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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII  (Read 55963 times)


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Round 5
« Reply #450 on: August 12, 2023, 05:41:27 am »


Fight 5A: Ine the Impala Man vs Knifin’ Around the Hoary Marmot Woman

Knifin’ Around (managed by Rendentare) enters into the arena, as she has done 4 times before. But unlike those previous times, she seems…different. No longer is her gaze fixed on her shining blue knife, nor does she grumble and pace. Now, the hoary marmot woman is focused, steady, and resolved on her task of killing. Best of luck to her!

Ine (managed by dr00) paces in next, to the cheers and toots of a small band of gremlins. He’s been fighting from day 1 for a place of prestige in his herd. It's safe to say by his loyal posse of gremlin supporters, and the roars of approval from the stands, that he has carved out a bloody place of honor in this tournament if nothing else. Still clad in a mixture of steel and copper armor, our impala man twirls his signature steel longsword with the graceful panache that can only come from a master of his trade. Will this next match be his masterpiece, the fruits of the sweat and blood poured into his training, or will he falter?

Ine and Knifin’ Around charge towards one another, with Knifin’ Around uncharacteristically silent. Ine swings with his steel long sword for Knifin’ Around’s head, but she easily jumps away, before darting back in to stab at his belly. The blue blade of the adamantine knife easily punches through the impala man’s copper greaves and steel mail shirt, but Ine pulls away from the blow before it can penetrate much further.  The crowd moans in disappointment at the lack of blood, and Ine, determined not to put on a poor show, throws himself into another swing.

Knifin’ Around merely repeats her performance from last time, leaping away from the steely strike, before reversing her momentum and stabbing Ine in the chest. Another hole punched into his mail, but another quick pull-away from Ine disappoints both Knifin’ Around! The hoary marmot woman bares her teeth in visible frustration, before lunging in as a brown-blue blur again! Her knife catches on Ine’s steel long sword, pushing it away as she winds around him, and stabs deep into his right shoulder! With a vicious yank, she carves a deep gash into his arm, shedding first blood, to the wild cheers of the crowd!

Ine swings around with his sword, as his right arm now dangles limply, desperate to deal a wound on the hoary marmot woman before she gets too far ahead of him. But Knifin’ Around merely ducks beneath the blow, before stabbing deep into her opponent’s left thigh. Ine cries out in pain as his leg buckles beneath him. The blow also seems to have been one too many for his steel mail shirt as well, as the shining garment sloughs off of him in ribbons of tattered mail!

Knifin’ Around quickly takes advantage of this fact, stabbing her dagger deep into Ine’s chest. As she tears it free, bright red blood gouts out from the wound and runs down the impala man’s furred chest Ine attempts to swing again at her, but she casually blocks it again, before sinking her dagger into his right thigh this time, making sure that Ine stays down. Knifin’ Around seems to enjoy the dominant she holds over her foe, batting at his mangled arm with her claws, before chomping down on it with her long teeth. As she amuses herself though, Ine is still in this fight. With a shining sweep of his sword, Knifin’ Around suddenly finds herself on the ground in a puddle of both her and Ine’s blood, as the vital fluid pumps from the stump of her right knee!

Realizing her peril, the calm, cool expression previously on Knifin’ Around’s face shatters, as she unleashes a piercing whistle and her eyes go wild in rage! Her knife slashes madly, cutting clean through one of Ine’s boots to chop off one of his hooves, but in doing so, she completely abandons her defense. The Impala Man makes her pay for her mistake, as his sword slices clean through her abdomen, spilling her guts around her! This is a close one folks, it’s now a race to see which gladiator will be drunk dry by the Armok-blessed stones of our arena first!

Knifin’ Around seems determined that it won’t be her though, as she once again jams her dagger into Ine’s weak right side. The dagger cuts through skin, muscle, and bone to the lung beneath, and Ine’s eye’s go wide in pain before he collapses in pain into the puddle of blood that now surrounds both gladiators. Clambering over her own guts, Knifin’ Around hacks and stabs away at Ine’s exposed chest, rendering it into a bloody mess. As Ine finally goes limp under Knifin’ Around’s ministrations, the bell rings to signal her victory. Congratulations to the murderous marmot woman!

Fight 5B: The Minotaur the Beast of Spearimpale vs Logem Branchsyrup the Wolverine Man

Logem Branchsyrup (managed by kesperan) emerges from his gate, waving his gleaming blue katana to the cheering crowd. The squat wolverine man seems light as a feather on his feet, even clad in his suit of steel armor. It looks like his time in our most exquisite of danger rooms has done well by him. Hopefully no body parts will get torn off in this fight, unlike against that infernal leech man!

