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Author Topic: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.  (Read 6786 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« on: October 15, 2024, 06:24:40 am »

The hundreds of millions of stars in the galaxy twirl about the central black hole, spinning endlessly, in eternal ignorance of the trials and travails of the trillions.. nay, quadrillions of beings inhabiting it.

Centuries ago, in the mythical past, one great nation united the entire galaxy, spanning from the outer rims to the central core.  It was unmatched in art, culture, and technology.

..And then it fell.  None in these latter days knows all the reasons, but all of them know that it fell.  And ever since then, the tiny chips of the broken fragments of said empire have been competing and in conflict with each other, endless tiny fragments of bright and dark where once was the all-spanning blanket of the great empire.
But there are bits and pieces here and there.  Some planet might have the remains of an old factory.  Another planet might have a great seed bank.  A pirate ship might have a battery of old power artillery.

..and you, and your friends, have discovered the jackpot.  An ancient, mothballed battleship, from the Old Grand Fleet. a product of a great and mighty age, with the firepower of a hundred ordinary ships, the capacity to besiege entire planets, more hangar and passenger space than you care to think about.. it is an item beyond value.

And it now belongs to you and your friends.

Character creation will take place in two phases.  First, what kind of character are you?  And Second, what kind of battleship did you find?

Character Sheet:


Additional details:



Pick one specialty from this list: Diplomacy, Piloting, Weapons, Engineering, Research, Sensors, Ground Combat, Logistics, and Munitions.
Pick two secondaries from the above list.

As for the ship, assign four points to the following systems.  No system may have more than two points assigned to it.

Main Guns (for attacking planets and orbital structures.  And ships similar to this one, if there were any of them.)
Secondary Weapons (for attacking normal ships)
Hangar Bay
Engineering/Machine Shop
Pods (for transporting cargo, deploying probes, mines, missiles, bombs..)
Jump Drive


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2024, 08:37:52 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Main Guns (for attacking planets and orbital structures.  And ships similar to this one, if there were any of them.) 1
Secondary Weapons (for attacking normal ships) 1
Hangar Bay
Engines 1
Engineering/Machine Shop 1
Pods (for transporting cargo, deploying probes, mines, missiles, bombs..)
Jump Drive
« Last Edit: October 17, 2024, 08:52:32 am by BlackPaladin99 »
Is there anything you would like to do before you perpetuate gang violence?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Alias: Setokaiva
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2024, 09:28:57 am »

Name: Jason "Jake" (fluid last name, he takes the name of whatever ship he's working on)
Additional details: Jason, or "Jake" to his friends, is a mix of navy chaplain and tech-miner—which seems a bit odd from the outside, unless you know what tech-miners go through. Those who don't pay proper respect to the hulks they scrounge for valuable finds don't live long enough to regret their mistake. Malfunctioning plasma conduits, failing mag-clamps and unstable ordnance are just the tip of the iceberg. And ever since Jason became part of the crew who found the battleship, he's been loudly exhorting everyone to stay cautious, to not lose themselves in glory and to respect the monster they might've unleashed.

What they found was an AI-equipped, super-heavy Battlecarrier. The kind of sprawling vessel that doesn't stop at squadrons of fighter craft, but also deals in semi-autonomous missiles and torpedoes, including sub-AI-cored ones that can change targets on their own if they lose lock. There may even be more esoteric ones like torpedoes designed to deliver an energetic beam attack once they get in range. Perhaps by the grace of God, the ship's AI is only truly capable of prodigious computing capacity and has little room for ambition, and the ship itself is ponderous and hard to move around. The kind of weapons it was designed to carry may be in short supply these days, as well. However, in its preferred fleet setting where it can project a dizzying array of semi-autonomous weaponry practically anywhere in its local gravity well, it was and still can be the longest arm this side of Orion.

Specialty (primary): Munitions
Specialty (secondaries): Logistics, Diplomacy

Structure: AI/Controls (1) | Hangar Bay (1) | Main Weapons (1) | Pods (1)

Radio Controlled

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2024, 12:41:12 pm »

PTW and maybe play!

Character Sheet
Name: Zakharov Gagarin.
Additional details: Eternally curious, wishing to see the cosmos and uncover its many secrets.
Specialty: Research
Secondaries: Engineering, Piloting

Main Guns
Secondary Weapons
Hangar Bay
Engines   1
AI/Controls   1
Engineering/Machine Shop
Sensors   1
Jump Drive   1
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 03:26:19 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2024, 08:43:22 pm »

Name: Aunaewan
Additional details: Reclusive prompt engineer who got embroiled in this situation through a lengthy series of unlikely and unexpected events.  Might take a liking and assist someone or anyone.
Specialty (primary): Diplomacy
Specialty (secondaries): Sensors, Engineering

Structure: AI/Controls (1) | Engines (1) | Engineering/Machine Shop (1) | Sensors (1)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2024, 09:37:28 pm »

Name: Kaitaryn

Additional details: A fiery redheaded dwarf catgirl from a high gravity terrestrial planet which regressed to medieval technology. She joined a passing pirate flock and gradually became a master of spacejet combat. Now at a venerable middle age of 235, she seeks greater challenges, and also more profit.

