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Author Topic: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 5 Design)  (Read 12156 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #225 on: March 16, 2024, 08:14:07 am »

Quote from: Zappbox
Tewwibwe cuwse (U)w(U):
medics ():
Implantation and Prosthesis: ():
The Cetrical Revolution (0):
Whalelock Rifle: ():
Liesel limbs ():
Whalelock Cannon (0):
Whalelock Rifle (supplant gunpowder edition) (5): Powder Miner, Doomblade, D7, Maxim, rockeater
Crossing the red lines (8 ): TricMagic, Quarque, Andrea, m1895, Kashyyk, Lightforger, NUKE9.13, Jerick


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #226 on: March 16, 2024, 12:52:23 pm »

How could you forsake our lord and savior
Quote from: Zappbox
Tewwibwe cuwse (U)w(U):
medics ():
Implantation and Prosthesis: ():
The Cetrical Revolution (0):
Whalelock Rifle: ():
Liesel limbs ():
Whalelock Cannon (0):
Whalelock Rifle (supplant gunpowder edition) (5): Powder Miner, Doomblade, D7, Maxim, rockeater
Crossing the red lines (8): TricMagic, Quarque, Andrea, m1895, Kashyyk, Lightforger, NUKE9.13, Jerick

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #227 on: March 17, 2024, 12:14:04 am »

Preliminary Turn 3 Design Phase

Proposal: Crossing The Red Lines
Difficulty: Normal
Result: 6+6=12, Unexpected Boon

Orichalcum is a deep crimson alloy related to bronze, with an alchemical catalyst of whale blood and bone mixed in alongside a bit of Ichor during the smelting process. This soft metal proved to be extremely malleable and ductile, with simple cold hammering more than able to shape ingots and bare hands able to manipulate thin sheets with ease.

The first evidence of the creation of Orichalcum can be found in the lofty towers of the Bandit-Lords then known as the Wovenmen. Mimatqui, a great mind living in one of the Ziggawatts, was forced to work for the Wovenmen once his creativity and aptitude for inventiveness became obvious walking past his little personal workshop. While “forced” to slave away at the top of a tower, smoke constantly billowing from the balcony forges and chimneys, Mimatqui was quite pleased to be allowed to do his work as part of this Remoran relationship. He enjoyed thinking and tinkering, and even if his musings were used to oppress in the moment, he hoped that one day he’d put in place the means for everyone to experience his creations.

While initially seen as little more than a decorative metal, an outburst from a particularly impatient Wovenman arced cetricity past Mimatqui and blew apart a shelf of trinkets. Some orichalcum was struck, and both Mimatqui and the Wovenman could feel a slight change in the air. It took but a moment for both of them to see Mimatqui’s lodestone collection suspended loosely in the air above the orichalcum bar as if sitting atop an invisible ocean. Experiments into magnetism and the properties of orichalcum ensued immediately after a light beating. Mimatqui kept most of his experiments secret, an easy task when he was largely kept unobserved and could doctor his notes however he wished, because his work on cetric fields would clearly be perceived as a threat to Wovenman dominance and the mystical power and spiritual stranglehold the Priesthood maintained over everyone beneath them.

Orichalcum’s cetric potential proved to be far beyond that of even the most intense Wovenman tattoos, carrying a charge faster and more effectively than their flesh-and-blood bodies. No elaborate rituals were required to attract lightning to it - Mimatqui crafted flying kites and tied Orichalcum pins to the strings keeping them tethered to his balcony, and the results were more impressive than an entire body performing a storm calling ritual. No cetric capabilities were needed to directly power it - Orichalcum with an end submerged in Ichor passively pulled cetricity from the power supply with a similar effect to the Wovenman’s strike.

Mimatqui, the brainy thing of good brain that he was, wasn’t truly isolated in his tower. He had a very limited network of outside connections he communicated with via bird and encoded messages, and used this network to perform experiments he was unable to test from his location - specifically, how did the Lightning Whales respond to Orichalcum?

