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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions  (Read 6253 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« on: November 27, 2023, 08:02:29 pm »

Hi. I'm new to Dwarf Fortress.

I jumped in a couple of weeks ago, opting to skip the in-game tutorial and simply ask my friends questions if I hit any snags because we often hang out in voicechat together. I figured a combination of game experience from titles like Minecraft, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, etc would probably prep me with most of the basics I needed to play the game and overall that seemed to be a good foundation from which to understand Dwarf Fortress at a topdown level.

I binged the game for 2 or 3 weeks straight to the detriment of everything else and wanted to share how that went with the devteam. I hope this forum is the right place to do that.

The gameplay experience:
My first two or three maps were short-lived, not because of any particular danger or tragedy, but because I was learning the controls with my friends backseating my gameplay, and I wanted to check out my options for different types of embark sites. I dug some holes, planted a handful of crops, abandoned some forts, and had several chances to laugh at the world generator's constant feed of goblins striking down dragons. After that, I started up a new world to see how far I could get.

Fort 01
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Fort 02:
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Fort 03:
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All three forts exported cut gems, the third fort also exported iron bars to supplement the gems if necessary. Most of the time, cut gems were more than enough to cover all of the imported goods in the entire caravan, whether I needed the items or not- I found myself deciding which items to keep based on the volume of hauling jobs that would be necessary to move things from the depot to stockpiles instead.

Having had a chance to give the game what I think is an honest try, I've got a bunch of feedback about it.

It's worth mentioning that I'm not playing the game using DFHack or Dwarf Therapist or any other third-party utilities designed to make the game more playable. It's cool that these kinds of tools exist, but fresh players from Steam probably aren't going to want to install additional stuff just to play the game they just bought, and if tools like this exist to solve problems in the base game and have been adopted by the community in widespread fashion, the base game should probably evolve and fix those problems anyway.

It is also worth noting that I am choosing to avoid exploits while playing unless it is absolutely necessary, which means I am not abusing things like quantum stockpiles.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to mention most of this stuff, but it's probably worth mentioning all of it again anyway- I'm hoping that my "fresh blood" perspective will help highlight which things need to be prioritized to continue improving the game. It looks like a lot of people have adapted weird meta-playstyles to work around long-standing issues and in a sense have become numb or desensitized to some of the more important problems that take away from the experience.

In no particular order, here are some pain points that were extremely frustrating:

Dwarves leave random items in doorways
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Last in, first out, except when it's not
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Something is extremely wrong with cage trap re-arm logic
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3 different erasers in 3 different UI spots with 3 different settings for saving whether the eraser is on or off, all of which have different default behaviors
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Why is it such a pain in the ass to make stairs that connect to existing stairs?
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Why am I able to multi-level drag select some stuff, but not other stuff?
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The default recommended settings for steel processing don't work
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The station command doesn't work
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Why are necromancers such a huge liability?
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Why do dwarves wander all the way to the map's edge to pick up a single bolt of ammunition?
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Locking an item doesn't cancel a dwarf's trip to go get that item
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Why can't I prioritize construction?
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Ability to stand lost
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Why doesn't the ballista shoot in a straight line?
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Burrow/squad/animaltrainer/etc interface has no sort or search options
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We don't need more fish right now- go do something useful
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Bodyparts belong in a bin
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Why does this game disrespect the time you invest in it so much?
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Sort by tattered?
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This belongs to the ocean now
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Go to the god damn depot
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How about you just pull the lever
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Why is milling such an unintuitive mess?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The dwarves have suspended construction of a wall
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That's cool but who cares
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Stockpile presets are stupid
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Dwarves can path out of water, but not into it? What?
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!!rough yellow diamonds!!
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The elves are offended
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How do I take this goblin out of the cage?
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I don't want to do this, but if I don't, the game will freeze
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Overall, Dwarf Fortress does a lot of stuff right, but the game's shitty performance makes it feel like a tech demo for terrain generation with a bunch of other half-functional features stacked on top. "That's cool, but the game doesn't run" summarizes prettymuch everything I've experienced so far- while the game is performant, it's enjoyable and a lot of the bugs and quirks are easy to forgive, but as soon as performance degradation sets in, all of these stupid problems compound on top of each other to culminate in an experience that ultimately makes me feel like it was engineered to punish me for trying to play.

