This is on my check-it-list, for now. Do you have a yukkuri bodytype? Probably, but still...
If you looked at the list, you'll noticed that this is one of my projects that I'm planning to do on the to do list.
To be honest I am still finalizing what possible yukkuri I can replace certain animals in the game with. I'm pretty much near the finish point since I can't think of many others positions unless you all got an idea.
But if now I'll leave it as is and work on the body types for the yukkuris.
But from what I've done so far here's a list of the yukkuris I worked on:
Domestic animals and beasts of burden replacement (I'm showing these since they are the basics)
Yukkureimu- replaces the donkey
Chenkkuri - replaces the cat
Yusakuya - replaces the dog
Yukanane - replaces the mule (though sanae isn't techincally stubborn, she does have some degree of it and since the yukkuri species is hard to reproduce, this fits in perfectly.)
Sukusuku Hakutaku - Replaces the musoxen (furry looking, horns, tough at least from what I've seen, and looks cute to boot, it fits the mark)
Kimemaru - Aya type yukkuri, replaces the horse ( I think you might have an idea why.

Yukenie - replaces the cow,( this should be very obvious why I did that.

Myon - Youmu types, replace the camels (hard to say, it just seemed right considering their behavior)
Wild life and underground wild life replacements
Patchukkuri - replaces groundhog and Harry Morlat (the yukkuris are described to be nothing more than weak and intellegent but have no magic ability like the orginal Patchouli)
Yupiis - Yuyuko types, replace the hippo (well they just seem to fit in there, plus I'm considering giving them the eater and guzzler tag for extra fun.)
Rankkuri - Ran types replace the fox (Obvious)
Alicekkuri - Replace the elephant (remember the good old days when Elephants were dangerous? I think considering the Alickkuri's rapist like nature they fit right in there. I'm going to see if I can somehow make them diffuclt to deal with eventually. Plus the trunk will be replaced with a body part suited for the Alice type eventually. XD)
Yukku-rinOrin types - replace the leapord (I was orginally going to make them replace fire imps, but everyone said that wouldn't suit her so I went with a cat)
YukkuRumia Rumia type - replaces the cheetah (Can't say this was a perfect canidate, but it's not a terrible one either since it's a cannibal. Plus I have plans later on for the other version of Rumia later one.
Shoukkuri - Shou, replaces...the tigers! (what did you expect?)
Yamane - Replaces the giant spider, it fits her role perfectly
Yukkuflan - replace giant eagle, not exaclty the ideal canidate, but considering the threat level the giant eagle is, it fits. I just need to make it nocturnal.
Chukkuri - Nazrin type (small and large variations) - replaces large and giant rats! (obvious why)
Suwakokkuri - Suwako type Replace giant frogs (seemed fitting)
Remiya- Remillia type replaces Giant Bat (another obvious one and it fitting)
Medikkuri - Medicene type, replaces giant scorpion (only poisonous large roaming creature I had left in the pile, seemed fitting since Medicene was poiosonous, but hanging around wastlelands and desterts seems odd might add them in other locations...)
Mischikkuri - Mystia type, replaces giant cave swallow (seemed fitting since she's a bird,)
Yuggikkuri - Yuugi type, replaces the unicorn (It's pretty obvious, but should I consider adding a guzzler tag to it?)
Animal people replacements
Yukkuriggle - Wriggle type replaced antman
Yukkunako - Kanako type - Replaces snakemen (and if what toady says is true, then the new offical version they'll be able to fire obashira pelletes at you after I do some customizing)
Meilinkkuri - China type, replaces Minotuar, only type I could find reasonable since they guard things in a maze based on their myth.
Tweikkuri - Tewi type, replaces Gremlin, (very obvious, and they'll be more awesome once the new version is released)
Yukkugsa - Kogasa type, replaces troglodytes. (pretty much because they are only good for scaring people, otherwise they're weaklings.