The Beast of Spearimpale (managed by memmet) enters to a more subdued crowd. By hoof,  hand, or shield, 4 promising gladiators have all been placed into their graves by this mysterious monster. Yet whispers of foul magic abound around it, as some wonder whether so brutish a creature could naturally be capable of such astounding feats of skill… Personally, he’ll need some kind of magic to deal with Logem’s blade!

And away they go folks! Oof, looks like the Beast is already off to a rough start. Logem carves his blade clean through the Beast’s right knee, completely severing the lower leg, and sending him to ground as blood spurts from his arteries. The Beast of Spearimpale attempts to leverage this motion into a decisive kick, but Logem merely leans away, before hamstringing the backside of the flying leg, leaving the Beast to sit in a rapidly growing pool of his own blood.

The Beast’s advance continues, as he lashes out with a right jap, but once again, Logem takes advantage of the proffered limb, hacking deep into the meat of the right upper arm, and while not severing it completely, his efforts are rewarded with another spray of bright red arterial blood. Logem swiftly pulls out his embedded blade, ducking under the Beast’s gouging horns, and springs upwards, bringing his blade clean through the minotaur’s left elbow. The maimed creature howls in agony as its beloved copped shield and slightly less loved left forearm drop to the ground to join its right shin.

Nevertheless, the Beast finds the strength to launch itself up off the ground, and grabbing Logem’s protruding right ear (those close enough to the arena can hear a muffled shout of “Not the ear!” over the roar of the crowd) into it’s left armpit, forces the wolverine man to the ground. Logem flails against this humiliation, as his helmed head is forced underneath the minotaur armpit. His flailing sword sinks into the Beasts head with a crunch, and the determined wolverine man manages to wriggle free from the bloodsoaked hold.

Amazingly though, the Beast of Spearimpale is still going, even as blood begins to flow from the adamantine blow to its head! As Logem pulls out his sword from the Beast’s thick skull, the minotaur hooks it’s remaining leg around Logem’s left foot, and pulls him to the blood-slicked ground. Logem quickly regains his footing though, and with a ferocious snarl, sends his sword singing through the Beast’s throat.

With a gargle, the Beast of Spearimpale collapses to the ground. The crowd looks to the bell, but in a moment, they realize the Beast is still snorting in rage, and tossing it’s horns, attempting to catch Logem on them. Minotaurs are certainly made of stern stuff folks! Nevertheless, Logem quickly brings the fight to an end, hacking and stabbing away at the Minotaur’s chest, before one particularly vicious cut that slices through the Beast of Spearimpale’s right side finally causes it to collapse. Congratulations Logem, you have truly honored Armok with your bloodshed today!

Fight 5A by Mkhos and Slitherpapi
Fight 5B by Mkhos

P.S. Sometime before the finale, there will be a Loser's Battle Royale where all deceased gladiators will fight one last time.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 04:52:34 pm by Mkhos »


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Finale Upgrades
« Reply #451 on: August 12, 2023, 05:43:52 am »

All managers who were victorious in Round 5 will see their available amount of upgrade points to the far right of their gladiator in the spreadsheet. Please note that this is the last upgrade gladiators will get, as they fight both the finale, and for the championship of the arena.

Note about the algorithm: if you look at the numbers a bit closer, you can see that whenever the simple multiplication by 1.5 created a number that had something other than .5 in its decimal part, we rounded it up to the closest .5; so, .25 becomes .5 and .75 becomes 1. This was done to avoid infinite splintering of the points.

The Arena Personnel asks you to provide your upgrades as soon as possible. The deadline is the 18th of August, 12 GMT. We ask for your understanding on these matters; we need time to run and process the fights.

Please remember that your upgrades should be sent to The upgrades will later be revealed via a separate post.

Good luck and go with Armok!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #452 on: August 12, 2023, 05:46:02 am »

Betting results can be found in the spreadsheet on the betting page. BraalBard was the richest Urist this round, walking away with 650 gold! The three most on gladiators were Logem Branchsyrup, the Beast of Spearimpale, and Knifing' Around.

Finale betting opens now, and will be open until the 18th of August, 20 GMT. Feel free to participate even if you did not last round. Rules are here:

  • Betting is open both to the managers and the spectators of the tournament.
  • Every bettor starts out with 100 gold to be spent on the betting. You can't at any given moment put any more gold into a bet than you already have.
  • Every bettor can only put money on one gladiator per round.
  • Bets made after the official deadline for each round are not counted.
  • The system works in a way that allows those who bet on the underdogs (those who have less bet on them) to receive more gold than those who bet on the favorites, so go wild with your predictions!

