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Author Topic: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]  (Read 3610 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 3, Full]
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2024, 02:12:35 pm »

Turn 3

Gurrglux CONSUMES the Mosquitos!

5 - Total Success

Gurrglux pounces as nimbly as a slime can, taking these creatures by total surprise!

Choose a Passive Trait:
*[1/3]proboscis nub: A small nub appears on your body, and while not terribly sharp, it does thin to a point that could certainly be used as a relatively inefficient weapon.
*[1/5]wing nubs: Two small nubs appear on your back. It is a very weird sensation, but you can make them wiggle slightly. It is hard to tell how useful this is.
*[1/3]Compound Eyes: Gain creepy, insectoid, multi-faceted eyes and gain the glory of Sight! Upgrading this trait will allow you to have quicker reaction times to danger.

Or an Active Abillity:
**[1/3] Blood Hunger: Activate to weakly detect nearby creatures with blood running through their systems. Critters are harder to detect.

You don't know where you are. There are no other slimes nearby, unless you count the speck of Blob 001 in the sky somewhere to your South-East.
> North ? ? ? ?
> East ? ? ? ?
> South ? ? ? ?
> West ? ? ? ?

Glop, having found a dungeon to call home, decides to absorb the webs in the corner.

This Dungeon is now Glop's Dungeon. Or rather, Glop has unknowingly claimed this specific dungeon room, as it is uncontested.

4 - Partial Success

You absorb the webs! They are very easy to break off with your prickly body. They aren't particularly tasty, but the consistency is new to you.

Pick a Passive Trait:
*[1/3]Soft Body: Your body is soft to the touch, which critters and creatures may find comforting. Should you lose Slime Body at any point while Soft Body is present as a passive trait, you retain being able to reduce fall damage, and remain light. Higher levels of soft body convey fall immunity, among other things.

*Hollow Body: You feel... lighter, somehow. Sounds reverberate through your slime-jelly much clearer now. Not only that, but it seems you have developed an... empty space?.. in your very center. Gain 3 inventory slots and label them [Hollow Space Inventory]. Items stored here are harder to lose. Other creatures can perceive the items within you - although their senses will be obscured by your boring gray slime.   

Or pick an Active Ability:
*[1/3]Produce String: You can dribble out string from any part of your body. Your level of control over this process is currently subject to an RTD roll, which could affect speed, location, quantity or strength.

You are standing in Glop's Dungeon, on the edge of a web-filled corridor. There is no one near by.
>>> Up in the Ceiling: Hole to the Briar Tunnel
>>> North:  Wooden Dungeon Door with Iron fittings, the sound of scratching and distant squabbling
>>> East: rubble-filled tunnel, emitting a greenish glow
>>> West: meandering dirt tunnel, sound of dripping and splashing
>>> South: Web-filled corridor

I choose the scent trail!

I will attempt to scan around me, attempt to absorb what I can (even dirt) on my way back towards what I sense or imagine my pheromone trail leads back towards.  And I'm leaving my pheromone trail now!

4 - Partial Success - Scan

Small Boring Grey Slimes: Your marginally less intelligent brethren. They are much smaller then you, about a handful sized, while you would fit rotund-ly in a 3ft cube. They just kind of meander around the shore of the slime pits, slurping up bugs, or bobbing along the surface of the slime. Sometimes it looks like they get re-absorbed. Eating them would technically be cannibalism, not that slimes care about that kind of thing.

Ants: Ants march in little rows, searching around with their antennae to pick up things to bring back to their unseen nest. They have carapaces to protect them from the outside world, and work according to the will of the hive.

Aphids: These ones are bright green, and like to consume sap. The ants appear to be farming them somehow. Plants dislike them, but luckily plants can't talk to tell you about it.

Mud: the ground here is sticky and occasionally makes weird slurping sounds when moved through. Some areas may be deeper then they first appear.

Pebbles: There aren't too many around, but they are satisfyingly smooth and cool to the touch.

3 - Mixed Success - Absorb

In your excitement at learning about the world around you, you don't focus your absorption too well.

*[1/3]Antennae Nubs: You have the start of two long, thin protrusions on the top of your head. you can move them independently of each other. It's not too effective right now, but if you rolled on your side you could use them to touch things further away from you.

2 - Failure - Active Ability: Scent Trail

You leave out a scent trail! Perhaps it takes a moment to register with the local insects. Scent Trail will remain active until you turn it off.
You are at the safe Slime Pits, following a scent trail.... Gain *[2/3] Scent Trail. As you follow it, you understand your ability better. Unbeknownst to you, staying in the Slime Pits for another turn would have been very dangerous, due to the actions of another Slime.