The results were, frankly, as much of a societal upset as everything else Orichalcum threatened just by existing. Orichalcum the size of the pins used for the kite experiment could be thrown into the water, and if a Lightning Whale was nearby it would rush toward the pin and swallow it as if the metal was the only thing in the universe the creature desired. Every beast died within moments. Nonviolently. Nonexplosively. And completely usable.

But it was Mimatqui’s Red Lines that brought everything together.

Orichalcum foil was wrapped around a core of stone and laid along the ground. When provided with a cetric charge, the foil produced a field for the length of the line relative to the strength of the charge capable of suspending a significant amount of weight in ferrous material. Mimaqtuicarts took advantage of this with a grooved iron rod running along the bottom of a typical cart. Forming the line and the stabilizing rod in a similar shape and positioning the rod over the line acts to “lock” the cart into position, reducing the chances of derailing or turning over whether stationary or in motion. The first lines were installed to ease the transport of self-sacrificed goods to the Wovenmen, set on leveled ground graded to gently slope down from the nearby Ziggawatt to their tower. Ichor Stations dotted the lines, providing power through massive storage vats of Ichor and rest for the weary. Each line ended in a section barely separated from the rest running on lower power and, eventually, an end that was entirely unpowered so that carts could be brought to rest on the ground. Orichalcum still coated each rail, as it was much easier to glide the Mimaqtuicart across the red metal than any other widely available material.

While the carts could travel largely independently, an unchecked cart would continue accelerating downhill until the journey ended in disaster. Most early carts were yoked to beasts of burden or kept on a leash with a human attached to the other end in order to provide controlled travel to prevent that.

As the Red Lines began to spread throughout the North, connecting towers, Ziggawatts, cities, villages, mines, ports…and just about anywhere else, goods found themselves no longer the exclusive riders of the rails. Information began to spread, too. Mimaquti’s network, the self-described lantern in the darkness known as The Illuminators, took his findings from his extensive studies and research into cetricity’s relationship with the natural world and began teaching in secret. Describing the positive and negative tides of cetricity and cetric currents in ways every peasant could understand, knowledge once locked away for the wealthy or “divine” was spreading faster than the blood beneath a sacrifice. Unrest in the masses directed toward two of the three (Two and a half? WhaleSlayers are a pipeline to priesthood but technically separate) elite pillars of society led to a few early acts of rebellion that amounted to little, but a public display of Orichalcum’s effect on Lightning Whales and the threat of obsolescence of WhaleSlayers tore society in the Cabal down to its very foundations. Every single position of power within the region’s history had its legitimacy absolutely shattered by one man’s research, and by the time the impact of his discoveries were realized, it was already way too late.

It is with luck then that most people saw reason - these peoples were still responsible for what wealth and prosperity the Confederation and Cabal had experienced, and still had a place in the culture of the people, even if their monopolies on spiritual and material leadership were shredded. Known as either The People’s Revolution or The Red Revolution, masses gathered in groups too large to simply disperse without a massacre, and while no revolution goes without some blood spilt, the fractured ideals of the Priesthood and Cabal ensured they could not come together to effectively suppress the uprising. Society shut down as every party entrenched themselves, preparing for the shoe to drop. But none did. Instead, talks were engaged by the people inviting all parties to negotiations in order to finally ensure prosperity for all, and these meetings resulted in the foundational document of the Twelve Bays Confederacy: The Twelve Guarantees.

Quote from: The Twelve Guarantees
1-No individual or group shall hold absolute power.
2-Representatives of all cities shall assemble to pass laws in the Forum, the sanctity of which shall not be violated.
3-The priesthood, the people, and the protectors shall each always have a voice in government.
4-The people shall sustain the priesthood and the protectors.
5-The priesthood shall provide spiritual guidance to the people and the protectors.
6-The protectors shall ensure the safety of the people and the priesthood.
7-No human shall be sacrificed without their consent.
8-The arrest or execution of wrongdoers shall be approved by a court, the proceedings of which shall be open to the public.
9-Whale hunting shall be regulated by the priesthood, but shall not be denied without cause.
10-The taxation of whale harvests shall not exceed three-fifths.
11-If a whale hunt causes damage to the city, the slayer shall reimburse the injured parties.
12-Weirs shall not obstruct navigable rivers or canals.

