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Author Topic: MOOK: Such sights to see  (Read 508934 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: All I want for Christmas...
« Reply #210 on: February 04, 2019, 11:23:33 am »

Spoiler: HAZMAT Harry, HMRC (click to show/hide)

Um, if the switch still needs to be pulled...pull it, I guess? If not, head back to the other room since I clearly no longer know what's going on IC or out.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #211 on: February 04, 2019, 12:58:57 pm »

All better, Qualt says as they pat Roald on the forehead and stuff another lollipop in his mouth. Be good and heal well. Or else.

Standing up and looking down the opening in the ceiling after hearing bullets and hearing someone speak, Qualt sees the rainbow ape. Nope, they think to themselves.

Sit down and wait for the next inevitable near-death. Think about whether or not I know Japanese.

Spoiler: Qualt (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 04:41:34 pm by Gentlefish »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #212 on: February 04, 2019, 02:26:08 pm »

Post coming today.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #213 on: February 04, 2019, 04:06:52 pm »

Head back to the other room.

Spoiler: Patrick Edmundson (click to show/hide)
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: All I want for Christmas...
« Reply #214 on: February 04, 2019, 06:44:32 pm »

Nothing to do but dream, I guess.

I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MOOK: Days without an accident: 0
« Reply #215 on: February 04, 2019, 10:42:20 pm »

Spoiler: Redshirt (click to show/hide)
He had seen enough anime to know that the primate had done something straight out of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Not good, at all. But he was used to death, and saw an oppuntunity to profit! He set down his gun, then walked up to the orangutan and kindly asked for the bullets back. He would reload a clip with those undamaged bullets in a bit of time.
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #216 on: February 04, 2019, 11:40:19 pm »

"I cannot abide cheating. Speaking of-"

Initiate the teleporter send sequence. See if I can trap the data in a loop to store it for later. If that's not possible, then try to Target something that won't be missed. Like the Sun.

If this teleporter can't send, initiate the teleporter receive sequence and feed it random high frequency and high energy noise. Either it kills the ape which means I did a good job or it makes things go horribly wrong which means I win the bet!

If the ape has already left the tube or that doesn't stop it then think about what could and yell that information to the others. Maybe I could design a device that suppresses the ape's powers? Maybe I could do whatever happened to the ape to one of them?

Pathos quickly opens up his connection to the teleporter (which is thankfully not on the same network as these work computers)  and sets the teleporter to send. Along with it he creates a message for the Venus base, which he sends immediately before initiating the teleportation sequence. The message reads

Code: [Select]
He sets the energy threshold to maximum, whatever that is, and then initiates the sequence.

Walk out from behind the corner, see the rainbow ape.

Then start clapping my hands and acting obviously elated, with non-agressive body language.  Hopefully I can keep the orangutan entertained while someone else gets some food ready.

Spoiler: Spuds (click to show/hide)
Spuds steps into the doorway of the teleporter room, claps twice, makes a goose noise, bows, and then walks back behind the corner.

Follow spuds. Be ready to clean the monkey.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Aigre lingers for a moment after Spuds has finished, looking around the teleporter room and the hall as though there would be some clue as to what the hell Spuds meant by that. Sadly there is not so he just shrugs and follows spuds back behind the corner.

”Somebody want to get this guy a banana!”
Lower my rifle and assume a non-aggressive stance.
“...I’m serious, we should try to be diplomatic here.”
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Lance lowers his rifle and raises his other hand in a placating gesture.

Hug the rifle, curl up in a ball behind cover, and hope to not die.

Spoiler: Sheet (click to show/hide)
Rezel looks at the anime ape with a rather blank expression.

"Yeah. Sure. I guess that makes sense." He says after a moment.  He carefully lays down on the ground, grasps the rifle tightly against his chest, curls into a ball behind the crate, and immediately starts crying.

"Thanks for killing that compute for me, Pathos. I think it was cheating at pinball. Hey, did you remember to delete this guy's porn folder first?

Oh, that sounds like gunfire. I guess they got started in the teleporter room again. Pull up the feed on your datapad, would ya?"

