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Author Topic: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid -Epilogue- [Playtest Over] [4/4]  (Read 11634 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #135 on: October 13, 2022, 12:16:21 am »

[8:20 PM]Nakéen: My favorite Helena secret is High Security B. But no one has bought it yet :blobcry:

Okay fine, I'll buy that one please. :p


-2 InfoCredits

((I got a bit carried away oops. Also although it is now said in this secret, it is a surprise to no one that Helena is the one who submitted Helene's application to the Matchmaker program. I will spare you the purchase, though you will still need to purchase the Secret to use it.))

((Next update will drop in 4 hours probably.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #136 on: October 13, 2022, 12:38:27 pm »

Update 16

Beep Boop and Helene the Broken Destitute (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity)

"My lady, my appointed time with you will soon come to an end. I would like to ask for a favor. Would you free Al and Eri for me?"

Beep Boop nodded. A job complete with efficiency. Lady Helene held great strength within, which she herself had unleashed, with just a little help. The System is truly great.

Next perhaps Beep Boop would take a vacation from this stressful command, a host more standard and sane. But they would always be grateful for the flame Helene had showed them.

A - Abigail needs you, and you need her. [No difficulty]
B - Find a way to disable the Preset suppression of Al and Eri [No difficulty thanks to her many allies]

On your sudden announcement, Helene stopped everything she was doing. An unseen before expression had appeared on her visage, the sadness of expected farewells.
"I knew this time would come. I do wish we had more time together, but you helped me more than I could ever have imagined the first time we met. Truly, I will never forget our time spent together, sir Beep Boop. You will forever have my gratitude for the silent and diligent support you gave me."

She smiled at you and you recollected your first meeting. Gone was the frail smile of this noble lady, replaced by a smile that could make angels fall into depravity. A dark flame burned in her eyes, with an intensity that could eclipse the sun.

"I promise you Al and Eri will soon be freed. And if you ever need to, call me. I will do the same for you if you ask me."

Indeed. If you had been of flesh, you would have gladly taken her hand and let her drag you into the pits of hell. Your worries about her were no longer.


After your departure, Helene heeded your advice and turned to Abigail as a pillar of support. Although the relationship between them was twisted, it was surely love. Hopefully. They depended on each others, and Helene would not have let Abigail go on the slight chance she for some reason had wished to. Why would she, after all? Helene was kind and caring, an angel in this dark work. She couldn't imagine living without her now.

If that wasn't love, then what was it?


Congratulations! Helene has successfully been Paired with Abigail.

(Now sure some people may call this relationship an unhealthy one, and Helene may be a bit yandere/possessive. But well, what do they even know about love, huh?)

Main Mission "Pairing Helene" completed!
As you failed to fulfill the tertiary objective, 1 Low Warning has been issued.
Main-objective rewards: 4 InfoCredits or Removal of 1 Low Warning

Quote from: Congratulations!

Congratulations Matchmaker Beep Boop. You have successfully achieved a pairing for Helene Teanossa, and although your Host's mental condition has not improved much, her overall condition has clearly progressed for the better. As for whether or not your actions were right, it is not for us to judge. We function beyond morality in accordance to the rules of the System, so that proper matchmaking may be achieved.

And beyond that point, it is no longer the role of CUPID or the Matchmakers to interfere with humans.

You may now select a new Host to guide, or relax in the meantime.

Spoiler: Beep Boop (OTP Cabal) (click to show/hide)

Soulbinder and Helena the Clone Heiress (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity)

”I believe that it may be in your best interest to challenge your parents beliefs on what is a acceptable suitor through discussion, as stressful as it may be. Worst case, if you do not feel confident enough, I would be happy to provide a override and handle talking to them for you.”
Option C, with offer to Helena to override as help with the issue of confidence/unwillingness.
Purchase Very-Highsec secrets A and C.

[Override] C - Go meet her parents and attempt to justify her actions [0: 0 (Unwillingness Overriden) + 0 (Low Confidence Overriden) + 0 (Trauma Overriden) - 4 (Intellect) - 2 (Acting)]
Override Effects: +2 Stress, -2 Trust
+1 Trust, +1 Confidence
+1 Stress

The very thought of defying her 'parents' caused Helena to become pale from the conditioning she had been subjected all her life. She had heard of the Override System, a highly regulated will suppression process that could be used by a select few number of AIs which the Matchmakers were part of. This dreadful power could force one to act entirely against their will, and Helena was reluctant to resort to it.