Betting Run by Nekkowe


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #453 on: August 12, 2023, 07:31:23 am »

Huzzah! Three cheers for Logem! The Committee just knew he wouldn't let them down. It's always wise to stay on the good side of necromancers.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #454 on: August 14, 2023, 01:15:27 pm »

Wooooo! A blaze (or puddle) of glory for the Beast. Thanks for putting on this event, everybody. I have enjoyed the hype.
May your beard be long and your mug full.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #455 on: August 14, 2023, 02:13:14 pm »

Wooooo! A blaze (or puddle) of glory for the Beast. Thanks for putting on this event, everybody. I have enjoyed the hype.

You did really well to get so far with such a unique build! All it would have taken is for one blow to hit my little guy in the head and you would have torn his spine. Logem got the lucky first strike and it was all down hill from there for the Beast.

And now to the final.... I have a couple of ideas on how to spec Logem for the final with 330 points to spend. Time to get testing in the arena!

And in other news - I would like to back my boy to win the trophy!

501 gold on Logem Branchsyrup the Wolverine Man.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #456 on: August 15, 2023, 06:08:24 am »

The Committee has full faith in their chosen stogie-chomping champion. Once again, they bet every last coin on Logem.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #457 on: August 15, 2023, 07:33:49 pm »

Before the Final

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #458 on: August 15, 2023, 07:39:59 pm »

Well, it's time to go all in, I suppose.

All my remaining gold (175) on Knifin' Around!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #459 on: August 16, 2023, 05:09:20 am »

Before the Final

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Sinister. It's going to be one hell of a close fight. May the best warrior win!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #460 on: August 16, 2023, 07:21:29 am »

All in on Logem.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Loser's Battle Royal
« Reply #461 on: August 16, 2023, 04:52:22 pm »

Loser's Battle Royale

Welcome one and all to the Loser’s Battle Royale! In this free for all bloodbath, every fighter who has fallen during the course of this tournament so far will be given one final shot to score some kills, settle some grudges, and maybe even walk out of this arena with a second chance at life! With their skills and equipment reset to their entry level builds, these 73 warriors of all shapes and sizes just need a little dark magic to get them going again. On that note, necromancers, chant your mystical mumbo jumbo and get this show on the road! Take it away fellas!

“Gladiators, rise once more
Make some murder, spill some gore
Stoke your rage, renew your grudge
One sole victor, we’ll adjudge 
Bellow warcries dark and fell
‘Tis your chance to cheat death’s knell
Hurry now, the crowds await
Your last chance to change your fate
Quickly, get over your shock
Win or lose, you serve Armok!”


