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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII  (Read 55950 times)


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #465 on: August 18, 2023, 07:07:32 am »

500 gold on Logem! That should still leave me a slight profit, even if the dice fall the other way.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #466 on: August 18, 2023, 03:10:59 pm »

Bets for Round 6 are now closed!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #468 on: August 18, 2023, 03:45:25 pm »

Stats time once again!

We're seeing many trends continue - this round, a total of seven bets were placed once again, totalling 1565☼ up from last round's 1456☼.
There's only one match to keep your eye on this time, fittingly crowning the finale as the highest-stakes match across the entire tournament!

Our finalists are Logem Branchsyrup (1247☼) and Knifin' Around (318☼).
Looking just at the sheer amount of funds poured into the respective betting totals, one might think there's a very clear favourite here - but the number of individual bets is spread as evenly as it gets, 4-3.

In fact, most of Logem's enormous total stems from just two bets - kerperan's bet of 501☼ and Bralbaard's of 500☼ (the first and last bet placed this round, respectively).
These are the highest individual bets we've seen placed all tournament, and they drag the average bet this round all the way up to 223.57☼ (up from last round's record 208☼)!
The mean bet, somewhat less affected by outliers like these, is still a sizeable 171☼, also up from the previous record of 100☼ from last round.

Where does it go from here? The stakes have never been higher.
Good luck to our gladiators and their managers!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 03:56:03 pm by Nekkowe »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #469 on: August 18, 2023, 03:54:43 pm »

Incidentally, that leaves us with:

A total of 10416☼ wagered funds during the tournament,

Across a total of 117 bets from our 50 bettors this year,

With an average bet of 89.03☼ and a median bet of 60☼.

The three gladiators with the highest betting totals across all matches were:

1. Logem Branchsyrup (3036☼ across 13 bets)
2. The Beast of Spearimpale (1116☼ across 6 bets)
3. Knifin' Around (609☼ across 8 bets)

Of our 64 gladiators, 38 received at least one bet.
The gladiator with the highest average bets is still Logem (233.54☼), while the gladiator with the highest mean bet is Diago Pastor 53rd - as the only bet to be placed on him was a sizeable 184☼ (the next highest mean belongs to Logem again, at 171☼).
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 04:07:37 pm by Nekkowe »


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Finale Upgrade Reveal
« Reply #470 on: August 18, 2023, 06:17:51 pm »

Logem Branchsyrup:
Logem panted as he braced his furred paw against the huge head of the minotaur, wrenching his katana free from the wet ribbons of the Beast's throat.

"Nothing personal, bub!" he quipped, as he carved a strip of the horrifying Beast's flesh. "For Stimraug," the Wolverine murmured, tying the minotaur skin into a crimson headband.

 Round 6 (330 points)

Accomplished to Grand Master Swordwolverine -250
Master to High Master Dodger -65
Adequate to Competent Observer -9

Minotaur Leather Headscarf -5

Final Build:

Grand Master Swordwolverine
High Master Dodger
Adept Armour User
Competent Observer
Adequate Discipline

Adamantine katana (Scimitar)
Steel Helm
Steel Mail Shirt (with Maple Leaf logo)
Steel Gauntlets
Steel High Boots
Linen Shirt
Linen Loincloth

May the best crazed animal win!

Knifin' Around:
Ren slipped into the chambers. The marmot woman was in her room, staring at her new figurine.
“Hey, Knif-,” Ren started, “Um. Hey.”
The marmot woman did not turn around.
“I know I haven’t been the best manager. I never learned to properly pronounce your name. I still don’t understand how to win money by gambling. I borrowed your dagger.”
The marmot woman let out a low warning whistle and turned around. She held her dagger casually.
“You got me back! You chopped up my chair. I liked that chair. My point is, a better manager wouldn’t have had to commit two serious felonies to get you to train property,” Ren sighed, “I know you don’t have any reason to listen to me, but your odds on this last fight are bad. You’ve trained as hard as you can train but, well, his is bigger than yours.”
The marmot woman bared her teeth. She rose to her feet, her blade rising.
The last came out of Ren in a rush, “I don’t know much about managing, but I do know that if you die, I’ll die. I’ve got two hammer blows waiting for me as soon as you gasp your last,” the human woman drew out a small box almost dropping it in her haste, “I got you this. I don’t know how to be a good manager, but I do know how to put on a great show.”
Ren opened the box and the marmot woman froze. Blue shone from inside the box, beautiful and pure.
“Let’s show them something they’ve never seen before,” said Ren, “Let’s go out big.”