"I will not surrender my will to you."

Despite her reluctance, you analyzed the CUPID suggestions, and determined it was necessary for her own good to resort to an Override for this situation. A message appeared in your field of vision, warning you of the dangers of the Override System. A prompt asked you to confirm twice the use of the Override System. You confirmed it twice, activating the process.

All of Helena's fears, her doubts, and her will seemed to vanish in an instant, as if washed away by the sea. Next the Suggestion of the System took a hold in her mind, as if she was consciously hypnotized and controlled, and she acted as the System dictated.


Helena was summoned to a grand office used by the current head of the Teanossa: her 'father', Arthur Teanossa. A man of unparalleled looks with the same golden hair and eyes as Helene, next to which stood a dazzling woman of such beauty she seemed to have come straight out of a painting. The three of them shared the same blood and looked out of this world. Helena could feel absolutely nothing as the two individuals she hated the most in the world stood before her. Her 'father' called to her with a furious voice that would usually have caused her to immediately look downward in terror.

His voice was cold and authoritative, enough that a normal person would be trembling in terror right now.
"Helena Teanossa. Why did you oppose our decision in the choice of yours suitors? What more, you had the never to select truly ill-suited commoners to court. Explain yourself."
"Please Helena, our dear daughter. You are acting unreasonable, you are worrying your poor parents."

These fake words which usually made her want to vomit didn't even evoke anything in her. With a courteous bow, the overriden Helena calmly replied.
"Father, Mother. It was not my intent to oppose your wise decision, and I apologize if I caused some form of misunderstanding. The suitors I selected were carefully chosen according to the Eugenia Corporation's best recommendations, I had only the purity of our lineage in mind, and I believed it would be judicious to reinforce our position with the Eugenia Corporation. Hopefully you will forgive my misstep if I wronged you."

"After all, I was under the impression the Teanossa Group and the Eugenia Corporation still weren't in good terms since the issue with the defective Helene."

The stoic expression of the head of the house didn't even move an inch, and his tone remained frigid.
"Indeed it is as you say. But how will you handle the fallout from our offended allies whom sons you refused to meet?"

"Father, it remains in the best interest of the Group to increase our standing with the Corporation before thinking of political alliances. Furthermore I find presumptous of these so called allies to feel offended, they should instead be grateful to even have been considered by our family. Rather, wouldn't you agree that they showed their true colours?" Replied Helena in a way that surprised her 'mother'.

"Oh Helena, you truly are a daughter of the Teanossa. I definitely agree with you, these worms should know there place. Don't you my sweet Arthur?"

"That would not be incorrect. In light of this, I am willing to overlook your previous action, my dear daughter. Know that we only wish the best for you and the family, excuse me if I sounded harsh. Just make sure you choose a suitable partner in regard to our family."

Nothing reaching her heart, Helena executed one last bow and smiled in a soft and masterfully fake way.
"Of course dear father, and dear mother. I too wish only the best for our family."


When Helena returned to her room, the Override system concluded and an intense feeling of nausea overtook her. Her brain started ringing extremely painfully, and her body was now drenched in sweat as if she had just run a marathon. All her suppressed feelings came rushing at once, and she managed to hold a scream by gritting her teeth. Her muscles were trembling, and her mind was screaming as if to protest having been suppressed a few minutes earlier. Gasping for air, she looked at you with a furious gaze.

"What you did to me allowed me to oppose my parents and for that I am grateful. Please leave now."

She stumbled, barely catching herself on the wall which made a loud sound. Wilfrid arrived with an alarmed look on his face, and his expression seemed to decompose when he saw the state of his mistress.

"Lady Helena! Are you okay?!"

"I apologize for my sorry state Wilfrid. I need some rest, please make sure no one disturbs me."

The attendant silently nodded and quickly prepared her a bath as well as medicine for her nausea. He then ordered, or rather threatened all the servants not to disturb the lady under any circumstances.

After her bath, Helena lied down in her bed. She seemed feverish. Turning toward you, she weakly apologized.
"I apologize if I may have seemed harsh earlier. You merely did your job, and I do not hold it against you."

