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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2155219 times)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2010 on: March 11, 2011, 10:47:54 am »

So like, i made a new adventurer; an axedorf. He started out by wiping several bandit camps singlehandedly, though one of the humies broke his hand by biting and shaking. His face got kicked in. Now, Dorf McAxelord is wielding a shield and axe in one hand, destroying all opposition entirely. Night beast? One hit bisection. Glass titan? Head shattered over the course of several turns. Goblin warcamp with elite crossbowman leader? Got eviscerated so badly that half of them fled, due to a martial trance, which had sent many heads flying. Juvenile dragon? Feet broken, dozens of futile body blows (axe sucks against large scales :c), throat hacked by axe, bled out. ALL WITH ONE HAND. I'm starting to like this guy. :P
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Quote from: Girlinhat
It may be worthwhile to have the babies fall into ring of fortifications or windows, to prevent anyone from catching and saving them.
[01:27] <Octomobile> MMM THATS GOOD FIST BUTTER


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2011 on: March 11, 2011, 11:21:05 am »

So like, i made a new adventurer; an axedorf. He started out by wiping several bandit camps singlehandedly, though one of the humies broke his hand by biting and shaking. His face got kicked in. Now, Dorf McAxelord is wielding a shield and axe in one hand, destroying all opposition entirely. Night beast? One hit bisection. Glass titan? Head shattered over the course of several turns. Goblin warcamp with elite crossbowman leader? Got eviscerated so badly that half of them fled, due to a martial trance, which had sent many heads flying. Juvenile dragon? Feet broken, dozens of futile body blows (axe sucks against large scales :c), throat hacked by axe, bled out. ALL WITH ONE HAND. I'm starting to like this guy. :P
My best adventurer is human swordsman and isn't able to use one hand, too. Even with this severe disability, he became Legendary swordsman. After reading your story, I started to wonder if losing a hand really makes adventurers stronger.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2012 on: March 11, 2011, 11:29:03 am »

Could be. I mean, instead of getting one shield arm and one sword arm, you get one giant mongo-swordshield arm of death!
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Quote from: Girlinhat
It may be worthwhile to have the babies fall into ring of fortifications or windows, to prevent anyone from catching and saving them.
[01:27] <Octomobile> MMM THATS GOOD FIST BUTTER


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2013 on: March 11, 2011, 11:31:56 am »

Could be. I mean, instead of getting one shield arm and one sword arm, you get one giant mongo-swordshield arm of death!

Biofeedback effect.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2014 on: March 11, 2011, 01:19:32 pm »

I went to a bandit camp, pinched this guy's testicles and phallus off, killed him, killed their leader and left.
That was fun.
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2015 on: March 11, 2011, 04:21:11 pm »

Playing Genesis, I just started an Ilithid adventurer with the last name "Sheensevers".  I immediately changed his first name to "Charlie", and am now looking for a tiger.
Unfortunately, I'm stuck in some hellish glacier and I can't find anything but mammoths.
Shift+T is your answer ;)
Ah. No. DF counts standing on a glacier as like standing in the middle of a sea. So no Shift-T.
oh, right.
try just taping a key down :D like i do when swimming across oceans
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just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
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At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2016 on: March 11, 2011, 04:29:05 pm »

I've made an adventurer specifically to slay the titan population of the world (which is to say, approx. 17 titans. Let's just say civilization hasn't fared well here). Currently training him up in terrifying lands, and loving the humorously horrifying creatures there.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2017 on: March 11, 2011, 04:46:28 pm »

My human just got his pinky bitten off by a rabid maceman, whom I was in the middle of beating the shit out of. He started running away, I picked up my pinky and threw it at him (left a bruise) and gave chase. I lost him in the forest, and on my way back to the camp he jumped me out of nowhere and proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of me. I died with a mace in my brain.

Another adventurer shows up and got into an epic fight with the ringleader, after a narrow battle the same maceman comes out of nowhere and bashed my head in. Again.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 05:16:21 pm by Stealtharcadia »
Yeah yeah yeah!


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2018 on: March 12, 2011, 11:07:38 am »

My entire starting civ has no quests.  So I decided to become a hunter.  I go out, zoom in on some random bit of terrain, and chase down and kill some unfortunate bit of wildlife.

Then I butcher the corpse, pick up all the meaty bits and go back to town and sell it.  Thanks to some adventure mode reactions I put in I can even craft some stuff out of the bones and leather to sell.  And my sword now menaces with spikes of two humped camel bone when I tested out my new improvements reactions.

Watch my brain get kicked through my skull within 3 days by a camel.

EDIT: Close, I took on a hippo when I by rights shouldn't have even been trying to.  My 2 companions both got their brains kicked out.(good riddance, can't sneak with them scaring away the wildlife) but I managed to take down the hippo only with severe briusing.  Yay hippo meat for all!

EDIT2: Ah there we go, a camel saw me sneaking and decided to tramble me a bit before kicking me in the head.  I so called it.  Hippo bone helmets do not protect from hooves.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 11:49:00 am by Greiger »
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2019 on: March 13, 2011, 02:25:47 pm »

Was fighting a elf lasher bandit when he decided to flee. I go after him, but he is faster and is running away...then a Salt Water Crocodile bit him in half.

edit: Then two crocodiles came after me and I led them to the bandit camp, where they chewed more bandits.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 02:31:24 pm by thvaz »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2020 on: March 13, 2011, 03:19:53 pm »

A bullet bolt to the heart , ugh thats a good crossbowman , or just a very lucky elf , REVENGE


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2021 on: March 13, 2011, 09:36:07 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Lookie here, some pointy-eared jerks made themselves into a band and seem quite angry at us disturbing their little party. Oh, there'll be blood and vomit tonight!

(as it turned out, elf wrestlers are tough like bogeymen <_<)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2022 on: March 14, 2011, 01:41:57 pm »

Reminds me of today, where i jumped into a camp of ~40 bandits (humies and elves) on my own. They all died, despite them having like 8 archers, which only managed to nail me twice; once puncturing my dwarven liver (oh god no), and once bruising my leg (HOLY SHIT MAN I GOT MY THIGH BRUISED I AM GOING TO DIE NOW). Leading causes of death were decapitation, bisection and bleeding. (in other words, all possible deaths in melee combat except suffocation)
Oh, and this was also with my one-handed dorfturbine, which further cements the belief of one-handedness equalling awesome.
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Quote from: Girlinhat
It may be worthwhile to have the babies fall into ring of fortifications or windows, to prevent anyone from catching and saving them.
[01:27] <Octomobile> MMM THATS GOOD FIST BUTTER


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2023 on: March 15, 2011, 01:59:38 am »

And now... Atil paddlezeisures is dead. He couldnt fight off an ambush of 20 gobbos. :'(
His prisoner-party sadly died with him, but before his death he punktured a goblins head with a tin ladle.
how the heck did that troll get into mah pantry

Angel Of Death

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2024 on: March 15, 2011, 02:12:04 am »

I just stabbed an orc emporer in the upper body, tearing the liver and tore out her fangs while she was passed out. She soon passed out again after waking up. I then proceeded to rip off her breasts by biting them. I'm imagining that they had a titillating taste.

Ahhh... Brutality. Where would we be without it?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 02:37:03 am by Angel Of Death »
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