Dwarf Fortress - Red Earth
Twenty-Sixth Scroll
Winter had come and all the dwarfs had wonderful underground homes with bedrooms, studies, and dining rooms. And statues of the owners.
Mother noticed that one of the Haulers, Bomrek Streamtrade, had a very interesting statue. It showed him becoming a Tavern Keeper at Lifeattics in 1984.
At mid winter ten of the dwarfs went to collect their equipment to train. Of course the two Haulers continued to work.
On the 3rd of Opal winter truly came as the water froze. But it kept raining. Then it became snow.
With the coming of late winter the training was finished. And the dwarfs were working on the roof over the second flood. Glass blocks would be used to allow light into the building when the sun was at its highest. Logs had to be turned into charcoal and lots of sand collected. But like with the windows it would be worth it.
With so many free hands the roof was swiftly being constructed.
Mother was trying to decide if to make the two Haulers their own little military unit. Maybe messengers? There were other civilizations who could be traded with. Because the otters and the dwarfs.
Then winter ended and spring started. ----------------------------------------------------------
Author's Note:
Once the library is done I will take some images. I really enjoyed planning it out and want to show it off.