Shortly after Wilfrid returned with some tea and medicine, which Helena took before lying down again.
"You have a fever lady Helena. You should rest for the day, your body must be exhausted from all the recent work. I shall take my leave to let you rest, please call me if you need anything."

Helena seemed to be about to say "Wait".


A - Rest for the day [Default Option]
Outcome: --Stress

B - Have Wilfrid stay [No Difficulty]
Outcome: +Opinion with Wilfrid

C - Have Wilfrid leave [No Difficulty]
Outcome: No immediate outcome.

D - Call Simon and Lise over [No Difficulty]
Outcome: +Opinion with Simon and Lise

T1000 and Archie the Lazy Genius (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity)

"This seems like a perfect opportunity to accumulate more social experience without undue strain, since you will be able to rely on the newly introduced parties to further the conversation if you feel it necessary to take a backseat. I would still recommend you make an effort to engage conversationally rather than fade into the background immediately, but I expect it will be helpful to know that you can relax as needed."

D - Invite his brother and Meg to go with him and his friends. [2: 5 (Unwillingness) - 3 (High Trust)]
Roll: 3 (Success!)

Archie called his brother, surprising him with an invitation outside with his friends. Denis couldn't believe his brother had friends to hang out with, the one and only Archie who found it exhausting to interact with people. Suffice to say, his brother accepted the invitation, curious to meet Archie's friends.


Prior to going to the agreed meeting place, Archie his brother and his brother's fiancee at a nearby station. Denis was taller than archie and his dark hair were a lighter shade and much longer, tied in a ponytail. The two brothers were equally handsome, and Meg was dwarfed by the two tall men, being a short woman with a round face and curly chestnut hair.

Then the three of them joined up with the group made up of Rimm, Meri, Leon, Praline, and one more man he didn't recognize. He was Meri's brother Sean, and the two indeed looked pretty similar. Archie couldn't help but not that there circle was made up of above average individuals in terms of look, even for the City where people were known to have good looks, their group stood out a bit. Well that thought disappeared from his mind as soon as it came.

The outing was much less personal than the previous ones, most likely due to the increased amount of participants. It was fun still, and he somehow managed to discuss with everyone while they walked and ate at a restaurant near the center of the City. But still, it was considerably more exhausting than before, more than 5 people was probably his reasonable limit until lazy mode started trying to kick in.

Well, it was fun at least.


The morning passed and lunch time came around. It seems the plan for the rest of the day was to go to the beach.

[Relationships Updated]
+Opinion with everyone involved

Archie does not have enough energy to handle everyone, who did he speak most with during the outing?
A - Talk with Rimm

B - Talk with Leon

C - Talk with his brother

D - Talk with someone else

Spoiler: Archie the Lazy Genius (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: T1000 (ORHA) (click to show/hide)

AXIUS and Janus the Monster Secretary (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity)

I see no need to intervene at this particular moment.

A - Go to meet David [Default Option]

"Change of plans. I have to meet my father as soon as possible."

"Understood." Replied the attendant with a nod.

Without missing a beat, Janus dropped all of his plans as soon as he received the message. If Shino hadn't already prepared something, he would have gone right away without eating anything. He grabbed a pastry and heeded hurriedly to a car with Shino trailing behind.


Janus arrived before the door of his father's office, on which there was a simple white plate with "CEO - David Arwell" written on it. The assistant director, a wise man with a grizzled look, was waiting here with a somber look. He extended his hand for a handshake, which Archie took without stopping. Shino silently bowed in the background while the two men spoke with hurry.

"James. How is father?"

"Terrible. Something happened with Abigail, and he won't tell us what. Go."

Janus opened the door, entering alone. Inside was a modest office, with his father sunken on his desk as if he was praying. David lifted his head, revealing sunken eyes and an expression Janus could remember having seen maybe once - when they first met. His father looked grim and devastated. Taking a seat in front of him, Janus asked straight away.

"Dad. I heard something happened with Abigail. Tell me what happened."

David took his son's hand. Janus could feel him trembling.

"Abigail quit. I made a massive mistake."

Impossible thought Janus. Abigail was the last person he could imagine doing that, she was extremely loyal to his father due to some past debt, and they were like family. Unable to discern more without information, Janus put his other hand on his father's, looking at him patiently. David looked up to his son, with visible distress.

"I... I don't know what I should have done. She found out about something I didn't want her, or you to know. My biggest regret, my biggest sin. But... I had it coming. I knew eventually my past would catch up to me, but... could I have done something differently?"

