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Author Topic: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.  (Read 6785 times)


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2024, 11:15:26 am »

"And how do you propose we go about that? Unity and defense against outside threats strikes me as our most routine possibility. We are otherwise ill suited for civilization building."
"Weapons are just tools built for a special purpose. It's how well the tools were made that determines their usefulness, not the purpose they were built for. Patch up a few old vessels in a scavenger shipyard and you'll learn that soon enough. War machines have always pushed science to the limit. This one holds knowledge we thought we'd lost forever. At the very least, that's something people need...

"That would be aiming pretty low, really. We could scavenge ancient techne from a rad-scorched derelict, but this is pure potential, just waiting for the right group of people to find it. And Glory Be, we did. I'm not sure how best to use it yet, but if we can scour the old databases, it might lead us to deeper mysteries still."

Johanna turns to address the group.

"Vlad is right that keeping hold of it is the main thing for now, but we'll need more crew for that. I'm guessing this hulk needs a few thousand more hands before we can cover the whole attack surface... and until then, every pathetic warlord in the galaxy is a potential threat. I've nothing against pirates, veterans or for that matter convicts, but possibly we could try some more ordinary hires as well. I'd be very willing to take a few ships from the hangar and visit the nearby systems, sign on some mechanics, medics, pilots and so on."

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One wheel short of a wagon

Radio Controlled

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2024, 12:00:12 pm »

"And how do you propose we go about that? Unity and defense against outside threats strikes me as our most routine possibility. We are otherwise ill suited for civilization building."
"Weapons are just tools built for a special purpose. It's how well the tools were made that determines their usefulness, not the purpose they were built for. Patch up a few old vessels in a scavenger shipyard and you'll learn that soon enough. War machines have always pushed science to the limit. This one holds knowledge we thought we'd lost forever. At the very least, that's something people need...

"That would be aiming pretty low, really. We could scavenge ancient techne from a rad-scorched derelict, but this is pure potential, just waiting for the right group of people to find it. And Glory Be, we did. I'm not sure how best to use it yet, but if we can scour the old databases, it might lead us to deeper mysteries still."

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

"This guy gets it! Just because it’s brimmed to the gills with weapons doesn’t mean it can’t do other things."

"For one, consider how we could use this ship to visit the inner rings and find stuff nobody else can even get to. Exotic materials we could use to craft all kinds of wonders, remains of space stations, who knows. Or with the right prep, maybe even the supernova system is open to us! Imagine what we might learn there. Perhaps the remains of the device that caused the event are still there, waiting for us to unlock its secrets."

((I use darkling and I can read it, but it’s a bit eye straining indeed. Maybe consider adding a lighter shadow?))

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2024, 05:00:11 pm »

I pipe up from my rather reclusive area near lots of computer equipment,

"Science is a strong go for me.  I Like it loads more than war, 'specially if we'd be doing war for profit."

Then I concentrate again on what I can learn about this 'artificial crew' possibility, in case maybe that can be a go too, but I'm happier as I do.  Science and research... I like that idea.

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For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2024, 06:57:57 am »

Ship name suggestions:  Esperanza, Goodwood.

Spoiler: Ship Character sheet (click to show/hide)

Just hit upon another idea. Can we probe the AI/computer's database of known target profiles? Like, does it have image recognition of what kind of targets it would recognize, what ship classes and size categories that would be known to it? If so, that might help us identify other ships from the same era. If it has target profiles, maybe it also has some rundown of known capabilities of those ships!

Research (No research skill) 2d8 (3,8) -2.

Yup!  You can't find the raw target profile information in the weapons computers, but you can certainly pull up an old ship recognition guide!

Now, in order to not fill the game with a 200 page manual of ship types..

..In general, old Space Cruisers like the one you are on are the mainline battleships of the High Imperial era.  There were a couple dozen classes, with different specialties, although you don't have detailed information about their capabilities, only general ones such as speed, basic firepower, and storage/jump capabilities.  They were all fairly generalist ships.

Specialty ships were mostly of the next size down.  Carriers, gunships, missile boats, pod carriers, heavily protected Brawlers, and siege-focused Battleships.. these were ships that were expected to be attritted, and to take more acceptable causalties.

Below that were Patrol Ships, Local Defense Cruisers, and various other medium-sized classes.  Things on this scale exist in the modern day, including a few survivors from the old times.  They're generally fleet flagships or mainline warships of more powerful groups.

