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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 14013 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #825 on: March 09, 2025, 09:20:12 am »

There is no resolution to the third person who contacted Urist, and whoever blocked NQT, right?

Many people having immunity to getting investigated only for the investigative powers to be immune to the aforementioned immunity would make a hilarious joke.

I also been seen Tric in some town light now, as Magma I believe asked before; yes I was mainly scum reading them because of how scary they looked. I was fully expecting them to us the day to take over the thread and especially try pushing me or vern. But they have been surprisingly understanding and organised. I do like that they accepted town having different opinions and play styles.
I wish I could confidently townread them, because the content they post is very much towny. Same goes for Imp too, she has really taken things much more seriously.

If we end up executing a town today, we will start the next day with 10 players. Which is fine if we assume only 2 mafia but we are in peril if there are 3.

Assuming worst case scenario:

Day 3: 7 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 4: 5 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 5: 3 town vs 3 mafia

And that is assuming we don't have any neutrals in this game. We really should be treating this game as if we only have 2 days left to catch all mafia.
Too many assumptions. Pregame, I asked Fallacy about mafia number and he told me that there was a 12player game with 5 scum iirc. So uhh, don't rely so much on normal assumptions here


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #826 on: March 09, 2025, 09:21:11 am »

One thing I was really trying to do this game was find pairs of suspicious people. Like sure we can find X and Y who are suspicious individually, but what about pairs which are suspicious together;

Basically, if we assume something like, Magma is mafia, next question should pop up who could be their partner? Who do they just have such a convenient relationship with.

I don't know if Kriss x NQT are two people who are just focused on each other too much or just people pretending to be busy.

I wish I could never wake up.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #827 on: March 09, 2025, 09:21:51 am »

Kr1ss remains town theatre. Which is a bit better than null theater they were wobbling in. Toaster's posts have been good the few times they've shown up. I would like to play Monster Hunter today but probably not happening.

Nothing Magma's done has really helped their case this game. I don't know why they trust Toony so much, for example. And Magma's been lying a lot. This is the type of MY ROLE I go on about. I haven't this game, but that's mostly cause I revealed it to theater. If Mafia is in there I'm probably not going to die, and I'm probably going to die. So really might as well just trust the core even if it's unconfirmed.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #828 on: March 09, 2025, 09:23:50 am »

There is no resolution to the third person who contacted Urist, and whoever blocked NQT, right?

Many people having immunity to getting investigated only for the investigative powers to be immune to the aforementioned immunity would make a hilarious joke.

I also been seen Tric in some town light now, as Magma I believe asked before; yes I was mainly scum reading them because of how scary they looked. I was fully expecting them to us the day to take over the thread and especially try pushing me or vern. But they have been surprisingly understanding and organised. I do like that they accepted town having different opinions and play styles.
I wish I could confidently townread them, because the content they post is very much towny. Same goes for Imp too, she has really taken things much more seriously.

If we end up executing a town today, we will start the next day with 10 players. Which is fine if we assume only 2 mafia but we are in peril if there are 3.

Assuming worst case scenario:

Day 3: 7 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 4: 5 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 5: 3 town vs 3 mafia

And that is assuming we don't have any neutrals in this game. We really should be treating this game as if we only have 2 days left to catch all mafia.
Too many assumptions. Pregame, I asked Fallacy about mafia number and he told me that there was a 12player game with 5 scum iirc. So uhh, don't rely so much on normal assumptions here
I don't think we can have a 5 scum team?
That would mean game ends like...tomorrow or something if neutrals are in play.
Though aye, we can't rely on normal assumptions, but we can still gauge the power levels.
I wish I could never wake up.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #829 on: March 09, 2025, 09:25:17 am »

Toaster, ah, they do remind me a lot of myself; which makes me a lil jealous...I feel like we only have room for one character whose entire personality is about they don't know what they are doing.

But vibes do feel good from them.