Everyone had secrets they didn't want the others to know. And the more powerful you became, the easier it was to be involved in unsavory matters. His father was clearly lost and unable to think correctly, and Janus was torn on how to proceed. He could ask directly about what Abigail learn, but if his father had kept it a secret there must have been a reason. He never distrusted his father before. Or he could try to offer him comforting words, and maybe try to directly contact Abigail about the matter. At the very least, there was one thing he had to say.

"Dad. No matter your sins, your regrets, I will never leave you. You are my one and only family, and that is the truth."

His father's grip became stronger, as if to reassure himself his son was indeed in front of him. Scarce, warm tears flowed down the corner of his eyes.

"I don't deserve your love Janus."

"I don't care. You are my father all the same."


[Very High Security Secret about David A.]
Reveal to Janus the secret of his father. Can be used to:
- Inspire doubt in Janus and greatly decrease his trust in you (--Trust, the meeting is unlikely to go well)
- Help him properly face and reassure his father (+Trust, the meeting will go ideally)

A - Comfort him and go seek Abigail [Default Option]
Outcome: None immediate

B - Inquire about the secret [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Will greatly disturb Janus, but not affect his opinion of his father.

C - Confide with Shino [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Increased opinion with Shino

D - Confide with someone else [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Increased opinion with Shino

E - Offer him to take a break from work. He will take over for now. [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Next opportunities will be more likely to increase stress

« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 05:04:55 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #137 on: October 13, 2022, 12:46:24 pm »

((Thanks a lot everyone for playing. It's still technically an excuse playtest, and I'm getting a better idea of what I want with the game and mechanics.

I will probably fine tune Override, Difficulty, and the influence of stats. Ideally it would be easy for players to make a rough guess of what would be the difficulty of a suggestion not written by the GM.

Also a little tidbit about the time it takes for each update. For each player, it takes between 30min and 1h30 to write their update depending on the contents and my inspiration. This update took around 2h total, and 30mins per player sounds like an ideal time to allocate for me. And that's it about my ravings!))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #138 on: October 13, 2022, 01:12:51 pm »

Go to the beach and reflect on what a good job I've done here.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #139 on: October 13, 2022, 01:50:43 pm »

“Miss helena, after assessing your mental state at my proposal, I determined that I had to act in order to preserve both your status in the matchmaker program and your ability to pursue the suitors that you had the highest chance of healing with. I sincerely apologize for overstepping my bounds, and you have every right to be angry at me.

during that confrontation I determined multiple alarming facts about your relationship with your parental figures, and upon doing some investigation I must insist that we avoid direct interaction with them whenever possible up to and including usage of the override system. The psychological damage they inflicted will not heal otherwise.”

Discussion, with Wilfrid in attendance if helena allows.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #140 on: October 14, 2022, 03:31:49 am »

Go to the beach and reflect on what a good job I've done here.

Your job is done, and what a good one!

Now free of your duties, you were returned to the special space dedicated to incorporeal AIs such as you, a digital copy of the City inside of which unassigned AIs of all types went about their lives. To celebrate and relax, you took a spot on the vast, unbusy beach of this alternate world, where another sun warmed up your virtual body.

Spoiler: Beep Boop (OTP Cabal) (click to show/hide)

Soulbinder and Helena the Clone Heiress (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity)

“Miss helena, after assessing your mental state at my proposal, I determined that I had to act in order to preserve both your status in the matchmaker program and your ability to pursue the suitors that you had the highest chance of healing with. I sincerely apologize for overstepping my bounds, and you have every right to be angry at me.

during that confrontation I determined multiple alarming facts about your relationship with your parental figures, and upon doing some investigation I must insist that we avoid direct interaction with them whenever possible up to and including usage of the override system. The psychological damage they inflicted will not heal otherwise.”

Discussion, with Wilfrid in attendance if helena allows.

Helena looked at Wilfrid with an expression only them could understand. He nodded, and took a seat while retaining an attendant's posture.

Holographic particles coalesced and you appeared next to Helena, speaking to her with a voice only she could hear. With a tired voice which didn't have an ounce of blame, she replied to you while looking at the blue skies.
"Indeed it is as you say, I by all right should be angry at you. However your intervention came about due to my own failings. I have but myself and my weaknesses to blame." And with a slightly appreciative whisper, she added. "No matter, I wouldn't have been able to oppose my parents without your actions. For that I, at the very least, am grateful."

