Look around. Is there anywhere we could try to land that will paste us a little less?
> look
Empty SpaceI'm a little past the midway point between the penthouse suite of the Civenna, and the asphalt between the casino entrance and the fountain. Closed windows blur past.
Look around. Is there anywhere we could try to land that will paste us a little less?
Have an adrenaline rush and latch on to a nearby flagpole.
+1 to both of these, with ‘grabbing something’ being more ideal and ‘hitting something softer’ being a backup plan.
> grab something
I manage to turn around in midair.
Consider the circumstances which lead you to this moment and how you might available them in your future lives.
> reflect
On days like this, I wonder how I get into these scrapes.
> let's go back
Delivery TableI tumble out of my mother. It was a bit of a squeeze and frankly everyone's relieved that they didn't resort to the forceps.
> not that far back
Ever since that month of total recall, I keep going back to that first moment. But no, you're right, let's start at last week...
ACT ONE - LAST WEEKI'm at my favourite booth at the False Peak, the second highest point in the whole damn city.
I can also see:
- booth
- leftovers
I'm wearing:
- costume
Current power: vaporize
1. Examine [something]
2. Vaporize [something]
3. Exit booth
4. [Write in]
(I won't alway repeat the background descriptions, significant objects, inventory etc., unless they change, but you can check at any point as a free action.)