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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX  (Read 14922 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #195 on: July 26, 2024, 08:29:45 am »

50 gold on Kraken! Hoping to be avenged.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #196 on: July 26, 2024, 10:27:51 am »

And the betting deadline is up!

Stats later.

Good luck, everyone!


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Round 3 Upgrade Reveal
« Reply #197 on: July 26, 2024, 10:39:28 am »

Please do not use this information to "spoil" fights by running them and prematurely telling people the results. Unexpected things can always happen with a sample size of 1.

Steelblood Deathedge:
Points to spend at 230. Remaining points at 54.

Equipment (112)
Steel Breastplate (4 × 20 = 80)
Steel Gauntlets (4 × 8 = 32)

Skills (64)
(Lv.5) Proficient → (Lv.6) Talented Fighter (+18)
(Lv.7) Adept → (Lv. 8​) Expert Dodger (+40)
(Lv.0) None → (Lv.2) Adequate Armour User (6)

Microfiction to follow the upgrade reveal, assuming I remember  Good luck to The Wise One. May the brave knight neither falter nor hold back!

Sir Capybarrian the Wise:
Upgrade Dodge from Proficient to Professional (150)
Upgrade Shield User from Skilled to Proficient (20)
Upgrade Spearman from Skilled to Talented (55)

Capybara Leather High Boots (5)

Points left 11

Selling copper helm

Proficient dodger
Skilled discipline
Skilled observer
Proficient armor user
Expert Hammerdwarf
Iron helm

79 points remaining

Sell iron greataxe

Steel greataxe
Iron helmet

19 points remaining

Howard ceaselessly skitters about his enclosure, swinging his knife wildly. Little Urist mcdwarf is let in by the arena guard and gifts his favourite lizard friend a pair of boots (definitely not taken from one of his siblings dolls). With his cloak and boots Howard feels a sense of pride and confidence that he will see the end of the tournament.

317 points:
-115 Master Dodger
-170 Accomplished Knife User
-5 Leather Boots
-21 Skilled Discipline

Captain Drekkar:
Professional Dodger -> Master Dodger (165 points)

Competent Fighter -> Skilled Fighter (12 points)

Talented Swordsman -> Adept Swordsman (35 points)

Starting with 130.5 pts, please add the following skills:

Skilled Observer (30)
Talented Discipline (63)

upgrade the following skills :

Competent --> Skilled Dodger (20)

add the following equipment:

Leather Gloves (4)

13.5 points remaining

Starting Points: 240.5

Professional Hammerman -> Accomplished Hammerman (50)
Skilled Dodger -> Adept Dodger (90)
+Talented Fighter (63)
Novice Observer -> Adequate Observer (6)

Points Remaining: 31.5
« Last Edit: July 27, 2024, 07:27:03 am by Mkhos »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Round 3 Upgrade Reveal
« Reply #198 on: July 26, 2024, 06:11:41 pm »

Microfiction to follow the upgrade reveal, assuming I remember
Steelblood turns the enchanted blade in his bandaged hands. The ancient masters of Bel-Nekol knew how to forge a fine sword; its undulled edge catches the dim light as beautifully as it did the day it left the forge, centuries afterwards. It is a glorious spoil indeed, although... Interrupting his thoughts, the door to his cell swings open. The wolfman turns. He grips his trophy-sword tighter, but relaxes as he recognizes the visiting figure, one lifting a somewhat unwelcome gift.

"But daaaa- I mean... but manager, I don't wanna wear armour! It's dishonourable and cowardly and-"

"I don't care. Have you seen what that Capybara can do with a spear? You are not​ going out without at least a breastplate and this is final​, young man! Now put this on, you better start getting used to the weight."

Equipment Gained: Steel Halfplate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #199 on: July 27, 2024, 07:28:51 am »

Round 3

Fight 3A: Sir Capybarrian the Wise Capybara Man vs Steelblood Deathedge the Wolf Man

For our first match of this round, we proudly present Sir Capybarrian the Wise (managed by Lord Capybara)! Last round, he overcame a ferocious predator in the form of Snaggle the Mad Sadist Hyena Woman, and it would appear that the luck of the bracket has set him up against yet another. Will the rodent knight’s resolve finally crack, or continue to hold true against tooth and claw?