Lettykuuri - replace Satquatch (I think I was thinking of a yeti at the time.... but I'll see about making them appear in cold tundra regions.)
Momoko - Tenshi types, replace mudmen (only because mud is associated with the earth, wish there was some better way to deal with it, but it'll do.)
Cirnoff - Cirno types replace ice men, (obvious why, needs a (9) refference in the code somewhere...)
aquatic life replacements
Nitorikkuri- Nitori type, replace merpeople, aquatic and curious individuals fits the kappa quite well
Ikkuri - Iku types, replaces the ever so dreaded CARP! Considering how dangerous the iku yukkuri is (they can produce enough electricity to power tesa coils for goodness sakes!) and the fact it's based on an oarfish, this fit the iku type well
Yukkurasa - Murasa types, replace sea monster, seems fitting I guess even though there are no ships for it to sink.
Megabeast replacements
Moko-tan Mouko type - replaces the dragon, fire breath and destruction, just seems fitting, can't say anything about immortality or quick regenration since there's no such feature in the game...
Golaith Doll AKA the giant shanghai, replaces the Bronze collosus, simple it's size and chararistics work for me to add it in.
HFS replacements
Giant Catfish - replace Frog demons, (I know some said Suwako could fit here, but I just didn't see that, and the catfish was the only other sinister creature that fit that catagory)
Yukkoishi - Koishi type replace Tentacle demons, (well if you consider Sigmund Frude's concepts, and apply some of Koishi's spellcards, it makes sense, besides Doyora's art further support that theory, plus she's really creepy in some of her fanart to begin with)
Unyukkuri - Utsuho type, replaces spirts of fire, what other touhou canidate could be as dangerous as these things, now if only there was a way to make them explode when they are about to die.)
Shinkikkuri Shinki type - replaces end boss demon (Obviously we needed a demon lord that would prove to be an absolute danger, she's close enough)
Other replacements
Kourin Rinoskuke type yukkuri (yes there is one out there), acts as a human merchant, nuff said
Super Hero yeah this was a joke I did since we had some creatures named after certain comic book heros, so I made sprites of Batman, Nightwing and Ironman to replace those specific creatures.

I'm not sure about keeping them since they're not really relavent, it was more of a joke to begin with.
These cover the yukkuris I've done, I know however there are more touhou yukkuris I have in mind to add in, but some are a bit complicated to see what animal I should consider replaceing with them.... for example...
Komachi type - They're lazy and immortal by nature, I guess we can kill it since we can kill a Moko-tan, but I'm not sure there are tags to make it "lazy".....maybe it could replace sea serpent.... but I'm unsure.
Yukari type - Definetly impossible under the normal stand point. Because I want them to be able to teleport through gaps or something like that. The only way I could see that possible is through the magic arc if toady allows teleportation.
Prisimriver types - I'm just not sure what would be a good canidate to replace them to make room for Lunasa, Merlin, and Lyrica. Let alone, how would they behave and where they could be found. Got any suggestions for that? Otherwise they'll likely be made after I design yukkuri bodies.
Kaguya types - Same reason as Komachi except I don't know what creature should replace it with.
Eirin type - While a bit easier, it's hard to consider it's behavior, I'm likely to put her on hold till the next version comes out so I can look into the "medical support and cleaning features"
Satori type - I wanted to make them into something interesting, but I don't know if they really fit in the game, I was consider making them additional HFS, but still what could they do? Since they are therapist (by yukkuri standards) and even when considering Satori's behavior, she mainly mimics spellcards....another thing I'm unsure of...
Ichirin and Unzan types - As far as I know I don't think there's a feature that allows wild animals to have symbiotic relationships with other wild animals. If there was I would consider making it so Ichirin and Unzan types stuck around together. So I might still make them after the yukkuri body modification, but they'll likely be separate.
Byakuren type Most likely out till the magic arc, because I'm not sure how to represent her, regardless she can be mention in engravments (As well as Nue types, which I'm not posting here because I have an idea for her)
Anyone else I didn't mention at this point is likely to be planned somewhere within the project somehow. But anyways, if you or anyone has any ideas on how I could take these yukkuri I mentioned above and apply them somehow to make the mechanics work with their behavior, and find a suitable creature to replace them, I'll take it into consideration as that'll be a plus.
Edit: Oh and as for the body layout for yukkuri I was considering something a basic body type like this:
Upper Body (reffering to above the face) - bean paste innards (like lungs, ect), hair, hair accesories?, skin, tissue, bean paste layers
Upper left and Upper right body(will function like hands or front legs using certain tags) - skin, tissue, bean paste layers (probably will make a few)
Face - Eyes, nose, mouth,ears, beanpaste brain (technically the face will count as a head)
Lower Body (reffering to below the face) - Bean paste innards(like stomach, spleen, ect.), skin tissue, bean paste layers
Lower left body and lower right body - (which will behave like legs using certain tags) skin, tissue, bean paste layers
That's just a basic idea of what I'm considering, there are other body parts too but I'll figure out how to add them in. And will probably provide a body code later on
But if any of you got an idea about a better layout for it too I'm all ears.