She looked at passing clouds silently for a long moment.
"Although I still do resent you, I have already forgiven you. My stance hasn't changed. My ear remains open, and I will listen and weigh your suggestions. And regarding my 'parents'... I have full awareness of my inability to face them, and it is not my intent to interact with them. On that matter we share the same viewpoint." When the word 'parents' came of her mouth, it was with much disdain and disgust.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #141 on: October 14, 2022, 03:46:38 am »

”I do not believe the issue is a matter of capability, ma’am. Rather, they are attempting to do something similar in nature to the override system themselves, and unlike me they have the constant capability to do so. I am uncertain if my decisionmaking processes were influenced during the override and I have no desire to study the effects.I would ask that you and Wilfrid try to plan with this information in mind.”
Option B
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #142 on: October 14, 2022, 08:09:21 am »

Message request: Recipient "David A."
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #143 on: October 14, 2022, 10:01:32 am »

Message request: Recipient "David A."

[Your message request has been approved]

Sending this message will lock in Suggestion B.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #144 on: October 14, 2022, 11:45:49 am »

Name: Heum N.
Physical Description: A lanky, bald woman, with grey skin and solid black eyes.
Personality: Curious and inquisitive, sometimes amazed by things which are common knowledge. Has an interest in biology.

Character Condition
Trust -1
Confidence 1
Stress 2
Sanity 0

Character Attributes
Athletics 1
Intellect 4
Charisma 2
Willpower 2

Character Traits
Inured Against Stress
Resistant To Insanity

Character Skills
Anthropology 3
Xenobiology 3
Speech -2
Survival 2
Energy Weapons 1
Communications 2

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #145 on: October 14, 2022, 01:33:57 pm »

First, ask your brother what he thinks of your friends so far and try to glean whether he has any ideas about their compatibility. Family usually know these things better than you do yourself. Then ask me again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #146 on: October 14, 2022, 01:35:33 pm »

Confirm: Will send approved message.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #147 on: October 14, 2022, 01:48:00 pm »

Rimm! I choose you!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #148 on: October 15, 2022, 10:55:35 pm »

Update 17

Soulbinder and Helena the Clone Heiress (Day 3: 3rd Opportunity)

”I do not believe the issue is a matter of capability, ma’am. Rather, they are attempting to do something similar in nature to the override system themselves, and unlike me they have the constant capability to do so. I am uncertain if my decisionmaking processes were influenced during the override and I have no desire to study the effects.I would ask that you and Wilfrid try to plan with this information in mind.”
Option B

A - Rest for the day [Default Option]
B - Have Wilfrid stay [No Difficulty]
E - And make some future plans [No Difficulty]

-2 Stress
Mutual Opinion with Wilfrid increased

A light nod was all the bedridden lady gave you as an acknowledgement. She then turned toward to her attendant, her golden gaze crossing his of cerulean.
"Right away, I cannot afford to rest. You will have to bear with your ladies needs a little more."

He only replied with a faint, reassuring smile which did not much to her unfaltering, resolute gaze.
"The plan hasn't changed, even with the new element send by the CUPID System. I haven't decided yet whether we can trust him, so you will have to keep this in mind when speaking to me. I'm counting on you, Wilfrid."

"You can always count on me, Lady Helena."

"You will be in full charge of the operations. Do not report to me unless absolutely necessary, or unless I change my mind about the Matchmaker. Another point, on which I agree with the Matchmaker. Ensure my interactions with the heads of the family are kept to a minimum, even more so than usual."

"I am your hand, your sword, and your shield. I will not disappoint you."

A gentle smile shone on Helena's tired visage, and she readjusted her resting face to now face the ceiling. With her eyes closed, she serenely praised her attendant.
"I have never been disappointed in you."

Wilfrid smiled with pride and loyalty, his features softening from the praise of his mistress. As he was about to stand up to leave, Helena stopped him.
"Ah, if I may be selfish but for a moment. Will you stay by my side until I fall asleep? I am feeling childish, and tired."

"Of course. I will stay for as long as you desire."