Knifin’ Around

Accomplished Fighter
High Master Knife User -> Grand Master Knife User -70 pts
Great Dodger
Skilled Discipline
Skilled Observer

Adamantine Knife
Adamantine Knife (-192 pts)


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The Finale
« Reply #471 on: August 19, 2023, 05:52:05 am »


Round 6
Fight 6A: Logem Branchsyrup the Wolverine Man vs Knifin’ Around the Hoary Marmot Woman

Welcome, one and all, to the finals of the 8th annual Gladiator Tournament! Dozens of hopeful gladiators arrived here but a few weeks ago, yet now only two stand before us! But who are these exemplars of their kind you may ask? To my left We have Knifin’ Around the Hoary Marmot Woman! Freshly armed with a second adamantine knife, this savage killer has worked her way here by slitting the throat of Sylvia Welernay, lopping of Lerush Idar’s limbs, nailing into Nijinsky the Bard with her knife, hacking apart Horof Dreadhoof, and finally, impaled Ine.

But her opponent to my right is equally accomplished! Let’s give a warm welcome to Logem Branchsyrup, who parsed apart Parmesan Dorothy Grimsley Rigmarole, massacred Mr. T, carved up Carabella the Fast, swept through Sweetteeth, and butchered the Beast of Spearimpale. Both fighters have trained themselves to be masters of their weapons, leaving our humble arena tutors with nothing left to teach them. Let’s see which one of you is fit to be a champion of the arena!


The two pint sized fighters charge fearlessly towards one another, but it’s Logem using the superior reach of his katana who scores the first blow! The shimmering blue blade erupts from Knifin’ Around’s left palm, and she whistles in pain as she immediately loses hold of one of her adamantine knives. Knfin’ Around attempt to swing back in retribution, but Logem is no longer there, withdrawing his blade and darting away from the infinitely sharp knife, now humming like an angry hornet’s nest. The pair briefly hop around one another, before Knifin’ Around overextends herself, and Logem comes swinging in with his katana!

The hoary marmot woman barely gets her dagger up in time, blocking the blow, before swinging back in a riposte to force Logem back. The wolverine man makes a strike of his own as he retreats though, carving a bloody line on Knifin’ Around’s left thigh. She continues to advance on her two paws though, forcing Logem to stab her in her left arm in an attempt to keep her at bay. But that limb no longer has any more value to this ferocious herbivore, as Knifin’ Around simply accepts the blow, and drives in at Logem. Her strike maims his right foot, forcing him to kneel on the ground before her.

Seemingly enjoying her new position in the fight, Knifin’ Around lashes out with a punch against Logem’s right hand, but the blow merely bounces off his steel gauntlet. Knifin’ Around attempts to quickly withdraw her hand, but it’s not quick enough! Her moment of pride costs her, as Logem’s katana flicks through her right elbow, taking it off completely, and leaving Knifin’ Around…knifeless.

Using the last weapons she has, Knifin’ Around chomps madly at Logem with her teeth, but the wolverine man keeps his cool, rolling away from the intimidating incisors. Regaining his bearings, Logem stabs forward powerfully with his katana, running Knifin’ Around through her chest, as the curved tip of his adamantine katana pokes out of her back. Time itself seems suspended for a moment in the wake of this powerful strike. Nevertheless, Logem quickly pulls out his sword revealing that it wasn’t just time that was suspended, as Knifin’ Around topples to the ground, her legs seemingly useless in the aftermath of that spine severing attack.

