Making a world now. Maxed out civilization numbers, site numbers and put it to the 550 year mark. Gonna see if my current laptop can handle that (it's pretty bad) just to see what this new update can do. Very hyped!
I kind of did that... after (as usual) running into the worldgen failure 86ing issue (more like 89ing), I paused the worldgen at year 316.
My. God.
I assume Alliances were meant to be a counter to the influx of new goblin civs? Perhaps balance is a little out (very rng based though, I haven't seen any total goblin takeover worlds yet - making medium regions of 200-300 years mainly).
Or perhaps it's because anyone seems to be able to breach the HFS (my human civ did, I assume they just need a fortress site to manage it). Which potentially means goblins are breaching the HFS themselves from the sites they take over in the initial invasion. Might be a bit much?
Oh, how do we get at the religion and criminal network maps? That's a thing now, isn't it?
It seems like a lot of dwarven fortresses "too deep" themselves and ended up being contested between Humans, Elves, Goblins, and necromancers in the aftermath. And I didn't go max sites. Literally, even. Actually, this is killing dwarven civilisations*.
*Based on anecdotal evidence, i.e. the one gen I did on a medium world...
Hmm... are gorlacks founding monasteries intended? Just asked some monk about a monstery we was in, and he told me that it was founded by gorlack. With mountains trying to make music...
Not sure about whether this is *intended*... but is a logical consequence of gorlacks being [INTELLIGENT]. Also Gorlaks apparently are liked by dwarves for their "helpful".
Also I think the error about mountains making music is a case of [ENTITY:MOUNTAIN] (i.e. dwarves) making a musical style.
Questions I have for now are:1) Can I directly import a save from 44.12 to this version?
2) Anybody been having save file corruption issues? No issues on my end (yet), but this is the one thing where fixing it results in save game incompatibility...