I am of the opinion that all available development resources should be focused on fixing performance problems and nothing else until the game can handle the features it already has at a normal framerate up to and through the endgame phase - prioritizing adventure mode at this time seems like the wrong direction.

The OST is great though. That's probably the only part of this game that's flawless.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2023, 08:08:08 pm by lofty »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2023, 05:10:45 am »

It's a good list.  All of it is well known (I don't think anyone mentioned the stairs issue when Zack was asking for bug priorities in a Reddit thread :-P... Now they probably won't realise how important its...)

It's always an awkward conversation about the good and bad of DF.  The good is unmatched by any other game.  The bad is... "How did this get released" level.  There are reasons for that (basically "an art game by someone who wasn't a programmer by profession and which has been funded by donations for a couple of decades" probably sums it up).  I've written about it many times in various places.  The TL;DR is that the game is full of facades and place holders.  Also everything is connected up to everything else.  Normally one wouldn't do that because the complexity goes through the roof.  As a result, though, you get this quirky, magical thing where if you squint your eyes it looks like it's got insane depth.

I think the real problem is that because everything is half finished, getting *everything* to a finished level is practically impossible.  It's just too complex (and there are no tests).  You fix one thing and break another.  As a player, my advice is to ignore the cruft as much as possible and enjoy the magic.  If you expect the bad parts to get materially better in the short term, you will be very disappointed.

On the other hand, I think it's why some of the older players have been frustrated with the new version.  Over the years you craft a way of playing the game that sidesteps 99% of the problems.  When the new UI came in, it broke most of those work arounds.  You can imagine that some people didn't want to recreate them with a whole new system.

I'm sounding pretty dire here and I don't really mean to.  The game is amazing.  There is nothing else like it.  It's also *fun*.  Sometimes I catch myself thinking, "OMG, this is fun!".  There are lots of frustrations, but it's often like the joke, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this."  "Well, don't do that." (He says, contemplating putting together a crossbow squad for the first time in 10 years...)


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2023, 03:08:37 pm »

bravo. a grand first post. also, I agree with mikekchar %100 - disregard the cruft, fall in love with the magic moments

Some items just burn forever I guess- this is pretty stupid. I should be able to mark items for having water dumped on them, in the same way I can mark them as trash for pickup.

if you build a wall above this item, you can designate a 'pit/pond' zone and thus drop buckets of water.

Some kind of specific, meaningful message about what they won't accept from you in addition to the existing flavor text would be nice. Trial-and-error for a once-a-year trading opportunity is shitty- I shouldn't have to dig through arbitrary item metadata to figure out what I did wrong.

you gotta use the wiki if you are trying to play perfectly, otherwise.... there is a reason people dislike elves

My biggest complaint about Dwarf Fortress is that the terrible performance of the game forces you into an immersion-breaking metagame playstyle.

yup. I have been trying to start discussions on this subject for years now. the game is not really a game so much as a tool for generating stories... if you adopt this perspective it becomes easier to accept the frustrating limitations of the simulation. in comparison to other indie offerings, DF has been eclipsed in many ways.

look, your list is an interesting mixture of old and new issues. things that have plagued the game since the first versions, like FPS,  confusing FIFO, gamebreaking bugs that stay broken for years and years.... and also things that were introduced in the most recent update (3 different erasers in 3 different UI spots with 3 different settings for saving whether the eraser is on or off, all of which have different default behaviors) that seem like obvious missteps but you know I guess its a WIP.

as someone who purchased more than a handful of copies for friends and whatnot, its kinda disheartening to see someone like you who has played like, 1/100th of the hours I have, come in and still accurately peg this game for what it currently is

""That's cool, but the game doesn't run"

anyways. my only reply is,

sure. it doesnt run and the ui is painful
 but there is no better game
to watch falling autumn leaves
 pile up under orchard trees
and there is no better game
 to confront you with dreadful existence
and all its sad, random violence

so yeah. its basically an aesthetic generator, sort of a "Redwall Simulator", but that's what us fans enjoy about it. many things to improve, of course, so here's to hoping!