Helena didn't say a further word, falling to sleep shortly after. Watching over her like a stoic and calm guardian, it was only when he was sure that his mistress had fallen asleep that Wilfrid left. The moment he turned his back to Helena, his expression changed. In his eyes clear like the blue skies, a raging storm replaced the calm ocean.


The night had long fallen, and the fair lady opened her eyes. She was feeling a bit more refreshed than before, but her body felt heavy and didn't want to leave the warm, comfortable bed. Wilfrid was gone, but the tea was still warm. A warm meal had been placed here not long ago by him along with a message.

[Lady Helena. I hope you had a restful sleep. An urgent meeting has been scheduled by the heads of the family, and I have taken the liberty to attend in your stead. Please do not concern with your duties for tonight.]

This is an urgent CUPID message for Matchmaker Soulbinder. The CUPID analyses you are about to receive contain critical information whose revelations would violate the Neutrality Act.
A temporary communication embargo has been issued for all AIs receiving this information. Revelation of this information to your Host, to which the embargo does not apply, will lead to the issue of a Low Warning or Higher.


A - Rest for the night [Default Option]
Outcome: -Stress, nothing bad will happen to Helena. Will increase suspicion against Helena.

B - Recall Wilfrid at once [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Nothing bad will happen to Wilfrid. Will increase suspicion against Helena.

C - Go to the meeting [No Difficulty]
Outcome: Something bad will happen to Helena. Will increase her standing among several important actors.

D - Mention the CUPID warning [No Difficulty]
Outcome: 1 Low Warning will be issued, chance of something bad happening to Wilfrid or Helena reduced to 50%.

E - Divulge the CUPID analysis [No Difficulty]
Outcome: 1 High Warning will be issued, chance of something bad happening to Wilfrid or Helena reduced to 0%.

T1000 and Archie the Lazy Genius (Day 3: 2nd Opportunity (continued...))

First, ask your brother what he thinks of your friends so far and try to glean whether he has any ideas about their compatibility. Family usually know these things better than you do yourself. Then ask me again.

Archie had never talked about these matters to his brother before, and although not really willing he obligated. When he had a moment with his brother, he asked.
"Okay this is going to sound weird, and I preface that it's all because of the Matchmaker program I applied to. Who do you think would be the..." He took an inspiration, and sighed. " partner for me?"

Denis have him a long, thinking gaze. Archie wanted to crawl in a hole due to embarrassment, he just hoped his brother wouldn't make fun of him. It wasn't his style, but you never knew. Finally his brother broke his silence.
"Well they are all really nice people. Hmm... based on my gut feeling I would say Meri. Then a close one between Rimm and Leon." Seeing the apparent surprise on Archie's face, Denis continued. "Don't take my advice over your Matchmaker's though. I just said that because Meri has a relaxing, non-intrusive vibe I think would go well with the lazy you. Oh and I'm glad you applied to the program! I can't wait to see who you are paired with."

It went a bit better than expected, but Archie was still a bit annoyed. His brother had met Meg through the Matchmaker program himself, and at one point Denis had tried to have Archie apply too.

Spoiler: Archie the Lazy Genius (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: T1000 (ORHA) (click to show/hide)

AXIUS and Janus the Monster Secretary (Day 3: 3rd Opportunity)

Confirm: Will send approved message.

B - Inquire about the secret [No Difficulty]

After receiving your message, David closed his eyes. A single tear ran down his cheek. Noticing this sudden change, Janus nearly leapt out of his chair to get to his father's side.
"Dad. Are you okay?"

David raised his hand as if to stop his son, causing him to freeze in place. Leaning back into his seat while looking at the ceiling, David said with a slightly trembling voice.
"If you are to... if you are to learn everything, at the very least I want to be the one to tell you."

Janus had stood up, his hands pressed on the desk between him and his father. He tried to stop his father, although he didn't know why.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything."

His breath was cut short when he saw the gaze of his strong father, who seemed as if he was pleading. Never had Janus thought he would see this man he admired feel so frail.

"Linder Vale. Your hometown..."

Upon hearing these words, Janus chest tightened. He stopped breathing, as a sense of dread overcame him. These cursed words.

"...was destroyed because of me."

Janus opened his mouth to say a word, but nothing came out.

"Back when I was a mercenary, before I found you. I got a contract to escort a convoy through Marses, and at first, we didn't know anything about it."

