In 1078, Ongong settled in Ardentdikes1st Hematite, 1078, Early Summer"Udib..."
"Yes, master McDuck?"
"Udib, have you been doubting my power? Are you planning to serve another Urist?"
"Lord McDuck, I don't... I wasn't..."
"That farce of a mayor, Melkorp... he has had enough fun already. I'm taking back what is mine."
"Of course, my master."

I'm convinced Urist McDuck's dark mind is controlling Dariush's Crusher. As a lesson about what could happen to the rest of us, he has reduced our cat population to zero. Four migrants arrived, despite the danger, and Dariush's Crusher killed Lor Runbooks' puppy even before entering the walls, giving him instantaneus unhappy thoughts.
I pity the next overseer, if they plan to elect another mayor to meet with the diplomat.
3rd Malachite, 1078, Mid-SummerGaretho the Twilight of Subtleties has arrived.

There's also a giant lobster in the lower caverns I didn't notice before. Half the fortress stinks now of rotting lobster feet.
19rd Malachite, 1078, Mid-SummerA feeding chamber has been built over Urist McDuck's prison. Although he still has food and drinks for many years, we can drop offerings and sacrifices through it.

In so far, it has been an unconfortablely peaceful summer.
19rd Malachite, 1078, Mid-SummerThe vultures chained on top of the towers started to shriek. There was a flurry of dwarves running around, grabbing armor and weapons. I had spent most of the summer working in the underground temple, so I was oblivious to what was happening above. I had to grab a passing recruit by the shoulder to ask him what was all the panic about.
"Dragon! Dragon! A dragon has arrived!"
"What? Where?"
"She appeared flying over the mountain that rises South of Ardentdikes!"

The acolytes checked the ancient tomes. They identified her as Ongong Diamondgold the Silvery Flames. A gigantic beast, with green scales and black eyes. Her legends went back to the beginning of time.
Ongong was associated with wealth and fire. In 1, Ongong settled in The Long Pits. Meng Quakeshield was her first dwarven victim, a young farmer girl that worshipped the dragon Zangu Flamegilds the Luxury of Taxing. She was burnt to death in the year 44. Meng's valor was enough to drive her away for a century. Elves, humans, kobolds, goblins and trolls weren't so fortunate, as they were slaughtered year after year.
Ongong received the worship of many humans, including the famed Citu Houndrubbed the Assaults of Clobbering and Luc Bowtall the Notched White Mechanism. In gratitude, she burned many of them.
Dwarves started to worship her in the year 543, after her attack to The Dipped Cloister in Controlledlens. In gratitude, she burned many dwarves too. The only dwarf that faced her and escaped alive during Ardentdikes' era is Zasit Wippedboulder, the current diplomat of The Whirling Girders, worshipper of dragons, colossus and hydras.
To this date, Ongong's kill count is one hundred seventy nine. About three times Urist Tomesglad's kill count.
The military started to assemble in the courtyard and the marksdwarves were sent to the top of the fortress. But then, we noticed Ongong wasn't flying straight towards us.
"Where is she going?"

"Urist!", yelled an acolyte. "Urist McDuck! She's flying towards the entrance of the volcano that leads to Urist McDuck's prison!"
That old demon! Did he bring the dragon?
The dwarves started to yell again.
"We lost her! Where is she?"
"She plunged in the volcano!"

Now what, Urist McDuck!?
2nd Galena, 1078, Late SummerOngong is chilling in the volcano, releasing steam and... doing nothing. The volcano has been bubbling and waving since the fortress was cleansed. Maybe the curse is holding her there, unable to swim towards the magma channels. I asked the acolytes if dragons were magma proof, but they couldn't give me an answer.
I had to send the military back to work. I don't know what to do now. This may be a signal the time to hand the fortress to another overseer is nearing.
18th Galena, 1078, Late SummerI never thought I would have to say that, with a legendary dragon swimming in our volcano, our greatest concern would be kobold thieves. The acolytes were tasked with chasing them away, as the military was busy meeting the human caravan...
...and then:

The ambushers were hunting Ongong! Have goblins heard of McDuck, and sent champions to stop Ongong from releasing him? Were humans aware of her arrival, and is that why they sent their guards at the same time? Whatever the reason, Ongong's reign of terror came to an end, as goblins hacked her near the edge of the volcano. She must have become old and weak after more than a thousand years roaming the world.

Finished their work, the goblin squad committed suicide under Dariush's Crusher. They probably weren't expected to come back.
Autumn has come. It's time to wrap things up and hand the fortress to the next overseer.
The flooring of Armok's Temple isn't complete, but it has been fully designated:

Humans are waiting to trade. The water pump stack is still leaking, but it will freeze soon. Soap making is tasked, although nobody has worked on it yet due to lack of fresh tallow. Half the prisoners are still waiting to be stripped and punished. Booze stockpiles are dry. Burial receptacles need to be moved to the great mausoleum. Urist Tomesglad is the only dwarf with a full admantine set, and so the candy corps squad remains vacant.
For my part, I'm retiring to the Temple. Urist McDuck's command was satisfied, and I hope he forgets about me from now on.