Bringing the tooth and claw, is the exiled prince, Steelblood Deathedge (managed by Matius). Fresh from our forges, he wears a shining steel breastplate and gauntlets, guaranteed to be proof against the darting iron spear of Sir Capybarrian! But there are plenty of other openings in his defenses, if Sir Capybarrian can continue to hold true to his sobriquet.

Steelbloood is the first to strike solid blows, as his long sword tears through Sir Capybara’s leather armor. Though it cuts into the armor, it can’t quite seem to penetrate all the way through, as no spatters of blood fall to stain the arena floor. As another sword strike bounces off one of his gauntlets, Sir Capybarrian abruptly abandons his defensive stance, barreling into Steelblood and knocking him to the ground. A quick stab to the left thigh ensures that the wolf man will stay there, followed by another to his right paw.

Steelblood swings his sword wildly in an attempt to get the capybara knight off of him, but Sir Capybara merely flits out of his way, all while casually punching and scratching the wolf man’s open wounds to aggravate him further. Taking an opening, Sir Capybara stabs his spear into the wolf man’s head. While the glancing strike only stuns Steelblood, the follow up is square on, allowing us to say good night sweet prince!

Congratulations Sir Capybara, you will advance on to the next round!

Fight 3B: Kraken the Minotaur vs Uvash the Dwarf

Kraken (managed by Asheeer) strides into the arena, hefting his reforged great axe on his shoulder. While his old iron one has served him well, the mighty minotaur understands that he needs something better in order to crack the shell of his opponent. Thankfully, we were able to use the iron of his old one in the forging process, so one could say it’s still present in spirit. Let’s hope its craftsmanship is up to the task!

Uvash clatters into the arena as well, still clad in his panoply of copper armor, though he has switched out the helm for a more trustworthy iron one. The armor is still flecked with blood from his takedown of Archelaus last week, and his mouth has proven to be a mightier weapon than his war hammer against both of his last two opponents, delivering crippling blows that they were unable to overcome. He may find it tricky to bite a full-grown minotaur to death though…

Kraken takes the first swing, which is narrowly parried by Uvash. The dwarf attempts a riposte, but oooh! Kraken was waiting for that! Uvash screams in pain and stumbles away from the minotaur, as his weapon hand and war hammer lie on the ground in a pool of blood. Kraken merely swings his great axe again, the steel head biting clean through the soft copper rings covering Uvash’s right thigh, causing the dwarf to collapse to the ground as his leg gives out underneath him.

Uvash remains feisty though, kicking and biting at Kraken as he advances on him, though all it earns him is several more axe blows which send more bloody chunks of his maimed right arm flying through the arena. A blow from Uvash’s buckler strikes where Kraken was only a moment ago, but it’s a moment too late, as Kraken’s axe carves through the copper gauntlet on Uvash’s left arm, forcing the dwarf to drop his buckler from that injured limb. Kraken strikes again at Uvash’s shoulders, and the copper mail shirt tears apart finally, copper rings and red blood mixing around the dwarf. Sensing that his opponent hasn’t got much to give, Kraken’s axe whistles through the air into Uvash’s neck, ending his life, and the chances of the dwarves to see one of their people be champion this year.

Congratulations Kraken, you may have earned the enmity of the dwarves, but your skill with the great axe cannot be denied!

Fight 3C: Howard the Leopard Gecko Man vs Captain Drekkar the Human

Eagerly ushered in by his youthful owner, it's Howard the leopard gecko man (managed by RustyBrusher)! Don't let those cute, new, slightly too large leather boots and small frame fool you, folks, Howard is one fierce scrapper. He's already beaten the odds by slaying the towering Aunt Ana Pastor, and the terrifying Ine the Undead Impaler, ruthlessly defying everyone's expectations. Will he continue this remarkable killing spree, or will a new challenger sink his growing career?