Specialty: Piloting

Secondaries: Logistics, Ground Combat

Ship: Structure x2, Hangar Bay x2
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 09:49:25 pm by Egan_BW »
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2024, 08:52:52 am »

Edited sheet. 
Is there anything you would like to do before you perpetuate gang violence?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2024, 10:29:20 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2024, 05:20:12 pm »

Name: Vladimir Tussos

Additional details: Fabulous bushy mustache, shrewd eye for the bigger picture

Specialty: Sensors

Secondaries: Weapons, Research

Ship: Main Guns, Sensors, Pods, Jump Drive
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2024, 10:43:05 am »

Name: Johanna Goodwood

Additional details: A stocky woman, of reasonable height, in her late twenties, sporting closely cropped black hair, comfortable work overalls, and numerous ornamental tools and measuring instruments.

Her father was one of several heirs to an interplanetary merchant dynasty, but himself a weak businessman and worse gambler. The inheritance largely spent and her parents reduced to clerical work on a lunar shipyard, Johanna grew up around mechanics, soldiers, merchant astronauts, stevedores and adventurers. Thriving on the rowdy and hectic environment of the docks and warehouses, she learned a great deal about the workings of commercial spacecraft, the repair of complex devices, and the shrewd dealings of interstellar merchants.

Johanna privately observes the totemic religion practised by the engineers and navvies of the shipyards of her youth. While she discusses most things freely, this is a subject she is a little more reticent on.

How did she arrive on this ship, you ask? By setting off for fame and fortune, of course!

Specialty: Logistics

Secondaries: Engineering, Diplomacy

Ship: Structure x2, Hangar Bay x2
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2024, 05:52:09 am »

(Ship bonuses:  Structure, Main Guns, Hangar Bay, Engines)

Your salvage ship is trawling through the scattered stars of a lost sector, nipping away at the edges of a great maelstrom.  Long in the past, some mighty weapon made a not-so-distant star go nova.  Several of its neighbour star systems are irradiated husks, blown through by the radioactive debris from the massive cataclysm.  Still, for a well-run, well-built, and well-shielded salvager like yours, the more distant ones are hazardous.. but profitable.  Rare materials, from the remains of the exploded star or the irradiated husks of asteroids, or even small planetoids.. good hunting, for people like you.  On occasion there are remnants of abandoned stations, even the relics of a few small ships of the old empire.

There are dozens of stars in the blast zone, far more than one crew can ever hunt through in their lives.. which makes it necessary to sift and sort, scan and probe, and find the best bits in an ocean of radioactive titanium.

You're not quite sure what it is that brought you to this lonely brown dwarf.  Brown dwarfs are everywhere, residing in the galaxy in numbers beyond count, too cold to matter, to common to care about, too invisible to notice, and so invisible they aren't even tracked in the system maps.

..But this one, well, there was a feeling.  It was moving, with enough proper motion to move over the years you've been prospecting here.  And.. well, you're right next to it, checking gas clouds near a barren white dwarf, and there's a return for refined fuel, something that is utterly impossible to be here, only spotted due to the barrenness of this planetless star.  It might have been a false return, probably was a false return, but what's there to lose?

Around the brown dwarf, you see nothing.  Still, you drop the probes around the hot Jupiter, and search the empty system.. and find it again, the signs of advanced fuels, the metastable radioactives that give up their energy only under a controlled bombardment of gamma.  Or evaporate to nothing in empty space, due to the endless field of background radiation..

But it's there.  Pierced by a lucky shot by a high-energy impact, penetrating a tank in its hangar bay, a ship from the old empire.  Massive, as they are measured today, back then it was simply a space cruiser, the motherships built by the dozens in the old imperial yards.  It is said that the old grand fleet had four thousand of them, projecting the massive power of the empire out to it's furthest limits.

..and in front of you is one.  Remarkably intact, and preserved, with the interiors filled with inert fluid, the hull carefully neutralized to prevent decay, and the engines partly dissasembled.  From stem to stern you go over this kilometers long ship, draining it section by section and bringing it back online shortly.

It's of the old Unicorn class.

The hull is well comparmentalized, with the armour formed into layers of hexes, with its bulkheads created from mimetic force armour, a half-physical half electronic system of adjustable barricades.  Deep inside the hull are the massive gyroscopes and kinetic sinks, fueled by piezoelectric reactions to stress.  It's fantastic for engineering.. if you wish to access some key component, you can simply turn off the wall its embedded in, keeping the item supported by thin beams of pure force.  And although the means of making the armour plate are lost, it is not in massive slabs, but small hexagonal components, layered for quick and easy replacement.  The large energy sinks means that you could set off nuclear weapons inside the hull and shrug it off.. outside of an area of burnt out emitters and a need to discharge the sinks, very little damage would be done.

