Grigrak had floated for many years in this fortress. Disembodiment was the worst feeling ever. He yearned to be alive so strongly that he felt it even though he was unconscious and not in a body.
It was at this time, in early spring of 255, that Lord Akigagak confronted Spaher in the storage room, where the rebellious dwarf had been sulking off and on for many years.
Ze Spy's dwarf Spaher has been bugged and gets stuck in the storage room for seasons on end. Then he'll move, go do some stuff, then come back and get stuck. I dont know why. I almost got him in the arena last time he unfroze. But then he came back to the storage room, so thats where we make our scene...

"Hey Spaher!" shouted Lord Akigagak angrily.
"What do you want?" said Spaher gruffly.
"I want to talk to you!"
"'re talking." Spaher still had his back turned to Akigagak.
"Why are you always hiding away up here Spaher? Why dont you sleep at your station like the rest of us?"
Spaher shook his head. "Go away Akigagak!"
"Hey that's LORD Akigagak to you!" Akigagak pounded his fist on his steel breast plate, making quite a racket.
Spaher didn't speak.
"You need to shape up Spaher. You're mouthing off to all the guys...they're getting sick of you!"
"I'm sick of them!" shouted Spaher, turning around in anger. "They dont know what a REAL warrior is!"
It was true. Spaher was mighty. Somehow...he was even mightier than Akigagak himself.
Akigagak's stats -

Spaher's stats -

"I suppose you know what a warrior is huh? You sit up here by yourself because you dont know how to be a part of the team Spaher!" shouted the grizzled old dwarf. "Always thinking of yourself Spaher! All fight and no heart! Thats what you are kid!"
"ENOUGH!!!" Spaher shouted. He wanted to swing his axe at the old dwarf's head...he tried fighting the urge.
Then suddenly the spirit of Grigrak randomly intersected with Spaher, drawn by his hate. The raging bloodlust in both souls overloaded Spaher's adrenal glands.
"ARRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" he shouted.
"Calm down soldier!" ordered Akigagak. It was no use. Spaher gripped his axe.
"DEATH TO AKIGAGAK!!! DEATH TO URIST!!!!!!" Spaher raised his axe and lunged. "AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"