Fresh from Davy Jones's Locker, it's the brazen buccaneer, Captain Drekkar the human pirate (managed by Quantum Drop)! You've seen his cutlass slash Urist McDwarf and Melon Tusk to ribbons in his ruthless pursuit of booty. Indeed, he's so fond of his cutlass, that he has yet to spend his precious gold on any new equipment. A risky move, but if there's any contestant who's used to a lifestyle of high risk, high reward, it's this dastardly pirate. The blades of both fighters surely thirst for blood, so let's not deny them the satisfaction any longer, and let the battle begin!

Howard strikes swiftly and surely, as is his signature style; knocking Drekkar to the floor with a brutal stab to the leg that sees his blade sink deep into flesh, rather than a pegleg. Squirming on the floor, Drekkar's revenge is swift, slicing Howard's left hand! It's a pyrrhic strike however, as the bold lizard's dagger quickly imbeds itself the pirate’s left upper arm! Slipping over his own blood like a gutted fish on a ship's deck, Drekkar is helpless to prevent a massive sweep of Howard's knife from amputating his right foot! As the limb tumbles away, still encased in its boot, Howard continues as only this lizard knows how; with speed and ferocity. A few desperate parries are made, a few pitiless lunges dodged, but Captain Drekkar looks like he'll be walking the plank before long, as his right arm and both legs are given new bloody canyons by his foe's swift steel. How much longer can this stricken pirate withstand such an onslaught?

But wait! Just when all seems lost, Captain Drekkar's cutlass darts forth like the trident of a vengeful sea god, striking Howard square in the neck with enough force to cleave it off the lizard's body! Howard's dagger clatters to the floor, followed swiftly by the twitching remains of its slain owner. After a moment to process the sudden reversal of fortunes, fans gasp, and his owner, little Urist, wails in despair over the death of his dear pet.

Congratulations Captain Drekkar! Was that strike pure luck, or the devious plan of a veteran swashbuckler? Perhaps we will find our answer in the next round! Don't feel too hopeless over that lost foot of yours, Captain. Our necromancer attendants will have it back on and working good as new in no time!   

Fight 3D: Leppo the Leopard Seal Man vs Rugard the Lion Man

Here comes that lethal lardy lump, Leppo the leopard seal man (managed by Salmeuk)! Once again this hunter of the north has chosen to eschew armor in favor of more time in the sea with his friend Harpo, and new leather gloves. But folks, can you blame him? You've seen him make mincemeat of Myth-O-Man and That One Cat We Found, with barely a scratch to show for it! Why mess with a winning formula, especially if it means we get to watch his savage fighting style in all it's unencumbered, terrifying glory?

Equally unburdened by armor, we have Rugard the rugged lion man (managed by MugwumptheGrand) standing ready to face him! Leaning heavily on his trusty copper maul, this elderly lion man came to us hoping for an honorable death in combat, but has instead been the one to dish it out to the poor Hu De Phuc, and Verden 'Crabcakes' OceanBlade; using years of wisdom to outwit his younger foes. Leppo and Rugard currently make up 2/3 of the tallest fighters left in the tournament, but have so far only faced much smaller foes. Which of these imposing, savage titans will come out on top in this final showdown of the day? Ring the bell, and let's see who will secure the final spot in the Semi-Finals!

Age and weight don't slow our warriors one bit; Rugard quickly bashing the seal man in the head, as Leppo wrestles the geriatric to the ground. Not wanting to be crushed under his foe's weight, Rugard falls back on his primitive animal instincts, clawing Leppo in the right arm, as he tries to squirm free. It's a nasty gash, but perhaps more telling is that for the first time this tournament, Leppo's ice cold expression is tinged with doubt. Rugard exploits Leppo's moment of fear, leaping to his feet, and using this momentum to catapult himself into a ferocious assault! His copper maul becomes an orange streak, swinging to and fro, and bashing Leppor's right rear flipper, upper body, and right upper arm! Grunting in annoyance, Leppo manages to deliver a solid punch to the old lion's left arm during the melee, finally breaking his foe's assault with a charge ending in a colossal bodyslam. It's only a brief reprieve however, as in the confusing tangle of limbs and repositionings that ensues, it's Rugard who finds his footing first. Both of Leppo's arms are repeatedly bashed in quick succession, as well as his lardy gut.

