Saddened by the loss of her leader and her friends, all alone in the fight against Conservatism, the newly released Sabrina Montag has decided to take a new leaf. Gone are the ways of theft, destruction of property, and conversion by force. She would instead become a musical superstar, and with her massive heart and her guitar sway the masses into dreaming of a true Liberal Utopia.
She went out to the pawn shop, used the funds secured over the last year to buy a guitar, and walked out to the park. Reaching the center, she slung the guitar over her arm, and decided to start practicing.
The people around her flee in terror..well, maybe just starting to learn the guitar in front of an audience isn't the BEST way, but she was here, and she was going to do it, and no one was going to stand in the way of sharing her heart.
Sirens flared in the distance, a mite odd for the university district, perhaps the Conservative Crime Squad is still up to their rampages. Well she would show them, there WAS a better way...
Suddenly the cars stop just outside the park, and teams of the Police's Gang Unit start filtering through the area in a suppressive swarm.
Sabrina puts down her guitar and gets down to the ground lest any shots ring out, when six officers surround her and start aiming their weapons for her. She quickly drops the guitar and surrenders.
Two months later she stands trial. The charge?
The verdict? Guilty - Sentence, two more months in federal prison.
And this story doesn't even take into account the fact that everyone who isn't a complete coward will not only not run away, but will actually fight you. And if they have a gun, they will not hesitate to shoot you in the head for daring to play your guitar in the park.
I always thought it was a little odd how excessively violent all conservatives are when you're using relatively nonviolent means. There are no pleas for surrender, no warning shots. If they have a gun, they will shoot you, and if they're capable of it, they will hit something vital and permanently maim you. The only time you can even be taken down without being severely injured is when running from the police after the fact and taking 10,000 volts to the brain.
Also, the dodge skill, which appears to be the only means of surviving this fatal onslaught, only rises when YOU ARE SHOT AT. So you have to risk having your splein, liver, eyes, and face blown off, on a regular basis, in order to have any hope of not having your splein, liver, eyes, and face blown off. Oh, and instant death. That too. Melee fighting doesn't raise the skill at all.
Proposed changes:
- Make playing the guitar not immediately escalate conservative suspicions/alarm/response. If they're already suspicious and you start whipping out your guitar and singing protest songs, sure, they'll catch you and have you arrested. Otherwise, let you play in peace.
- Give police, security guards, armed citizens, and unarmed citizens some way of subduing you without killing you. So long as you aren't toting around a weapon, police will not shoot you on sight. They may taser the hell out of you though, or grapple and forcibly handcuff you. If you run, they will either follow you or shoot you. Or both!
- Or, offer you a chance to surrender without having to take initiative and ask for it. If a shot is about to be fired that won't miss(if it misses, it was a warning shot. yeah.) give you a chance to surrender immediately. If you start attacking or evading, all bets are off. Oh, and if you refuse, take a new roll for another shot immediately. You got warned for the first one, but they still have the advantage. Many a suicidal maniac has been shot down for reaching for their jacket.