Knifin’ Around fails to seem inconvenienced by this though, as she uses her falling momentum to chomp onto Logem’s right forearm. Her fearsome jaws lock on, and her head tosses it back and forth! With a cry of pain, Logem withdraws it from her jaws, but by the way it’s dangling, he’s not getting any use out of it any time soon. The wolverine man continues to defend himself though, attempting to use his adamantine katana to ward off any more devastating bites. But when your foe has no sense of self-preservation, what use is warding?

Knifin’ Around throws herself again and again into Logem’s blender, losing legs, feet, hands, and arms every time she does so. Eventually, after one last lunge costs her what remains of her left arm, Knifin’ Around’s blood-streaked body slams into the ground, and fails to rise again. Congratulations to Logem Branchsyrup! You are now the Champion of the 8th Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament!

Logem Branchsyrup, the Champion of Tournament VIII, vs the reigning Arena Champion, Papi Penetrator, the Champion of Tournament VII

As Logem pauses to catch his breath and light a new cigar, the din of the arena’s reactions to his victory are temporarily eclipsed by the whooping of a yacht’s horn. With a rattle of chains, the arena gates open to reveal Papi Penetrator, Champion of Tournament VII, waddling towards his new challenger. His beer gut has grown, and his tan has deepened from many months at sea on the fishing trip paid for by his victory earnings, but he still sports his signature receding hairline, coke bottle glasses, and iconic fatherly mustache. “Hold your horses there, Logem BranchSUCKER! There’s only room for one #1 Swaggy Daddy in this arena, and you’re looking at him! Heh, I’m just ‘razzing ya’, as the kids say. I can tell you’ve put in a lot of time at the gym, even if you look like something out of a saturday morning cartoon I’d watch with my son.”

Drawing his adamantine short sword, the snapping turtle man took up a leisurely, but expert swordman’s stance. “As for this pickle of a title match, it’s nothing personal kiddo. I just need this win to finance my next fishing trip with my gym bros. Now look sharp, buckaroo, they don’t call me Papi Penetrator for nothing! I’m going to end you faster than I ended my alimony and child support payments!”

The two armored and adamantine armed fighters charge at one another, resolute in their cause, and eager to shed blood for Armok! It appears that Logem is the first to be successful in this case, as he jumps around Papi’s first strike, shearing his sword clean through the snapping turtle man’s left iron gauntlet! Papi’s left hand goes limp as blood begins to drip onto the greedy stones of the arena floor. Papi seems unbothered by this initial injury, as he swing once again with his adamantine short sword, but Logem merely parries with his katana, before using the angling of his deflection to stab once again into Papi’s injured forearm.

The katana briefly gets stuck in Papi’s skewered forearm as Logem struggles to wrench it free, all while ducking and dodging strikes from the humming adamantine short sword. The wolverine man’s precious ears are pulled flat against his head. He’s not eager to lose either of them again when he’s this close to glory! Logem finally manages to free his sword, using it to lash out with what appears to be a clumsy high blow. Papi easily parries it, but that’s when Logem’s trap is revealed!

Sweeping his sword low, Logem cuts through Papi’s right shin, causing the snapping turtle man to collapse to the ground in a heap of armor. Papi attempts to regain his bearings, making a hasty attack in an attempt to force the relentless wolverine man back, but Logem simply dances around the strike, before hewing apart Papi’s vulnerable wrist. The adamantine short sword clatters to the ground as Papi curls his maimed right hand against his chest, leaving the untouched Logem standing over him.

Papi attempts to lunge at the wolverine man with his crushing beak, but as he did with Knifin’ Around before, Logem forces Papi to pay for every mistake, every opening, and every slip-up. The adamantine katana shoots out from Logem’s hands time and time again with the force of a spear from a spike trap, puncturing Papi’s legs, arms, and chest. In the process of all this hole punching, Papi’s iron mail shirt soughs off him, as iron mail rings scatter all over the arena.

As his body grows weaker and weaker, Papi throws all his strength into one last chomp at Logem. Papi closes his mouth on empty space, but suddenly finds himself much lighter as he sails through the air. Papi’s view bounces on the stone floor of the arena several times, but as his view settles, he finds himself looking at his pudgy decapitated body, lying on the ground at Logem’s feet.

