this useful, we will give the mineguards a small rod with a aligned caelium rod at the tip that can be turned on or off to push blockages and dirt out of the way. The rod is 2m long, and the power cable is heavily wrapped in k-wool.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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ARA-1916MP-FT "Pernach”

Taking the basic Gendarme, the Pernach is an up armored version that can also serve as an mine clearing vehicle. 20 mm of Cold Steel are added on the front and 15 mm on the side for the hull, while 15mm all around for the turret. To facilitate entry into the tank over the cold material, conventional steel handholds are added. To allow mine clearing, a hinged 10 ft metal pole with  a wide metallic hoop linked to the generator that creates a magnetic field to detonate mines.  Finally, an electrically actuated dozer blade can be added to the front instead of the magneto-pole.

After a flurry of ideas that wont work with a revision, this is what I present.

p.s. To save a google, Pernach is a kind of polish mace.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 11:04:33 pm by TheFantasticMrFox »


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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (1): Doomblade
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (2): Doomblade, Jerick


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Hey, fox. Can we give the crew leather or wool gloves to deal with the cold steel? As well as an overcoat?
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (2): Doomblade, Jerick
RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus” (1): m1895
(while the Penarch is great our ground forces fair better than their's when they're not getting ruined by CAS, so I have to pick the only vehicle with a ghost of a chance of doing anything to hamper they're airforce. If someone wants to make a better design with similar capabilities please do.)


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I might go for it if it used double turrets, with armor and electric motors. And enclosed the top, and converted the propulsion to aligned caelium.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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I might go for it if it used double turrets, with armor and electric motors. And enclosed the top, and converted the propulsion to aligned caelium.


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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (1): Jerick
RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus” (2): m1895, Doomblade

Now, I do love the tank still. Open to argument here.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (1): Jerick
RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus” (3): m1895, Doomblade, Happerry
So let's see if this airship will work.
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Apparently the only flying things we can make are boats.

Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (1): Jerick
RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus” (4): m1895, Doomblade, Happerry,


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Voting!
ARA-1914MP-FT "Pernach” (2): Jerick, Doomblade
RSN 1916-COR/ASS “St. Thaddeus” (3): m1895, Happerry,

I've been thinking, and I'm fairly sure the tank will save more soldier lives than the St. Thaddeus. In addition, if we start countering their air force, we have less of a case to keep the sky tyrant.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Handing off the Sky Tyrant on occasion seems reasonable to me. It should ensure some good will from our allies.
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