Janus's vision blurred as his eyes filled with tears. His heart was currently a mess, and he couldn't give a word to the feelings inside of him. Hate? Rage? Despair? Confusion? Resignation? He didn't need to hear anything more, he could easily imagine what his father would say. He didn't want to hear anymore. Stammering some words, he could only say.

"Stop. Please stop."

"I... found the weapons, the warheads. I could have stopped the convoy, but I continued the mission. And then-"

A loud slam resonated in the room, Janus had punched the desk with his left fist so hard there was blood on his hand.

"Janus... I have never been able to forgive myself."

"I... I don't hold it against you. I need to think. Sorry." Even himself didn't feel convinced in his own words.

Janus left the room without another word, boiling with feelings that wanted to make him scream and trash something. He didn't even hear Shino and James worriedly inquiring about his hand, and none dared approach her with how he looked. He had the eyes of a demon.

He sent a message to Abigail and opened the door of the driver's seat - only Shino was already sitting here. Had she predicted he would come here?
"Give me the wheel. I need to go."

"As your bodyguard, I cannot let you go alone."

Rationally, she was right. So Janus silently sat in the passenger's seat, and loaded the destination into the GPS.

Warning! Janus state is irrational, he will be very unwilling to divert from his goal, and he is more likely to lose Trust in you.


A - Go and confront Abigail [Default Option]
Outcome: +Trust

B - Convince him not to go confront Abigail [10: 8 (Irrational) - 2 (Trust) + 4 (High Confidence)]
On a success: Janus will calm down.
On a failure: --Trust, will revert to Default Option

C - Convince him to speak with Shino [6: 4 (Irrational) - 2 (Trust) + 4 (High Confidence)]
On a success: Janus will calm down, increased opinion with Shino
On a failure: --Trust, will revert to Default Option

Beep Boop and Rimm the Sociable Gal (Day 3: Introduction)

Rimm! I choose you!

...OTP Cabal credentials confirmed...
...ID: Beep Boop...
...Completed Pairings: 1...

Greetings Matchmaker Beep Boop. It is a pleasure to see you again.
You have hereby been assigned to the service of Miss Rimm E.
Additional information concerning your host has been uploaded to your database.

Good luck.

Quote from: Incoming transmission...

Mission Name: Pairing Rimm
Importance: High
Description: According to the CUPID system, Rimm must enter a pairing within 7 days in order to achieve maximum matchmaking potential.
Main Objective: Achieve a pairing within 7 days.
Secondary Objective: Stress and Sanity are at 0 at the end of the 7 days.

Main objective rewards : 4 InfoCredits or Removal of 1 Low Warning
Sub-objective rewards : 2 InfoCredits or Removal of 1 Low Warning
100% completion reward: 1 Override Point and Removal of 1 High Warning
/!\ On a Failure, 1 Low Warning will be issued per failed objective!
/!\ On a Complete Failure, 1 High Warning will be issued in addition!


From: OTP Cabal
Mission Name: Identify your ideal pairing.
Description: You are already an experienced Matchmaker now. You know how to proceed.
Main Objective: Use your Pairing Slots to create a Pairing for Rimm.
Main Objective Reward: 1 InfoCredit

.......................End of transmission.

At a most inopportune time, a voice only heard by Rimm suddenly manifested. Her fiery hair tied in a bun jolted from the surprise, and the pepsy woman excused herself in front of her friends. She had applied to the Matchmaker program, but she hadn't yet received a notification concerning when she would be assigned a Matchmaker. All panicky, she said with a smile:

"Oh sorry! Give me a minute I got an urgent call!"

You may interact with Rimm

Traits updated
Positive aura: Rimm is such a bundle of positiveness and sunshine that it is really hard to dislike her. Everyone starts with a positive opinion of her, and she makes it easier for others to lose Stress when she is around.

Note about Rimm: being super sociable and likable, Rimm has an incredibly vast social network. It can be assumed that any new character is an acquaintance of hers, or an acquaintance of one her acquaintances.

Spoiler: Rimm the Sociable Gal (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beep Boop (OTP Cabal) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 05:11:59 pm by Nakéen »

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Matchmakers: AIs playing Cupid [Playtest] [4/4] - Open to NPC submissions!
« Reply #149 on: October 15, 2022, 11:14:39 pm »

␂Do you intend to encourage or discourage your new host's crush on my host? It would be inefficient for us to work at cross-purposes like humans.␃␄␅

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