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Author Topic: Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome  (Read 3334 times)


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Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:29:37 pm »

My guild representative suddenly died for no apparent reason during a meeting with my expedition leader.

I have a save from right before it happened, and have loaded several times trying to figure out why he is dieing, but he keeps just plopping over dead less than a minute into the load with no hostiles or anything nearby.

I have a feeling he may be dieing of old age, since he has no wounds and as far as I know nothing else can instakill someone.

Heres a link to download the save. I also included my raw/objects folder in case you need it to load the save since I made numerous little tweaks to things (few new plants, new metal, more magma save rock, getting rid of clothing - but nothing that I did should make someone suddenly die).

If he IS dieing of old age, perhaps a bit of code to auto replace representatives before they get that old? Kinda sucks to be blamed for his death when I've done nothing but protect him over the years - saved him from several goblin ambushes and always got him safely into the fort no matter how far away he decided to pop in at.

On another note, will he be replaced or am I SOL as far as requesting stuff from humans is concerned? I really like importing platinum, aluminum, and pig iron from them.

-edit- Whatever it is keeps killing him. I used companion to resurrect him and he just died again a few seconds later. Funny thing is I kept resurrecting him till he finished the contract, then teleported him to the edge of the map and resurrected him again - now he left the map and is no longer 'dead' but I have a bunch of his corpses all over my broker's room. I guess I'll find out if this has any ill effects, haha. Maybe he'll show up again next year and start dieing more. If nothing else I'll get some human bone crafts.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 09:10:22 pm by Paul »
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Re: Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 07:59:16 am »

I looked and see that Dwarf Companion doesn't show age.  If you can load that backup of before he died maybe you can mess with his flags so he becomes part of your fort (liason? visitor? Civilization hex).  I've never tried it before so I don't know if it's possible.  If you can get him into your population then let him die maybe it will tell you he died of old age or not.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 08:26:28 am »

Resurrecting him constantly had him come back next year, haha. I then set one of the 'dead' flags which somehow made him not die (undead?) and then he was able to run around the map fine and finish the agreement and leave. I'll have to see if that flag prevents his return next time. If he still comes back, I guess I solved the issue by making him 'dead' already :)

Further searching revealed that this thing HAS been reported before, I just didn't find it because I was searching for the wrong things. I'm still not sure if it's a bug or a lack of a feature (replacing dead/dieing liasons)
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Re: Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 12:00:25 pm »

Tenko Oldage: Oh dear Urist, here comes my time... It was nice to work with you. Bye... *Dies*
Tenko Oldage [Dead]: *Moans*.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guild Representative Sudden Death Syndrome
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 08:48:40 pm »

In case anyone else has this issue and needs a quick workaround, using dwarf companion to set the creature's "dead" flag (the one on the bottom of the list, not the one on the left - that one makes him vanish) before he dies will make him work like normal, showing up year after year and he won't die of old age anymore.

You may be able to get it working after he dies, but I kept getting a liason left angry when I resurrected him and had to go through all sorts ot hassle to get the broker to start being a broker again (the sudden death during meeting bugged him) so I just loaded and got it working from before he keeled over.
Do you like Science Fiction? I'm writing the Weaveborn Saga over on Royal Road and my website. Link