I havent even read the manual so just tell me what icon to press
Arrow keys to move, function keys F1-F6 to bring up character sheets, a to attack, s to launch ranged attacks, c to cast/select a spell, space bar to activate/talk to shops/people/buildings/objects, b to try to bash through a wall, r to rest, m to bring up the minimap (once you have the relevant skill.) I to show the time of day, q for party quick reference, v for the quest log.
IMPORTANT: mouse clicking the little purple gem opens up your save/load screen.
The various decorations on your screen provide feedback if you have certain relevent spells/skills. The heads will shake up and down or left and right to let you know if something is good or bad, or they may disagree if it's questionable. The lizard on the right will wave his hand if you detect a secret door or weak spot in a wall. The bat and the demon also signify...something. I think the bat is claivoyance and the demons wings flap when you're flying. And the round gems at the corners of your map indicate temporary elemental resistance from wells or spells.
Also useful to know:
Some skills (navigation, mountaineering, a few others) require that multiple characters in your party have them. Your entire party must be able to swim in order to cross water. Learning skills with only one character will sometimes not help you. The general rule is that if it affects stats, only the people you want to have it need to have it. (Knights don't need spell enhancing skills, for example.) Any skill that affects
movement will require that anywhere from 2 and 4 characters to be useful, and swimming requires the entire party to have it.
You will probably want to create a list of what items do. This is blind, so I won't spoil it, but pay attention to item names. The "enhancements" have a logic to them, and it's convenient to be able to simply look at a name to know if an item is better than what you're wearing rather than having to go have it identified.