The Illuminators, their task of freeing the people complete, turned their attention wholly to maintaining the Red Lines. Lines of Mimatquicarts were connected to one another as individual “Chaincarts” to form “Chains” [GM Note: I was trying to do something with cetric and train, and stumbled into that, please don’t kill me] that could haul goods in greater bulk than an individual cart. While that should be obvious since each cart increases available volume, the big difference came from the cetrically-infused Illuminators that rode atop the front cart of each Chain. A few jars of Ichor were more than enough for these Chain Conductors [THERE IT IS] to keep themselves consistently providing extra “juice” (a slang term for Ichor) to the rails between waystations in order to increase the mass a field can suspend.

As the Red Lines expanded and quality of life across the board increased, the population exploded and expanded, necessitating the expansion of Ziggawatts to fit their needs, resulting in extensions of the Red Lines, improving quality of life…

For the first time in, perhaps, ever, the people of the Twelve Bays Confederacy saw the light at the end of the tunnel and stepped into it. [I am making sure you realize that was another two references to trains (:]

Thanks to the Renaissance brought on by Mimatqui;
Ziggawatts, being the structures around which everything is centered in a massive and connected empire are [Cheap] along with their by-products.
Lightning Whales are [Cheap].
Storm Caller Priesthood now pulls from the entire population and are [Cheap].
Cargo Chains are the arteries through which the blood of the empire runs, and are [Cheap].

It is now the Revision Phase, and will continue to address the same prompt. As with the last turn, your design is not your past set in stone - you can utilize your Revision to advance something within the results/armory, but if there is anything specific about the given backstory in this Design that the team would like to address or modify, that is also allowed. The revision will be rolled as normal.

Spoiler: "Armory" (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Map Key (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 12:30:03 am by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #228 on: March 17, 2024, 01:53:15 am »

Enjoy my crappy 2 am revision

Raillock Weaponry: While many of the Illuminators dutifully followed out Mimatqui's requests on how to test Orichalcum, there were some that took it a step beyond and conducted their own experiments outside the bounds of Mimatqui's peaceful uses for the alloy with the experiments becoming more and more focused towards weapons of violence as the revolutionary sentiment grew. The result of this being the Raillock Rifle named so for its two main components of a pair of orichalcum rails mounted in a wooden stock and a bronze lock lacquered to reduce conductivity pinning an iron ball in place inside the "breech" end of the rails and connected to a wooden trigger. Powered by a large tank of ichor connected to the pair of rails and needing to be transported separately from the rifle itself the weapons are quiet immobile compared to a simple crossbow but thrice as deadly, once the trigger is depressed and the lock's pressure is released allowing the iron ball to be taken by the magnetic force of the rails and shot at a speed incomparable to any other ranged weapon in use.

While the intended use of these weapons was for cutting down Wovemen from a safe distance with lethal effect the rather quiet nature of the revolution meant that it saw very little use and would have been forgotten if it hadn't been used as part of a few high profile assassinations during the high water mark of tension between the factions. After the successful reformation of the nation these powerful weapons became widespread in use as defensive weapons and a favored tool of marksmen.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #229 on: March 17, 2024, 06:10:32 am »

Voices from nowhere
The spread of cargo chains brought with it another unexpected boon. The lines were built to carry goods and people could also carry cetricity a long distance very quickly. This didn't seem very useful at first but it wasn't long until a pair of workers building out the lines wanted to signal to each other from one end to the other. They very quickly realised the same lines they were building could be charged with a flash of juice to almost instantly signal to each other. Separated by the long stretch of line they were building they came up with a kind of code and watched for short bursts of low charge cetricity coming down the line. This became common practice with builders working on the lines, a way to talk to their compatriots. It became so standard they started building secondary lines just to communicate. Once those lines were in place it took very little time for people outside of the line construction work to take notice and start using them. The convenience of near-instant city-to-city messages was just too much to ignore. Letters were encoded into bursts of cetricity and sent to be transcribed back into a letter at the general destination. As time went on more efficient methods of encoding and sending messages were invented. But none had as much impact as the Oraphone.