Rifle through the dead guy's desk for goodies, which Jon will share with Pathos. Watch the teleporter shenanigans on Pathos' datapad for now.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
Jon opens the drawers of the desk, dumping anything uninteresting into the incinerator. In the bottom draw, behind some paperwork that says "IMPORTANT. DO NOT INCINERATE" (which jon sucks out of the desk with the vacuum nozzle of the incinerator) is a box of OMNITECH brand Chocolate snack bars. They're a bit old, with a big "ENJOYABLE WINTER SEASON" plastered across it in festive, non-committal snowy text, but still seem in date.  The box is mostly full too, maybe 12 bars left.

Keep my rifle pointed at the monkey just in case it turns out to be hostile.
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
Benny points a the monkey from behind some nice bullet proof Acrylic viewing "glass". If it does anything he's determined to...well....mildly startle it as he bounces a few rounds back at himself off the glass.

Spoiler: medic n°2 (click to show/hide)

See if there is anything else I can do to treat Ronald open a medical kit for this.

Also tell Eddrick that someone just died up here.

Steve looks at Ronald. Er. Roald. Yeah, thats it. Roald looks to be about as stabilized as possible, all things considered. Without more advanced tools and maybe some prosthetics there's not a lot that can be done.

"Oi! Fresh corpse up here, whatever your name was.", steve shouts at the guy who just went back down the ladder.

Edd stashes away his contract notebook when he hears Steve yelling about a dead man.

"Hey dude, thanks for the heads up. Good luck with mister crispy over there, by the way."

Swoop in to nick reclaim Jion's items as per company policy. Then feed his corpse to my incinerator. Also use the automop to clean up the blood and other assorted giblets.

Spoiler: Eddrick, Sanitation (click to show/hide)

Eddrick runs back up the ladder and immediately starts trying to steal....scavenge....recycle Jion's goods. However, Jion's rather violent death has also crushed all his items into little pieces which renders them uninteresting and no fun. With a sigh Eddrick vacuums up the big bits and then mops up whats left.

Good enough, get some rest.

Clem looks around and then shrugs. It climbs under the table in the breakroom and curls up to sleep.


If I can act this turn, then return to the plan we used with the dog: offer it some food, but try not to let it touch me directly. Also be horrified by the OSHA standards around here.

Spoiler: Yagyu d'Aubigny (click to show/hide)
Yagyu, who is a lot like a sound you'd make after being hit in the genitals, walks over to the dog box and finds that it is sort of lethargically lapping up nutrient paste. It seems tired.

"Could someone unimportant get that ape contained already?"

Wait for someone to get inevitably injured within the next few minutes, then apply medicine to them.
Spoiler: Heather Reid (click to show/hide)

Heather yawns and leans against a wall, waiting for injury to occur.

So I was clinging to the teleporter tube. Then the ape was teleported and the tube retracted. Then the someone shot the ape, the ape discovered it's Stand and started posing and caught all the bullets.

So where the hell am I??? Did I flee the tube and join the crowd of idiots when the alarms went off? Am I somehow still clinging to the tube under the floor or above the ceiling? Am I hugging the posing ape? Am I lying on the floor bleeding from several new superfluous bullet wounds? AAAAAAAHHH!

Find out what the heck just happened.

When the tube slid up, Edward slid up as well, right up until he hit the ceiling. From there, with a shrill squeal, he fell back down and is now laying splayed out next to the ape.

Jane-Anne continues to stare at the dog in mildly-contained terror. Nursing school had not prepared her for this.

Continue assisting in the pacification of the dog.

Spoiler: Jane-Anne Warren (click to show/hide)
Jane-anne joins Yagyu in watching the dog eat.

Spoiler: HAZMAT Harry, HMRC (click to show/hide)

Um, if the switch still needs to be pulled...pull it, I guess? If not, head back to the other room since I clearly no longer know what's going on IC or out.
Harry looks around. The switches are back in place; must have been reset when the teleporter cycled again. He shrugs and heads back down into the observation room. There he sees Benny, who is pointing his rifle at the window, which looks out at the teleporter. There's an ape in the teleporter, doing a pose. Huh.

All better, Qualt says as they pat Roald on the forehead and stuff another lollipop in his mouth. Be good and heal well. Or else.

Standing up and looking down the opening in the ceiling after hearing bullets and hearing someone speak, Qualt sees the rainbow ape. Nope, they think to themselves.

Sit down and wait for the next inevitable near-death. Think about whether or not I know Japanese.

Spoiler: Qualt (click to show/hide)
Qualt realizes that the ape said something that roughly translates as "Good Grief".

Head back to the other room.