-141. Gromp Gromp's head is caved in by Doft's silver war hammer.
-789. Mr. T's head is crushed by Urist McGladiator IV's iron war hammer.
-870. Athra Acikadis (Clawclosed)'s neck is stabbed off by Blood Sucky Stabby's iron spear.
-872. Doft's head is cloven asunder by Cupuacu's iron short sword.
-1110. El Escarabajo Carmesí is decapitated by Beardbeard the Bearded Beard of Beards's iron dagger.
-1163. Skitterleap's neck is stabbed by Kligus's obsidian short sword and the severed part sails off.
-1278. Zeps dies by slamming into the ground, after Cupuacu cleaves his lower body asunder with his iron short sword.
-1288. Yetti Soon To Become Spaghetti is decapitated by Malchus's iron halberd.
-1308. Beast of Spearimpale's head is crushed by Carlston Crabington Crabsworthy IV's silver war hammer.   
-1480. Carabella the Fast's upper body is cloven asunder by Beardbeard the Bearded Beard of Beards's iron dagger.   
-1593. Ozordur bleeds to death after being bitten in the right arm by Massive Mike.
-1594. Ruÿava Alanaeyila is stabbed in the neck by Kligus's obsidian short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc. 
-1742. Priest Ndrog bleeds to death, stabbed in the gut by Peekot's oaken spear.
-1803. Wine is beheaded by Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-1895. Stimraug's upper body is cloven asunder by Malchus's iron halberd.
-1990. Carlston Crabington Crabsworthy IV is beheaded by Ine's copper longsword.
-2013. Logan's upper body and spine are cloven asunder by James "Mephit-One" Misayuki's iron short sword.
-2059. Corvid's lower body is cloven asunder by Kligus's obsidian short sword.
-2150. Sharpfist's upper body and spine are cloven asunder by Cupuacu's iron short sword.
-2176. Borberrorb the Thirsty bleeds to death after being gored in the right foot by Horof DreadHoof.
-2180. Massive Mike is beheaded by Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-2210. Marmota Monax is cut in half by Kill's steel battle axe.
-2377. Estu Amazon's neck is severed by Evil Death Roll's iron battle axe.
-2438. Blood Sucky Stabby bleeds to death, having been scratched in the right arm by Ligir Dustband.
-2442. Clunk the Hunk bleeds to death after losing his left arm to Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-2466. Beardbeard the Bearded Beard of Beards stabbed in the head by Frunkus's bronze dagger.
-2522. Oogway bleeds to death, having been stabbed in the upper body by Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-2570. Faurine Lethiramí is decapitated by Cupuacu's iron short sword.
-2621. Horof DreadHoof bleeds to death after being stabbed in the upper body by Squirtplank's iron scimitar.   
-2622. Munke The Gorilla Guerilla’s brain is torn by Diago Pastor 53rd's steel spear. 
-2667. Peekot is beheaded by Evil Death Roll's iron battle axe.
-2703. Squirtplank is decapitated by Bughead's iron spear.
-2780. Cupuacu is beheaded by Canxio's steel battle axe.
-2800. Bruis wægn bleeds to death after being bitten in the left arm by Boofy.
-2859. She Who Is Grey is stabbed in the head by Borgol Bargestone's iron spear.   
-2934. Butcher Bart bleeds to death after losing his right leg to Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-2935. Nycteris "Nick" Nana's head is cloven asunder by Madame Spots's iron spear.
-3014. Joanna D’Grandsknecht is beheaded by Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-3099. Cat-GPT The Tiger Terminator bleeds to death, bitten by Queen Regina Formicarium.
-3126. Slappybara is beheaded by Ligir Dustband's iron short sword.
-3212. Nostrotortoise bleeds to death, after his lower body is slashed by Nijinsky's iron short sword.
-3353. Kligus is bisected by Parmesan Dorothy Grimsley Rigmarole's copper halberd. 
-3405. Sweetteeth's upper body is cloven asunder by James "Mephit-One" Misayuki's iron longsword.
-3409. Malchus is decapitated by Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-3444. Bughead bleeds to death after Diago Pastor 53rd severs his 2nd right hand with his steel spear.
-3480. Agea Velites su Theramachea bleeds to death after being stabbed in the leg by Borgol Bargestone's iron spear. 
-3561. Osouf Amir is decapitated by Nijinsky's iron short sword.
-3632. Kill bleeds to death after Ligir Dustband's iron short sword slashes his third finger, right hand.
-3704. Queen Regina Formicarium bleeds to death after her right leg is smashed into an unrecognizable mass by Borgol Bagestone.
-3786. Rasgrid The Bard bleeds to death after being stabbed in the right lung by Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-3857. Evil Death Roll stabbed in the head by The Silent Slicer's copper short sword.
-3923. Madame Spots's head is caved in by Urist McGladiator IV's iron warhammer. 
-4006. Prickle Rick's skull is struck by Boofy's platinum pick.
-4022. Sylvia Welernay is stabbed in the head by Diago Pastor 53rd's steel spear.
-4053. Zglbrk The unbreakable's lower body is severed from the rest of him by Ligir Dustband's iron short sword. 
-4225. Nijinsky is stabbed in the head by Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-4296. Diago Pastor 53rd is bisected by Ligir Dustband's iron short sword.
-4311. James "Mephit-One" Misayuki's head is punctured by Boofy's platinum pick.
-4358. Urist McGladiator IV's head is cloven asunder by Frunkus's bronze dagger.
-4367. Canxio's head is cloven asunder by Just A Bird Man Without A Bird Plan's silver scourge.
-4424. Lêrush Idar is beheaded by Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword. 
-4441. Tirin UmeJal "Furfoot"'s upper body collapses in a lump of gore under Morris Sr's punch.
-4454. Morris Sr is stabbed in the head by the Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger, tearing apart the brain. 
-4543. Borgol Bargestone bleeds to death after being stabbed in the head by The Silent Slicer's copper short sword.
-4603. Just A Bird Man Without A Bird Plan is decapitated by Ligir Dustband's iron short sword.
-4621. Frunkus dies after losing his left leg to Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-4655. Ligir Dustband is decapitated by Cackling Jack's iron two-handed sword.
-4760. Cackling Jack is cut in half at the waist by Gunch Lord's adamantine dagger.
-4840. Gunch Lord bleeds to death, after his left upper arm is sliced by The Silent Slicer's copper short sword.
-4860. Boofy bleeds to death after losing several limbs to The Silent Slicer's copper short swords.
-4872. Parmesan Dorothy Grimsley Rigmarole bleeds to death, after Ine slashes her in the head with his copper longsword.

