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Author Topic: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]  (Read 3611 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 6, Full]
« Reply #60 on: July 19, 2024, 08:55:56 pm »

This experience has aggrivated Bloat. Inscenced, he decides to eat everything he can in these pits to grow strong enough to eat those magic bone creatures that hit him with sharp sticks... though first uses his detection ability, to see if he can spot anything magic to Eat first. 

Spoiler: Megam0nkey - Bloat (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Bloats Dungeon (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 04:59:40 pm by Megam0nkey »


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 6, Full]
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2024, 09:47:57 am »

+wing nubs
Scan and absorb the insect spawns.
Spoiler: Crystalizedmire - Mire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mire's Inventory 0/10 (click to show/hide)
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Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2024, 09:45:32 am »

Turn 7
Quote from: Imp
Scanning whatever's around, the nearest monkey seems very around!

Absorb nearest monkey, with or without its cooperation.  Maybe we try to roll on our side and reach with the antennae nubs this time!  As springboard off tree seems advanced but doable, and we already did that.  But we mebby can springboard-assist with tail-nub if needed!  Or mebby tail-nub helps keep other monkey off our back?

And we wonder if we're close enough for our passive mandibles to mandible monkey manhandlishly or mandelishously!

Esk continues to attempt to put out the scent trail.  We don't haaaaave to eat the ants-not-there-this-round that probably struggle to follow the fling-interrupted slime trail.  Very well, very well!

1 - Catastrophic Failure - Scan
6 - Overdid It! - Absorb

Uh-oh!! The monkey did not take kindly to being scanned and absorbed this time! While your head is still swimming from the failed scanning attempt, the Monkey rips into you with it's pointy teeth!

You Respawn at the Slime Pits, feeling sluggish. -1 Slimepit respawn.

5 - Total Success - Scent Trails

At least you still had your scent trails on, although there weren't many ants around here. Some smaller slimes take interest, however.

Choose a passive trait:
*[1/3] Bouncy: Looks like you can bouncy higher then other slimes.
*[1/3] Heavy Slime: Instead of floating in water, you can roll happily along the river/seabed.

or an active one:
*[1/3] Pancake: You can immediately flatten your body across a few feet surface area and become a couple inches thick, making you harder to see. A defensive ability.

You are starting in the safe starting slime pits. Bloat is here, hello!
North: Lush, thick foliage
East: pathway through vine-covered trees
South: More Slime pits
West: Thorny tunnel

Quote from: Wolkey
Glop claims the south tunnel, then scans the other tunnels at the crossing.
If the strange puddles seem safe after being scanned, absorb them.

5 - Total Success - Scan

North-East Tunnel: You get the distinct impression danger lies this way. You're not sure why...
West Tunnel with Puddles: It looks like there are a few different types of puddle. Some seem to incur a form of water breathing, while others have been sitting too long and have turned acidic. Both are useful for the enterprising slime. You detect moisture in the air, and think there might be more liquid wherever this tunnel leads.
East: Stone is always a yummy treat for a Slime that likes to be resistant to damage or nice and smooth. You guess there would be more earthy substances in this direction.

6 - Overdid it - Absorb

You absorb a puddle, (random roll 50/50 - Acid) but a lack of attention during the process causes you to go too far!

?? Acidic Body: Your body now bubbles away by itself. When rolling a 6 during absorption, gain a chance of destroying the item/creature as it is rendered into nothing by your acid! On the other hand, having deadly deadly acid inside you is an exceptional weapon. And your one step closer to a more normal digestive system.

You are alone in the Crossing of the Questioner.
North-East: A spiraling tunnel of dungeon stone, leading into darkness.
East: A howling, windy tunnel of unhewed stone.
West: A dungeon stone corridor, occasional puddles of a strange liquid.
South: Glop's recently-cleared hallway of Glop's Dungeon

Quote from: crazyabe
Gurrglux wants fish, but recognizes Salad comes first- as it goes forth to consume plants at the water's edge.
1 - Catastrophic Failure - Absorb

You attempt to absorb the plant but, ignoring your slime instincts, internalize their antithesis somehow instead!

Gain Passive Trait:
?? Poisonous: You are currently poisonous, to both others and yourself, particularly when things try to eat you or you try to eat things. Whenever you roll a 6 on an absorb, you have a chance of poisoning yourself or causing an unusual effect!

Quote from: MonkeyManMario
Blob 001 absorbs random stuff.
6 - Overdid It - Absorb

Blob 001 absorbs the ground beneath itself, loosing track of time. When it regains the use of Blob 001's senses, it's standing at the bottom of a very deep pit!

You are in Blob 001's pit in the starting slime pits.

