The Dysphoria Hoodie (TM) is a known item of clothing for trans people.
It's got better branding at least than the tactical urban ghillie suit
Honestly I'm probably gonna wind up with a fairly non-stereotypically girly-girl wardrobe. I'm just used to male clothing. It's weird how much of a difference there is between approaching masculinity while being masculine, and approaching masculinity while being feminine. And going the femboy route would actually be really dysphoria inducing for me.
Brain's fucked, it's weird.
Reminds me of a funny interaction I had with the best linguist I've ever known. Granted I don't know that many but they spoke over 10 languages fluently which is mighty fucking impressive. In their young adulthood they'd very quietly started transitioning mtf, and they told me about it asking what I thought and I said as long as you know it you know yourself best, and their big smile as I said come ere' and give me a big manly hug like always. Only then they were all 'no no, feminine hug.' Now I still don't know very well how to do anything but my best impression of an otter breaking a clam on its belly when I hug someone but Lord then did I try my best

Regarding wardrobes, get an honest friend with an eye for colour and a friend with an honest eye for outlines. Sometimes that's the same person but often it's not; but colour and outline are universal
fashion pillars. Most of all just whatever you wear have confidence in yourself, I'm never too bothered if I look like an eclectic mix of a homeless druid and a high class stripper, and all my good stuff I'm terrified of wearing because I don't want them all to get too threadbare like every other clothing I buy once and wear till they're xXtattered cloaksXx. And don't donate all your old clothes to charity if you've still got them, cos you can change a lot of their gender style real easy with a pair of scissors. Honestly if I had a time machine I'd stop the French revolution from happening. Not for any politics mind, it's just the disastrous consequence of 300 years of stigmatising men who wore heels, tights, ribbons and lace as aristocratic frenchies has done nightmares to fashion and gendered fashion which will take 300 years more to unfuck