You follow the scent trail into a half-clearing, half-tunnel of closely knit vine covered trees. They stretch up into the sky, up and up and up and up - you can just see their distant canopy far above you. The trees are dabbled in small holes and large ones. Above you, large shapes jump from tree to tree and holler loudly to one another. You hear a hooting coming from a tree hollow to your right. The ants continue further Eastwards.

You are standing among the vine covered trees. There is no one nearby.
North: Thick, Robust Forest
East: Vine covered Forest
South: Hot Springs
West: Starting SlimePits. This place is not safe currently due to a rampaging elite monster.[/b]

"Hey Mire what's up? Care to help a fellow out of the roots?"

Blob 001 scans the Golden Sun Pitchers in the area. Blob 001 also tries to detach the part of his body that is rooted.

Synthesis Detected: The moss growing on you really enjoys the nutrients being pulled up through your roots! *[1/3]Mossy Body now *[2/3]Mossy Body.

5 - Total Success, Scan

Golden Sun Pitcher:
  • This flora is producing a sickly sweet scent that is attractive to insects and critters.
  • Pitcher Pouch: The flower acts a container for liquid, with a lid that prevents insects from escaping.
  • Acid:
The pitcher part of this plant is half filled with a weak acid, which slowly dissolves creatures to absorb. [/li]
[li]Sticky Substance:[/li][/list] The flower is lined with a sticky substance that prevents insects from climbing up to their freedom.
  • Roots: This plant is rooted to the ground and cannot move.
  • Leaves: This plant, unsurprisingly, has long thin leaves that capture sunlight.
  • Slow Digestion: As the acid is quite week, this creature digests it's food very, very slowly.

6 - Overdid It, Detach

You give a great heave and your elastic body can do nothing but obey. Unfortunately, you overshoot it, and send yourself shooting up into the sky! Uh-- Well -- the large, cavernous space that the ceiling of the majestic caves disappears into, at least.

From here you can see so much! Huge hulking dinosaurs roam clearings, sparkly glowing mushrooms of different colours line the far off cave-walls. You can see hives built into the side of cliff faces, Aztec temples climbing out of the earth, and the huge slimepits stretching out until they become something else. There is a great wall of brambles and huge vine covered forests. And far to the south is a bright glowing orb hovering far in the air. If you knew what a sun was, this thing would be close.

You can only scan anything you can find in the sky, such as birds or flying creatures, as you are too far from the ground.

In addition to your turn, you may Look for free to gain more information about a location in line of sight.

You may also try to control your fall to land where you would prefer. Naturally this will require an RTD roll.

You are in the sky.

]Bloats Hunger knows no bounds, but desires better meals, scanning around for anything delicious to eat, he goes and tries to absorb it. Should he find nothing, he simply leaves this area in persuit of better quality meals, eating anything that dares stand in his way.

5 - Total Success - Scanning

You scan around for something more delicious to eat! The Slime Pits mostly contain... well, slimes, unfortunately. But you do detect something... odd, to the South. A shimmering... well, nothing. It is like a heatwave in the air. To anyone with eyes, this creature would be invisible, but to a slime with scan, you can clearly see the outline of something that does not wish to be perceived. It laps delicately at the Slime Pits - drinking it?! - as it's many tails flick abscent-mindedly.

Whisper Kitty the Displacer Beast: This creature has the lithe body of a small housecat. It has jet black, bristly fur that is uncomfortable to the touch, but looks sleek in the light when not... well, obscured. This creature has some sort of ability to hide itself from sight, appearing only as a shimmer in the air, as the light of the world seems to distort around it. It has multiple tails, perhaps around 7, long thin sweeping things that end in a shovel-like point. You get the distinct impression from your scan ability that these things can really pack a punch.

6 - Overdo It - Absorb

So it may not have been a good idea to try to absorb this creature, but luckily Slimes do not think too hard about things when they are first born. Things do not enjoy being eaten, typically speaking, though insects and critters rarely put up a fight to a baby monster slime.

Perhaps it was because Bloat was moving slowly, or that this creature was half-drunk on the Slime it was drinking, but Bloat did manage to roll over the end of one tail and absorb enough to gain an ability.

Something shocks through your system, something familiar yet unnamed to you. A force that lives within all things, a force that Slimes are particularly compatible with. For the first time ever, you get a sense of what magic is.

You have absorbed the following..uhm, put it in Passive Traits for now:
***[1/5]Teleport: Unfortunately for you, you have no idea how to control this ability yet, because the monster it came from was far more evolved then you are. Everytime you roll a 6 from now on, you have a chance to teleport to a random location.

