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Author Topic: Locktorch, a Endless succession fortress (50.11)  (Read 11548 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dyansties succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2023, 01:13:53 pm »

you could also place floor in a shape of letters or use other things but that would take a lot of storage space.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 02:25:00 pm by Chicken »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2023, 05:55:47 pm »

I've started my turn and immediately was accosted by a pile of gems.

They were just left in the middle of the road, perhaps due to a glitch that removed a stockpile? Anyway, I created a new one right next to the gem cutter/setter workshops. Dwarves aren't in a hurry to move them just yet.

In a fortress of 47 we have twenty humans! And more than that, a lot of them are freeloaders that do nothing but chat and pray all day, then complain about it!

Look at this idiot, who wants to fight and train, but haven't done either in such a long time that all of his skills are rusty! Exiled all monster slayers. No more new residents either.
That's better, now they're all training.

One of our doctors got struck with a fey mood and produced a crown with an image from the ancient times of ten years ago.

There's a vault not far from the pile on gems, I'm shutting it in there.

We get a looooot of tributes. There are four total - they mostly bring garbage, but it's a nice gesture.

And we get just as many caravans. They mostly bring the same goods - one bin of either cloth or leather each, some clay and bags of sand, some cages - mostly empty, a few bars of metal, meat and fruits, and some garbage weapons and armour. I bought a few things from every caravan.

We have plenty of goods for the exchange, after all.

And here we can see both the beginning of my project, and the reason I think it might be the most important thing we can do to survive - a future magma reservoir with a pump to filter out fiery nonsense, and an example of that nonsense in the flesh. Fire snakes aren't as agressive as most other denizens, so we're safe for now. Still, better to prepare now. Also, there were no magma forges, only smelters. Why waste fuel?

Our baron - Melbil - is our only real noble so far. Likes quivers.

My first death was due to a tantruming dwarf. Planter Etur just couldn't take it anymore and went insane.

One of the people punched was a legendary stonecrafter Endok

who easily killed poor Etur. Still, I'm glad nobody else got hurt much.

Right after Etur's death a human returned from some mission, so the headcount is still 40. Strangely enough, no report on that mission.

We're a county now! Woooo!

But our civilization's caravan was unloading the entire month they were at Locktorch, and ended up leaving without trading.

A shame. I was going to give them a truly kingly gift.

Just a forgotten beast in the caverns, nothing important.

And another

And another in the same cavern. We can't see what's happening in most of the caverns, and we're safely shut off from them, so I don't really know what they're up to in there.

We have seven migrants! Finally the dwarves in our dwarven fortress are a clear majority (Berfore we get any more returnees anyway).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So, the danger of working with magma is sometimes you dig a hole in a bad place. No deaths though, I notices just in time.

Did my dwarves forget to inter Etur? Designated some tombs and also ordered a slab engraved - hopefully the ghost will be gone soon.

Reg was already a High Master Armorer, but I'm not goin to complain.

The artifact is comparatively plain, but it's made of platinum and is pretty expensive. Also, very heavy.

A Weaver got all secretive and woven a pretty nice silken hood. Into the vault it goes.

A few human soldiers came back from their missions (still no reports), along with a couple of humans seeking sanctuary

They aren't monster slayers, so I make an exception and accept them.

Another beast.

Melbil is now a duke and requires better accomodations. I start on that.

UH OH. Somebody is really mad

Well. At least it wasn't a dwarf.

Well, art demands sacrifice, and I'm sure the human would appreciate the craftsdwarfship, and the piece of history depicted on their bones.

Finally! A baby is born, and I'm getting ready to pass this fortress to the next overseer. Just a few loose ends to tie up.

Here are the mostly finished magmaworks, all the magma is filtered, so no risk of some imp getting through, and I removed the old ones and covered up their access holes.

Duke's apartments are finished. They're rather plain I think. Well, the next overseer can always make new ones.

One last fey mood.

And don't forget to bust any remaining ghosts.

The save


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2023, 06:07:35 pm »

I'm kinda suprised how a prepared meal (a lot tho) are worth 152000 in trading form the caravans.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2023, 08:24:17 pm »

that's due to a bug involving meal value calculations or somesuch nonsense. . it's quite extraordinary to think of just how valuable a couple of minced pies are.

The artifact is comparatively plain, but it's made of platinum and is pretty expensive. Also, very heavy.

I want to see someone punched with this baby. my god... 20k worth of platinum to the FACE

Well, art demands sacrifice, and I'm sure the human would appreciate the craftsdwarfship, and the piece of history depicted on their bones.

finally, a good use for the humans!

Wow... that final artifact is quite the piece. The event occurred within Locktorch as well, I assume it was one of the monster hunters killing an ambusher or something?

nice writeup + thanks for all the images. the magma forges will be veeerrryyy useful I imagine.

since we have no one else in the queue, I'm willing to revisit as overseer for at least a year or so. . does that sound fair to everyone else?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2023, 01:09:03 am »

By the way, I think passing a save around creates new, exciting bugs. Humans kept "returning" the entire time - we're at 58 pop now, with around twenty humans again! Also, no new reports, they don't have their squads anymore, who are these strangers?

And DwarfTherapist didn't work with the new version, so I couldn't find the migrants once they started working.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2023, 01:18:12 am »

that's due to a bug involving meal value calculations or somesuch nonsense. . it's quite extraordinary to think of just how valuable a couple of minced pies are.

I assume it's a novelty pie, The Biggest Pie in the World, hence the price. It's a kind of an undocumented fey mood, to create a single dish that can feed the entire Mountainhome.

