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Author Topic: How to play the new version?  (Read 14549 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2010, 12:54:53 am »

wait somthings wrong, I have some in stock pile but he wont process it, works with new fat but not the fat I already have
From the description of the event, I think that your copy of Dwarf Fortress was on drugs when this happened. That's surely the only logical explanation for a human werewolf with deadly farts dying from it's own excrement after slaughtering some goblins comrades.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2010, 01:34:42 am »

Did you check your stocks (z>Stocks>glob/fat/tallow(I think...)) or "k" and looked at all the barrels in your food stockpile to be sure that fat wasn't already rendered?

Also, if it wasn't already rendered, it may be too rotten to use.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2010, 02:09:30 am »

It's under "Render Fat". And apparently you now have to have renderable fat/glob available to even get that option to show up...

In fact automation seems to be a theme here.

It is also the case in the smelter. You can't use the smelter until you have fuel available. no options will show up otherwise. I will have to experiment if this is why my custom modding reactions don't show up (more research needed). I have to say I'm impressed with the coding this release so far.

Summary, there's no button until there's something for that button's command to use: smelter needs coal/fuel, and kitchen needs fat to show the render option.

wait somthings wrong, I have some in stock pile but he wont process it, works with new fat but not the fat I already have

What vhappylurker said. Also check your kitchen menu; make sure it's "cookable"


Alright people, it looks crazy, but it's actually brilliant once you get the hang of it. Here is the basics of military. I will soon write a comprehensive guide. However it's about 3 AM now so screw it until at least tomorrow night: (I also can't post screenshots, damn it):

You have a crapload of control at the expense of a huge damn learning curve. Sounds like this game's typical MO.

The kinks are: a somewhat painful process that you can get used to, and the demonstraitions. I've no idea how these work in terms of game mechanics but I'll figure it out sooner or later. Right now I've got a militia captain organizing a dodging demonstration. This means two things: One, I figured out how to get people to organize these things. Two, I haven' figured out how to get people to DO it, yet.


Well, Immigrants are now awesome. I've gotten a few that are insanely skilled and I have to say I like it. I start out with a leatherworker, because hey, that's armor. However, I just got a high master leatherworker, which blew me away. Same thing with butcher and soapmaker. Yes, soapmaker is now a critical part of the game due to soap having a medical use. Yes that's right, Soapmaker now has a critical use:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I mean:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So far I'm focusing on Food supply (and it sucks that you can't farm on soil without mud irrigation) and setting up areas to live in.

The point is that all the starting builds are made on the assumption that you'll get essentially worthless immigrants in terms of skills. Now, this is clearly not the case. Thus, we'll have to factor this into the new builds. Moreover, there are new skills we have no idea how to use at present.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 02:14:52 am by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2010, 02:12:18 am »

Be careful where you dig.... I was digging up/down stairs for exploratory mining and struck an underground river.

The stairwell became a geyser.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2010, 02:13:40 am »

Truean, you are True indeed.  Sleep well and deeply, with the gratitude of a great many DF players bouying your dreams!
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2010, 02:21:48 am »

Hot damn, I've got someone whose labor is:

Lead Dodge Demonstration.

And yes, the recruit under him has "watch Dodging demonstration."

Still dunno how to choose which demonstration he does.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 02:23:27 am by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2010, 03:37:10 am »

Hot damn, I've got someone whose labor is:

Lead Dodge Demonstration.

And yes, the recruit under him has "watch Dodging demonstration."

Still dunno how to choose which demonstration he does.

The question is, how are you supposed to demonstrate Dodge by yourself? :P
Toady looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!
Toady has butchered a spammer!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2010, 03:56:21 am »

I'm trying to figure out how to use burrows still >_<;
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2010, 04:06:24 am »

Hot damn, I've got someone whose labor is:

Lead Dodge Demonstration.

And yes, the recruit under him has "watch Dodging demonstration."

Still dunno how to choose which demonstration he does.

The question is, how are you supposed to demonstrate Dodge by yourself? :P

Urist McTeacher:  Now watch, me student, as I show yer how ta dodge.  I takes me knife and I tosses it upwards, pointy-like.

*McTeacher steps to the side, the knife thuds off the stones near his foot*

McTeacher:  There ya go, laddie.  I've got little patience and less caution, so that's it for yer lesson.  How's about you try it now?

*McStudent appears less than eager, but tries.  The knife embeds into his foot*

McTeacher:  Oosh, that's not what I been showing ya.  Lacking somewhat in focus, are yer?  Nothing like a blade through your tarsals to get yer attention.  Off to the hospital ward with ya now, and be taking this bucket with you, ifn yer think you might want sommat to drink afore you're well again.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2010, 06:03:42 am »

Be careful where you dig.... I was digging up/down stairs for exploratory mining and struck an underground river.

The stairwell became a geyser.

I suggest digging in "waterlock pattern" and instaling doors every so often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2010, 10:14:46 am »

Soap: Add on to previous post about soap.

Note: you need a manager noble in order to do this.

For those that don't know: you need to hit 'j' to go to the jobs menu, then hit 'm' for the manager, then type 'soap' and the task to make soap should be right there. Set it to a very high quantity and your dwarves should continue to get 'make soap' jobs at the soap makers shop thingy.

Basically you need to do the make soap from the manager screen instead of the soapmaker's workshop menu. I've no idea why this is. Moreover, you actually need the noble appointed.
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ok.... [sigh] It froze over....
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2010, 10:46:58 am »

Anyone get why my dwarves are getting tired, hungry and thirsty? I have lots of booze and food as well as beds.
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2010, 11:03:56 am »

Anyone get why my dwarves are getting tired, hungry and thirsty? I have lots of booze and food as well as beds.

Dwarves will work longer than they used to now. They should still force stop working when they get thirsty/hungry/tired enough, though (probably dehydrated, etc).
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2010, 11:12:03 am »

It's under "Render Fat". And apparently you now have to have renderable fat/glob available to even get that option to show up...

In fact automation seems to be a theme here.

It is also the case in the smelter. You can't use the smelter until you have fuel available. no options will show up otherwise. I will have to experiment if this is why my custom modding reactions don't show up (more research needed). I have to say I'm impressed with the coding this release so far.

Summary, there's no button until there's something for that button's command to use: smelter needs coal/fuel, and kitchen needs fat to show the render option.

wait somthings wrong, I have some in stock pile but he wont process it, works with new fat but not the fat I already have

What vhappylurker said. Also check your kitchen menu; make sure it's "cookable"


Alright people, it looks crazy, but it's actually brilliant once you get the hang of it. Here is the basics of military. I will soon write a comprehensive guide. However it's about 3 AM now so screw it until at least tomorrow night: (I also can't post screenshots, damn it):

You have a crapload of control at the expense of a huge damn learning curve. Sounds like this game's typical MO.

The kinks are: a somewhat painful process that you can get used to, and the demonstraitions. I've no idea how these work in terms of game mechanics but I'll figure it out sooner or later. Right now I've got a militia captain organizing a dodging demonstration. This means two things: One, I figured out how to get people to organize these things. Two, I haven' figured out how to get people to DO it, yet.

Very nice I had figured some of this out but not all of it, thanks.  Have you figured to how to get dorfs to stop training after they are deactivated?

Don Pingu

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to play the new version?
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2010, 11:14:41 am »


I followed that guide but i am somehow unable to assign "arsenal dwarf" in the Noble screen. Is the option maybe bound to population? I capped it for testing at under 40.
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