**[0]Spatial Magic Affinity 1: When using Spatial Magic, gain +1. This ability is functionally inert currently, as you technically do not know how to cast magic.

You see two glowing yellow eyes, filled with hatred, turn on a head that spins 180 to look at you. It surely would have killed you, if your ability had not immediately triggered.

You are standing in a room with Sandstone Brick Floors. The air is cool and musty - it feels stagnant. Good thing slimes don't really breathe.

You are standing in ? ? ? Sandstone Dungeon. The floor beneath you is cracked with age. A rat scuttles across the stones. There is no one around.
North: Ornate Sandstone Door, covered in germs. Shows a relief of an emblazed skull in the centre of the double doors.
East: Long tunnel, the creaking of something.
West: Long Tunnel, the sound of low voices.
South: A sandstone staircase leads up.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 08:59:56 am by SCREE »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Open: 0/5]
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2024, 03:15:37 pm »

Gurrglux Travels South East using Blob 001 as a marker!

Spoiler: Crazyabe - Gurrglux (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 2, Full]
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2024, 04:59:26 pm »

Mire absorbs the smelly flower.
I like birds


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Open: 0/5]
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2024, 06:22:27 pm »

+Hollow Body

Glop scans the web-filled corridor, and if nothing dangerous is within it, goes in to absorb more webs. (and perhaps any non-dangerous creatures within the hall)

Spoiler: Wolfkey - Glop (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Glopventory 0/10+3 (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 3, Full]
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2024, 07:27:45 pm »

Updated my scent trail to 2/3.
Gained [1/3]Antennae Nubs

The trail of ants is tempting!

I continue to try to leave the scent trail that I educationally failed to leave before.
I continue to scan everything around me that I notice!
I was going to follow the ants and keep absorbing them and their delicious scent trail, but there was a who hoo sound.  I am going to consume the base of that 'resounding tree' and continue to consume up it.  Perhaps it will fall and knock out whatever's inside, or hurt it so it can't escape.  At worst, I gain a tree and a cavity nest, perhaps.  I'm probably consuming more of the inner tree than the outer part, and this may help hide me maybe if that rampager wanders my way.

Spoiler: Imp - Esk (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eskentory 10/10 (click to show/hide)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 3, Full]
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2024, 08:07:42 pm »

Bloat sees this dungeon...and thinks its good. He now considers it his, and looks around for any challengers to his throne through the door. If he sees any, he will eat them. Other than that, hes gonna try to figure out what this "Magic" is...and if he can control it.

Spoiler: Megam0nkey - Bloat (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 03:35:14 am by Megam0nkey »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 0, 5/5]
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2024, 09:18:33 pm »


Blob 001 scans the surroundings and looks to the great wall of brambles and huge vine covered forests. It tries to land near them.

Spoiler: Known fauna and flora (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known locations (click to show/hide)
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 3, Full]
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2024, 10:04:31 am »

Turn 4

Quote from: crazyabe
Gurrglux Travels South East using Blob 001 as a marker!

1 - Catastrophic Failure

You travel... somewhere.

A vast plain stretches out before you. The grass here is kept short by the grazing of the Masked Buffalo. You know this, because you are in the middle of a Masked Buffalo stampede! Gurrglux narrowly avoided getting stomped to death due to their malleable slime body. Slimes are not quick at dodging, but your elasticity bumped you up into the air and along the backs of these stampeding creatures! Your wing nubs wiggle wildly and ineffectively as you bump along their backs. There are hundreds of these Masked Buffalo in the herd, bellowing and stampeding south-east quickly.

Quote from: Crystalizedmire
Mire absorbs the smelly flower.

3 - A Mixed Success

Good thing Slimes don't have olfactory senses! You absorb the stinky flower and gain the following passive trait:
**[1/3]Pungent Cloud: An odorous cloud surrounds you, informing those nearby of your presence if they recognize the smell. Otherwise, you smell utterly delectable to flies, and other insects, which have a habit of coming by to check out the fuss. Complimentary to Sticky Body.

This seems to be complimentary to your sticky body. The effect is immediate.

5 - A Total Success, Pungent Cloud/Sticky Body

A cloud of flies begins buzzing around your head. As they land on your body, they get stuck! It's like fast food! You may choose to absorb the flies on you without an RTD roll, and you can still perform your usual Absorb skill on something else as normal:

Pick a Passive Trait:
*[1/3]Compound Eyes: Gain creepy, insectoid, multi-faceted eyes and gain the glory of Sight! Upgrading this trait will allow you to have quicker reaction times to danger.
*[1/5]wing nubs: Two small clear nubs appear on your back. It is a very weird sensation, but you can make them wiggle slightly. It is hard to tell how useful this is.

