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Author Topic: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)  (Read 19346 times)

Servant Corps

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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2009, 07:38:36 pm »

Question: Is there any website that will save live streaming videos after they are streamed? Because there's no reason for me to have a live streaming video, only to have this video then lost to the mists of time.
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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2009, 07:40:58 pm »

Question: Is there any website that will save live streaming videos after they are streamed? Because there's no reason for me to have a live streaming video, only to have this video then lost to the mists of time.

The one everyone is using already, Livestream, saves your videos.
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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2009, 05:16:07 am »

Yeah, its got a cool feature aswell, you can save videos and make them play on a loop. So like a TV station thats off air or something :D

also, i seconded the new subforum. I sent an email to toady asking for a new one :)

Toady One

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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2009, 05:23:54 am »

Please don't bicker and argue about things and stuff.

So there are like 6 of these active today and at least 6 let's plays active today in forum games (and more if you count the ones I missed and maybe some being played by email or something), so I think it might have gotten to the point now where both of the subforums would be happier to be have those out and into a subforum here (I know people have requested the let's plays be taken out of forum games a lot, and I think they are more active than mafia now).  I'm somewhat hesitant to create a lot of forums for every thing that comes around, since there will always be new trends and so on that periodically gobble up front page space on established subforums, but I think the let's plays are solid enough now, and if the streaming stays or goes it would probably be happier with wherever the let's plays are.
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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2009, 07:08:15 am »

Then lets have a subforum  :D

I stick by my name idea WiiPlay We play  ;D
Quote from: Vilien
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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2009, 09:52:50 am »


Is there a way to get a "youtube group" perhaps?


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Quote from: Vilien
Yes, you should always apply more magma.

Toady One

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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2009, 03:56:54 pm »

All of the Let's Plays and live streams I could find were moved over to Play With Your Buddies.  Feel free to move any I missed over there.
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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2009, 08:43:17 pm »

Less than half a dozen threads do not a trend make. Plus, all these fit perfectly well in the Forum Games And Roleplaying forum.
Obviously we are soon to have more, and it does not fit perfectly or even slightly in the forum games and roleplaying forum.
Forum Games, if you know basic english you understand this means games that are on the forum, not games that link off of the forum to another website. It doesn't go in roleplaying because you don't see people saying in all-caps "DIE FOUL ALIEN!" Or at least a substantial amount of it, i think i've proved my point.

As well, all the posts i've seen you make are flame posts, barely if at all constructive.

This is the best thing I have read since that Love Advice thread.

I... I think I love you, man.


Of course, now upon reflection, I realise the true and harrowing depths of that truly sick and endless burn I was just served. With each passing second, your words of insightful hate wormed deep into my heart and soul, and therein lay the eggs of doubt and despair. Now, these shocking and torturous past few minutes, have given me a new perspective on life. Everything has changed. I suppose I would thank you if I still had human feelings and emotions coursing through my blackened and hollow soul, but seeing as your burn has left me darker than charchoal, I shall simply grunt in your direction.

In-between tears and brief moments of plunging blades into my bosom, only now can I see the wisdom and genius with which you cast your web of truth. Of course threads where people invite members of the forum to watch and play games have no place in the Forum Games and Roleplaying part of the forum. Why? Why did I not see this? Why did all my years of life experience not deal me out the appropriate measure of insight and intelligence to recognise this? I suppose it is just my lot in life to suffer.

Your simply harrowing and outstanding words of "it's not an RPG if they don't cry DIE, FOUL ALIEN!" have simply shaken me to my core. What little soul I have left has been dramatically and forever twisted to this simply superior vision of game design. I shall rectify this immediately! I shall - before my heart gives out and the blackness that surrounds me is too much - inform others of this no oh-so apparent flaw in their understanding of roleplaying. No longer shall D&D be viewed to me as a wonderful piece of roleplaying, because, as I shall scream and protest about, it does not contain any Foul Aliens to kill. How foolish! Final Fantasies, all of them, nothing more than empty promises of Foul Aliens to kill, and yet they deliver nothing! Only now that my very being has been blasted into eternal sadness and despair can I see that games such as Halo are the pinnacle of RPG design. For they embrace the Foul Alien, and recognise that a man or woman need no more role to play other than the Killer of said Foulness.

So, through tears and streams of blood, I now see the folly of my ways. I fear that after such a profound and touching insight deep into my character, I am not much longer for this world. It's getting darker now. Such a fool - blind, damned, foolishg fool! - I was. The knife comes quicker now - take me, oh shiny deliverer of death promised! I go now into the night that I so deserve!
If i wasn't in a happy mood i'd take that as an insult.

But that was funny.


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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2009, 02:01:58 am »

Well that little insight was certainly worth a two month bump.
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As well, all the posts i've seen you make are flame posts, barely if at all constructive.


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Re: New subforum: "Play Games" (I suck at names :/)
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2009, 02:03:02 am »

Well we do need a love advice subfourm for the life advice fourm.

It only makes sense. ???
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