There's a long, long, long list of amazing wonders science has created. Most of those weren't expected. Meanwhile, all the expected inventions (flying cars, jetpacks, personal rocket ships, hoverboards (a lot of flying things really), mind control, easy genetic manipulation, AI, humanoid robots, etc) have but a few things that actually came to fruition.
... we have flying cars (if not very good ones), jetpacks (see quality of cars),
could have personal rocket ships if anyone was rich and flighty enough to build one, have indoctrination and nasty psych tricks out the wazoo (to say nothing of more subtle means of memetic influence~), have
plenty of humanoid robots of varying levels of quality. AI and hoverboards aren't really here yet (and the latter
might not actually come around), and genetic manipulation is fairly nascent, still, but... that's more checked off than not. More "expected inventions" have been hit, if perhaps not became ubiquitous, over the years than haven't. Many of the ones that either haven't been (hoverboards) or haven't became ubiquitous (flying cars, jetpacks), haven't due mostly because of the fact we've got something else that just works better (or, at least, is much less expensive and still works well
S'just... sorry Kaij. We've been in sci-fi land for at
least a good decade or two, now. We are
also wizards. Even a small population of WIZARDS IN SPAAAACE *doodadoo*. That's just how good, on the net, we've become in the field of science and whatnot.