Or an Active Ability:
*[1/3]Detect Nearby Filth: You send a pulse that allows you to detect nearby sources of rot, filth or otherwise gross things in the immediate location that you are in.

You are currently surrounded by lush foliage.
North: An Open Clearing
East: Thicker Forests
West: Muddy Foliage
South: Starting Slime Pits

Quote from: Wolfkey
Glop scans the web-filled corridor, and if nothing dangerous is within it, goes in to absorb more webs. (and perhaps any non-dangerous creatures within the hall)

6 - Overdid it!

You detect several types of arachnids hiding deeper in the webbed corridor, small, normal sized at first and then giant creatures. Perhaps it is because you have just absorbed the webs and in some way become attune to them momentarily, but you feel your scan based senses suddenly traveling through the webs, further, and then down through the rock. There are spiders here in your vicinity, yes, but something more - deeper, deeper in the dungeon you sense a presence. Far bigger, skulking somewhere with her brood and eggs. Your minds eye is temporarily filled with the grainy image of a multi-eyed, multi-legged bulbous monstrosity. Somewhere deeper in the dungeon lurks the Madam of the Web, and you have become aware of her. Did she become aware of you...?

You are in Glop's Dungeon Room on the edge of the web-filled corridor.
>>> Up in the Ceiling: Hole to the Briar Tunnel
>>> North:  Wooden Dungeon Door with Iron fittings, the sound of scratching and distant squabbling
>>> East: rubble-filled tunnel, emitting a greenish glow
>>> West: meandering dirt tunnel, sound of dripping and splashing
>>> South: Web-filled corridor

Quote from: Imp
The trail of ants is tempting!

I continue to try to leave the scent trail that I educationally failed to leave before.
I continue to scan everything around me that I notice!
I was going to follow the ants and keep absorbing them and their delicious scent trail, but there was a who hoo sound.  I am going to consume the base of that 'resounding tree' and continue to consume up it.  Perhaps it will fall and knock out whatever's inside, or hurt it so it can't escape.  At worst, I gain a tree and a cavity nest, perhaps.  I'm probably consuming more of the inner tree than the outer part, and this may help hide me maybe if that rampager wanders my way.

3 - A Mixed Success, Scent Trail Ability

You are starting to notice that your scent trail is attracting some of the ants!

You may roll an additional Absorb skill to absorb these ants with a +1 effect if the number rolled is below 5. You still have your normal absorb action this turn.

2 - Failure, Scan
Your scan ability fails to go off this turn!

6 - Overdid it, Absorb

You eagerly begin the process of absorb the tree from the base, but bite off more then you can chew. The tree topples quicker then you'd expect, landing in the middle of the clearing and partially blocking the way to the east! You will need an RTD roll to navigate over, through or otherwise passed it in whatever method you chose, should you go that way.

More importantly, you have upset the inhabitants of the hollowed vine tree! A huge bulbous owl creature pulls itself out of the now horizontal hole and flies up onto the branch of a nearby vine tree, some way up. It's head spins around 360 degrees, setting it's beady eyes on you.

But you have bigger problems - 3 Whiptail monkeys clamber out the foliage nearby, pulling back their lips and hollering angrily to each other. They have a deep purple fur, grey hands and gripping feet. You notice their one vinelike tails thrashing wildly in anger.

One of them notices you and begins to skulk towards you!

Quote from: Megam0nkey
Bloat sees this dungeon...and thinks its good. He now considers it his, and looks around for any challengers to his throne through the door. If he sees any, he will eat them. Other than that, he's gonna try to figure out what this "Magic" is...and if he can control it.

This Dungeon is now Bloat's Dungeon. Or rather, This Dungeon room is now Bloat's, and his influence covers it, as it is uncontested.

5 - Total Success! Looking for Challengers

*a hilarious typo in the last post, this door is covered in glinting gems, not germs...

Standing in front of the large closed double doors, you can distinctly catch the sound of rattling beyond them. Nothing seems to encroach on your new territory, despite the tunnels being fairly open plan.

3 - Mixed Success

You get the sense that you could exert control over this force of magic. As you contemplate the nature of the spell, it winds around you, filling your mind with nonsense you cannot parse.

Well, you are a slime without much understanding of the world so far. Perhaps absorbing things of a magical nature will give you a quick start into the world of magic?