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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2023, 05:12:05 pm »

It also sounds like you've been playing specifically with the goal of reaching the endgame, which IMO is not the best way to play and will lead to you missing out on or just overlooking a lot of the game's best features. The endgame is optional for a reason, and IMO a vastly superior approach to "How can I win this game?" is "How much and how many different varieties of sheer chaos can I create in the time before my fort inevitably falls into ruin?". DF's "Losing is fun" slogan has become something of an annoying cliche, but there really is some truth to it in the sense that DF is less about a destination and more about a beautiful, chaotic journey that will be unique to every player. And yes, Salmeuk pretty much hit the nail on the head with their comment that DF is more of a story generator than a game. Own that and have fun with it!

Anyway welcome to bay12 and to the DF community, lofty. Hopefully you decide to stick around!
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 05:13:46 pm by PlumpHelmetMan »
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2023, 06:35:50 pm »

Agreed with everyone above, but also adding in my agreement that the list of complaints you posted are very valid and unfortunately have been this way for as long as I've been playing the game, which is over 10 years now.  You kind of just have to learn to live with the quirks because they aren't going to get fixed soon.

That said, the team did hire a new developer with the release of the graphical Steam version whose big focus at one point was fixing performance issues.  That's an example of something that has actually gotten materially and significantly better recently, so there's some hope for the other issues.  I'm sure performance will continue to be worked on as an ongoing effort.  Tarn / Toady also fixed a bug with archer ammo that was literally over 10 years old very recently, and they are aware of the offputting problems like this.  Time will tell what the priorities are after they finish restoring adventure mode.

I also agree that since you kind of have to make your own fun with the game, it can be better to try to just run personal challenges.  I've never become the mountainhome because it's a pain and I don't think it would really be fun.  Instead, I usually just do something like "build a castle with archer towers and a moat," or just try to set up a small dynasty by RPing as the expedition leader who gets promoted through the nobility of the game.  That's my old community fort player coming through.

The game absolutely is full of aggravating bugs and quirks though.  Absolutely.  I never use siege machines, for example.  I install DFHack because it has a warning about when someone is starving to death, which is otherwise way too easy to not notice.  I've barely touched minecarts because they're very complicated and dwarves are too dumb to not walk along the tracks and get run over.  I don't go into the caverns anymore because cavern invaders are bugged and endless.  I try to avoid cutting too many trees on the surface too, not because of the elves but because you'll eventually get unending attack waves from angry animals that kill more people than the goblins.  And yes, I despise that the game won't warn you about items being elf unfriendly until you accidentally try to trade a helmet you took off a goblin and find out it had wooden decorations on it...
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2023, 10:05:32 pm »

Factorio handles hundreds of enemies moving in formation with dynamic pathfinding at the same time while simulating millions of factory interactions simultaneously- DF has trouble with like, 50 of anything moving at all. That's silly.

It really isn't comparable. Pathfinding is not slow, and is not the slow part here. That's kind of an enduring myth, but it's just not the case. The enemies in factorio do not do as much as the units in Dwarf Fortress do, flat out. Their line-of-sight calculations are limited to "is there a source of pollution or player close enough to attack?", which massively limits the amount that actually needs to be done; Dwarf Fortress, meanwhile, does a lot more, and that's the part that's been multithreaded by me recently, in fact. This is the primary cause of FPS dropping, in general. The millions of factory interactions are also fantastically simple compared to a lot of what Dwarf Fortress does--and the main advantage Factorio has over DF on the performance front is that its performance issues only show up at a stage where the game can already have easily been beaten.

But the thing is, that's also not true now. I can run forts at >100 FPS up to 250 citizens now--if you're getting significantly worse performance at 80 dwarves, I'd like to see it (not "I dare you to show me", literally "send me the save so I can identify what's causing the performance issue and triage it").


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2023, 07:54:48 pm »

Just in case it's not clear, Putnam is the programmer that has been making great strides in fixing performance issues (and other things!)  I've said it before and will probably say it again, Putnam is the best thing that's happened due to the premium release.  Toady can hopefully get on with doing his thing while Putnam has been prioritising more urgent player needs.  I can't express my gratitude enough :-)