Up: Starting Slimepits. Bloat and Esk are here.
All directions around you: lots of dirt
Down: Dirt and stone.

Quote from: Megam0nkey
This experience has aggrivated Bloat. Inscenced, he decides to eat everything he can in these pits to grow strong enough to eat those magic bone creatures that hit him with sharp sticks... though first uses his detection ability, to see if he can spot anything magic to Eat first.
1 - Catastrophic Failure - Scan

You are simply too angry to scan properly. You scan Esk. Turns out they are a Slime. You scan Blob's hole. It is a hole. This is all very unsatisfying information.

4 - Partial Success - Absorb[/b]

You decide to absorb everything anyway, though you are quite sure there are magical things around that have currently eluded you. You have a nibble on a bit of everything.

* [1/3] Sticky Body -  your amorphous body becomes more tacky, causing items to stick to you and higher tension on the surface of your 'skin'.
* [1/3] Bubble Body - your amorphous body becomes ever so slightly lighter then air. When you jump off surfaces, you fall slowly.

Or gain an active trait:
** [1/3] Harden: You can heat up your external skin, causing it to harden and become crusty, like baked earth. This can protect you from harm and may reflect projectiles.

You are standing in the safe starting slime pits, but doing it angrily. Esk is here.
North: Lush, thick foliage
East: pathway through vine-covered trees
South: More Slime pits
West: Thorny tunnel

Quote from: CrystalizedMire
Scan and absorb the insect spawns.

2-Failure - Scan

Well, it could be alot worse. You don't get any additional information from your scan, unfortunately. At least the view is good from up here.

1- Catastrophic Failure - Absorb

Oh dear. You have temporarily absorbed yourself into the body of the Giant Fly! You cannot use your scan or absorb ability, but you can use your RTD rolls to influence the fly's behavior, in the hopes of eventually escaping. Perhaps you'll learn something from this - if you manage to survive.

The world becomes a multi-faceted spectacular as you experience the glory of sight for the first time! You are zooming over the canopy of thick forests. You can see the Slime Pits behind you, and an open clearing to your left side. You can perceive mushroom forests and crystal wastelands, and even the walls of the caverns in the very distance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 6, Full]
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2024, 10:36:43 am »

Things went awful.  Let's consider how to fix!

We choose pancake, because defense sounds awesome.  Also, we see no reason why we can't still absorb while pancaking... or even mandible or tail nub.

Time to practice pancake, and we're gonna work on seeing how we can learn to scan, scent trail, and absorb while pancaking.

Some slimes may aspire towards becoming gelatinous cubes... we now wanna be the floor that can suddenly eat passerby.  So we explore this and explore imaginary ambushes as we can from our pancaked position and form.  Can we enfold stuff that steps near or on us?  Can we reach out with those antennae nubs, still throw stuff with our tail nub, maybe snap at stuff with our mandible?  Whatever our scent trail is attracting seems a good target!

[this might be useful as well if the nearby Bloat decides I'm better consumed than tolerated]

I are starting in the safe starting slime pits. Bloat is here, hello!
North: Lush, thick foliage
East: pathway through vine-covered trees
South: More Slime pits
West: Thorny tunnel

Spoiler: Imp - Esk (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eskentory 10/10 (click to show/hide)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Open: 0/5]
« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2024, 03:18:45 pm »

Glop stores some acid in its hollow space, then absorbs some of the stone at the edge of the east tunnel, while scanning deeper into it for threats or food.

Spoiler: Wolfkey - Glop (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Glopventory 0/10+3 (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]
« Reply #65 on: July 28, 2024, 05:05:15 pm »

Lets choose bubble body
Bloat spends a bit more time scanning around for magic and eating what he can find! But, instead of meerly staying in the slime pits, he does it on the go! As he begins travelling towards his home!

Spoiler: Megam0nkey - Bloat (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Bloats Dungeon (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2024, 11:01:57 am »

Try to make the fly turn to the mushroom forests.
Spoiler: Crystalizedmire - Mire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mire's Inventory 0/10 (click to show/hide)
I like birds


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Open: 0/5]
« Reply #67 on: July 29, 2024, 10:51:04 pm »

Feeling indigestion, Gurrglux assumes the solution is to Absorb Fish from the water.

Spoiler: Crazyabe - Gurrglux (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]
« Reply #68 on: July 29, 2024, 11:59:41 pm »

Blob 001 scans the surrounding area and absorbs anything of interest.

Spoiler: Known fauna and flora (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known locations (click to show/hide)
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):


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Re: Dungeon Slime Evolution! [Turn 7, Full]
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2024, 08:37:48 am »

Sorry folks, going to close this one. Not sure if the game suits RTD format
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