Ine sucks in ragged breaths through a mouthful of shattered teeth, and torn neck. Though he sports a few nasty injuries, his bigger worry is how exhausted he is after his lengthy duel with Parmesan Dorothy Grimsley Rigmarole. He fought for prestige among the dwarves, and came so close until Knifin’ Around slew him in the Quarter Finals. Now only one remains between him and the prestige of being the winner of this battle royale.

The Silent Slicer hobbles into the southern end of the arena, missing a leg, and limbs stinging from where her chitin is damaged. She perished in round 2 of the tournament at the hands of The Beast of Spearimpale. Now he lies dead, and she has a shot at living once more. Her final foe sports copper armor, but she’s already put a stop to the Gunch Lord’s rampage in this battle royale… What’s one more kill to secure total victory? Twirling her twin copper short swords in excitement, this plucky gladiator eyes the impala man’s unprotected legs, and charges.   

-4903. The Silent Slicer finally bleeds to death, after her right lower leg is stabbed by Ine's copper longsword.

Ine stands victorious, his last duel having earned him a collapsed ear, mangled legs, and more nasty bruises. Leaving The Silent Slicer behind after a moment of contemplation, our bleeding impala man can only muster the strength to drag his exhausted, battered body away from this charnel pit of an arena. Despite all the odds, his humble copper armor, skill at arms, and a bit of blind luck have given him the luxury of living to fight another day. As his eyes seem to settle at last on his posse of adoring fans, one wonders if this impala man’s fighting days are behind him? Or will the prestige of winning the battle royale not sate this warrior’s hunger for glory? Time will tell… 

Congratulations to Ine on being the last fighter standing in this year’s battle royale! More congratulations are in order for Cackling Jack and Gunch Lord, who are tied in having the highest kill tally of this battle. As for the rest, you’ve all done Armok proud by fighting to the bitter, bloody end once again! 

Arena at beginning:

Arena at the end:


1 Kill
Queen Regina Formicarium, Squirtplank, Horof DreadHoof, Bughead, Just A Bird Man Without A Bird Plan, Doft, Massive Mike, Madame Spots, Parmesan Dorothy Grimsley Rigmarole, Morris Sr, Kill, Carlston Crabington Crabsworthy IV, Canxio, Peekot, & Blood Sucky Stabby.

2 Kills
Frunkus, James "Mephit-One" Misayuki, Malchus, Nijinsky, Evil Death Roll, Beardbeard the Bearded Beard of Beards, & Urist McGladiator IV.

3 Kills
Borgol Bargestone, Diago Pastor 53rd, Kligus, Boofy, & Ine.

4 Kills
Cupuaçu & The Silent Slicer.

6 Kills
Ligir Dustband.

7 Kills
Cackling Jack & Gunch Lord.

Run and written up by SlitherPapi
« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 04:55:25 pm by Mkhos »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #462 on: August 16, 2023, 06:04:58 pm »

Holy cow! That brings Jack up to 8 kills in the tournament, most of them decapitations. Not bad for a hyena man who died in his first fight. All glory to Ine! He's proven himself and earned his victory.

Also, it's crazy that Jack and Malchus always went straight for each other. A lion man and a hyena man as sworn enemies, how fitting.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 06:13:53 pm by Warzagg »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #463 on: August 16, 2023, 06:23:50 pm »

Meng posts the remaining 29 gold in his sack on Knifin' Around, and slinks off to the shadows to avoid the gaze of UGG.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #464 on: August 17, 2023, 08:33:53 pm »

“Did you know that Knifin Around is the second of the order Rodentia to ever make it to the finals?” The human woman asked loudly, “There’ve been plenty of Carnivora and Squatmata. There have also been a few Testudines. But there was only one Rodenita before, his name was Sliver. I’m placing this bet for Sliver. For Sliver and for all the Rodentia who have come to this arena whether they be rat or marmot or capybara.”
“You can only place bets for active gladiators, ma’am.” Said the clerk.
114 GOLD on Knifin’ Around.”
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