It was discovered that by surrounding a moving magnet with orichalcum you could generate cetricity. Not enough to be worth considering it a good source over ichor. But it served as a good way to encode messages for the lines quickly and efficiently. The real breakthrough came when an enterprising young man looking for a way to encode voice attached a magnet surrounded by orichalcum coils to the center of a thin, stretched-out sheet. Every vibration in the sheet caused pulses of cetricity to be generated. By passing this cetricity to an orichalcum celectro-magnet you could move a natural magnet in a similar way to the way the source magnet moved. By connecting the new magnet to a sheet of material you could reproduce the sounds. The early efforts were crude but it was a time of rapid innovation. New ideas spread quicker and quicker as communication became easier.


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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #230 on: March 17, 2024, 08:23:24 am »

I quite like Voices from Nowhere but i think it would work better as a revision if it was just the telegraph part. (Cetricgraph?)

Implantation and Prosthesis
As our civilization evolved and grew, knowledge of medicine and body alteration from the wovenmen inevitably spread, leading to the growth of a new class of doctors and a new field of science. Soon our hospitals were pioneering new and innovative surgeries, reducing mortality rates, learning safer ways to implant flesh, and even pioneering prosthetics for those injured in industrial accidents or war. These prosthetics benefited from out history of surgery and body modification, boasting surprisingly lifelike designs and even some pioneering developments in biofeedback and biomechanics, allowing the wearer to control the limb more closely to that of a biological one, and grasp or work objects more freely.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #231 on: March 17, 2024, 08:46:57 am »

Woven Metal Band
With the discovery of a new material even better than whale, the Wovenmen began experimenting with implanting Orichalcum in their bodies, using tattoos to help direct the power it could transmit. This resulted in a vastly improved survival rate of self-sacrifice, until it was refined to the point it could pick up cetric fields around them. So they came to be known as the protectors in truth, rather than in word. Their metal-laden bodies allowed them protection from lightning strikes as well, able to notice the signs before lightning, though quite a few were electrocuted before the technique of Grounding became common knowledge. Though they never quite managed to fix the problem with metal being repelled from them, which prevented full metallization of their bodies, limited to small bands woven into flesh.

  • Orichalcum implants allowed cetricity to be drained from ichor and stored within the body.
  • Tattoos were used like circuitry to direct the power and prevent it from harming the owner.
  • The combination acted as a receiver able to feel the cetric fields around them.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 09:03:19 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #232 on: March 17, 2024, 04:36:17 pm »

Cloud Ships

Despite the Monsooner cultural group being reliant on the sea for many of their practical and spiritual needs, the Twelve Bays Confederacy had little to show in terms of great oceangoing vessels until well into early modernity. The reasons for this are debated by historians. Were whales simply so plentiful in those days that there was no need to hunt further afield? Was any attempt until that point foiled by the stormy waters of the North Ocean?

Regardless, the propagation of Chain technology in the generations immediately following Mimatqui began to change this state of affairs. While sea-ships were rare, no such thing could be said of canal boats and other small vessels that filled the canals of Ixam and other Ziggawatt cities. The boatbuilders of a town in the Evergreen Riverway called Atoyac (meaning "city on the river") were well familiar with the principles of buoyancy and hydrodynamic drag, and noticed the potential of Orichalcum to revolutionize their craft.


So-called Cloud Ships utilized the cetro-magnetic locking effects of Orichalcum to create hydrofoils that seemingly floated untethered over the water. A hydrofoil is a type of boat with a hull attached by struts to a wing-like surface (the foil) under the water. Under power, the foil generates lift and the hull rises over the surface. Because the the hull isn't producing drag in the water, a hydrofoil can travel much faster than a conventional boat with the same powerplant.

