But of course Polish citizen doesn't equal ethnic Pole? Considering their location of activity I wouldn't be surprised for them to be ethnic Ukrainian Polish citizens.
In the beginning, ALL of them were volunteer ethnic Ukrainians from Galicia, which was a pre-war region of Poland and before WW1 it was a part of Austro-Hungary. Because of the latter part it never was a part of Reishcomissariate Ukraine and was governed quite differently and, frankly speaking, as long as you weren't a Roma or a Jew it was a far better than 1939-1941 Soviet period and, for Ukrainians, at least comparable to the Polish period.
The first version of the division consisted mostly** of patriotic and very religious* young people who volunteered when Germans started recruiting in mid-1943 after their war started to go really bad.
All top officers and the majority of other officers were Germans. Many of those, including the division's commander, were already
* Plus soldiers from Roland and Nachtigall battalions which were under the direct command of Abwehr before those battalions were disbanded after relations between Ukrainian Nationalists and Germany were ruined
**AFAIK, it was the only Waffen SS unit with chaplains.
During training, elements of the division (mostly those who had some prior combat experience) were involved in anti-partisan duty in Western Ukraine\Eastern Poland fighting against partisans. Naturally, some major war crimes may have been committed during this period but I haven't seen any conclusive evidence of that.
Then this division was pushed to the front, participating in the battle of Brody, where it was defeated and surrounded. The majority were KIA, captured (being SS and collaborators it was the same as KIA but less pleasant), or dispersed and hid among supportive civilians. Some managed to breakthrough.
And, to my last breath, I will see those who perished in that battle as heroes and Ukrainian patriots who died fighting for Ukrainian freedom and who deserve to be remembered and admired far more than a random Ukrainian Red Army conscript. Anyone who calls them war criminals, traitors, monsters or whatever simply because they are EVIL SS NAZI can go F themselves with the largest object they can find. Most of them didn't even have a
chance to commit any war crimes. They went volunteer>train>fight bravely>die in the first battle
After this defeat, the division was refilled with various people, including Ukrainian Red Army POWs and various collaborators who retreated with Germans from the Soviet Ukraine. Then it was used in rear-line\anti-partisan duty in Eastern Europe (mainly in Slovakia, suppressing local resistance). Those Ukrainians who think that this part of the division's history is heroic and there were no war crimes involved are... idiots who ignore evidence and common sense.
Then again, even this version of the division has way more atrocities attributed to it than it actually committed. The first major reason is Soviet propaganda, second one is the tendency of attributing actions of ALL Ukrainian collaborators to this well-known Waffen-SS division.
I got carried away... I can talk about this stuff for hours