I just wanted to comment on the "end game" as well.  I think a lot of us older players are used to the idea that there is no end game.  No matter what you do to your fortress, the world continues.  This is especially obvious with adventure mode and I'm looking forward to newer players getting a taste of that.  The monarch comes, or doesn't come.  Your fortress becomes the mountain home or doesn't.  It makes no difference to the game.  One is not a better outcome than the other.  You get overrun by serpent people, or you never breach the caverns.  From the game's perspective it doesn't matter.  I've played a "fortress" for years and years and years of in game time simply hill farming sheep, making cheese, praying to the gods and making fancy clothes.  I've played a band of bandits who lure travellers to their fireside with promises of ale and relieve them of their goods (and often their lives) -- a no pick challenge :-)  Said bandit group suddenly found their leader had been proclaimed king, had problems with an undead echidna (unkillable), disbanded briefly and in the interim 1400 elves showed up, kidnapped the new king and installed him on a puppet throne in the old dwarven capital that the elves had captured.  There is nothing else like this game.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2023, 02:02:22 am »

I appreciate the welcome, thank you!
I'll try to reply to replies without creating another essay.

The complexity of the game is neat, although I definitely agree with the sentiment of 'playing perfectly needs the wiki' - had I not stumbled across the section on the wiki about muddy water I would have been oblivious to the danger it poses.

Disregarding cruft is tough, but DF is still a lot of fun to play when it's behaving. It hurts me to save-scum so much lol

I am experimenting with a fourth fort. Each iteration lasts longer and runs better as I figure out more efficient ways to do stuff- reading around I saw mention that crowded taverns can cause performance problems, and this ties in with Putnam mentioning that more is done than simple pathing when characters have line of sight, so this fourth base has been designed to distribute taverngoers and guildhall visitors across multiple areas in different wings of the fort and is performing a lot better at a much higher population- steady FPS at ~190 pop instead of ~2fps at 100. (I'll link the fort saves at the bottom so they can be triaged, though.)

On the topic of burning items- they create smoke so dwarves won't build walls or ramps in the nearby area due to pathing troubles.
After attempting several times to get an overhead area set up near the items in question, I just gave up. The forever-burning artifact scroll wasn't worth the effort.

I guess I went into DF with the expectation that I was supposed to have a fortress decked out in the best available items, swimming in riches and digging until I couldn't anymore. It seems that a more conservative playstyle is required to last longer, though- the solid gold throne room will need to wait. In the first couple of forts, if I saw ore, I acquired it- on the current playthrough I just go back to grab it later if I need it, and that's probably helping set a saner pace for the game.

Coming from Minecraft, Starbound, etc, I get the whole 'there is no real ending' thing; I just figured that the game would be more forgiving for maxed gear and a large army.

Here are links to the saves for fort 2 (too many lizards) and fort 3.
I appreciate the eyes, thank you for that.



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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2023, 07:51:51 pm »

So, fort 3's issue appears to be liquid moving around causing the connectivity map to be updated repeatedly, likely to do with the ocean; fort 2's is much more interesting, that being line-of-sight friend-or-foe checks being the big issue, though it's kind of divided evenly between all the potentials. Because line-of-sight seems to be the problem, I checked and, yeah, fort 2 got a ~20% speedup from enabling multithreading, very neat.

Main insights:

1. Connectivity map updating still really needs a look at, but it's a legitimately difficult problem. I'm not sure what can be done to speed it up before a map overhaul or similar.
2. Relationship checking still a bit slow somehow. There's all sorts of odd places that might cause that, though.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 08:11:56 pm by Putnam »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2023, 10:45:45 pm »

I don't know much about Dwarf Fortress' under-the-hood architecture yet, but perhaps this will help:

It explains connectivity for map regions broken down into an octree system. While their particular use for this sorcery was dynamic pathfinding in a destructible world, it's generally-applicable for scaling solutions with anything using tiled/voxelized terrain models.

With fort 3, does the connectivity map have any weird connection to the mysterious puddles of banana beer strewn throughout the base via the misting system? Contaminated fluids not mixing or something?