And go ahead, take another turn) I'm planning to take another turn some time later too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2023, 08:22:01 am »

Idk if this is a bug or not but there are 2 hist figs that had a kid in the year -9 and it shows the kids parents.
They are in locktorch.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2023, 02:13:34 pm »

And DwarfTherapist didn't work with the new version, so I couldn't find the migrants once they started working.

yeahhh I used DFhack's labor browser a TON and am sorely missing it, since premium's take on labor management leaves a lot to be desired

Idk if this is a bug or not but there are 2 hist figs that had a kid in the year -9 and it shows the kids parents.
They are in locktorch.

so when worlds are generated, they also generate the histfigs that are placed in the world in year 1. They need a birthdate for various reasons and so the game assigns them a pre-history birth. If you examine the lives of dragons and other beasts they are born hundreds of years before the creation of the world. who knows what they were up to in that time?

edit: I will take a turn, perhaps on the shorter side .
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 06:22:14 pm by Salmeuk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2023, 11:52:11 am »

Sounds good, The fortress is almost 10 years old now!

The pig iron artifact is worth like ~25300 or somthing, wasn't it worth 8,000 at first. Can artifacts ever get in the millions or are there bugs that do that?

Edit: I won't be as active in abt 3 days and for a month after that but i will try to manage the queue and the fortress (on my phone).
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 11:59:02 am by Chicken »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2023, 07:13:31 am »

Eyyy hell yeah!

Of course Etur went mad and then haunted folks, could never get that guy happy, was thinking of exiling him.

Also the returning humans bug is fascinating, I only sent out the one squad to demand tributes for the caravans.

A Duchy, Woo!! Soon... the mountainhome? Make a chicken the monarch.  How is the chicken farm btw?

Good idea on the lava filter, I'll have to steal that for future playthroughs. 

I Also want to see ppl get punched with the platinum glove, MB it could be assigned to our hammerer or Captain of the Guard?
Or train up a striker and catch some goblin gladiators.

Great job all around!!

PS the gem pile was there when I arrived, thought it might be on purpose so i left it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2023, 08:04:15 am »

Abt half of the chickens were slaughted for meat (it looks like) but don't worry, they have already repopulated (abt 35 chickens are alive rn)
A Duchy, Woo!! Soon... the mountainhome? Make a chicken the monarch.  How is the chicken farm btw?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2023, 03:04:09 pm »

i should have time to play today :]

PS the gem pile was there when I arrived, thought it might be on purpose so i left it

hey hey sorry I'm a messy player.... i like to build and delete stockpiles in order to move objects around to more useful areas.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2023, 03:22:47 pm »

sadly i can't view the worlds untill early august bc i will be on my phone and i can't bring my computer bc i'll be on vacation.
i will keep the queue going (on my phone) and try to keep up with the fortress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #43 on: July 07, 2023, 12:30:57 am »

It was known as Bloatcrypts. A small creature with charcoal skin and a flexible shell, it looked like an armadillo. It lay on the rough stone, paralyzed from the neck down, and waited. For what? Who knows what motivates such demonic entities. Bloatcrypts, for all of its horrible power, simple lay there, helpless, and was trapped there in the gem-laden rock of the undercaverns.


There is... too much food. We are drowning in cheeses, meats, plants, wines...literally the dwarves are clambering over piles and piles of half-spoiled roasts and huge wheels of foreign cheeses just to get to the front gate.

Dwarves require about 2 units of food each season. Our stocks total 14164 units. With 50 dwarves, we could last for ... 35 years. 35 YEARS.

It was decided to promote fortress efficiency by stalling all food production in the interest of other, more useful tasks. Our stores would last, for now.

However, to store the existing stocks, a large food vault was needed. This was built just above the current tavern and main level of the fortress.


deep in the fortress, a room was discovered, filled with random crap. When questioned, the dwarves pointed to the stockpiles sign, denoting the intended contents: it read, in large lettering, "FUCKING ANYTHING IDC".

The sign was destroyed and the items moved back to more . . . relevant places.


The majority of citizens still lacked chests. Like, the furniture, not the body part. This was remedied with the excess stone from the excavation of the food vault.


We couldn't resist and bought more cheese from the caravan.


Melbil's silver suite, with a fearsome statue of a giant.

The forest has grown thick in the intervening years.

The large western room was re-fashioned with silver and copper flooring, and consecrated a temple to the god of mountains, "Moldath".

One of the miners going insane, exploding a chicken. RIP chicken. Is this not a savage crime?!

various artifacts were created.

AH! The horror!

The foodstuffs pile was full of exotic, preserved meats and fishes.

At one point we had four separate caravans waiting for us in the depot.

The wagons crossing the moat.


The dwarves were sleeping when they were awoken by a low rumbling, almost a growl coming from above. the noise grew louder and louder, coming from all around them, through the stone, what was this horrible noise?

Then, an explosion above, a very feathery, yellow explosion, because in fact it was the birth of 40-odd chicks. the resulting spread of birds took over the small hatchery entirely.

The citizens of Locktorch took this as a good omen for the soon-to-arrive Springtime and New Year, the 15th year of this world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dynasties Endless succession fortress 50.09 classic
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2023, 12:36:32 am »

Also the returning humans bug is fascinating, I only sent out the one squad to demand tributes for the caravans.

Well, the tributes returned before the squad, so what kinda directions did you give them? Did they just all decide to both split the party and take a shortcut, and so you've unleashed ten adventurers on the world for no reason?

How is the chicken farm btw?

Producing too many chickens. Then again duke loves quivers, so a source of leather is appreciated.

Good idea on the lava filter, I'll have to steal that for future playthroughs.

One fire snake did slip through while I was setting it up (so be more careful than me, also don't forget to make the pump magma safe). But it's chill and there's nothing flammable down there anyway.
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