Cog's Journal, 6th of Obsidian, 315The switch was thrown today and magma began flowing towards the new glassworks. I'm just waiting for our miners to finish carving out the drop pit for the sand and we'll be out and running! Urist Imiknorris has finally started work. It was decided to work exclusively with silk since it's a nicer material anyhow.
This is actually the end of an era for our fortress. The makeshift surface glassworks have served us well for many years. They were never intended to be permanent and I am pleased to be moving our glass workers into permanent, high quality quarters.
Cog's Journal, 14th of Obsidian, 315It's just been odd jobs as the New Year rolls up. Removing scaffold from the surface, planning and of course trying to get the rooms finished for the thrice cursed baron. Granted, so far he seems fairly harmless. Today he stomped into my office to inform me that until his offices were done, we were forbidden from exporting any bucklers. Seeing as the only bucklers in the entire area are laying unused in the killing fields on the surface, I felt I could humor him.
Something about holding a higher office seems to addle the brains of dwarves. Personally, I think the Baron is just irritated that the miners would rather remove scaffolding from the surface instead of finishing his rooms. Speaking of the twit, Syntic is keeping a surreptitious eye on our baron to see who might be a nobility sympathizer. So far, he hasn't had a lot of time for socializing but he's a passing acquaintance with a few dwarves, mostly children hanging around in the statue garden.
Yes, I'm on that list too. I don't have a lot of choice about talking to him.
Cog's Journal, 16th of Obsidian, 315
Lovely, a distraction! Soldiers to the front lines! But don't rush too much; they can only attack us from one direction now! Derm will be very excited, but I expect some of the other soldiers will be as well.
I’m going to have Omen and Triaxx stay back from this fight. Neither of them are well trained enough to handle a goblin siege.
Events of the 20th of Obsidian, 315Bennet was the third dwarf to the front lines to take on the latest siege. One marksdwarf was far ahead and was already rapidly firing bolts at the approaching goblins. It was odd though, Bennet was pretty sure his eyes were ok, but for some reason these goblins looked larger than normal. He charged as fast as he could as he watched the goblin approach the marksdwarf.
Just as the goblins was about to strike down the archer, Bennet was in, and took a few solid swings at the goblin, stopping it in its tracks. The first axedwarf on scene had the same idea and took a solid hit on the goblins as well. From there, Bennet and the rapidly arriving military charged in and started to take down the goblins one by one.
But this fight wasn’t going as smoothly as they had in the past. Some dwarves were attempting charge attacks on the goblins. Instead of the usual result of knocking the small creatures down, these ones were standing their ground and it was the dwarves who were bouncing off and crashing to the ground. Bennet made no such mistake, swinging his hammer with great enthusiasm. Finally, with a loud crunch, he caved in the skull of one of the goblins.
Then the fight really started to heat up as the first large squad of goblins arrived. Catten got a spectacular shot straight to the brain of the goblin macelord with this squad. And then the Soulchopper entered the battle . . .
Derm the Soulchopper: Derm was absolutely certain these goblins were larger. And the early fight certainly showed that while they might be knocking Derm down, their size still didn’t matter. He sent pieces of goblin flying every direction as usual. But he did observe several goblins knocking down dwarves which was a major concern. Before he knew it, three goblins and a troll were dead from his axe.
Still, there were more arriving from multiple directions. “Hammers to the south, Archers, cover them!” He shouted. “The rest of you with me!” And he charged north from the gate towards the hill side and the approaching enemy. Beside him were Catten the Boneminer and Rashmed the Heron-marked, carving their own swaths through the approaching enemy.
Rashem, Heron-marked: Rashmed was taking great joy in this battle. He was late but he was fighting right beside Derm the Soulchopper. However, taking note of what happened to the other dwarves who had been knocked down, he simply slashed them apart, his sword a blur as it carved the goblins apart. Several goblins attempted to attack or charge him, but he deftly jumped out of the way. His greatest shot was a slash to the head of a goblin which completely removed it, just as Derm would.
As he took joy in the battle, he also idly wondered how the hammerdwarves and archers were faring.
Rifotangrir, Hammerdwarf: Rifotangrir had the misfortune of being one of the last ones to the battle but fortunately for him, there were still goblins left. He tore into a macegoblin with great enthusiasm first. Then, covered by the marksdwarves, his squad was going up against lashers and a couple of trolls. The fight was challenging but he finally got a couple good solid hit in on a Troll’s head to kill it. The lashers were very nearly as tough as the trolls, as he was knocked down several times without getting any major hits in. Then suddenly before he knew it, the fight was over.
In the distance he could hear Derm shouting out the all clear. This fight had been unique in that there had been no need to call any alarm out to the civilians. The area was entirely safe.
Cog’s Journal, 21st of Obsidian, 315Well, reports from this fight suggest why the military at mountain home failed against the goblins. Something is happening to the goblins, they’ve somehow managed to grow larger in a very short amount of time. I have no explaination for these phenomena, I’m just thankful that our dedicated military is so skilled. In fact, here is a list of the kills by our dwarves:
Derm the Soulchopper: 5 goblins, 1 troll
Catten the Boneminer: 6 goblins, 1 troll
Rashem, Heron-marked: 3 goblins
Rifotangrir, Hammerdwarf: 1 goblin, 1 troll
Bennet, Hammerdwarf: 3 goblins
. . . (The list goes on from here)
An impressive showing all around. We’ll have to redouble our efforts for the future. In particularly, we’ll need alternate defenses if our military gets severely injured. Time to polish off some other plans for the New Year celebration! In the meantime, Zan Asteshstizash has organized a party to celebrate our military’s victory!
OOC: I doubled the body size of goblin in this world. It went well, but I think the military was more challenged than in the past. I did have an initial run through and a crash partway where one of the axedwarves actually got a broken ankle and leg from a goblin so that should be a decent challenge level for the moment. No dwarves were injured in the final version of the fight but the goblins being able to knock dwarves down makes this much more interesting.
If your named dwarf isn’t on the list, you didn’t get any new kills, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t contribute!
@Omen: Done! Animal training and wrestling. I’ll put you in as a wrestler with the hammerdwarves for now.
@Indricotherium: Dyeing is quality based so it’ll just have to be a case of training up. Unfortunately, you can’t control the type of cloth or dye used so it’ll mostly have to be done via trying to place materials appropriately close to the workshop. Or by forbidding materials I don’t want used. I’ll just ban all the blue and green dye for the moment. As for your clothier skill, it’s actually pretty high. You’re a skilled weaver and an adept clothier at this stage. Pretty good on both counts actually.
@Thatdude: Yup, that’s right, dyeing is a quality modifier job. Thanks for posting that! We’ll see how things go in the depths. You’ll be doing a lot better once the new update comes out and I can get the marksdwarves back on the archery range. As for swimming, I’ll be putting all the military through swimming training as soon as I can get a swimming pool constructed!
@Triaxx2: While those are all excellent ideas, I actually initiated the arrival of the baron to add a bit of “fun” to Towersoared. I really don't have any intention of getting the baron killed except in an honest accident (As opposed to a planned accident like water pump stack being redirected into his rooms). But those are all excellent ideas.
As for your personal apartment, the pool right beside the cave entrance is a great idea. The tunnel to the fortress stairwell will probably have a couple extra security gates in case your apartment gets infested. Looking forward to seeing the design.
@Scaraban: Indeed!
@Syntic: Have a look above. He's a recent immigrant so he hasn't socialized a lot.