Below that is a whole mess of Sports Cruisers, heavy fighters, support ships, small freighters, etcetera, forming the backbone of the Old Imperial navy.  Your old salvager would fit into this group, as would most of the stuff in the hangar bay.

Would it make sense to take the map data from our salvage ship and upload it to the big ship? The maps might not be very expansive but they should be up to date, right?

If yes, start doing so. Make sure to make a backup copy of the current map database first if possible.

If not, check what would be needed to repair that pierced tank in the hangar bay, and if there's more damaged parts.

Either way, try to get some AI assistance for the task (do we need to specify that, or is it assumed unless told otherwise?)

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Yup.  The systems are actually compatible.  Which makes sense, given they were expected to need updating, and there are really strong incentives for keeping the format the same.  It's a simple and painless process.

The pierced tank in the hangar bay is a trivial fix, being a simple hole in a bit of tankage.  Of course, like everything else in this treasure, you want to handle it with kid gloves.. (4,4) +1 (Engineering skill) +3 (Hangar Bay), -2.

..but it isn't hard to find the tools, drain the tank, cut a hole, remove the tiny chunk of debris, and seal up a new patch.  Good as new!  Well, almost.  The patch is visible, but..  (Hangar bay restored to 80/80)

((No need to specify AI assistance.))

Spoiler: Ceglan (click to show/hide)

Long used to being in confined spaces, Ceglan takes a solitary walk through parts of the ship's corridors. Seeing as his fellows are busying themselves with looking around the big ship and the smaller spaceships, go and see if we have the following, ask the ship's AI for additional info if possible:
- Do we have an armoury (personal arms, armour/suits, other gear?)
- Ground based craft, both for combat and utility
- What defences this ship has for the inside? Meaning, what sort of systems are in place (if any) against boarding?
- Is there some sort of library?

There is an armoury.  Several, in fact.  The ship is equipped to carry 2500 ground-pounders.. although their barracks and armouries are empty.  There are racks for power suits, and a few small vehicle bays to equip them with heavy weapons or support units, but they're empty.  You're gonna need to make equipment if you want to use it.

For internal security, there are secure doors, lockdowns are possible, and can be done locally or with AI commands.  The lifts may also be secured.  Some of the key hallways are set up for use as security checkpoints, such as the ones to access the hangar bay, the main engines, the AI rooms, the troop armouries, and the bridge.  There is also surveillance, both cameras and through the AI.  Still, you need crew to run internal security properly, and this isn't a ship paranoid about mutinies.  There isn't anything like interior turrets, and although the ship is well divided to resist damage, the projected bulkhead system is not built like a prison and someone with the proper tools can rearrange walls or breach even secure doors, with time.

There are some weapons on board.  The ground pounder armouries are empty, but the on-ship security sections do have old Imperial weapons in them.  The ammo-based ones need new ammo, but you can snag a suit of light personal armour and an energy rifle.  There are pistols as well, if you'd prefer one of them.

(If you wish, you can add "Light personal armour, Remnant Tech" "Energy Rifle, Remnant Tech" and "Energy Pistol, Remnant Tech" to your character sheet.  This applies to any player who wants to arm themselves.)

..As for a library, absolutely.  It's a ship intended to carry tens of thousands of people, there is indeed a library, with books, both physical and electronic.  It looks like videos and music were distributed more locally, with individual quarters having video screens and headphones.  There are a couple of spaces designed for meetings or groups as well, where many people can enjoy the same movie, and there is even a small concert hall for performances.

I listen, somewhat reclusively, to the various conversations and doings of my fine fellows also on this excellent ship.

Then I look into what the AI can tell me about robotic crew it perhaps can access or create, rapid-cloning development tech it may have, and other ideas it can suggest that might help us few become us-the-many, and adequate for the ship's needs.

I discuss the AI's understanding of what all these humans-in-the-loop are actually needed to do, and if we could handle information and decisions to support it while it does even more of the heavy lifting than originally expected/intended.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Robotic crew.. interesting.."

At the minimum crew levels, you're providing some very key redundancies.  Theoretically you can pilot this ship adequately with only about forty people.  The trouble comes in combat, when systems are strained.  There are some main issues:

Sensors can fail.  Bad data to the AI means bad decisions, which can spiral out of control.  There needs to be someone who can decide which sensors are right, and which ones to ignore, as well as being available to hit the big red button should something be hammering out of control somewhere.