Spoiler: Patrick Edmundson (click to show/hide)
Patrick apparently lives in an interesting delusion where there are only two rooms that exist; the one he is in and the one he is not in. He ends up back in the teleporter room when he goes to this "Other" room. Who knows where he'll end up next!

Nothing to do but dream, I guess.

Roald dreams of writing children's books. Maybe something about a psychic child? Hmm.

Spoiler: Redshirt (click to show/hide)
He had seen enough anime to know that the primate had done something straight out of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Not good, at all. But he was used to death, and saw an oppuntunity to profit! He set down his gun, then walked up to the orangutan and kindly asked for the bullets back. He would reload a clip with those undamaged bullets in a bit of time.

Redshirt is about to walk in and ask the anime ape for the bullets back before he suddenly remembers that bullets don't work like that.

"AH yes, bullets are a combination of a casing filled with a propellant and a bullet, which is the payload. The propellant is ignited, ejecting the bullet from the gun. So I cannot reuse bullets without also replacing the casing. Thanks brain!"


The tube closes rapidly before the ape steps out and with another screaming buzz and flash of light the ape vanishes. After a few moments of silence, Stiles gets up off the ground and looks around.

"Uh." He says, straightening his coat, "I think we'll call it quits here today. You all can...Return to your room, I guess?" He looks around a few more times "OH! The dog. Did anyone close the switch upstairs?"

Harry, speaking through the intercom between the observation room and the teleporter room, confirms that the switch is now closed.

"Ah then...the dog should just be a normal dog if the conduit was broken. Leave it there, I'll handle it."  He smooths his hair down a bit, "Thank you for the assistance. I'll inform the supervisors of your excellent work."


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #217 on: February 05, 2019, 12:29:36 am »

"There. Problem solved."
One might consider sending the ape back to the other lab reckless. However Pathos was certain that the Venus lab had a team just as capable of handling the problem as his own. In other words, it was looking like he's going to win this bet without facing any danger. After all, things going horribly wrong in Venus still counts, right?
"Oh! More snacks! You are too kind." he added as he noticed the snacks Jon had found.
Yes, this was turning out great.

Remind Stiles to shut down the teleporter when we leave, just in case the Venus team is exactly as competent as ours. After all, it would be unsafe to leave it on without us here.

Then back to the barracks to enjoy a well-earned rest.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: MOOK: All I want for Christmas...
« Reply #218 on: February 05, 2019, 02:54:59 am »

"Snacks make the world go round. Good job there. too bad though. That monkey looked like he would have made an excellent Sanitation Engineer. I bet he cold spot a secret stash of snacks a mile away. Well, I'll catch up to you in a bit. Gotta mop up the bllood. Wouldn't want to get tzetzes, or mold."

toss a fistful of the chocolate bars to Pathos, pocket the rest, and go mop and squeegee the teleporter room, the break room, and this room, Make those laser holes sparkle! then clock out, completely ignoring the hole in the ceiling from the second of the lazerdog belches, the observation room, and the ceiling panel.

found snacks, twice.
won a bet.
fed barfdog.
lost at computer pinball.
prevented an employee from misusing sanitation equipment.
incinerated rubbish.
incinerated a barfdog victim.
made a mean cup of coffee - in the incinerator.
Did not antagonize the Animonkey.

did not properly misuse mop.
did not recruit animonkey into sanitation.
did not stuff any teammates into incinerators.
did not stack crates or barrels.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #219 on: February 05, 2019, 03:02:12 am »

Head back to the barracks. Nothing more to do here, I suppose.

Spoiler: Patrick Edmundson (click to show/hide)
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #220 on: February 05, 2019, 04:54:48 am »

Have sweet Occult dreams.



  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #221 on: February 05, 2019, 07:40:38 am »

Spoiler: medic n°2 (click to show/hide)

Drag Roald to wherever the hospital/med bay/place of healing of this facility is.

Then go to my room/barracks

GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #222 on: February 05, 2019, 07:56:20 am »

Return to the barracks, and get some sleep.
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

The Lupanian

  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #223 on: February 05, 2019, 09:05:52 am »

”Man, it was just getting interesting.”
Make my way back to barracks.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #224 on: February 05, 2019, 10:08:22 am »

Toddle over to the barracks, get some rest.
Spoiler: Jane-Anne Warren (click to show/hide)
Ain't nobody got time for that.
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