World War III - Doomsday At HandALERT! WE HAVE A MISSILE LAUNCH DETECTION!The Third World War has finally crossed the nuclear threshold on December 28th, 1990 when the Soviet Union hit Iraqi-occupied Saudi Arabia. Catastrophic destruction has been inflicted and Millions of people are estimated to have lost their lives. The United States Strategic Air Command is now at DEFCON 2 with nuclear-armed B-52 bombers departing Whiteman within minutes of the order being given. President Bush is currently attempting to reach Gorbachev on the red phone however the Soviet leader is failing to answer the call.
Soviet Nuclear Strike On Saudi ArabiaEleven very intense hours have passed as the world continues holding its breath. The nuclear fallout from the Soviet nuclear attack on Saudi Arabia has now reached the entirety of the Middle East with the death increasing by by an estimated 10-20 million. Iraq is no longer the "most peaceful" place on the planet as they are now in a state of total war as is most of the Middle East while those aren't are in a limited war. Stability in the Middle East is now non-existent and martial law has been declared universally throughout the region. Additional conflicts are a certainty at this point. Also two major United States Team Alliance members (Israel and Turkey) have been affected by the radiation with around 3 million total perishing. Article 5 has once again been invoked.
Radioactive Fallout Impacts The Entire Middle EastIn response to the Soviet nuclear strike and the resulting radioactive fallout reaching a NATO country with devastating results, the President is faced with an impossible choice. During an emergency meeting with the Joint Chiefs, President Bush boarded Air Force One and has the nuclear football opened as he orders DEFCON 1 and prepares to give the fateful command...
DEFCON 1 OrderedAfter reviewing the targets as well as the certain impact even a limited nuclear strike against the Soviet Union would have on our own allies including Germany, China, etc as well as our own troops stationed near Russia, the President ordered that the nuclear strike against the Soviet Union be aborted at the last minute and has instead ordered a conventional surgical strike against Russia with more to follow. He has also ordered the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up plans for a ground invasion of the Soviet Union while even asking Secretary of State James Baker the likely impact of ending recognition of the Soviet Union as a sovereign nation. For the time being global thermonuclear war has been put on hold and hopefully the Soviets won't be launching further nuclear strikes anywhere in the world.
Risk Assessment To Nuke StrikesNuclear Attack Aborted, Surgical Strike Ordered