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Author Topic: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way  (Read 5219 times)

Jonathan S. Fox

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How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« on: April 25, 2004, 03:44:00 am »

This is an LCS Walkthrough for total losers who don't want to enjoy the game.

Actually, this is for the purpose of fixing any apparent gameplay issues -- each of the five steps highlights a possibly questionable tactic, either because it's really boring but effective, or because it simply should be changed. They're not all new issues (the News Anchors thing is included), and they're not all unintended in the game design, but this is food for thought.

WARNING: If you're reading this for the sake of using it to win, then take note that this is not 'fun', and it's not in the spirit of the game. I'm serious with the title, this will be turn a great game into wasting hours being bored. This is not a rewarding way to play. Just take my word for it and stop reading now. You don't even get bragging rights for winning if you do it this way.  :)

Step One: 'Liberate' the Sweatshop Workers

Start with a pure A character. Go to the sweatshots, free the people, bring them back, remove them from your group, go out, bring more, remove them, go out, bring more, remove them. You'll eventually get three or more level 10 clothing people. I haven't tested the safety of this with the latest patch, but your next step is to have all those under 10 clothing except your leader make mischief without money to spend. They will bring in cash, then get busted and deported, thus out of your hair. Have those who do have 10 clothing make expensive suits every day. They cost $300 a piece, but make $1500 when done right. Have your leader pawn off anything that is worth money. Eventually, your workers will reach level 12 skill in clothes making -- at this point, each of them will, with no crime committed, make you $1200 a day, without fail, thus payrolling all your future activities.

Step Two: An Army of Eighteen Agents

Have one of your sweatshop workers make you a black suit, and wear it. Steal a car, anything will do. Once you have your car, have your leader drive it, and go to the intelligence HQ. Find Agents and ask them out. Spend money on it, no need to put your wisdom at stake more than it needs to be, and you have money to spend. When your agents come, stick them in your squad, until it's full. Form at least two additional squads full of agents. These will defend your compound.

Step Three: Elite Liberal Publishing Agency

Go to the internet cafe in the University district. Search for a liberal programmer, and seduce them. Make them a black suit, then place them in your squad, and go to the Intelligence HQ. Find and hack the supercomputer. Repeat several times. Make sure you have a business front and a printing press. Publish the data with your printing press. Wait several months, check your squad's juice periodically. When everyone is at elite liberal status, you're ready to start the revolution.

Step Four: Kidnapping Your Way to Victory

Load up any squad. Go to the apartments downtown. Scour them for News Anchors, by taking a step, holding down wait until someone appears, taking a step, holding down wait, and so on. When you find one, have anyone ask them out, anyone can do it. Kidnap them. Have your best people gang up on the hostage. Have at least one person spend $500 a day. When they break, find another News Anchor. Get four total, they all have to be sleepers.

Step Five: The AK-47 is Mightier than the Pen

Order one of your agent squads to hit the Cable News Station, and another to hit AM Radio. Stand out front and turn the first conservative you meet into a wet red and very dead decoration for the building. Leave. Wait a couple of days until it's no longer "too hot". Repeat. Have your programmer watch the polls for the Cable and AM Radio trends. When they hit about 100%, go to the "status of the Liberal Agenda" screen. Looks bad, doesn't it? Go ahead and retire now.

Dispersing here will save you from losing later if the CIA or National Guard manages to kill your leader in a seige.

NOTE: If you do come under seige while working through this, immediately fight. Do NOT stall if the police have you surrounded, or you risk your people being killed by snipers. Ensure your leader and any other recruiters are not in the main party, else you risk dying a horrible, horrible death. You will have three rows of agents firing in this battle, most likely all Elite Liberal. Scour the compound for enemies. Kill. If you're worried about taking losses in seiges, recruit some sweatshop workers for cannon fodder to put in your lead group.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2004, 04:54:00 am »

I can see some problems in what you've suggested, and some things that have been fixed.

First, I recommend against using sweatshop workers.  Employing them is an unnecessary crime, and can in fact get your leader arrested.  In the later versions the chance of this happening becomes even higher, since they may rat you out.

Instead, I recommend making your starting money by recruiting a bunch of cannon fodder and having them make mischief and sell brownies.  Yes, you will quickly be arrested.  Have your leader defend himself in court; his law skill should be more than enough to get him off, and you'll be earning practice for it besides.  You'll lose everyone else, but you don't need them anymore anyway.  Repeat the process a few more times if you absolutely have to, but it doesn't take long to get the LCS to 100% popularity and to earn a few thousand bucks.

After you have your starting funds, just have your leader make garments.  It takes a while to build up skill, sure, but why take any risks?  Once you're good at this you can earn money fast at any time without committing a crime.

Oh, incidently, I recommend against the all-A leader.  I suggest you go for computers for your birthday--the computer skill can be a bit hard to learn later on, and it means you won't have to keep a second computer specialist around.  Conversation skills, by comparison, are very, very easy to raise.

