Still staying neutral, but Trek universe (overall) has
all three means available to it. Where designed in (e.g. Voyager). Even TOS only lacked the Enterprise itself landing (for the OOC reasons that magiced up the Transporter Tech in the first place).
So the question goes something like:
a) Which (possibly multiple) of the methods are available?
b) If there's a choice, what's best here?
Assuming "all three" to the first (and "all four" when we find a planet with an Space-Elevator/blackjack/hookers
) then:
1) Main ship over Dropship: Don't split the party (quite as much!); or accidentally leave behind items/supplies; heavy support possibility; no easy 'stranding' from losing the ride back home (or absolute, if you do), etc, etc.
2) Dropship over main ship: Versatility (inc. multiple approaches on the same place); plot-driving scarcity; more subtle/less showy; dedicated atmosphere-capability where that's needed (vs dedicated interplanetary+ 'star drive'); if needed, a big kinetic last-ditch-effort missile!, etc etc
3) Teleporter vs either: Push-button operation (Engineer, not Pilot?); Instant 'flawless' (dep. on copious plot factors) arrival; Infiltration/kidnapping/escape possibilities (where not protected from, obviously); Emergency retreat from bad situation (not already mentioned), etc, etc
4) Physical vs Transmat: Rocket (or equiv.) power, not reality-busting physics with who-knows-what power demand; No chance of insta-landing in water/lava/solid rock without trivial safeguards; Range limitations traded for time limitations; etc
It's a mixed bag, which I could add to so easily (I stopped each bit before starting the next, rather than editing in until exhaustion or always trying to balance) and includes things that negate/modify the (dis|ad)vantages of the others. Go down in your dropship but forgot the mining laser powerpack? Teleport it to them! Energy distortions prevent safe dematerialisation? Dropship/mainship to the rescue! Main ship damaged on landing? Cram into the 'lifeboat' dropship with all the supplies/survivors you can muster and chug chug slowly to the nearest inhabited place/passing potential rescuers!
Hoping I'm not treading on plot-toes here (though as the question is still open, I take it we aren't already tied to those exact scenarios happening, or other plot-driven needs).
If the question is Teleportaion Or No Teleportation then just imagine the IC universe hasn't got teleportation... it must have somehow managed quite well without it; If it has... it will have worked out how to mitigate it where that's problematic to everyone ("Oi! Where's my engine/crew/weapon/legs?") Some form of docking (and sealing atmosphere, whether flexi-tube over a hatch, mating docking adapters, little vessel entirely fitting into sealable big-vessel bays, force-field 'air bulkhead's, etc) will still be used.