While Papi’s body gushes the last of its blood onto the floor, the arena bell tolls for the last time this year, announcing the arrival of a new reigning champion. The arena-goers climb to their feet, as the first calls of AKUR AKIR AKAM echo around amidst the cheers of the bloodthirsty crowd. Congratulations to Logem Branchsyrup! You are now the reigning arena champion, and have secured your dream of possessing the shining blue metal. But will you know what to do with yourself now that all you desire has been achieved? We’ll find out…next year!

Fights run and written by Mkhos
Intro for Papi by SlitherPapi


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Round 6 Betting Results
« Reply #472 on: August 19, 2023, 05:58:56 am »

For the final round of betting, we end with BraalBard as the richest Urist, ending with 778 gold! Close behind him is kesperan, with 629 gold. Both of these folks successfully bet on Logem Branchsyrup, so I'm sure they'll be rewarded for their belief in him, now that he reigns as Arena Champion! Until next year folks!


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Re: Round 6 Betting Results
« Reply #473 on: August 19, 2023, 06:43:59 am »

For the final round of betting, we end with BraalBard as the richest Urist, ending with 778 gold!

I'm rich! Free sewer brew for everyone, and a box of cigars for Logem, the new champion!!

Congrats Kesperan! And a round of applause for the organizing committee. My first tournament, but I'll be back next year, that was great fun.



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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #474 on: August 19, 2023, 06:51:30 am »

Ren sat among the scraps of her beloved chair. A heavy hand landed on her shoulder.
“It is time,” said the Sheriff, “If it makes you feel any better, it wouldn’t have mattered if you had won the gold.”
“I wanted to give you something to hope for,” said the Sheriff.

Double congratulations to Logem Branchsyrup, the arena’s new champion!  Thank you to the organizing committee!

Enemy post

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #475 on: August 19, 2023, 09:04:51 am »

Congratulations to Logem!
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #476 on: August 19, 2023, 09:09:06 am »

Victory for Logem! The Committee from the Glowing Marshes may have lost a champion in Cackling Jack, but the wolverine man has made them a pretty penny in bets!

Thanks to the organizers for a great season, and Bralbaard for the sewer brew. It was my first tournament, but it definitely won't be my last!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #477 on: August 19, 2023, 09:33:45 am »

The din of battle gave way to peaceful silence as the last gurgle died in the severed throat of Papi Penetrator.

Logem panted heavily, still clutching the ragged wound gnawed into his right arm by the insane hoary marmot woman.

The strange turtle creature's head rolled to a stop, it's eyes glazed and moustache still.

The crimson minotaur leather headband fluttered silently in the wind as the Wolverine gathered the adamantine daggers of Knifin' Around and the sword of the Penetrator. Flicking his katana against his steel helm, he lit one last stogie with the spark.

Logem grasped the blue metal to his chest, a look of serenity on his face. He remembered. He remembered everything. He was home.

Holy Armok, that was cool.

Thank you so much to the tournament organisers, and to those gamblers who had faith in the amnesiac wolverine man. I've never made it past the QF before, and this is my 5th tournament. I will be back next year to defend my crown.

And finally, commiserations to Rendentare - it could so easily have gone the other way.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #478 on: August 19, 2023, 02:30:59 pm »

As Papi’s head landed with a bloody wet plop to the dismay of the middle aged fathers in the audience, and the cheers of their long suffering wives, Papi’s own family added to the commotion. “Serves you right, old man!” Papi’s son, Jr, hollered from the spectator stands. “You’re the champ, Logem, that slashing combo was straight fire! No cap! Can’t wait until your collector’s edition figurine comes on sale!”

“A Shame your father emptied the saving’s accounts last year though. We’ll never financially recover from his mid-life crisis spending spree…” Papi’s battleaxe of an ex wife groaned.

Congratulations to Logem on becoming the new grand champion! A big shoutout to everyone who submitted a gladiator too, as we had a lot of interesting fighters this year.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VIII
« Reply #479 on: August 19, 2023, 02:43:21 pm »

Congratulations to Logem! May you have a restful year, for who knows what kinds of gladiators will rise up next year to challenge you for the spot!
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