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Author Topic: DeathQuest: Tale of the Remnants  (Read 68050 times)


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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2008, 07:48:46 pm »


17th Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

You won't believe this!  I'm updating our stock piles at my desk in the nobles quarters when some deranged dwarf comes by and RIPS MY DOOR OFF!!

  [DF Pic]

What the hell?

[OOC] Picturing this makes me laugh so hard.


I must draw this. Hopefully in a appropriate time frame, details, give me specific details!
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2008, 07:55:55 pm »

Well a mason started tantruming for whatever reason and the closest furniture was my Mayor's office door.  He walks over and uhhh does that thing were the furniture becomes what is was made of, or to make it more funny he grabs both of the ends and grunts as he rips it off the wall.  ;D

From the Mayor's perspective she's writing along when she hears a loud grunt then a crack as the her door is ripped of the wall, both her children were in the room as well.

Edit:  Oh, then the mason ran off as the Mayor peered out the now hole in the wall.


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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2008, 08:48:47 pm »


18th Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

Oh, it's disgusting!


Someone get rid of this stuff, before it kills us.


19th Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

I'm so sad, I went upstairs to get a drink when I saw my Husband running around stripping, he doesn't even know me anymore.


I might join him soon.


20th Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

My Husbands going to die! WHY! WHY!!




21st Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

Another person went insane, it's happening daily.



25th Malachite, 204, Mid-Summer:

One of Nil's best friends went insane today, ToonyMan.


[OOC]  There goes my guy.


1st Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

One of our Bowyer's Kib went insane, or so I thought, something else happened to him, but I don't care much.



2nd Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

Kib started work on.....something, he only used one log, how strange, I must live to see it. *twitch*


3rd Galena, 204, Late-Summer:



WeeeeWeweWeweeee I'm a bird!!  The elephant wants my bagel!

Too be continued...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2008, 10:18:50 pm »


Come on we can survive this!

...there's no yelling emotcon. Wait... SERIOUS FACE!

 / \   /\
|  O\/O |
|    .\ |
|  ____ |

"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2008, 05:13:16 pm »



3rd Galena, 204, Late-Summer:


Our Mayor went crazy today, poor thing.  I'm the only sane miner left, with Nil and ToonyMan out of the picture, I must try to stay calm, which has been relatively easy with my past life and all...

Anyway, over 10 of us has gone crazy, with the Mayor now we have no leader, she was our only leader.  This sucks.


5th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

LegoLord nominated himself for all the roles besides mayor, he's the best we got besides our previous mayor.


He is severly depressed though.

In other news, a wood crafter or something had a baby boy. He won't live long.


An lastly, someone has died, I heard he drowned.  Must of been suicide.





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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2008, 06:17:43 pm »


6th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

Another nut was running around the halls, stoneworker, I think I knew him.



7th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

That bowyer that went, atleast I thought insane, made something, a bow.  He's not that insane anymore.


Atleast as he'll ever be.


10th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

Ahhhh!!  A craftsdwarf went berserk in the middle of the meeting hall.


Two of the Guards shot him down.



11th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

A day later and a resting furnace operator goes berserk!


Let's see how good he fights with a broken leg.

We simply locked him in the room.



17th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

Our first melancholy dwarf died today.


We're going to need more coffins for the next 20.





  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2008, 09:09:18 pm »


18th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

A mason died in his sleep today, someone said he suffocated, I have no clue how.  Peirced Lung?


The Death toll keeps piling up, I've been duted to make all the coffins...


19th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

Another melancholy victim, a gem setter.  Starved themself.


I'm making two coffins a day to keep up with deaths now.


23rd Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

What do you know?  Another death.


Also today I counted everybody resting unjuries and I came to a total of 7 dwarves!

I also found ToonyMan in our pit running around ramming against the walls...


We're going to have to dig him out.


28th Galena, 204, Late-Summer:

It's almost Autumn, wonderful!  I might be able to make a deal to leave this horrid place behind, we have plenty off orc weapons to sell, maybe that will work?


The orcs....

They are the ones that caused this madness!  Everything would of been fine without them, it sickens me.  Everyday I go into the Arena room and torture those worthless orcs, especially the Mace Lord, he is the main reason we lost.  I get a long spear and stab him in that confined space he calls home.  It's so satisfiying.  I wish I can do it all day, I can't though.  More coffins to make.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #37 on: November 20, 2008, 09:36:56 pm »

Wow this is taking alot out of me, that and my 6 page essay I did today really booked me.  :P

I won't have acces to my computer during the weekend, but I'll acces to a different computer, so I can still post.  I might do a little bit tommorow, but I doubt it. 

This fortress is so destroyed!   ;D

Here's some BIG pictures:



Main Floor,



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2008, 09:54:14 pm »

WOW! :o

Woo! You're still going!

btw, how's arrrrrrrrrrrrgghh doing?
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2008, 09:57:35 pm »

I don't hear much from him, I think he's content, atleast he get his work done.  Unlike the other 50 dwarves.


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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2008, 09:57:58 pm »

WOO! my first experience with a tantrum spiral! i thought it would be all at once but its a slow progressive process that takes a looooong time and slowly everyone goes insane.
A creature the size of europe can occupy only one tile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #41 on: November 20, 2008, 10:00:48 pm »

I don't hear much from him, I think he's content, atleast he get his work done.  Unlike the other 50 dwarves.

Neat... well I guess you should keep yourself from drafting him, especially when he is a mechanic, and all.

Also try making him a carpenter to atleast make cages, although only when theirs no work, wood, and metal if you find any lead.
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2008, 10:02:46 pm »

Yeah, I only have like 8 dwarves that are actually happy, it's very hard to get everybody cheerful when you get this domino effect.

Dwarf A is mad and punches Dwarf B, Dwarf C get mad because Dwarf A punched Dwarf B, Dwarf C punches Dwarf A, Dwarf D gets mad that Dwarf C punched Dwarf A and punches Dwarf C etc etc etc.

LegoLord destroyed alot of our cage traps so they need to be rebuilt which would be easy if they wouldn't get destroyed again by the same person that built them!  :o


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2008, 07:03:48 pm »

Oh good, at least I'm alive.  You know what I would suggest?  Unnecessarily huge, unorthodox death trap.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DeathQuest: Tale of the Survivors
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2008, 08:35:39 pm »


1st Limestone, 204, Early-Autumn:

I carved out a room for a siege workshop.


Arrrgh or whoever wants to make catapults to use instead of getting our men killed, which is a smart move saying what is happening right now.


5th Limestone, 204, Early-Autumn:

The Mayor's husband finally succumbed to starvation.


Our Mayor is not far behind, she's VERY pale.


10th Limestone, 204, Early-Autumn:

One of our farmers went melancholy, he just lays in his bed anyway.


We can't afford being sieged again at such a weak point of our history.


11th Limestone, 204, Early-Autumn:

A day later and they're here!


I'm going to chat with the liason to make a deal...

While on the way to the liason I passed a use to be sane woodworker.



14th Limestone, 204, Early-Autumn:

This is bad, bad bad bad.  The cavarn says that they don't trust me, they think I'm some sort of spy! 

The worst part, if, is that the liason only wants to talk to our Mayor, which is impossible when she thinks he's going to steal her bagel.


There is nothing we can do.


« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 08:37:58 pm by ToonyMan »
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