((To be continued.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2024, 07:37:19 am »

There are three large scale weapon systems on the ship.

First are the conventional ones.  There are sixteen massive railguns, arranged into four banks of four, intented for long-range anti capital ship combat, firing solid projectiles at extreme ranges.  At short ranges they're capable of absolutely shredding smaller ships, but the relatively limited rate of fire makes them somewhat ineffective at this role.  They're made for firing huge broadsides at big targets at long to extreme range, scoring occasional hits and whittling down the target.  These magazines are full, being essentially energy weapons with thousands of rounds stored for each gun.  Still, railgun projectiles the size of a person are serious business.

In addition, there are four great siege guns.  These are not really capable of much traverse, and are intended to fire massive bombs of various types at slow speed, intended for saturation strikes.  Traditional tactics is to get light-minutes or hours away from the target, and launch dozens or hundreds of these, flying with the bombs while launching more bombs, to launch a saturation attack.  These magazines are empty, which makes sense.  Can't really mothball something with warheads that need constant power to stay stable.  A quick glance at the computer systems shows full schematics for a wide range of bombs, most of which are unfamiliar to you.  Siege guns are immensely powerful, but firing them is like lighting millions of credits on fire.  Make sure whatever you use them against is worth it.

Third is the primary energy weapon.  This is not the standard monster-sized pulsed X-ray laser.  This is what used to be termed a 'fracture cannon', or an extreme energy particle beam.  This particular one also has 'fracture mode', where it fires a beam of high-speed ionized plasma, intended to splash against a shielded target, followed by a high-energy particle beam, intending to create exotic particle showers.

In other words, you have a high-end particle beam, great for making enemy hulls into useless radioactive messes, with the fracture mode intended to force exotic materials through even the best shields.  You can't really protect against photons of every power level from gamma on down, and a massive shower of exotic particles, all at the same time.  Something will get through and damage will be done.

For smaller ships, there is the standard range of missiles, anti-missiles, laser turrets, and what could best be termed 'saturation fire fragmentation cannons', short ranged weapons with slow-refire rates intending to turn an entire flank of the ship into a temporary 'no go zone' filled with sheets of fire and explosive shells.  All standard and used to this day.

Next stop is the hangar bay and engines.  Which is generous.  The hangar bay can take in a dozen standard containers, end-to end, and has full fittings for refueling, rearming, and reconfiguring all kinds of small and medium craft.  Most of what you would normally consider 'large craft' could fit in there as well.  Cranes, tools, and a secondary machine room loaded to the gills with spares lie before you.

The big problem with fitting a 'large' ship in here is that the bay is already full.  Forty-eight old Imperial fighters are here, of the skyripper beam weapon design.  There are also twenty four old imperial bombers, and eighteen 'protectors', or shield deployment ships, enough to cover entire wings of fighters or bombers in high-end protective shielding dozens of kilometers out.  Enough to put up two layers of additional shields around this ship as well, if turned to that use..

The other half of the hanger is full of support craft.  Six mining ships, two salvagers about the size of your own, but fitted with real equipment, not the cobbled-together modern replacements.  Four gas harvesters, a single refinery craft, two repair and construction ships, and two tugs, small vessels with oversized jump drives and real tractor emitters.

Your next stop are the engines.  As expected, the ship is powered by three of the ancient, skyscraper-sized standard Grand Fleet engines, many of which are currently used around the galaxy as generators for stations or cities.  But these are the better ones, the mark fives.  More power, more reliability, and much, much easier maintenance.  The old mark fours required dozens of crew to keep running properly, or significant amounts of downtime.  But these new ones use the same structural projection technology to make the active sections far more accessible, and the robots and waldos to keep things running can work even when it's hot, cutting maintenance requirements roughly in half.  The extra power is never unwanted either.. an old cruiser used to be strained pretty good in a hot battle with everything running.  With these babies it can run cool even when running hot, making a catastropic breakdown less likely and providing more spare capacity for upgrades or combat damage.

(to be continued.  Yes, the ship-porn will stop after this one set of descriptions.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Alias: Setokaiva
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2024, 08:10:15 am »

Yeeeeesh. At a minimum, there is NO WAY anyone scanning us is going to mistake us for anyone else, transponder signals be damned. That ship alone has a one-of-a-kind profile you just can't mistake.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2024, 06:11:36 pm »

Yeeeeesh. At a minimum, there is NO WAY anyone scanning us is going to mistake us for anyone else, transponder signals be damned. That ship alone has a one-of-a-kind profile you just can't mistake.

One of a kind... but there's like 7 of us scattered all over (or clustered, maybe, some?)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are the crew of a Remnant Battleship.
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2024, 07:28:58 pm »

So what's the plan guys, we're going to cut out those three engines and sell em off to wealthy city-states? No? We're going to keep it?
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.
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