It's a warship, and damage is a state of life.  Most maintenance functions are AI assisted, particularly inside the core areas of the ship.  And there are already tiny bots roaming the halls, moving things around and doing a good number of maintenance tasks.  But these fail, and they might not be able to access every single location on the ship.  And, like everything else, hits can mess things up.  It'll take the AI a good amount of time to figure out if a hull breach is more important than an overheating turret, and prioritizing thing one over thing two is not what it's best at.

Third are dependencies.  If something AI-required breaks, it needs to be fixed before anything else can do anything, which could lead to the shutdown of something important being ignored while the AI fixes the camera before it can look at the problem.  Having crew around leads to an additional, important degree of redundancy.

Still, none of this is impossible.  Reducing the optimal crew levels will require a major redesign of the ship.. but getting more out of minimal or sub-minimal crew?  Should be possible.

((To do this, you'll need to make one or more successful research rolls for each type of equipment and ship systems, and then gather resources to build the additional automation components for them.  Successes will reduce the crew levels needed for the various reduced functionality breakpoints.))

Leverage passive sensors to get a read on this system. Try to figure out what it can find and what it would miss.
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This system kinda sucks.  It's an empty brown-dwarf system with very little to look at.  The cruiser was probably hidden here, in a place nobody would go.  Brown Dwarfs are so, so common in the galaxy you could hide all the fleets of all the empires to ever exist around them, and there would be a thousand empty brown dwarfs for each one with a ship.

((There doesn't seem to be any agreement on where you would like to go with this ship, so it isn't moving at this time.))

Radio Controlled

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2024, 02:30:43 pm »

"Ok then. The way I see it we now have 2 obvious next steps we could take.

We could start harvesting some basic materials to fill the stores, or we could look into the crew situation.

Personally, I’d suggest we start with the former, as it’s a relatively low-stakes way for us to get to know the ship and how to use it, as well as being useful for the crew recruitment effort, either by letting us craft trinkets to barter with, or if we go the robot route, giving us the materials to build them."

Could our mining ships and such operate in the Mid-Ring systems, or would they need extra shielding? Could our shield support craft provide said shielding?

If yes, make a list of places we can jump to in the Mid-Ring systems where we could mine:
- common materials
- rare materials (if any?)
- exotic materials (if any?)
- unprocessed fuel
If not, try to make a list of places in the outer-ring systems where we could get these materials, with a high preference for abandoned/desolated systems.
Then, also make a list of places where we could recruit more crew (anywhere with a bunch of people, planets/stations/whatever).

Based on the radiation readings we have (from the places we visited) in the middle and outer ring systems, try to determine what we can expect for the radiation levels in the inner-ring systems, and if our ship could withstand that. If not or unsure, how much would we need to beef up our protection to be safe?

And sure, take the gear.

"By the way, Aunaewan, if you want a hand with that AI, let me know. I’m no expert but I know my way around a perceptron, so to speak."

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Ship name suggestions:  Esperanza, Goodwood.
((To reiterate, voting for Esperanza for now.))

-> Crew + Passengers
((...huh, we have way more NPC's on board than I thought.))
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 12:06:53 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2024, 04:45:27 pm »

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Swoop by the armory and see about getting some personal gear.  How much of the ship is booted up?  See what’s suffered from the wear and tear of age.  Also, I believe there was something about a lucky shot hitting a tank?

(Whoops, totally forgot about this.).
« Last Edit: October 28, 2024, 04:55:48 pm by BlackPaladin99 »
Is there anything you would like to do before you perpetuate gang violence?


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2024, 06:27:22 pm »

"With a crew this light, I'd be worried about taking even a single jump. Everything looks fine, but this ship hasn't moved in hundreds of years, and if something goes wrong, we'll barely have the manpower to handle it. And that's if nobody's coming after us.

"We could take some smaller ships from the hangar, do a few recruitment trips before we move her. Hire enough people for a properly manned jump, or even enough to run the ship in a proper dogfight. Kaitryn can have her pirates, even."
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2024, 09:53:41 pm »

So, we have a giant ship with AI assistance, a rather hefty machine shop on it, and... also our own salvage vessel. Right now, I'm trying to think of ways to make money. Relatively speaking, even. What has value? Surely there's a difference between base metals and nobles (osmium, etc.) as far as what people need. We have the ability to work with outstandingly cutting-edge, military-grade tech and the materials to make more of it. Even if this ship isn't exactly a mobile factory, when you consider relative scale of the ship vs. the state of the art today, it still pretty much counts.