I wish I could never wake up.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #830 on: March 09, 2025, 09:33:28 am »

I went through all Toaster's posts; and I can say they are never paired with NQT. Infact if Toaster flips town, i am kinda comfortable following their read lists.

i am so sleepy now
I wish I could never wake up.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Restaurant Standoff (14 / 14)
« Reply #831 on: March 09, 2025, 10:05:56 am »

I'll start casing people now. Toony seems like a good start and so I'll do him first. Expect cases to be loooooooooooong.
Toony Case:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Okay, I went through only a bit of day1 posts and those are some reasons I found Toony scum but I think that I am starting to have fever and that it might be better if I stop at least for a couple hours hahah.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #832 on: March 09, 2025, 10:21:55 am »

Thinking on it, if Magma has 4 votes, the next person would need 6 by their metric for a tie. Normally that would be 1 away from a hammer since 7 were needed at day start. Which doesn't seem right to me. It messes with the voting system way too much. Why disrupt town so much, why put forth something that makes town curious if you're lying while keeping mafia from touching you? And why use an ability while lying so much?

Lynch All Liars exists for a reason you know?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #833 on: March 09, 2025, 10:55:03 am »

Thinking on it, if Magma has 4 votes, the next person would need 6 by their metric for a tie. Normally that would be 1 away from a hammer since 7 were needed at day start. Which doesn't seem right to me. It messes with the voting system way too much. Why disrupt town so much, why put forth something that makes town curious if you're lying while keeping mafia from touching you? And why use an ability while lying so much?

Lynch All Liars exists for a reason you know?
Knowing Urist, it's possible that he went into this game with a specific "troll" plan which may not be alignment indicative at all but is fun to mention.

For example, I remember him mentioning how he want on a Championship game and literally copy pasted posts from previous year's championship and got NK N1 somehow.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #834 on: March 09, 2025, 11:56:50 am »

Urist is Magma right? Not our host FallacyofUrist?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #835 on: March 09, 2025, 11:57:37 am »

Urist is Magma right? Not our host FallacyofUrist?

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #836 on: March 09, 2025, 12:08:10 pm »

Magma, a reminder that This Exists. You don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to post content.

I do not add a red vote purely to let people discuss. But it's coming tomorrow.

The fuck are you even talking about, I've been posting all day.
Do you want me to get the wall out and hit you with it?

... Next posts are an admission of guilt, random "Solve", and you leaving.

In this section there are only two arguable. But you expect us to look back to your last post on Day 1.

Jim complaining about the lynch options while not voting for anyone is suuuuper scummy btw.
Jim complaining about the lynch options while not voting for anyone is suuuuper scummy btw.

Right now I'd take Jim over any others.  If enough of us are here and willing to switch?

He's my second highest scumread.  We have like 4 minutes?  Enough people watching and want to, agree?

Jim not voting for Crystalizedmire here is borderline outing them as a team though.
As a question, if you thought Jim was so scummy, why not vote?

Town reads:

Fewer town reads than I'd like but I'm finding it difficult to get reads on the remaining players (who I don't scum-read).
I'm not sure what standards you hold when 6 out of 14 players are townread. Notably your latest post of Jim/Crystal/Jack being scum doesn't change much? Hmm...

Magma, you call Jack scum purely because he took your hat. That doesn't line up. He said he was going to take and destroy a hat day 1.
Jack doesn't have enough posts to think otherwise from your twon reads. Yet they don't seem to have changed. If you flip scum your partner is within the list. Funny that you stuck all the remaining theater kids on here.

First off, Role Names are never indicative of alignment in these games. The Fairy Godfather can be Town. The Hated Townie can be Scum.
Second. None of these quotes can count to your town quota, as they aren't you hunting scum. It's barely participated purely to keep yourself alive and tell others to do the work for you.

Moving on.
Some actual posts. 3 of them in fact. Pretty sure I responded to these before though. First issue: If two in your readlist must be scum, why is only one of them in your actual scum team? Jack was added purely cause of hats.

Jack: Can you confirm not knowing the Hat you destroyed?
The rest isn't... Really great.

Spoiler: Is it over yet? (click to show/hide)

Ok thanks Tric now do Crystalizedmire, Imp, EuchreJack, toastercultist, Agentt, Jim Groovester and VermilionSkies to show yourself that my contributions have been at least in the top half of the playerlist. You're tunneled and making up reasons to suspect me. I get it, you don't like my claim. I expected you to act like this and vote for me after I admitted to lying. Take a deep breath and get over it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #837 on: March 09, 2025, 12:08:52 pm »

Crystal, I'm compiling claims.  I get you are, "Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message."  Anything else to claim?
I have nothing else to claim because I got only action failure.
Scumteam is Crystalizedmire, Jim Groovester, and EuchreJack. Boom, game solved, Magma out.
Why Euchrejack?
You've explained why you scumread me and Jim but what does Jack have to do with us?
I've made your favourite points, but you are town-reading the guy I'm making points about. What's the deal with that?
Cat is a good guy, I think they're misunderstood here.