You are standing in Bloat's Sandstone Dungeon Room. The floor beneath you is cracked with age. A rat scuttles across the stones. There is no one around.
North: Ornate Sandstone Door, covered in gems. Shows a relief of an emblazed skull in the center of the double doors.
East: Long tunnel, the creaking of something.
West: Long Tunnel, the sound of low voices.
South: A sandstone staircase leads up.

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario

Blob 001 scans the surroundings and looks to the great wall of brambles and huge vine covered forests. It tries to land near them.

You burble happily to yourself - this is fun!

4 - Partial Success, Scan

The wall of brambles is hard to see through, but you sense that the deeper you go into it the more dangerous it is. Strange, carapaced crab like creatures can occasionally be seen, scrambling slowly over the brambles. You see some kind of green-skinned humanoid creatures darting about further in.

You can see the vine covered forests from here, and they are teaming with strange purple furred monkeys with vine like tails. Snakes dart among the canopy, as do owls that occasionally fly above the treetops and find new hollows to call home.

5 - Total Success, Landing

You land perfectly between the vine trees and the thorn tunnel. Ta Da! You are at the Starting Slime Pits.

Danger Check...

Lucky for you, [color=deep pink]Whisper Kitty[/color] has skulked up deeper into the slimepits. Not that you know what that is.

You are in the starting Slime Pits.

You are starting in the safe starting slime pits.
North: Lush, thick foliage
East: pathway through vine-covered trees
South: More Slime pits
West: Thorny tunnel
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 03:17:36 pm by SCREE »


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 3, Full]
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2024, 01:33:32 pm »

Hilarious typos are kinda your thing, I like it!  So do the fairies, and your "the tunnels being fairy open plan." affecting Bloat's Dungeon.

Esk is fine with this tree-toppling mess.  Pity that owl seems to have escaped, but maybe there's owlets or eggs or something nice inside, not that Esk probably has any knowledge of such things.

Ants coming up seem like a nice treat, we will absorb what we can with our extra roll for that.

Esk continues to absorb into the toppled tree, leaving the outer layer of bark and outermost wood intact (like a shell) and going inside from the base.  Getting into the tree seems awesome.

Any monkeys trying to whip or reach for me, like the ants!  I try to absoooooorb whatever I touch or that touches me.  Especially if it seems tasty.  Monkey is the yum, as is fallen tree and inner cavity owl nest if I can find it!

We continue to scan the local area.  We continue to attempt to put out the scent trail.

You are standing among the vine covered trees. There is no one nearby.

Creatures nearby:  huge bulbous owl creature that can fly.  3 Whiptail monkeys deep purple fur, grey hands and gripping feet, 1 vinelike tail (each?) thrashing wildly in anger, with one skulking towards me.  Various ants, some heading towards me, yum!

North: Thick, Robust Forest
East: Vine covered Forest, partially blocked by fallen tree and needing a RTD check to navigate over, through or otherwise pass it
South: Hot Springs
West: Starting SlimePits.

Spoiler: Imp - Esk (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eskentory 10/10 (click to show/hide)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 4, Full]
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2024, 02:20:00 pm »

Glop decides to go away from the web-filled corridor, and instead scans the east tunnel, then absorbs some of the rubble if it does not seem dangerous.


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 4, Full]
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2024, 03:18:20 pm »

xD fixed! Although now I feel like there needs to be a fairy dungeon somewhere.

Along the same vein I learnt today I can't count to 2 and keep getting my turn numbers mixed up, so future warning if that happens in this thread...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 0, 5/5]
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2024, 03:28:29 pm »

Blob 001 heads north and scans the surroundings absorbing as he goes.

Spoiler: Known fauna and flora (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known locations (click to show/hide)
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Open: 0/5]
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2024, 05:17:25 pm »

Gurrglux Rides the Masked Buffalo!

Spoiler: Crazyabe - Gurrglux (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 4, Full]
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2024, 09:07:56 pm »

That does intrigue him...both the rattling sounds, Gems, and thoughts of eating more Bloat Decides that the door might be magic! His hunger compels his thoughts, and he tries to eat the gems in the doors. On either succsess or failure, he uses his amorphous form to squeeze past the doors, and eat whatever is behind it. 

Spoiler: Megam0nkey - Bloat (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Bloats Dungeon (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 01:37:38 am by Megam0nkey »


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 4, Full]
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2024, 06:25:23 am »

Also Crystalizedmire, I triggered Turn 3 early before your post, which is my bad.

Gain this to your inventory:
RTD Dice: Set one RTD in a turn to 5, this dice then disappears.

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