A very, very important year for the world in a number of respects.
... what makes 2014 any more important than... all the other years? Though I sorta' guess if you consider
all of them to be very, very import, then the next one will indeed be very, very important as well... Not
relatively, of course, but in a sort of absolute sense. If they're all meaningless in the grand scheme of thing, they're equally important, haha! If there's nothing more nuanced than 0 and 1, 0
is still the second largest number...
Though really "new year" is a incredibly arbitrary thing. Calendars are strange, somewhat meaningless things, but useful despite that. Arbitrary frame references are nice for cooperation and communication when no meaningful demarcation exists, I guess...
something something, "... but for me, it was Wednesday," something. Though it's less wednesday than it is "that time frame we can't actually isolate on a personal level that we sorta' call wednesday in a wiggly sense that's not actually pointing out a thing with boundaries so much as a sort of part of a larger thing, that we call wednesday for convenience and I guess some people attach greater meaning to for. Well, the hell of it, mostly? Which is fine, really. Just kinda' weird, some days.
Days give me a headache when I start thinking about them ;_; They don't actually exist, damnit. Administrative nonsense created to make things easier for us. Imaginary celestial paperwork.
Or something. It's late, no nap, back home, TV going all day, head, in building with ambient temperature over 70F, etc.