The key difference for a Cloud Ship, of course, is that there are no struts. An Ichor-powered rail in the keel of the boat pushes off a magnetic balance keel in the foil, locking into place over a meter apart. With a strong wind against its sails or a couple banks of oarsmen giving it their all, a Cloud Ship will speedily hover on its way over the waves while its foil cuts through the water below. Such Cloud Ships plied the waters of the North Ocean hunting for whales, and further connected the southward-growing Twelve Bays Confederation on the interbarrial river network, with expeditions going as far as the Vale of Waters... and perhaps, beyond?


The boom in shipbuilding Cloud Ships brought led to the construction of some of the first large ships in Monsooner history, with the largest reaching multiple hundred tons of weight. A typical example of such a large Cloud Ship is the trading vessel Sun Chaser--so called for its carved prow portraying the eponymous lion-headed god--and known to archaeologists through its surviving design plans and a number of contemporary descriptions.

The Sun Chaser was a wooden trimaran made of Choladaic Mahogany, measuring 30 meters in length and with a crew complement of around 50. For stability, each of the three hulls held an Orichalcum locking rail corresponding to a sister rail on the submarine foil. The central hull had two masts for sails, oar positions for rowers, and a raised quarterdeck from which the captain commanded the rudder. Cargo could be stowed on the deck connecting the hulls, or inside the two outrigger hulls. The Sun Chaser, under its notable captain Seven Golden Coins, attempted a record-breaking transcontinental voyage to trade with the mysterious southlander "Beeples."

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (0):
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (0):
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships (1): DoubloonSeven
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 04:49:53 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #233 on: March 17, 2024, 04:54:33 pm »

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (0):
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (0):
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships (1): DoubloonSeven, TricMagic
Behold the humble cloud. I would like a wovenmen revision, but this works too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #234 on: March 18, 2024, 12:39:05 am »

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (1): Maxim
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (0):
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships (2): DoubloonSeven, TricMagic

Hydrofoil boats are cool but I don't really see what we get from it since its just applying the chain principle to boats? Also I don't really understand how you're applying the principle of Flux Pinning to actually make the boat work, at least in the configuration you have it in. The magnet would need to be in the ship's keep while the rail would need to be in the hydrofoil if my understanding of how Flux Pinning works is correct.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #235 on: March 18, 2024, 03:15:59 am »

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (1): Maxim
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (1): Quarque
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships (2): DoubloonSeven, TricMagic


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #236 on: March 18, 2024, 07:48:21 am »

The Lantern of Mimatqui
In the darkness of night and cloudy day, did Mimatqui tinker to light the way. Whale baleen and copper pin, water shine within the din.
The first lanterns were constructed of stone and blubber oil, an expense to keep running. However one of Mimatqui's creations changed that. Sand was melted and rolled into a stone lantern, and whale baleen put inside with a copper rod before being filled with a layer of water. The result was light. As the baleen sparked and water filled with charge, the water changed color to a gentle glow.

As a step towards using baleen as basic generators everyone has access to. Have a light that never goes out. So long as you refill it with water occasionally.
The water changing color is due to metal leaching, which makes water a way for charge to travel. The glass is insulative.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2024, 07:55:54 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #237 on: March 18, 2024, 02:18:52 pm »

Paper has raised some qualms about my Cloud Ship proposal. It seems I misunderstood how the Orichalcum effect for our Cargo Chains works. I figured it meant the rail and the levitated object were pinned together through a magnetic field interaction, but he wrote it with a more simple repulsion effect in mind. So, time to pull something out of my ass to justify it anyway!

By the way, since I never explained this to begin with: I'm writing a boat proposal because it seems important to me that we develop a boaty tech base. We spent the pre-game map creation hopping onto the bandwagon of the interbarrial river system, and it seemed we all wanted to see some cool water combat. Hence, boats.

Cloud Ships v2

Quote from: Cetromagnetic Properties of Whale-Derived Materials, 2nd Edition, by Abundant Papers
      "Just as splitting a magnet in half between its north and south poles only results in two new bipolar magnets, a similar phenomenon occurs in orichalcum. A body of cast orichalcum, split into multiple pieces after solidification, retains a material "memory" of its former wholeness. The reasons for this are still under wide debate [...]"