Despite taking several nasty bruises and bone fractures, Leppo is not out of this fight yet! A daring charge sees him bite Rugard in the right hand, pulping it in an instant with a sickening crack! But something's wrong, the arctic predator takes no comfort from this momentary victory. Muttering something under his breath, his eyes go wide as a dawning truth seems to send chills down his spine in a way no arctic storm ever could; the realization that this hunter he has now become the hunted.

Nimbly dodging a few desperate attacks, a swing of Rugard's maul catches the leopard seal man in the side of his left rear flipper, and Leppo's ice cool demeanor shatters entirely! Like a mighty oak being felled, Leppo slowly collapses; the pain too much for even one as tough as him to withstand. Panting hard, Rugard collects himself. As has been done to many a baby seal in the past, he smashes his maul not once, not twice, but five times into Leppo's unmoving skull; crushing it entirely, and bringing an end to this hunter's reign of terror! 

Congratulations Rugard, what a show! Slaying Leppo was no small feat, and it has earned you a spot in our Semi-Finals!


  • Bay Watcher
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Round 4 Upgrades
« Reply #200 on: July 27, 2024, 07:31:29 am »

All managers who were victorious in Round 3 will see their available amount of upgrade points to the far right of their gladiator in the spreadsheet.

Note about the algorithm: if you look at the numbers a bit closer, you can see that whenever the simple multiplication by 1.5 created a number that had something other than .5 in its decimal part, we rounded it up to the closest .5; so, .25 becomes .5 and .75 becomes 1. This was done to avoid infinite splintering of the points.

The Arena Personnel asks you to provide your upgrades as soon as possible. The deadline is the 2nd of August, 12 GMT. We ask for your understanding on these matters; we need time to run and process the fights.

Please remember that your upgrades should be sent to The upgrades will later be revealed via a separate post.

Good luck and go with Armok!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2024, 11:50:29 am by Mkhos »

Sir Dorfleburg

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #201 on: July 27, 2024, 07:45:41 am »

Oh lord. My money.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #202 on: July 27, 2024, 11:12:38 am »

Bets for the semifinals are open!
The deadline is the 2nd of August, 12 GMT.

In Round 3, a total of 1360☼ in bets were placed across twelve bets - up from 999☼ in the last round, and the most we've seen this tournament!

  • Howard makes a return to the #1 spot, with 373☼ in 3 bets!
  • Rugard follows closely behind, with 313☼ in 2 bets, and
  • Captain Drekkar comes in third, with 251☼ in 2 bets

The match that attracted the most attention by bettors was 3C, Captain Drekkar vs. Howard!
With 624☼ placed in bets, their face-off is the one with the highest stakes in this tournament so far.

And so, we head into the semifinals!
Good luck to all gladiators, managers, and bettors!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #203 on: July 27, 2024, 05:32:42 pm »

ouchies my flippers  *dies*

dammit Rugard, you went and brought a club to a seal fight.

94 gold on Kraken


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #204 on: July 28, 2024, 01:22:24 am »

Ah bugger. Looks like my bet was the kiss of death once again. Sorry Howard, you put up one hell of a fight.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #205 on: July 28, 2024, 04:43:38 am »

The RNG gods are merciless.. Drekkar could have had Legendary +30 dodging and still lost his legs probably. And yet, his less-skilled offense suddenly bought him a critical lethal decapitation. Armok, thy will be done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #206 on: July 29, 2024, 05:42:14 pm »

200 Gold on Kraken.

Lord Capybara

  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #207 on: July 30, 2024, 06:16:36 am »

I bet 100 gold on future finalist Rugard

Sir Dorfleburg

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #208 on: July 30, 2024, 09:04:16 am »

Ugh, I bet 2 gold on Sir Capybarrian. I have no money…


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #209 on: July 31, 2024, 05:28:37 pm »

All in on Sir Capybarrian.
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