Also, although the kidnapping step is essential, it's also the most risky part of the operation.  If you kidnap an especially hard-to-brainwash person and their kidnapping is discovered, things can get hairy real fast--at the very least, a virtually immediate raid is almost guarenteed.

Raids have also gotten much tougher in recent versions.  Wandering groups of raiders can have many more people, increasing the chance that they'll wound some of your Liberals.

(Also, maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had anyone killed by snipers while waiting out a siege, and I've waited for almost 100 days on occasion IIRC.  I still recommend against waiting out a raid, but it's because they'll remove your tank traps, not because of snipers.  Tanks are a problem no matter how many agents you have on your side.)

But anyway, let's talk about fixes.

First, clothing-selling.  The pawn shop should not pay more for a piece of clothes then it would cost to create.  Not very fun, perhaps, but that's just common sense--nobody makes a decent living selling anything they made themselves to a pawnshop.

Second, defending your compound.  This is probably the most important set of fixes, since raids are used as a balancing factor against so many things in the game--and right now you can essentially become invincible on defense by having an insane number of liberals.  This is easy to fix--the number of liberals who can attack in such combats could be limited somehow.  Not to six, but maybe to twelve or so (or whatever the new limit on raiding parties is, to keep things fair.)  If you have more then twelve, the ones further back don't get to attack.  Alternatively, the chance of liberals shooting each other could increase drastically if there are a large number of people and if the lights are off--this would make CIA raids especially dangerous.  Finally, there should be a chance that any liberal in the group can get hit in combat, not just the first six.  The first six should take most of the risk, but your leader should not be magically invincible just because you have a total of seven people or whatever.

This essentially breaks all the remaining steps in your plan, since kidnapping and publishing CIA info both carry high risks of nasty raids; but we might as well address the remaining points.

Third, to back up a bit, dating.  Right now it's easy to get anyone you want on your side as a liberal with little to no risk through a date.  There's a good side to that, and we don't want to ruin it entirely; but having someone from your secret criminal organization arrange a date with a CIA agent should really carry more risk then it does.  

If the character going on a date is wanted or well-known, or if the LCS is simply very very notorious, then there could be a chance that the date is a setup (hey, who says the LCS is the only group that can kidnap people during a date?)  Of course, both sides might try kidnappings, resulting in a shootout or somesuch.  In any case, this would make it way too risky to ever use your leader to date a CIA agent or the like.

There could also be a chance that the character going on a date lets some info of some sort slip, ruining the date and potentally incriminating themselves or someone else in the LCS.

Hostages themselves might cause more trouble.  CIA agents or important people might carry bugs, wires, a cellphone, a GPS, or something along those lines.  A computer check by whoever's taking care of them would spot and disable it; if you fail, then every turn it's in your compound carries a high risk of both your location and the kidnapping being discovered.

Finally, using murder to discredit radio stations and the like:  I don't think killing people ought to be a very effective way to influence public opinion.  Yes, LCS is all based on influencing people through mayham; but just shooting up random janitors and the like is a bit too much.

Therefore, I suggest that the PR impact of killings be based on the relative combat ability of the two sides, with a cap on how far from 50% public opinion can be swayed by slaughtering defenseless targets.  If a lone LCS member manages to fight off a roomful of security guards, cops, or agents using nothing but a sword, that makes the LCS (and, by extension, their goals) look cool; if six LCS members surround a defenseless janitor and beat him to death, it doesn't quite carry the same message.

Finally, although much of the value of sleepers in the game comes from the fact that they're essentially immune to everything and can't be lost, there should be at least some risks present for them.  It should never be a big worry, but under some circumstances there ought to be a chance that a sleeper's cover gets blown.  To offset this, the more sleepers you have at a location, the safer they are--they'll cover up for each other if they think another sleeper is about to get discovered.  This way, players would be encouraged to set up a 'support network' of easier-to-get sleepers before they tried making a sleeper out of someone important.

[ April 25, 2004: Message edited by: Aquillion ]

We don't want another cheap fantasy universe, we want a cheap fantasy universe generator. --Toady One


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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2004, 05:09:00 am »

In fact, to expand on that "killing people with swords is cool"--maybe weapons and clothes should be ranked not merely on combat effectiveness, but also on how coolness/originality?  If someone gets shot with a generic 9mm pistol or beaten up the old-fashoned way by someone wearing clothes, that barely makes the evening news, and nobody's really going to pay attention to it.  If they get cut up by someone wearing nothing at all and wielding a sword, or if they get their head beaten in with a judge's gavel by someone wearing black robes, then that'll attract much more attention.  This would be a realistic way to bring some of the sillier weapons into the game.  Of course, any silly weapons/clothing used should be mentioned in the newspaper, so players know their attention to detail was noted.