Thankyou again for taking a look \o/
« Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 10:50:01 pm by lofty »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2023, 04:46:38 pm »

A legitimate list, but I propose a different perspective:

What you list as being the biggest annoyances is one of the most endearing features of the game, IMO.  Just about every other video game gives you ultimate and total control over every aspect of your units.  Units in Dwarf Fortress treat your direct commands as 'strongly suggested'.  Most of the vaunted difficulty of this game springs from this misunderstanding of how your commands will be carried out.  Once you figure out that bit, everything else starts to fall into place.  You are not here to control the dwarves, you are here to prod them in the directions you would like them to go.  Even the message you get in Legends Mode when retiring a fort bears this out: "At [TIME] [GROUP_NAME] of [CIV_NAME] at the settlement of [FORT_NAME] regained their senses after an initial period of questionable judgment."  You, the player, are not a deity in direct control of your thoughtless minions.  You, the player, are the nagging little voice whispering in the collective ears of the dwarves, who are trying like hell just to live their lives and not succumb to the idiotic desire to build a massive magma moat around the fort, replete with self-powered pump-stack magmafalls, for the mist, and then a solid gold throne room underneath with trap doors and pumps, in case the mayor makes too many demands, and then...


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2023, 12:55:41 pm »

Units in Dwarf Fortress treat your direct commands as 'strongly suggested'.  Most of the vaunted difficulty of this game springs from this misunderstanding of how your commands will be carried out.  Once you figure out that bit, everything else starts to fall into place.  You are not here to control the dwarves, you are here to prod them in the directions you would like them to go.

The problem with not having direct control of your dwarves is that they aren't people who can make sound decisions.  They're dumber than ants.
Quote from: Duke 2.0
Urist McMood: Must have... Glass!
 Kogan McHauler: We were able to get a few pieces from some encrusted trinkets. Hopefully, thats al-Oh CRAP we don't have any fuel!
 Urist McMood: That won't be a problem...
 *Starts bending metal with his bare hands*


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2023, 02:14:46 pm »

Yeah, which is of course an eternal WIP, but there are some definite practical issues with it still.

In recent memory I had a miner kill himself by crushing his own throat with a falling log while deconstructing a ceiling in one of the few unsafe ways he could have.  There were literally 2/20 or so tiles he could have removed first to do that, so of course he did.

I was also reminded that fire breathing enemies can cause dwarf AI to break.  I had some who'd literally get next to a fire breathing titan and do nothing because it set the tiles around them on fire.  Then they burned to death instead of doing something useful like attacking the titan standing in the fire or at least running away through the fire despite the risk.  This would have possibly been a moot point if I could have instructed the marksdwarves to use iron ammo during the fight, but they all had wooden training ammo.

On the other hand, I think I remember some improvements were made a while back for construction and at least dwarves don't wall themselves in nearly as often as they used to.  You still have to babysit things like corners, but it's better than it was.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2023, 09:35:39 am »

A legitimate list, but I propose a different perspective:

What you list as being the biggest annoyances is one of the most endearing features of the game, IMO.  Just about every other video game gives you ultimate and total control over every aspect of your units.  Units in Dwarf Fortress treat your direct commands as 'strongly suggested'.  Most of the vaunted difficulty of this game springs from this misunderstanding of how your commands will be carried out.  Once you figure out that bit, everything else starts to fall into place.  You are not here to control the dwarves, you are here to prod them in the directions you would like them to go.  Even the message you get in Legends Mode when retiring a fort bears this out: "At [TIME] [GROUP_NAME] of [CIV_NAME] at the settlement of [FORT_NAME] regained their senses after an initial period of questionable judgment."  You, the player, are not a deity in direct control of your thoughtless minions.  You, the player, are the nagging little voice whispering in the collective ears of the dwarves, who are trying like hell just to live their lives and not succumb to the idiotic desire to build a massive magma moat around the fort, replete with self-powered pump-stack magmafalls, for the mist, and then a solid gold throne room underneath with trap doors and pumps, in case the mayor makes too many demands, and then...
I agree in part — this was highly endearing to me for my first dozen or two forts, but it eventually lost a good portion of its charm, especially when it’s for STUFF YOU HAVE TO DO RIGHT NOW, like lofty mentioned; building walls and pulling levers

I can live with the broker taking forever to go to the depot and the station command being next-to-useless but a dwarf eighty z-levels down who was just pumping magma being assigned lever-pulling is an absolute pain, especially when the lever is to pull the bridge up on the only entrance of the fort to stop goblins from getting in

by the way, lofty, I found your criticism and summary enjoyable and insightful to read, I hope you stick you around
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 09:39:05 am by Laterigrade »
and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
bool IsARealBoy = false
dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 50.11 - New player, 320 hours, first impressions
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2023, 01:03:37 am »

Trees growing out of control is actually number one on my fix wishlist.
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