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Author Topic: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?  (Read 342172 times)

Crimson Beard 13

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #135 on: February 06, 2015, 11:10:29 pm »

quick question with world generation i made a new creature but dont know how i put it in the raws do i just put the data in creature standards file and start a new world or what :3 ?

Uzu Bash

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #136 on: April 16, 2015, 09:43:30 am »

From my reading of the data, 'Entity' refers to any group, most of which are site governments, but it includes any group with or without a site. I'm not saying the definition is wrong, just that it's too vague to communicate any useful information.


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #137 on: May 14, 2015, 04:21:30 pm »

From my reading of the data, 'Entity' refers to any group, most of which are site governments, but it includes any group with or without a site. I'm not saying the definition is wrong, just that it's too vague to communicate any useful information.

Entity raws refer to the files. All entities refer to entity raws. Some particularly fun entities are procedurally generated, but even they have entity raws.

quick question with world generation i made a new creature but dont know how i put it in the raws do i just put the data in creature standards file and start a new world or what :3 ?

You can put it in any file as long as the file is named creature_x.txt (where x can be pretty much any string) and the file has two lines at the start that are the name of the file minus txt (creature_x in this example) and [OBJECT:CREATURE].

Pvt. Pirate

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #138 on: September 12, 2015, 01:10:24 pm »

to me, as a FNG i tend to abandon a world once there is no suitable embark site, but it is the case that in 5 generated worlds, there is 1 acceptable site.
so many worlds get rejected and deleted.
maybe i have to lower my requirements for a feasable embark site so i can get mure FUN.
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #139 on: May 27, 2016, 11:48:29 am »


If I edit the entity file such that I remove some of the [REPLACED_BY] tokens and/or add/change [REQUIRES] tags to positions that are already present, will I need to gen a new world for either?  (I'm not adding new positions, just changing some of the already existing ones.)

For example: I want my chief medical dwarf to require an office with a table, chair (and bookshelf, can those be "required"?).  Will it be reflected in my current fort?

-Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Pvt. Pirate

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #140 on: May 30, 2016, 11:56:29 am »


If I edit the entity file such that I remove some of the [REPLACED_BY] tokens and/or add/change [REQUIRES] tags to positions that are already present, will I need to gen a new world for either?  (I'm not adding new positions, just changing some of the already existing ones.)

For example: I want my chief medical dwarf to require an office with a table, chair (and bookshelf, can those be "required"?).  Will it be reflected in my current fort?

-Dame de la Licorne

if i remember correctly, the used inis are written into the save, so you'd either have to change them manually or start over anew.
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #141 on: February 04, 2017, 05:35:12 pm »

This place hasnt been posted in for a long time.
My magic mod, Schools of Magic:
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #142 on: August 07, 2017, 08:48:41 am »

Hi everybody, did some tag in the init need a regen of the world ?
I think of the GRAZLER coeffiscient. I have put it to a very low value (10) which mean that i should need lot of surfaces for animals but nothing particular happen ...


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #143 on: January 01, 2018, 03:28:49 pm »

Is it safe to edit descriptor_color_standard.txt in existing save files?

example color descriptor:
Code: [Select]

If it's safe, what edits are safe to make in existing save files?
  • changing the COLOR string of exiting entries?
  • changing the NAME string of exiting entries?
  • changing the WORD string of exiting entries?
  • changing the RGB values of exiting entries?
  • adding and deleting entire entries?
Thank you!

This is al I've been able to find on the topic so far:
And on another note, I think shapes are one of the few things you can add without generating a new world.  I think.  Somebody care to try it?

Pvt. Pirate

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #144 on: January 02, 2018, 01:11:29 am »

i mostly start a new world not when it failed me, but when i failed the world by failing a great location for a fort.
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #145 on: April 15, 2018, 08:41:38 am »

Thanks for the post. Saved me trawling through the forums or asking redundant questions. I think I accidentally altered my raws post-worldgen due to fiddling too much with a custom LNP install. Would it explain why I can't d->p to tell my dwarves to harvest plants? It is what brought me here, but it seems like a strange thing for raws to mess up. Could it be something wrong with DFHack instead?

Also, am I understanding the generate new world rule wrong? Should I in fact be able to gen a world with altered raws then start a game in that world with differently altered raws without too many problems? Or do the altered entity raws carry on when starting in Dwarf Mode in that world? I have managed to gen what I consider a perfect small island + history and am really hoping I can use it with other modded installs.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 09:30:10 am by Llamageddon »


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #146 on: November 14, 2018, 03:07:35 pm »

Has anyone tried to change animal pet/domestication properties for an existing world?

I am a complete newbie for modding DF but this is what I am interested in exploring.
The game does not allow for civilisation level domestication through training captured animals, so I want to investigate modding an existing world to fudge this process. I have a lot to learn. One of the first rules for when to world regen is adding or removing an entity - changing pet related tags does not add or remove entities, so perhaps there is hope.


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #147 on: May 14, 2019, 02:14:35 am »

If add reaction for glazing weapon by venom, will weapon attack be poisonous? Will this reaction work on worldgen?


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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #148 on: May 15, 2019, 02:12:11 am »

Has anyone tried to change animal pet/domestication properties for an existing world?

I am a complete newbie for modding DF but this is what I am interested in exploring.
The game does not allow for civilisation level domestication through training captured animals, so I want to investigate modding an existing world to fudge this process. I have a lot to learn. One of the first rules for when to world regen is adding or removing an entity - changing pet related tags does not add or remove entities, so perhaps there is hope.

Some of the more advanced pet/domestication tokens are on the entity level (eg. [ANIMAL]), but adding [COMMON_DOMESTIC][PET] to any animal should make them selectable upon the next embark, and possibly appear with wagons and migrant waves. The main issue I could see with this method is that not only your own dwarven civilization would get access to these modded animals, but so would all other dwarven and human civilizations. But I suppose this could be handwaved as the domestication method spreading really fast once your dwarves got a hold on it.

Pvt. Pirate

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Re: Common Question: When do I need to generate a new world?
« Reply #149 on: May 15, 2019, 04:08:38 am »

are you both sure you're posting in the right thread?
"dwarves are by definition alcohol powered parasitic beards, which will cling to small caveadapt humanoids." (Chaia)
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