      "Furthermore, arranging multiple such pieces of so-called "entangled" orichalcum in space and briefly energizing them in a connected circuit encodes that spatial position into the orichalcum's internal electric field. Applying a current to any one of the newly "pinned" pieces of orichalcum will cause the whole array of pieces to return to their original configuration as though a rigid connection existed between them."

     "The strength of the connection between these pieces is dependent on the magnitude of the provided current. A weaker current results in a less rigid connection, such that even small outside forces might dislodge the pinned orichalcum from its position and cause a structural failure. Intuitively, this means the effect only lasts so long as one or more entangled piece is powered. Because this effect relies on the field being able to induce a charge among all linked components, a linkage cannot be maintained at an indefinite distance, and maintaining a greater separation without failure requires more power."

     While the Monsooner culture had little experience in building large ships until well into early modernity, the cities of the Twelve Bays Confederacy during the prior period had a rich history of riverboats and other small vessels built to navigate their urban canals. In the generations following Mimatqui's death, the proliferation of Chain technology radically changed this paradigm. With a growing economic interest in intercity trade, boatbuilders were hard pressed to keep up. Ships could carry goods in greater quantities than overland Chains, but vastly slower.

     The discovery of entangled and pinned Orichalcum [described above] at the hands of the Illuminators gave the boatbuilders an idea to square the circle. Ships are slowed by their hulls experiencing drag in the water. What if the hull never had to contact the water, as Chains don't actually contact their rails? Thus came the Cloud Ship, a floating hydrofoil. Beneath a ship's hull dangles a wing-like foil, attached by ropes. In the foil and the hull above are entangled Orichalcum rods. Powering the shipboard rod with an Ichor battery pins the foil rigidly in place beneath the ship, connected by a short distance of... nothing at all.

     Under power by sail or oar, the foil generates lift in the water and causes the hull to rise out of the surf. The vessel, floating above the water, is able to travel much faster for the same amount of thrust than a conventional ship could.

Quote from: An Account of the Great Captains of History, by the Venerable Salt
     "The boom in shipbuilding Cloud Ships brought led to the construction of some of the first large ships in Monsooner history, with the largest reaching multiple hundred tons of weight. A typical example of such a large Cloud Ship is the trading vessel Sun Chaser--so called for its carved prow portraying the eponymous lion-headed god.

     The Sun Chaser was a wooden trimaran made of Choladaic Mahogany, measuring 30 meters in length and with a crew complement of around 50. For stability, each of the three hulls held an Orichalcum locking rail corresponding to a sister rail on the submarine foil. The central hull had two masts for sails, oar positions for rowers, and a raised quarterdeck from which the captain commanded the rudder. Cargo could be stowed on the deck connecting the hulls, or inside the two outrigger hulls. The Sun Chaser, under its notable captain Seven Golden Coins, attempted a record-breaking transcontinental voyage to trade with the mysterious southlander Beeple."

Hopefully this reads smoothly and makes more sense than the previous version. If I can provide a post-hoc justification to Maxim for wanting to apply the Chain stuff to boats, this proposal will let us establish "spooky action at a distance" as something we can do.

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (1): Maxim
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (1): Quarque
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships (1): TricMagic
Cloud Ships v2 (1): DoubloonSeven
The Lantern of Mimatqui (0):
« Last Edit: March 18, 2024, 05:56:29 pm by Doubloon-Seven »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #238 on: March 18, 2024, 02:25:12 pm »

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (1): Maxim
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (1): Quarque
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships v2 (2): DoubloonSeven, TricMagic
The Lantern of Mimatqui (0):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Revision)
« Reply #239 on: March 18, 2024, 03:11:43 pm »

Quote from: BoatBox
Raillock Weaponry (1): Maxim
Voices From Nowhere (0):
Implantation and Prosthesis (0):
Woven Metal Band (0):
Cloud Ships v2 (3): DoubloonSeven, TricMagic, Quarque
The Lantern of Mimatqui (0):
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