I don't agree with all of Jim's points either and Jim has my second favorite points! For example, they didn't like Spontaneous Monday which I disagree with.

Also, Magma, you are a cat yourself, isn't that a little hypocritical to vote your Canadian brother?

"Cat is a good guy" too confident. Feels contradictory with earlier low confidence in reads. Bit TMI-ish.
I put TCK as a townish lean despite defending them, how come you only started to suspect me on day2?
I like birds


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #838 on: March 09, 2025, 12:11:24 pm »

Crystal, I'm compiling claims.  I get you are, "Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message."  Anything else to claim?
I have nothing else to claim because I got only action failure.
Scumteam is Crystalizedmire, Jim Groovester, and EuchreJack. Boom, game solved, Magma out.
Why Euchrejack?
You've explained why you scumread me and Jim but what does Jack have to do with us?
I've made your favourite points, but you are town-reading the guy I'm making points about. What's the deal with that?
Cat is a good guy, I think they're misunderstood here.

I don't agree with all of Jim's points either and Jim has my second favorite points! For example, they didn't like Spontaneous Monday which I disagree with.

Also, Magma, you are a cat yourself, isn't that a little hypocritical to vote your Canadian brother?

"Cat is a good guy" too confident. Feels contradictory with earlier low confidence in reads. Bit TMI-ish.
I put TCK as a townish lean despite defending them, how come you only started to suspect me on day2?
I didn't even mention you tho? Wdym?

Also, you got action failure but who did you target?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #839 on: March 09, 2025, 12:18:14 pm »

There is no resolution to the third person who contacted Urist, and whoever blocked NQT, right?

Many people having immunity to getting investigated only for the investigative powers to be immune to the aforementioned immunity would make a hilarious joke.

I also been seen Tric in some town light now, as Magma I believe asked before; yes I was mainly scum reading them because of how scary they looked. I was fully expecting them to us the day to take over the thread and especially try pushing me or vern. But they have been surprisingly understanding and organised. I do like that they accepted town having different opinions and play styles.
I wish I could confidently townread them, because the content they post is very much towny. Same goes for Imp too, she has really taken things much more seriously.

If we end up executing a town today, we will start the next day with 10 players. Which is fine if we assume only 2 mafia but we are in peril if there are 3.

Assuming worst case scenario:

Day 3: 7 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 4: 5 towns vs 3 mafia
Day 5: 3 town vs 3 mafia

And that is assuming we don't have any neutrals in this game. We really should be treating this game as if we only have 2 days left to catch all mafia.
Too many assumptions. Pregame, I asked Fallacy about mafia number and he told me that there was a 12player game with 5 scum iirc. So uhh, don't rely so much on normal assumptions here
I don't think we can have a 5 scum team?
That would mean game ends like...tomorrow or something if neutrals are in play.
Though aye, we can't rely on normal assumptions, but we can still gauge the power levels.

I think the first declaration of complete scumteam size was maybe here:

Scumteam is Crystalizedmire, Jim Groovester, and EuchreJack. Boom, game solved, Magma out.

Appears to say there's 3 maf and no other anti-town.

Here's a look at 4 recent games, including the last 2 FoU hosted, how many anti-town in each compared to the game size (and considering which alignment won too.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If we have many competing anti-town, we could have more antitown than if we have just one anti-town team.

There's this Thread Alpha thing, that makes perfect sense from Sal's unique power, but could be part of some SK's upcoming 'web of death', if so that's not Sal and I dunno who, but they got me started in that web.

We see one NK - could be multiple killers targeting the same person, or multiple killers but some of them forgot to action, got blocked or stopped, maybe have to set up kills over multiple nights but it's not connected to this Thread Alpha thing I'm obsessed over.

Each anti-town knows they themself exist.  I do wonder about people who don't seem to wonder about the size of the maf team and seem sure if there's other anti-town or not, but that could be something of a personality quirk.  Me, I tend to keep hunting more anti-town until the mod stops the game.  I usually presume there's at least 1 more until the game is over or the mech is such that there just can't be more than one anti-town.
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