Perhaps there could be a "kung-fu" skill, which is like normal unarmed combat, but 'cooler', and perhaps with the added ability to cause bleeding, limb loss, etc?  Anyone with kung-fu automatically uses it when unarmed instead of their older, more boring unarmed abilities.  People with this skill could also train others as their 'A'ction, because everyone knows that's how kung-fu works.  Your kung-fu skill could also be used when smashing up certain kinds of equipment, to gain a bonus to its impact.

Liberals busting into a biolab to break some equipment is old hat.  Kung-fu liberals busting into a biolab to break some equipment and kick some ass, on the other hand, is something else entirely.

[ April 25, 2004: Message edited by: Aquillion ]

We don't want another cheap fantasy universe, we want a cheap fantasy universe generator. --Toady One

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2004, 05:43:00 am »

It's worth noting that I have never, in many games, had my leader arrested for recruiting sweatshop workers. The police can only bust you for it if they catch your people, and clothing makers don't get caught.  :D

Toady One

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2004, 06:06:00 am »

So much to do...  but I do think along those lines that the LCS should develop some individual character with each game.  You just aren't rewarded for all that shopping at the Halloween store, except by your own enjoyment of what ensues.  I can fairly easily make the game keep track of which clothing / methods / masks / etc. you've been using the most and work that into the newspaper articles and public opinion.  I've been reading the posts and I like a lot of the suggestions.

It's 4 here too.  Man, my hours have flipped lately.  This is my 1000th post.

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2004, 07:02:00 am »

LCS can be BEATEN?!?!?


WHAT TH-?!?!?

No one tells me ANYTHING!!

*Runs off to beat LCS.

[ April 25, 2004: Message edited by: SkeleTony ]

quot;I am in a very peculiar business...I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know"-James Randi


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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2004, 07:40:00 am »

*Takes note of Aquillion adn John's vast insight.

*Recall's John's formidible knowledge of automatic weapons

*(T)alks to Johnathan S. Fox

 A - Attempts to strike up a conversation about the issues

Skeletony:"Want to hear something really disturbing?"

J. S. Fox: "No."(Turns away)


Turns to Aquillion...

quot;I am in a very peculiar business...I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know"-James Randi

Fourth Triad

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2004, 05:55:00 pm »

Ok here's one of the easiest ways to beat LCS. Create a charismatic leader. Have your leader sell lots of brownies (it doesn't matter if it gets arrested because you almost always get off). Then buy a knife and kidnap 4-8 am radio hosts, turn them into sleepers (this very easy with the persasion built up by all the trials, if you defend your self). Sit back or retire, victory is at hand.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2004, 02:29:00 am »

Originally posted by Jonathan S. Fox:
A few sleeper risks, and the "network" being safer, I like that idea. I would expand by having more important sleepers be under much higher risks. The effective at influencing opinion sleepers would carry risk, as people would notice their change, or whatever. The janators would be under less suspicion. Additionally, some establishments could be more risky and others less.

I definitely like the idea of having Sleeper risks, but perhaps also a way to have Sleepers do different things?  Maybe being able to give them commands only once a month would be good, because you can't have your "conservative" News Anchor seen talking with someone from the notorious LCS without blowing his cover, can you?

Suggestions for Sleeper commands: lie low (very little chance of getting caught), reduce security for squads to get into the location, influence opinion.



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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2004, 07:44:00 pm »

Good ideas from Shajenko I'd say.




  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2004, 03:56:00 pm »

played the game... its really fun for just text. Mainly because of how you described everthing really good. I got a game called REPUBLIC a little bit ago... have you ever seen that? its alot like your game so i bet it was based off of the obbitte(i cant remeber how to spell it) game

also... where is the sweat shop?

un game...

Toady One

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2004, 05:01:00 pm »

Sweatshops are the garment makers in the industrial district.

I've never heard of Republic.  Where did you get it?

Oubliette was a regular DND type game without political themes.  I borrowed the interface, multiple characters and dungeon layouts, but the interface and dungeon layouts seem based on other games called Telengard, DND and Zoarre.  I think Telengard came first, but I'd hesitate to say Republic is based on one or the other.  It's hard to say.

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2004, 03:08:00 pm »

Republic... I used to be excited about that, but I'm not so sure now that it's out. Is it any good? It's definately not Oublette-style, but it is a revolutionary game a lot like LCS.  :)

I've wanted to find a demo, but it's not been easy.

*(T)alks to Johnathan S. Fox

A - Attempts to strike up a conversation about the issues

Skeletony:"Want to hear something really disturbing?"

J. S. Fox: "No."(Turns away)




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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2004, 05:15:00 pm »

that game looks awesome , and like "The Sims"

i want


Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: How to Win LCS The Really Boring Way
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2004, 01:19:00 am »

I've heard it wasn't done that great in execution... I was more exited about it before it actually came out.
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