"Seems we're on the right track, at least for now. I've got ideas, for sure... ideas like setting up comm buoys everywhere we go, so we can talk to others who come out this way. Don't want people getting the wrong idea about us so quick. But for now, I'm gonna stick with what I'm good at. If you need me, I'll be at the machine shop."

Jake is going to use his munitions and logistics skills to try to come up with some deliverables as far as obstruction-clearing ordnance, asteroid-busters, some types of missiles, and so on. Weapons, power tools, explosives, and complex components that can turn a profit. I want to plot out materials costs and relative time to complete, not to mention what it's likely to net us. We can work with lower-tech packages if all we have is common stuff, but if we get into some lanthanides and radioactives, hoo boy. Not suggesting we turn into arms dealers just yet—but I do want us to have something to sell, and if there's one way to get people on your good side, it's to show them you're reasonable men open for business. And if we're gonna pull more crew on board, they need to know there's good jobs waiting for them where "Esperanza Foundries" gear came from.

Edit: Oh, and I also vote we at least take the battleship (and salvager) to a system that's a bit more interesting than this brown dwarf. Like, seriously. Let's find an asteroid belt or a gas giant with a couple dozen Jovian moons where we can start mining materials, and maybe also get a bit closer to where we might find crew, but not too close. Smaller vessels can make the hop there and back.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2024, 09:58:07 pm by Xvareon »


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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2024, 10:39:26 pm »

Take a gas scoop craft out for a scoop. We'll get some material to work with, and I'll get to see what these small craft can do. Shouldn't be a problem having low crew with a small craft, either.

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The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.

Radio Controlled

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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2024, 02:24:13 am »

"With a crew this light, I'd be worried about taking even a single jump. Everything looks fine, but this ship hasn't moved in hundreds of years, and if something goes wrong, we'll barely have the manpower to handle it. And that's if nobody's coming after us.

"We could take some smaller ships from the hangar, do a few recruitment trips before we move her. Hire enough people for a properly manned jump, or even enough to run the ship in a proper dogfight. Kaitryn can have her pirates, even."

"Hmm, I don't hate the idea of taking the salvager and going out on a recruitment drive, would also let us keep the ship itself hidden for a bit longer. But, honest question: what would you be paying them with? If we want to hire them for any significant amount of time, I'm guessing we'd need to fork over a significant sign-up bonus."

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2024, 02:31:43 am »

"Take a look at the machine shop blueprints and take your pick, I guess. So long as we keep mining rocks and such, we should be able to make lots of stuff that people want."
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.

Radio Controlled

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #56 on: October 29, 2024, 07:49:08 am »

"Take a look at the machine shop blueprints and take your pick, I guess. So long as we keep mining rocks and such, we should be able to make lots of stuff that people want."

"Well sure, we can craft trinkets, but with what raw materials? Right now we have none, there seem to be none in this system, and he mentioned he'd rather we not jump this ship to where there might be any.

Hmm. I suppose we could only move a mining ship then, and leave the carrier here. I don't think those can FTL jump themselves, but maybe the tugs could take them along for a ride, load up and return here?"

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #57 on: October 29, 2024, 10:11:02 am »

The support ships are jump-capable.  The fighters, bombers, and shield bearers are not jump capable.

You should have enough people to move the ship.  There are penalties to doing anything, but you have enough people to put someone in each department to hit buttons and push emergency stops.  You don't have more people than that, but you can move the ship.

I also haven't tracked money, but ships are much more valuable than crew salaries.  You could pay for a full crew of this vessel for months by selling a couple of fighters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #58 on: October 29, 2024, 01:18:04 pm »

That's actually a good starting point. I vote we spruce up a few of the smaller Remnant-tech craft sitting in our holds, reset the transponder codes and bill them as coming from "Esperanza Incorporated", and get those ready as a deliverables showcase. Especially since we have the tech to make the parts for those same craft, which means that if something breaks, we're the ones they come to to get it fixed. We can do a lot of legitimate business with this. We already have a salvage contract, after all, or whatever allows us to legally go out and claim stuff. Let's take it a step further and see if we can't entice a few investors on board (relatively speaking) -- people who have the financing and personnel contacts we will need. Startup capital and experienced crews will really help us leverage our early advantage, here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #59 on: October 29, 2024, 06:27:49 pm »

"No way we're selling off these beautiful beam fighters before I've even gotten to use them. We can't built new cryptographic encoders for them, either, so we'd better yank those out before we sell any. There's really nothing keeping us from jumping the ship to a system with minerals, or just leaving it here and jumping the miners back and forth."
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.
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